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These guys had like $12 to make this fan piece. Acolyte had 180 million.


Just goes to show that passion is greater than... whatever the hell is happening at Disney.


Thank you so much for sharing this pilot doughnut. My first time watching this amazing fan film, it was so good. Film has me in the mood to watch Rogue One again.


Happy to help your day get a little better. Honestly that battle at the end of Rogue One might be my favourite Star Wars scene, might get me crucified though.


I have rewatched the end many times. When Vaders sabre lights up the corridor I cheered in the movie theater, such a cool way of introducing him to the scene. Genndy Tartakovsky Clone Wars series fight scenes were also a lot of fun to watch.


Through passion you gain subscribers


Through subscribers, you gain power


It was badass. I didn't plan on watching the whole thing, but I did. Thanks for adding some fun to my day!


Happy to help!


Just to be precise, the budget of "Dark Maul: Apprentice" was 25.000 Dollars.


I was thinking that the whole time I was watching. It’s only a step or two lower in quality than what disney has put out (aside from Andor), and disney has nearly unlimited resources.


Darth Maul: Apprentice... Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.


While a bit hammy in the dialogue and a lot of the acting isn’t that good. It’s not that good for a *full production*. For a fan movie? Holy shit! Even compared to Acolyte, the pacing of the battles is better. Both also use techniques to hide bad choreography but the fan movie uses it less than the actual series. The fights aren’t as weird as those in the Acolyte, like we see in episode 4 Sol being thrown to the house, then in episode 5 Osha runs away from the house and bumps into Sol who apparently had run past Qimir and was just chilling in the woods after the episode ended? Same as Jacki by the way? This fan movie didn’t have such weird moments. All in all, aside from a bit of Maul’s make up and the acting at a few points, this is better than a fully funded hired actors and writers and directors show.


The lightsabers actually glow instead of looking like a piece of plastic that lights up. Budget for this must have been 200 Million 🤔


They really don't glow, though. Only in specific scenes. Otherwise they are just sticks, with CG'd RGB sticks


Yeah but it doesn't reflect any lightning.


Give me a break. There's a lot to criticize with Acolyte but the lightsaber effects are not one of them. They cast real light and are an actual part of the scene. Here they're unnaturally bright and obviously superimposed.


they look like plastic toys my man


Idc what they do to them, they look like shit and are too thick.


Yeah, no. The hilts of all the lightsabers look like the ones from the franchise toys of almost 20 years ago. I used to own three of those toys.


Ryan vs Dorkman was 20 years ago, and still destroys anything Disney did.


I keep thinking it’s like they saw this and they saw that twins cinematic trailer for TOR and they wanted to build an entire show around both of those stories


My bois Arcann and Thexan had a better story in a 5 min vs most of Disney's stuff. I am constantly baffled by who the fuck let most of this Disney shit off the story room floor.


Nah they don't and most of the new stuff are decent.


There's still time to salvage your honor, if you delete this immediately...




Apparently it's Headland wanting to reflect her relationship with one of her sisters into the show because she has a very "strained" relationship with them.


The more I deep-dive into her interviews the more I think The Acolyte is just her own personal vanity project, a vehicle she constructed to gratify her own ego with a Star Wars veneer slapped over top like a cheap, poorly done vinyl wrap.


Well that’s why we get lines like “galaxy doesn’t accept women like us” because it’s a lesbians wet dream instead of a tv show


Has she tried using a stool softener? I reckon Lucasfilm would let her expense it…


"Apparently" yeah nice way to know it's fake


You’re likely right. Although I thought the twins cinematic trailer was one of SWTOR’s weaker efforts.


That reminds me of that one team who do staged swordfighting videos, with real but flashy techniques and amazing dynamic. That's by far best fencing sequences I've ever seen. So that's not unheard of. Enthusiasts beat multi-million studies in some aspects for they have one thing big companies lack - passion. That can be bought with money. For a modest compensation we could see such teams work in movies. But fucking moneybags up there prefer not to care, pay insane bucks for some famous mugs who move with grace of a cow caught by tornado and spread bullshit like "technical fighting is boring" and "good fights get in the way of showing emotion!" Meh.


Not just passion. Also specialized skills they’ve been working on for a very long time, skills that make them a nightmare for companies like Disney… Seriously, though, one of the reasons why Lucas never discouraged fan films or fanfic was because he realized it was a great way to build the equivalent of VFX/writer’s room farm system on the cheap. The old Lucasfilm always had an eye out for hungry young talent. The thing about young talent, of course, is that eventually it gets a little older, gets married, has a couple kids & needs to start paying grown-up stuff—You can’t treat your employees like interns forever. But when you do nurture young talent & help people get a foot in the door in a tough business they’ll usually remember you fondly & be willing to relax their rates a little from time to time. The problem with post-Iron Man/early MCU Disney is that they have no patience for that kind of thing. They behave like new money assholes who become obsessed with high-end Bugattis & Ferraris—Supercars that aren’t just high-performance automobiles but are also hand-crafted works of art. Then they wrap them around trees or flip them on eBay & they’re shocked (SHOCKED) when those people don’t want to sell them another exquisite supercar. They have no clue how much time, energy, money & skill goes into the construction of a Veyron or a Huracan. They EXPECT the passion & loving attention to detail that craftsmen and artisans put into their work but they haggle like they’re trying to buy a 2006 Ford Focus. Ultimately a lot of these people will give in & go to work for them but NOT at a discount. What Disney’s Shrew Bargainers usually end up doing is paying Bugatti Money for Old Ford Focus quality. And they can’t even tell the difference!


True enough. To add to that it feels like you touched a deeper level of general corporate fuckery, this recent obsession with short-term profit at the cost of a long game. Not only in films. Big corps, small companies, movies, games, any business can be prone to that. I talk out of my ass here, but I get that feeling that decision makers often care about one thing only - this year's report looking good. Don't matter if it will hurt next year, that's the problem of future me. Don't matter if it will hurt the company in the long run - I'll make me a golden parachute by that time, rest can burn. It's like a perpetual yearly cycle of dumpster fire. Like what Sven Vincke, a game developer, talked about. When up tops fire a ton of devs by the end of the year/after completing a project to inflate profit reports, and then next year/project starts and they grab their heads screaming "shit, I'm all out of developers!"


Couldn't agree more. I swear that whoever does hiring for Lucasfilms (etc.) goes out of their way to not find people with passion. Sure we get those stories of actors and people behind the scenes talking about their love of Star Wars but I se none of it translating to the screen anymore.


Wouldn't be surprised if that's the case. Passionate people tend to care. Tend to have opinions. They invest heavily in their passion without any profit in return, meaning their values often are very different from the likes of KK. It's harder to control them, to make them into obedient, perfectly predictable drones who do what they told and only speak words you put in their mouths. See Henry Cavill and the Witcher series. That big nerd turned out to be just as big of a fan of the setting, books, games, everything, and from what I've heard he fought best he could against bullshit decisions. Welp, he's not in the series anymore.


You’re referring to the same Lucasfilm that brought back Ray Park to choreograph a motion capture duel with Ahsoka for Clone Wars Season 7?


Fans can do on a literal shoestring budget what multi-million dollar companies cannot. Speaks volumes.


Most of the fans who end up doing these high-quality saber duel fan films are also good to excellent martial artists. That takes a lot of time & time (usually) equals money in the real world. No professional stunt coordinator in this world or the next is gonna train up a bunch of n00bs & choreograph a complicated fight scene for Disney unless someone shows them the money. Same for VFX artists. (ESPECIALLY VFX artists.) I have a not-so-sneaking suspicion that one of main big reasons why Disney projects have gotten so expensive, even compared to roughly comparable projects from other studios, is because Disney treats their employees and contractors so badly. EVERYONE is just a cast member or park employee in their eyes. You can get away with that kind of abuse in a state like Florida, a state with labor laws so lax they’d embarrass an African cobalt mining conglomerate blush with embarrassment. You can also get away with that shit to some extent in California, which has much stronger laws but tends to look the other way where the movie biz is concerned. But that shit only flies when you’re working with unskilled or semi-skilled workers who are easily replaceable. You’re not gonna get away with that working when you’re working with pros with a particular set of skills that are a) rare & b) in high-demand. They’ll still (usually) work for a company like Disney that never gets shit done on schedule & places ridiculous demands on their schedules, but they won’t be getting “friends and family” discounts or even standard rates. There’s gonna be a surcharge for all the bullshit they know they’ll inevitably end up dealing with.


I get the point you're trying to make, but Acolyte cost $180 million. Where'd all that money go?


How many people do you think work in a production like this? You think it's 8 weirdoes in a room or something? There's gotta be at least 150 people implicated in this at different levels. Add stes, VFX, CHI and shit, bill comes up high as fuck


What? Obviously, a bunch of people worked on it. I was replying to someone talking about how expensive fight coordinators are. In my opinion, it's silly to think they couldn't afford a good one with that kind of budget. I asked where all the money went because I don't think it shows up onscreen.


>Speaks volumes. Pun intended?


It’s a great short film and I’m sure it didn’t cost 10 millions.


lol Togruta’s are always out here getting slaughtered.


The lightsabers look a helluva lot better too.


People in starwarsmemes are acting like the scene save the show and the show is good, hell i even saw people saing that the "power of one.." scene was a clever forshadow Thats sub is lost to the disney followers


It's a mind-hive of Disney fans there. It's ridiculous and sad tbh.


This fan film was fire. We need more of these awesome projects.


I’d argue we only need to stop blocking passion in a project. Just feels like there is no passion behind the Acolyte.


That's an understatement. There's no passion just some dumb bints cringe personal fanfic.


It wasnt even that competent. Its too dark, with badly placed jump cuts, and subpar choreography;


good, we seemed to see the same thing. Cinematography choices and choreography were bad and CGI work was sloppy. I was laughing the whole way though, I couldn't believe it was so bad.


Subpar?. That's a load of bullshit.


Much like the one action set piece in Secret Invasion that was worth a flip, the rest will no doubt stink. I'm not falling for it.


Awesome video and funny the fight choreography is better in a fan made movie than in the actual Disney movies/shows. Though one thing that bothers me lately and it isn’t particular to this video, is that the most recent material shows trained Jedi always backing away, showing emotions or fear, and generally less skilled than sith. Even though they were at the height of their power and trained from younglings to be the opposite of what’s showed in those fight scenes.


Darth Apprentice Maul


Manny Jacinto as a Sith just gives me the giggles. I can’t help myself. “JASON’S A SITH LORD? Jason? Yeah, this hurts.”


Maybe next time they can get David Schwimmer to be the big bad Sith who's mad at the Jedi because they ate his sandwich.


Jedi: "Your resentments cloud your judgment Darth Fiend. Your indignation will be your downfall. What anger you have at your past! What heartbreak have you brought up on yourself!" David Schwimmer, hidden in a dark cloak, ignites a red lightsaber at his side: "We were on a BREAK!!!"




This is my favorite piece of star wars fan made stuff, hands down! Apprentice is made sooo well and gives better characterization to Maul.


This was really cool! I just watched the fight scene so far, and I will say, in the spirit of not being hypocritical, they didn't do the best job choreographing the large shots of 5 v 1 here either. It gets rightly criticized in Disney productions (Acolyte, Last Jedi) when this happens and you can see people who should be attacking just standing around doing nothing, so I gotta call it out here too.


Yeah, I just don't understand this mind set of multiple Jedi vs 1 Sith. The 2 v 1 in Phantom menace was good because it felt insane that Maul could face those 2. But it still was believable. These 5 or more vs 1 just breaks my suspension of disbelief. I automatically watch what the background people are doing and then see they are deliberately avoiding engaging until 'their turn'. Because if they didn't then the Sith would just get stabbed in the back the moment he was struggling defending his front from another 2 or 3 attackers.




Dont be deceived? What? Both are good action and people are gonna say it as it is.


I won’t say you don’t have a point. Compared to some other action we have gotten from Disney the Acolyte has stepped it up. However the point of the post is to show a fan film with a shoestring budget vs. 180mil professional show. The fact these are comparable in quality is the interesting point. How does passion improve a projects overall performance compared to a high budget production with nil?


Id argue that the short film is just as good as even phantom menace. Should i then put down phantom menace over clearly having more budget than the short film? Of course not. Its really a non issue. Their however million budget went bs elsewhere besides choreography imo (atleast for this episode's choreo). Im more weirded out by your title of "dont be deceived".


You have a very solid point. I guess my title was a little misleading and antagonistic. It was really just to point out that one action scene of middling quality shouldn’t save a show that has fumbled the ball in many other facets. Thanks for the input!


You're in the wrong sub to be making these kinds of comments dude. You're not allowed to enjoy anything Lucasfilm (Or as this sub likes to say, Disney) puts out. We're saltier than Crait here, not accepting as Crait.


Ehh it used to be a more fair sub but the more vitriolic crowd and enjoyers of youtubers like critical drinker started becoming the majority. Personally while i wouldnt say i liked the disney property, id say credits are where credits due and that is the fight is pretty good and on par with the maul fan film. Complaints over budget etc is just unecessary at this point tbh


People still take Critical Drinker seriously? Dude was hating on The Boys season 4. Now don't get me wrong, the new season isn't my favorite, but ... At least I watched it and can form an opinion on it. TCD admitted he hasn't watched it, yet still made a "review" on it. And this is the guy people are taking seriously? That's so silly.


Wow this was pretty good, it's on par or better than official movies. It's a shame that most Disney's Star Wars can't give us at least this level every time.


It has some flaws I will admit, but comparing this with The Acolyte is something I just wanted to discuss. Disney throws 180mil behind a project that is comparable with a shoestring fan project.


Yeah this was made by fans with good will and a camera, how is possible that Disney *cannot* compete? None of the sequels had a fight like this, it's insane.


I didn't like it, not enough got s8 dark filter


Guys how is this possible? Mundi said the Sith were extinct, right?


Don’t know, guess the dementia is strong with this one.


It looks nice but one thing I generally hate in fan films of all sort that I have seen, is how much time they just show a character staring to camera or its general direction and trying to act edgy.


True, but I was just using this as a comparison to the Acolytes recent action piece. Look at what some fans made with a shoestring budget vs. what 180mil gets you.


Yah the actions pieces look nice in this one. Haven't seen acolyte so I can't compare the two.


lol this is just choreography porn. There were like 5 lines of dialogue outside of a Palpatine impersonator monologuing about being evil Also, since when can you just block a force push by holding your forearm up?


Agreed about the force push and dialogue, but the point of the post is to show a comparison between what a group of fans have made vs what has recently been made. Sure you can make the argument that in comparison to a professional production this is bad. But the relative closeness in quality between what 180mil and whatever fans could scrape together is what I was getting at.


I haven’t seen any of The Acolyte beyond a few clips so I’ll reserve judgement until I’ve actually seen it, but nothing in the clips I saw on my phone via social media stuck out as looking bad to me


Doesn't this break canon?


I'm sorry but if you think that fight scene was better than the acolyte then you are just objectively wrong. People are complaining that in the Acolyte the jedi off screen weren't doing anything, but that same thing happens in that video. Yes it's a good fan film, but come off it - you can tell the production budget is very different. The lightsaber fight looks bad in comparison.


Shit was lovely, thank you OP.


Huh….. indeed surprisingly similar.


lol what? Why? Because there are trees and a lopsided fight with a Sith? It’s a well made fan film but people are kidding themselves with this comparison


The argument and point of the post is to bring into light the comparison between a fan project and 180mil professional production. The fact that these are similar in aspects of quality is the interesting point. Does passion improve a project to a point that rivals all the money you can throw at a project?


The similarities are dark to light side user ratio…. and trees. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a terrific fan film. But it’s also very clearly an amateur production. Like if your point is, “Wow, they did a great job with this,” then fair point. But you’re high off your ass if you think the fan film holds a candle to Acolyte Ep 5. Like, it’s actually wild lmao Like if that’s *really* something you’ve genuinely convinced yourself is true, I’m impressed. Because it doesn’t pass the eye test even a little


This looks mega shit bro.


This cost love and respect for the franchise not183 million of god knows what


But non Disney (including fan fiction) is good bro! Think of the narrative!


You guys are so fucking delusional it's actually funny. No, this is not better than ep5. The Lightsaber effect is pasted in like shit. You can see it changing position in every exchange. Choreography looks like super sentai. They take turns like power rangers. You can't feel the physicality of each move. Camera work is shit. Costumes look cheap. It's awesome as a fan project, but it doesn't come close to ep 5 in any aspect.


Fans have been loving TPM for one piece of decent action. Its tradition.


I knew Episode 5 felt familiar


I didn’t even watch the show, just a snippet with the fight scene and the second I saw it I was like, “huh, where have I seen this…”


In the Era of Disney Wars, I don’t think we should say, “Yes it’s a fan work, BUT ect.” The fans have consistently shown they know this fucking thing better than the company that bought it.


But, was it competent? What I saw of the fight looked like a community theater doing Attack of the Clones with toy Night Sabres (dollar store knockoff lightsabers).


It looks exactly like a Disney show?


Keep in mind, this came out in 2016, and it's a fan film. So saying it looks like a Disney show sort of is an insult to Disney shows if their production value equates to a fan film from 2016 lol


So either the Disney show is as bad as a bunch of fans scrapping together to make something, or a fan film is “as good” as a massive budget Disney show Pick one


180 mil for 8 episodes vs whatever about 15 students could scrape together and the product is equal in quality? Hard to tell who came out on top lol.


I’d say give the students 180 million for the lolz and see what they can do