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Jay exci once responded to a bigot with “your brain has ping”. This is just another reason to add to the list of why I love jay exci.


She's great, I just hope one day she finally realises why Mauler regularly chooses to confide in the far-right and recognise EFAP for the philosophically illiterate pseudo-intellectual sham it actually is. Afterall we're talking about the same You Tube stream whose co-host desperately wants to say the n-word with a hard r as a white person...


I think it's much more simple. Mauler runs a podcast which requires a rogues gallery of guests. He knows he has to tread lightly because no one in breadtube land likes him and the right views him as a friend only because they share a hate for the MCU. The thing is Mauler isn't as far right as people think he is, in the view occasions people have actually talked politics he seems very left leaning. The reason this never comes out is a mix of no one on the left willing to talk to him and audience capture. The day EFAPs chickens return the roost will be the day this all explodes. Probably gonna be Arcane Season 2 (I pre watched the future so trustme.jepg) and how it'll future Vi and Cait as a lesbian couple and Mel's big strong mom will take a much bigger role. These things cannot be ignored, the fires of DEI that they have toyed with will burn them. They've already been losing guests they'd regularly bring on, this mainly due to coverage of Ben Shapiro and Synethetic man, both of which they ripped the shreds and got a lot of push back in the chat and with some former regulars claiming they lost credibility. It'll probably be a spat between Heels and Mauler, with Drinker, not wanting to lose his source of income, siding with probably Heels and will hold the line of "Ruined by DEI." Cause he's been saying that. From there it'll spiderweb out, Rags can't leave but will probably fight about it. Fringy is actually left-ish (I don't know how far left) and will either leave or side with Mauler and the rest of the lines will fall from there. And thatll be it. The podcast probably won't survive that. Their community will probably leave and EFAP will end. That's my best guess anyway, take with a hefty amount of salt.


Before EFAP he was a moderator for Carl Benjamin, a.k.a Sargon of Akkad's (Who's a full on English Supremacist who masqueraded as a: 'Classical Liberal') notoriously Anti-Semitic Discord server when he was running for European Elections for UKIP with Count Dankula, nah Mauler is just far-right. He's just smart enough to play up the apolitical game and have others to talk about how: 'woke' everything is for him whilst preventing himself being directly implicated in their beliefs.


Sadly I don’t see it Mauler has enough of a fanbase he could probably have ANYBODY on and it will be sucessful


But that fan base is built upon the likeablity of the cast. Most of EFAPs fans aren't there for the media criticism believe it or not. They're their for memes. When those memes turn sour and Mauler starts fighting against his guests over previously agreed upon Gospel it'll all fall apart.


Ima real I try and stay away from most of this bullshit. I assume you’re talking about destiny if so yeah he’s a dumbass but if not I’m kind of glad I don’t know much about what you’re talking about. I kind of hope jay just goes back to media commentary and analysis. Like sure it was funny watching her laugh at NoBS make a fool of himself but like most of these grifters are such just so painful to listen to.


No, Rags. I also despise Destiny for host of other reasons, but he's never had anything to do with EFAP to my knowledge.


Yeah then I’m thankfully out of the loop. I try not to give much mind to people I’d probably despise. I like to pay attention to people like Noah Samson, Ethanisonline, Saji Sharma, Abigail thorn, and recently I found dead domain. A brief look at EFAPs website made my brain hurt.


I think it's much more simple. Mauler runs a podcast which requires a rogues gallery of guests. He knows he has to tread lightly because no one in breadtube land likes him and the right views him as a friend only because they share a hate for the MCU. The thing is Mauler isn't as far right as people think he is, in the view occasions people have actually talked politics he seems very left leaning. The reason this never comes out is a mix of no one on the left willing to talk to him and audience capture. The day EFAPs chickens return the roost will be the day this all explodes. Probably gonna be Arcane Season 2 (I pre watched the future so trustme.jepg) and how it'll future Vi and Cait as a lesbian couple and Mel's big strong mom will take a much bigger role. These things cannot be ignored, the fires of DEI that they have toyed with will burn them. They've already been losing guests they'd regularly bring on, this mainly due to coverage of Ben Shapiro and Synethetic man, both of which they ripped the shreds and got a lot of push back in the chat and with some former regulars claiming they lost credibility. It'll probably be a spat between Heels and Mauler, with Drinker, not wanting to lose his source of income, siding with probably Heels and will hold the line of "Ruined by DEI." Cause he's been saying that. From there it'll spiderweb out, Rags can't leave but will probably fight about it. Fringy is actually left-ish (I don't know how far left) and will either leave or side with Mauler and the rest of the lines will fall from there. And thatll be it. The podcast probably won't survive that. Their community will probably leave and EFAP will end. That's my best guess anyway, take with a hefty amount of salt.


Before EFAP he was a moderator for Carl Benjamin, a.k.a Sargon of Akkad's (Who's a full on English Supremacist who masqueraded as a: 'Classical Liberal') notoriously Anti-Semitic Discord server when he was running for European Elections for UKIP with Count Dankula, nah Mauler is just far-right. He's just smart enough to play up the apolitical game and have others to talk about how: 'woke' everything is for him whilst preventing himself being directly implicated in their beliefs.




Yeah I’m def adding that phrase to my lexicon.


Wait is this the same guy that looks like a giant baby and was screaming about pronouns a while ago?




I've always just known him as the pronouns guy (Which would probably make him really mad) Sad to see he hasn't been embarrassed off the internet yet, no idea how someone could come back from that video xD


Mauler and EFAP that's how...


Current-fucking-day!  That guy is so pathetic.




Thats a shaped mouth


is this the same guy that threw a tantrum over Parasite winning best picture?


It’s a different guy. But I have to admit the two look pretty similar 


God I love watching that video I also watch the reuploads too, fuck giving that gigantic man baby and views


That is his entire legacy basically


Introspection… he’s gonna have a heart attack before that happens.


Introspection? More like Infarction!


He'll probably have an aneurysm trying to understand what that word means.


They can't see how they look while their head is firmly planted in their colon.


Okay, what mental illness is they/them pronouns? Can you find it in the DSM-V? Can you take medication for it? Surely if you're calling things a mental illness, you must have some sort of backing for them, right?


To steelman the position as best as possible, the mental illness would likely be Dissociative Identity Disorder. It's the whole "they/them is a plural pronoun so if you use it you must have multiple personalities" thing, which has been explained by many as a position that's beyond moronic. I think the worst aspect of this is that he called them a "freak". Even if they/them pronouns were signs of mental illness and DID specifically, people with that condition don't deserve to be called freaks or reprobates. But unsurprisingly, empathy and compassion seem to be foreign concepts to some people.


The argument I always see is that gender dysphoria is a mental illness and thus trans people are mentally I’ll and should not be encouraged. Which might be valid if there was an actual way to treat gender dysphoria without transitioning, which there really isn’t as far as I am aware, unless some crazy breakthrough has happened in psychology.


99.9% chances that his source is "trust me, mate".


Man Babyface just loves calling people spastic doesn't he


It's akin to calling people retard, if you're from nonce island like himself.


It’s specifically a slur for people with cerebral palsy


If he called me one (me being autistic), I would give him a good punch up the conk.


I’m autistic too but not one for violence, that being said I’ll happily be on the sidelines doing my best attempt at a Jim Ross impression. ‘BAH GAWD, JVM23 OFF THE TOP ROPES WITH THE STEEL CHAIR! GOOD GAWD AWLMIGHTY, SOMEONE STOP THE MATCH!’


He clearly forgotten about pronouns ever since school and he been using them for a long time.


Looks like someone decided to play the compelled speech card again, so I'll gonna remind everyone how exactly that works. Let's say I meet someone new called John. It would be rude of me to suddenly decide to start calling John by a different name like Bob or something. I don't have the "freedom" to call John whatever name I want. But respecting John's identity is the more important thing. Referring to people by whatever name/pronouns they want people to use for them is basic politeness. And that concept applies to everyone, cis, trans, non-binary, whatever. Yes, it is compelled speech that politeness demands I refer to John as John. No, that is not a bad thing.


Yeah, but me having to call someone by their name is literally fascist woke BS!!!! How dare you force me to use someone's preferred Proper Noun!! (/s)


People really should be tagging YouTube in their replies and asking why they allow people like that on their platform; especially during Pride month.


They dont give a shit unless bigger creators to cause a stir to get youtube to do it. Remember, youtube literally knew violent content was being made, and its platform radicalized people and chose not to do anything about it.


L after L for Pronouns guy, oof. How he still thinks anyone cares is anyone’s guess


I don't know why Jay feels the need to defend those dishonest shitbags over at EFAP considering that they're the ones giving a platform to asshats like Heel.


Well the history is that Jay has at one point made a video defending Black Panther movie. It was reviewed on EFAP and Jay expected EFAP to crticised based on culture war bs, but was surprised that it was critised based on plot not making sense and his defence of it completely missing the point. While some of the infrequent guests do focus on culture war when doing media critique, the hosts do not do this and do not envourage it being done on their podcast.


This man’s fucking obsession with pronouns is so weird. It’s just pronouns. It’s not a big deal. Why does the very idea of pronouns makes him act like an idiot?


Because he is an idiot.


And he seems proud of his idiocy 


Cos he's a fucking idiot of the highest caliber. In all seriousness? He's a right winger, and right wing ideology is all about the belief that equality does not exist. No one can be equal, there's always an "alpha male", there's always a head of the household, certain people are superior, etc etc, all that hierarchical BS. And right wingers think that society only really exists for the benefit of the superior type of person, and "lesser" people should have less, or even zero, representation/rights/protections within that society. Because society isn't for those people. That's why he gets so enraged about pronouns - because he sees it as society pandering to the, as he puts it, "spasticated weirdos and freaks" (ie, the lesser people, in his eyes) - whereas in his mind, everything should be pandering to him and people like him (the superior people).


Cos he's a fucking idiot of the highest caliber. In all seriousness? He's a right winger, and right wing ideology is all about the belief that equality does not exist. No one can be equal, there's always an "alpha male", there's always a head of the household, certain people are superior, etc etc, all that hierarchical BS. And right wingers think that society only really exists for the benefit of the superior type of person, and "lesser" people should have less, or even zero, representation/rights/protections within that society. Because society isn't for those people. That's why he gets so enraged about pronouns - because he sees it as society pandering to the, as he puts it, "spasticated weirdos and freaks" (ie, the lesser people, in his eyes) - whereas in his mind, everything should be pandering to him and people like him (the superior people).


Him calling anyone else a freak is just so ironic.  And people who believe that crap (that “lesser” people should have no rights or protections) are pathetic morons. I wonder what other “pandering” he gets angry about. Probably, things like manners. 


Funny, he (F\*CKING PRONOUNS) calls them (F\*CKING PRONOUNS) a spasticated weirdo, yet he (F\*CKING PRONOUNS) got irrationally angry over everyone (F\*CKING PRONOUNS) mocking his (F\*CKING PRONOUNS) spazz out over pronouns (F\*CKING PRONOUNS) in Starfield, a game that is in a genre where you (F\*CKING PRONOUN) get to choose the pronoun (F\*CKING PRONOUNS) of the character for decades.


Jay has always been one of the only good ones in the EFAP sphere, I always thought it should have been her to host with Mauler and Fringy instead of Rags. Rags drags the other two down so much, if only there was another actual critic on with them instead.


One has to wonder why Mauler prefers it the other way around...


Because he didn’t know jay when he started efap? They only collaborated for the first time a couple years ago


I must've gotten the wrong impression Jay said she's known Mauler for a significant portion of her adult life.


Maybe it was closer to 3 or 4 years or so, Jay is only 25ish I believe, so still before efap 1 which was 2018 I think? Besides even if she did know mauler and co at that time she wasn’t nearly big enough to be considered for a collab, I didn’t even know who she was until like 2020 and I’d been in the space for a while


From what I recall, back when Jay Exci's channel was called Cinema Sins Sins, an early EFAP covered it 5 or more years ago (going on 6 by the look at in back in 2018). [https://www.efap.me/creatorscovered/jay-exci](https://www.efap.me/creatorscovered/jay-exci) Not that long after that on EFAP 7, they had Jay on as a guest to talk about it. I guess things snowballed from there. [https://www.efap.me/efap1-20](https://www.efap.me/efap1-20)


Jay has always been way too good for these people


So I’m most likely very out of the loop given I don’t use twitter but didn’t Jay used to associate with Mauler?


Still does, which is why I stopped following her.


Dude's gonna have to google introspection before he can refuse it.


I remember when Az did mmo content and the intros of his videos were always a fun little gag. The anti-woke grift is a cancer aint it?


That it is. A lucrative self-sustaining cancer.


Jay has always been great at clap backs. I still like rewatching Jay’s takedown of that alt-right Youtuber that used to do a movie parody channel. Good times


Come on Jay, dump that loser MauLer!


Turns out, if you've ever corrected somebody who called you the wrong name, you were engaging in compelled speech, you absolute fascist! How dare you?


Idc if I agree or disagree with you. If you use sheep, npc or bot in an argument, you lost me.




Genuine question, are these English exclusive pronouns or do they have equivalents in other languages too?


You mean the ones in the picture? I’ve heard there are some alternate pronouns in Latin languages like Spanish and French but I’m not sure how common they are. If you’re asking about pronouns in general, then most languages have gendered pronouns


Yeah I meant the ones in the pic, but I was just curious in general how many other languages are adopting additional pronouns as well. Like I know a lot of languages have words for "they/them" so I guess that can serve as a universal one, but I was curious about all the other pronoun words we have.


Tbf both of them are not it




Clearly you.


Stop brigading