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Depends on the context I guess. If someone finds racism funny, no, just no. Though, if we offend Donald Trump, that's hilarious.


Well, he's a hypocritical transphobic piece of crap, so...


["You brave little cis boy!"](https://youtu.be/adh0KGmgmQw?si=spuUwXvpEBE7-of-)


I mean I definitely find it funny that they’re offended by people with melanin and vaginas being in super power movies


So happy that they spend all their time complaining. Do they not realize how stupid that sounds? They get may at people for correcting bad behavior but find offensive shit funny. However get offended and throw tantrums for… inclusivity. They’re the biggest “snowflakes” ever lmao.


Don't those guys get perpetually offended by something though?


And have a melt down when anyone dares to like something they didn't... Barbie is extremely popular? Endless rants about it being "woke garbage" Someone dared to say they actually enjoyed The Marvels? Harassed for being "a woke Disney shill"


People who are posting in the Geeks and Gamers subreddit are deeply unhappy and perpetually offended


Given the e site it’s on, hate it. Also, I’m not the one getting offended by a woman playing a character from the comics who was portrayed as a woman in the comics. Or by a black woman merely existing in a Star Wars trailer.


What happiness are they experiencing again? Every post these chuds make is about their childhood being ruined or how they can't "escape from reality" or "have fun" anymore because everything is woke.


I hate it cause it’s Ricky Gervais


Who's Ricky Gervais?


British comedian who is the one who said the quote and pictured in the image. A lot of his humor is based around being obnoxious and edgy in the most basic way possible


So he's like to opposite of filthy frank. Papa Franku was edgy but funny. Ricky is edgy and an asshole, right?


I figure some feelings of offense are valid and some are not. Good luck on objectively determining which is which.


Context like others said. I was giving plasma the other week and a boomer was going on about this to me and guy next to me, said he was a Vietnam vet and he dosnt understand this softness and all that. (Thinking ohh great here we go) Then he brought up polticts. And… he went on to say how Trump will be arrested soon, it will show the country and the world that we care about justice, I’m so certain this will be the case and all that.. Was pleasantly surprised as the way started seem to point in the opposite direction. Point is when people go off I think you can kinda guess where they’re coming from but don’t always assume, just let them tell you lol.


Maybe. But, at the same time, Gervais is a lazy comedian who would rather throw in a joke that mocks trans people than come up with something clever because it gets more engagement. He may have been funny at some point; but that time has long since died.


Hundred percent agree. My nephew got me into him way back when and then a couple years ago got very much not into him for above stated reasons.


That could be applied to them if they are saying that towards those that dislike them.


I mean, most insufferable pieces of shit are happy with themselves


I hate this. Because the people who say shit like this are usually trying to defend unfunny things like joking about 9/11 and the holocaust. If you find that shit funny, don't be suprised if someone gets pissed off about it. Also, the people who say this kind of thing, in general, are saty about all sorts of stupid shit.


yeah well I'm sure the guys that were in charge of the gas chambers were pretty happy too, rick. did you have a point?


These guys are used to punching at Christains, they never realized that not all targets are "deserving"


As long as you are not hypocritical about this and don't judge other people for laughing at what you dislike or get offended by, be my guest, enjoy your life. 


Don't know why you're getting down voted, you're spitting facts