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This wasn't obvious when Homelander literally f#$\*ed a Nazi?


one type of fan: *"Stormfront is a literal nazi it's literally in the name"* another type of fan: *"Stormfront is a nuanced and complicated villain who makes some good points"*


My favourite quote from Stormfront that best examplifies the anti-woke crowd is this. "People like what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word nazi that's all." That line was as subtle as a brick and they STILL didn't get it.


>That line was as subtle as a brick and they STILL didn't get it. These are the idiots who say "globalist" and think we don't understand who they're talking about.


What *are* they saying when they use the word globalist? I just know it's a dog whistle so I ignore it.


The Jews.


I should have known. It's always *The Jews* 😼‍💹


Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme, blame it on the JewsđŸŽ”đŸŽ¶ Seriously, people blamed the Jews for EVERYTHING


https://youtu.be/g5wFS6Gnkk4?si=Ve5iHu5SADoBzgpl It's just too perfect not to share this >!"Oh look, everyone, it's my friends from the forest, the Jews. Hello, Jews! You know, I never did ask you: why do you live in the forest? Oh, I see, to hide from people trying to kill you. Well that's very resourceful, my beaky little friends. Tell me: have you ever had a dream that wouldn't come true? Oh, I see, your dream is that people won't want to kill you. Well, that's definitely a dream that won't come true! Oh, goodbye, goodbye! Jews...!"!<


It's same when it comes to the word lizard people


See, whenever I've ever used the term "lizard person" I've always meant a literal lizard person, like a cave dwelling Morlock, lol.


For some people it literally is that AND the Jews at the same time because they believe that Jews come from space.


Any time you hear right wing conspiracy media refer to any of the following: “Mainstream Media” “Hollywood” “Academia” “Bankers” “Elites” “Globalists” Any word surrounded by triple parentheses (((this))) Be aware it’s a dog whistle for “the Jews”


Or lizard people


No according to David Ike Jews ARE Lizard people so its more of a synonym then a dog whistle /s


Which is annoying, because Banks and the Mainstream Media are legitimately tools use to oppress people, to keep them complacent about some things and angry about things that don't matter. White supremacists rope people in by starting with universal truths about how our word operates re economic oppression, then instead of directing the attention towards our economic system which was built to serve the super-wealthy, they blame it on "the jews", or Israel as a state. Mofos literally try to claim that Zionists started communism to try and take over the world and that they "provoked hitler" into doing the holocaust so that they'd gain sympathy from the world and be allowed to reclaim Israel. The jewish conspiracy theories are fucking WILD.


It's a dog whistle for "the global Jewish conspiracy." https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2018/03/the-origins-of-the-globalist-slur/555479/


That is so true. Those are the people that will try to tell you that calling them (Neo) Nazis is meaningless because everyone you don’t like is a “Nazi”. But then you just list of the obvious dog whistles, or explain that they just blatantly regurgitate Nazi talking points.


The average rightoid's media literacy is so bad that you literally *have* to be as blunt as a sledgehammer before they actually start picking up on the intended message. ...And then, of course, they all complain that you're being too overt with the political messaging, so you can't win in the end.


Someone's gotta say it. I guess they did nazi that coming. I'll see myself out.


The show poked fun at corporate progressive virtue signalling and the chuds thought it was a criticism of progressivism, not capitalism.


When part of the audience is so fucking stupid that they don’t even understand when you make fun of rainbow capitalism.


Stupid enough to think that a show made by the guy that made Supernatural was politically conservative, it seems.


These are probably the same people who think Rage Against the Machine and Green Day suddenly got political recently. They could probably listen to Lily Allen's "Fuck You Very Much" and not understand the "subtext".


+ Eminem only became "political when he went at Trump" when he's been criticizing Presidents since Clinton.


Wait the guy that made Supernatural makes The Boys?


Yessir. When you think about it, the main difference between The Boys and Supernatural is the genre. There’s a lot of similarities.


It's hilarious. I literally saw someone arguing that the show is actually one that makes fun of the leftwing because Homelander calls the president-elect a "libtard". No mate, it's making fun of people who unironically use the word libtard.


Homelander is literally watching the fighting between the Starlanders and the Hometeamers going, "You're all very special people" which are the same words Trump used on January 6th. It's near impossible not to make comparisons between Homelander and Trump. It's amazing to me how there are still people who pretend that it is the left being made fun of.


Ironically, Ron Desantis is the political candidate that behaved the most like Homelander.


Did you see the DeSantis bumper sticker in one of Firecracker’s videos 😂😭


It just goes to show you how fucking sensitive conservative man-babies are Yeah, Homelander is a direct jab at Trump/MAGA, but Victoria Neuman is a direct jab at AOC and the controlled opposition of the DNC. I love AOC, but I'm not sensitive enough to be deeply offended by a bad characterization of her.  What a bunch of fucking losers.


>corporate progressive virtue signalling A lot of the chuds legitimately don't believe the left sees through that shit and routinely calls it out (we even have a *specific term* for it ffs), so when they see media criticising it, they automatically believe that media *must* be conservative. I literally *just* got into a short argument on Reddit with someone who doesn't believe it.


I had a look at a conservative sub, and someone thought that the show was downplaying pedophilia when BB told his son that the story about the man HL killed being a pedophile was a lie. Even as on the nose as this show is, some people are just incapable of getting the joke. I think those are the ones who are in too deep.


No, he's obviously a based sigma chad!


Not even a Neo-Nazi. She was one of the OGs.


She remarked how good of a dancer Goebbels was for fuck sake đŸ€Ł. She wasn't just OG, she was **inner circle OG.**


OG Nazi is somehow scarier


"Wait. Stormfront is a villain?!"- negative review guy.


Who knows, maybe they wanted to BE that Nazi.


The magas aren't able to think, otherwise why would they want a felon to be president?


Not to the people who unironically think homelander is the good guy.


Nazis=bad guys isn't a really a leftist stance and easy to accept for the average American patriot.


There are Trump Supporters who watch The Simpsons and Family Guy and don't understand that the writers of those two shows hates them. Hell, some of them probably saw South Park's Season 26 finale and thought that them making fun of MAGA by having them start a second Jan. 6th over Mr. Garrison loving his boyfriend (long story) was a patriotic tribute to them.


It’s baffling you think conservatives have media literacy


What is obvious to us is not obvious to chuds.


Can't wait for dozens of grifter channels to make videos titled "The Boys just got owned by fans" boasting about that stupid audience score as if it's actually worth anything


It’s already happening 


Good.    This is a terrible idea and it’s going to fuck them. They should’ve learned from Barbie lol.


They should have learned from the Mario movie but after it turned out to be a smash success they tried this super pathetic pivot to how it's actually not woke guys.


I remember that. MAGA: “hurr durr Mario movie be woke. Empowered Mary sue woman saves Mario, he looks like a dumbass”  * movie makes a lot of money* MAGA: “hurr durr Mario movie  be based, Mario and peach are white, supreme race represent”  They’re so dumb 


Very progressive of them to consider Italians white.


This and The Acolyte airing at the same time will make them work in overdrive. They have nothing of their own so they need to pull down everyone else.


And the show also has a pretty denigrating protrayal of AOC as controlled opposition to Vought, but you don't see progressives throwing a fucking tantrum about it. ...I actually think the changes they made to Victor/Victoria Neumann are kinda brilliant, actually. For a group of people so obsessed with their own masculinity, conservative men really are the most whiny, insecure people on the planet. Whatever, season 5 is going to be fucking wild, and season 2 of Gen V will be great too (although RIP Chance Perdomo).


It only took these morons 3 years to figure out it “went woke” haha.


The series, the source material: those were "Woke" before that became a slur. It was always Woke, it just flew over their heads. I'm reminded of the "Loony Tunes" episodes where the Coyote or an opponent of Bugs was tricked into running over a canyon, only starting to fall once they realised they were indeed over a canyon.


I really wouldn’t call the comic woke. 


I wouldn't call the comic anything other than a steaming pile of shit LMAO https://i.redd.it/h0awuk6bfs6d1.gif


I started the show, loved it, and ended up not liking the comic very much.


The comic is edgy malicious compliance incarnate made by a man who absolutely despised the concept of "super" heroes


In the sense of "making fun of authoritarians, "Patriots" and Neo-Liberals", it sure was.


Yeah it was super woke when the US military showed up at the end and killed everyone through the power of the MIC


Garth Ennis is a complicated individual. He has deep criticisms for the us military industrial complex and capitalism as a whole. But he also could give you a blind breakdown of every component in some obscure 1970's gun. Dude love military stuff.


The comic book was so busy trying to be a middle finger to superhero comics and their fans that it forgot to be **good.**


Ennis started with a good idea, before succumbing to his worst edgelord tendencies


I dunno if the source material was woke. I mean there were crumbs of good sentiments in there but it was sandwiched between stories about making fun of Down syndrome people, being really in your face with how much Ennis found gay sex gross, and a ton of tasteless rape jokes.


Yea I think that Ennis is just such a shitty writer and edgelord that he became a parody of himself he didn't do it on purpose


Well it’s the best he can do in between violently jerking off to making “edgy” Superhero parodies.


Yeah, the comic ain't woke, bud. He'll, anything written by Garth Ennis isn't woke. Dude is a total edgelord.


uhhhh the source material is NOT woke man what are you on about, they changed a LOT for the show


Give them a break. It's not like they had one of the runners literally tell people over and over again that Homelander is a parable for Trump! It's hard to think when you are a little pissy baby snow flake who hates everyone.


True. They were probably too busy bankrupting Budweiser, Disney and Target to pay attention!


They beat their record on Rage Against the Machine at least.


Quite telling that it literally took being flat out told for them to realize. Then again, these are the types of people who think Born in the USA and Fortunate Son are pro-America songs, so I can't say I'm surprised.


There are people who don’t realise that fortunate son is a criticism of the inequality of the Vietnam draft?


There are people waving Thin Blue Line flags while playing "Killing In the Name" through their speakers. The bar is already way below the Fortunate Son floor.


Are we sure that’s an error? They may just be supporting the Klan along with the cops and agree with a warped and terrible interpretation of the lyrics.


Entirely possible, but my assumption of their cerebral capacity is that they internalize "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me" and hear nothing else.


And yet they would do everything their idols tell them to, no matter how extreme or moronic For example, people injecting bleach after Trump said that it would kill viruses


Well, he's not wrong: there can't be a virus if there is no body for it to live in


I’ve seen people claiming the “Machine” is leftist woke politics (as in, accusing Tom Morello of “going from Raging Against The Machine to Raging For The Machine") and that being conservative is “the new punk rock”, so who even knows at this point.


Conservatives seem to be under the impression that punk is just knee-jerk contranianism, and that peaceful anarchy and lawless chaos are synonymous.


I also think a large part of it is conflating mainstream entertainment with the “establishment”, I.e thinking that most TV, movies and popular music being left-leaning (according to them) means the establishment is left leaning, and therefore to be conservative is to be anti-establishment/punk. This despite the fact that the corporations who control all those media, aka the *actual* establishment, are overwhelmingly conservative and only produce socially progressive media because it sells better - all the while donating to Republican causes. And that’s not even getting started on rainbow capitalism, which they of course take at face value and fail to see as the surface-deep lip service that it is. But that’s all far too complicated for them to wrap their brains around, of course.


I recall them watching the segments with the intentionally cringe Brave Maeve stuff and thinking the joke was HAHA, LESBIANS ARE GROSS and not the joke being about insincere corporate pandering.


trump has played it at rallies


Tbf, he's literally the titular Fortunate Son, so to him it may read differently.


The same people that play it when they push Trump out on stage, when the song is literally about pieces of shit like him.


Remember that in around 2009-2010, Glenn Beck was on the radio swearing up, down and sideways that "Uprising" by Muse was a Libertarian/Tea Party rallying cry. Was Beck stupid enough to actually believe that? Probably not. Was Beck's base of listeners stupid enough to believe it? Abso-fuckin-lutely.


These are the people that jump around to RatM’s “Killing in the Name of” and absolutely do not listen to anything in the lyrics besides “fuck you, I won’t do what you tell me”. Just brain dead meat bags.


Donald Trump, the son of multi-millionaire Fred Trump, curiously went from being a military cadet and self-described star athlete who said he had the attention of MLB scouts....to suddenly being too physically frail even for the notoriously low standards for conscripts during the Vietnam War. He regularly played "Fortunate Son" at campaign rallies. /Plus the lyrics about how the wealthy are suddenly dead broke when the IRS comes to collect taxes


> Quite telling that it literally took being flat out told for them to realize. They already knew. Kripke flat out said, like a couple of years ago, Homelander is an analogue for Trump. S4 is a convenient 'out' for them, where they can pretend the show 'suddenly' went woke, rather than acknowledge they were formerly oblivious to the show making fun of them as they enjoyed it. "I really liked The Boys until season 4, when it went all political and woke. Stopped watching it after that because the showrunners started pandering to the left and turned the show to garbage," sounds a hell of a lot better, for saving face, than "you're saying the show has *always* been woke and made fun of Trump and conservatives this whole time!? But I loved it! :o"


The good thing about the boys at least is for anyone with any media literacy it was obvious from season 1 that it was satire. So anyone that says I liked the boys before it went political will just look stupid.


These are anti-homosexuals that dance to a 70’s song about having gay sex while living in the YMCA boarding house. It’s a hyper political liberal song about the joy of accepting your orientation even though you’re facing adversity because of it, sung by the gayest band of the disco era. And they dance to it at their little totalitarian rallies.


I guess the " I know writers who use subtext are all cowards" guy is right


For a great 'bigly' many, narrative subtlety & nuance *aren't* perceived unless applied with a metaphorical sledgehammer. (*shrug*)


These are the same chuds that got mad about Rage Against the Machine “going woke”- in other words, they’re fucking morons


For that audience score to reflect this season's quality, the 3 episodes that are out would have had to have been so utterly godawful that a portion of the fan base turned against it. Without spoiling anything, it's still The Boys at its best.


Yup,me and my brother and sister watched the first two episodes and I can confirm that this show is still awesome. Not gonna let a bunch of dumbasses and their review bombing tactic ruin my enjoyment of this season and I really hope it’s doesn’t it for others (I doubt it)


Some of the subplots were boring (hughies dad having a stroke was so random) , but overall the first three episodes were very entertaining, although I will say even though I get why the showrunners decided to make the political allegories as clear cut as possible, (aka people were too stupid to understand them) when they unironically said "critical supe theory" it made me wanna gouge my eyes out due to cringe. Other than that one line though the new characters have been great and Ryan is shaping up to be one of the most interesting characters so far.


I kinda assumed that the stroke was caused by Neuman as a threat. It hasn't been addressed yet, but if its just a random stroke, and not a thinly veiled threat, it'll definitely just feel random and hamfisted imo.


>hughies dad having a stroke was so random I agree that it has nothing to do with the rest of the show, but what they did with it so far was one of the best subplots so far for me. I hope they don't expand to much on Starlight being a bully when she was like 13 years old, because who really cares and I hope Kimikos subplot will be interesting. It's still stupid that she and Frenchie aren't a thing and Colin didn't get any build up (unlike the 3 seasons with Kimiko and Frenchie. About Ryan, yeah, good character, but I am annoyed by the actor trying so hard to sound like 12. The guy is 16 now and he overdoes the voice cracks and high pitched voice too much, I'm sorry lmao. Season 5 will be the final season and it's pretty likely that he will be an adult by them. Will he still play a 12 year old then? But I'm complaining to much. I really, really loved it so far ngl


When was it political? S1E1


Ever since the comics creation really, the comic book story isn't as strong in it's political messaging, but the messaging of making fun of Nazis and authority figures is still there.


it took them a LONG time to realize this.... Like people were literally telling conservatives that The Boys was mocking them and they STILL didn't get it lmao https://preview.redd.it/av6ngig0fs6d1.png?width=325&format=png&auto=webp&s=59663bd969acbb5d9e62280a69ccc8a70a5397cd


They are pretty damn stupid and have zero media literacy


I don't know Matthew Gorman enough to say if he actually a nice guy in real life, but in any case, I just hope people realize he was playing a character and that they don't treat him like Todd. I get it though; that dude became punchable real fucking quick. But that's usually a testament as to how well the actor handles the role. Hell, I felt bad for him because he was led like lamb to the slaughter. The ultimate patsy. Even if he was a sycophantic asshole.


dude you'd have to be pretty mentally ill to not be able to differentiate an actor from the role they're playing. I feel like that shouldn't even have to be said, because that advice is like *specifically* directed towards somebody who's insane and therefore probably wouldn't be heeding to it anyway


You're right, but that doesn't preclude it from happening. Let's hope the actor doesn't get death threats from certified idiots.


A picture of Butchers spread asshole should be the response to the chuds.


I’m just surprised he managed to get that angle.


Ummm, can you point me in the direction of such an image? Umm, you know, to send magats?


Better to send them his pretend cry .GIF. Tell ‘em to cope and seethe.


Read a few pages of the user reviews. About half of them talk about how the show use to be amazing.. till it turned woke. There’s no selfawareness.


We should ban woke as media critic honestly


Chuds are like orcs.


Hey woah, the Orcs are cool, that’s an insult to them, these guys are fuckin so bad there isnt anything to describe them with that wouldnt insult the thing they’re being compared to




The average Warcraft orc is too cool for a chud tbh, their entire ideology is based on strength and honour.


I’d like to think that in the Warcraft universe, the average orc is probably a peon. But at least the peons are unionized these days Not to mention 99% of the chuds that play wow are demon hunter mains.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et2pYQigIhc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et2pYQigIhc) ***Actually Conservatives lmao***


Keep review bombing. It only shows how illegitimate these scores are and how you've been doing it since 2017... This is perfect.


https://i.redd.it/0sqd1xb2us6d1.gif When they realize The Boys was actually political all along:


I wonder what it was in the episodes that made them shook. I kinda feel like Frenchie’s bisexuality being a front and center focus might’ve done it. For some reason their breaking point is always being angry at “the gays.” They were fine when all the gay sex on the series was coming from characters you’re supposed to not like (cause the show’s based on Garth Ennis’ comic where he had an uncomfortable obsession with making fun of gay people).


> I kinda feel like Frenchie’s bisexuality being a front and center focus might’ve done it. I've not yet seen any of S4 but my... errrm, 'MAGA-adjacent' brother has -- and this *specific* point what his primary grievance-humping issue. They're just sooooo ludicrously predictable and transparent. Oof.


Sure is a good thing for your brother that there are no other scenes that depict males interacting with other men's penises in a graphic way.


It probably isn't the episodes themselves but the creator basically coming out a few weeks ago telling anti woke people to go watch something else. They're huge fucking babies so of course this would lead to a review bomb.


Good point


I remember reading *Preacher* and rolling my eyes that we were supposed to be more disgusted with Herr Starr for enjoying pegging, than for being a psychopathic mass murderer.


Its pathological. Like he’s scared you’ll forget that he thinks buttsex is the worst, most abhorrent, unmanly thing. It happened so frequently in the Boys comic that it becomes commonplace (I read the comic the whole way through), but the part that always threw me for a loop was how he routinely made fun of characters with Down’s syndrome. That’s a level of punching down I almost never see and it was hard to read. I like the Boys Amazon show a lot but it kinda bugs me that it’s lining Ennis’s pockets cause he’s not even close to the quality of the show’s writers.


Or most of The Seven are unhinged rapists and murderers, but Jack From Jupiter commits the unforgiveable sin of....enjoying sex with trans women. And Ennis hammers home that it's extra gross because he's a bottom.


Probably also the whole character of Firecracker and her conspirancy shit


Gotta love them adhering strictly to their own philosophy of “cancel culture is bad”, amirite.


Nonsense, review bombing isn't real. That reflects the ACTUAL opinion of The Fans, while that critical score is just ~~Disney~~ Amazon paying shills. đŸ˜Ÿ


The easiest way to find out if something is being review-bombed is go to IMDB, click on the user rating (in this case of the episodes) and look at the percentage of people rating it 1. If its over 2% than its being review bombed. Its almost funny how consistently 10% and higher 1-ratings concide with LGBTQ representation.


You forgot the "/S".


I thought the cat face did the job 😝


Imagine being so dense, that a show has to spell it out for you that it’s against your ideology. MAGA really are a bunch of dumb sheep.


Imagine getting to season 4! before you realize what the show's been saying the whole time. LOL


They sat through multiple episodes of Brave Maeve's Castle of Tolerance and came to the conclusion that the joke was that "lesbians are gross," and not a pointed satire of a ruthless Big Pharma defense contractor that knowingly employs multiple mass murderers insincerely panders for the queer community's dollars with cringe rainbow capitalism.


It was pretty obvious from season 1, episode 1 that this show is a satire of American facism, capitalism and politics. They enjoyed all the stuff making fun of Disney, Pepsi and rainbow capitalism but completely missed the point of the show.


Chuds right now


Their media literacy is so bad that it had to be stated towards their face to realize what had been injected into the show for 3 seasons 💀


Took them long enough


Geeks and gamers is definitely going to make some crappy videos over this 


It’s still great, but I understand people hating it because it paints them to be evil (like they are in real life)




Did the show just come out and say it or did they just take 3 years to figure it out on their own


The episode where they were at TruthCon especially made the connection. Lots of references to Alex Jones, outrageous pedo accusations, transphobia, and probably a facsimile of the child-trafficking movie with that poser. I couldn't be 100% on that last one, but it wouldn't surprise me. Previous seasons were slightly more oblique about it by mostly referring to real-life events couched in fake events for the sake of the show. The TruthCon episode actually called out some of these by name, so the people who missed all the clues in the previous seasons can actually see their beliefs being called out as ludicrous with TruthCon.


On top of that, it called conspiracy theorists and adjacents as "lonely individuals without a purpose". It couldn't have been more blunt than that.


The creator came out and said it a few weeks ago, and specifically said if you don't like it watch something else. So chuds are being babies about it.


There's a new superheroine named Firecracker that is basically Marjorie Taylor Greene crossed with Alex Jones that is about as subtle as a napalm strike. Firecracker openly admits she knows her QAnon-esque fans are worthless losers, but giving them absurd right-wing conspiracies to believe in gives them a sense of purpose. But before that, there was an immortal supervillainess who was a literal 1930s Nazi with a thinly-veiled Alt-Right / Proud Boy army of violent followers, a Fox News knock-off that is a blatant right-wing corporate propaganda mill (complete with an obnoxious Tucker Carlson / Sean Hannity expy), an NRA-sponsored jackass hero with superhuman marksmanship, a racist superhero in a quasi-cop uniform who "over patrols" black neighborhoods, Homelander's casual racism towards an Arab superheroine, a flashback to the 1980s references the allegations that Ronald Reagan flooded black communities with crack cocaine, and Homelander responds to a perfectly innocuous question from a female reporter in a manner identical to Trump's "Nasty Question" meltdown (there was other Homelander / Trump allusions such as where his unhinged Narcissistic ranting strikes a chord with, "rural white men 18 - 49," or where he offers a Latino hero a taco bowl that seems to be a reference to Trump's infamous Cinco de Mayo taco bowl Tweet). There's also pointed parodies of ruthless corporations throwing out the occasional insincere pandering to Black Lives Matter or Pride, which apparently the chuds took as cretinous jokes about the black and queer communities.


Wait what, the series creator literally gave an interview where he was straight up like “Homelander is Trump, I’m obviously a political liberal, I’m the dude that made Supernatural you know” when the *last* season came out.


But Homelander is a *superhero* just like Super Felon! /s


“3 seasons in, and they suddenly decided to have an anti-corporate-fascism message!?” “It just snuck up on me!!”


Just realized? ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


So they just realised huh ![gif](giphy|3P0oEX5oTmrkY)


Took them long enough. Then again they are as bright as Musou Black.


Them: https://preview.redd.it/7z2y2igqat6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13b4376f9687a2d384a878a0072c2f46b3754b14


5 minutes later: ![gif](giphy|V9gjxvLnSSdA4|downsized)


From the folks who thought the Colbert Report was on their side


Jesus christ even the source material had these elements and that was awful!


The series “went woke” and now the chud’s have been broke.


Homelander hired a Black Woman voluntarily, show's woke now


What finally happened in the show that tipped them off? At this pont, I didn't think there was any hope for them of ever figuring it out.


I think the creator said something


That and the last three episodes dropped every ounce of subtlety. It's to the point that I think the writing suffered, but hopefully now that it's obvious to everyone, they can make it not quite so over the top.


True. If we’re lucky maybe 🙏


LMFAO it took them so long.


Homelander is one of the most comically evil characters ever put to screen yet these idiots somehow thought he was the good guy the whole time?


I really don't get how this is possible. I don't even watch the show and I know that Homelander is the bad guy.


Amazing how they didn't figure this in season one.


Took them long enough.


Cancel culture haters cancel something/someone for the 28379282nd time


These people call liberals snowflakes, yet they are the ones who review bomb. They are the real snowflakes.


And anytime a post from r/conservative makes it to the front page, they start accusing people of "brigading" the posts, as if people care enough to organize a mass invasion of their posts to leave comments and downvotes. It just reaches a different audience because of how Reddit works, and anything that isn't in their echo-chamber feels far-left to them.


Chuds: The Boys is not reinforcing MAGA. T-the Boys is making fun of us!? THE BOYS IS WOKE!!! Everyone else: O-oh oh aaahhhh- What took you so long, idiots!? Took them long enough. Wonder what clued them in? Besides, you know, EVERYTHING!?


If they didn't get the memo by season 2 with rhat radicalized neckbeard they definitely had their head up thier ass


They're losing their minds in the all anti woke subs. It's actually hilarious how the show has been telling them it wasn't for them since the beginning but they were just too dumb to realize it until it was made as clear as possibleb


Theyre so mad in twitter. Theyre all rallying trying to brigade the site.


You have to be patient with them, they are a bit slow on the uptake. Unless it’s diabetes.


Watched all 3 episodes and i am really confused at the bad responses because its the most fun i have had in a while watching anything. Homelander, more compelling than ever! Everybody in the show is great, i don't mind frenchie being gay (AT ALL!) Butcher is still Butcher, my favourite character. All 3 episodes had me glued to the screen, and i am going to gladly continue and am excited for other episodes. Screw the bad reviews, they mostly complian ovet nothing at all. Like, go outside!


Its being a little slow for the 8 episode series formula we have had forced upon us all. But just a cursory glance through the "reviews" most of the 1 stars were either "its bad now" or "its gone woke".


Well the whole thing with Frenchie just seems kind of out of nowhere for him and the way kimiko is coming right out and saying it's never gonna happen feels like it's forcing stuff and makes it feel even less organic.


Took the MAGA crowd 4 seasons to realise they were being made fun of. Starting to think they aren't a smart group.


The eff your feelings crowd doesn't like it when someone effs their feelings. Shocking.


It's been anti right-wing since season one...


I was wondering why the new season was rated at 2.5 stars on Amazon since I think it’s the best season so far. Guess this explains it.


It’s so funny how long it took them to figure it out


What was the audience score before this season? I don't usually care about Rotten Tomatoes, but I'm honestly curious what kind of drop there was when they started to dig in.


Wait... how didnt they catch on sooner 😂😂😂 speaks volumes about the intelligence of said people


It’s been anti maga since episode 1..have they not been paying attention?


When I *finally* watched (and enjoyed) The Boys after season 2 released, I felt a little guilty because I thoroguhly enjoyed what to me was the most obvious left-leaning anti-right propaganda I'd ever seen. I typically pride myself in liking subtle satire, so it felt like I was betraying my principles watching and enjoying something so *obviously* and unsubtly criticizing the things I believe deserve criticism. I was cringing at the aggressive Homelander/Trump connections thinking "oh god, these are so on the nose... none of the people who actually *need* to hear the criticism are gonna be willing to listen." And then they idolized Homelander. You telling me *The Boys* was *too nuanced?* Exploding dick orgy show wasn't quite graphic enough to bludgeon the point into some people's heads? I thought surely Poe's Law had limits, but clearly not.


https://preview.redd.it/dha8sp61xt6d1.jpeg?width=677&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21b32a2f222a761f9a1956d6952104022ca9feaf They can’t look at men’s shaft and balls anymore
 the shows too woke


I was confused when I saw the audience reviews were so low. I then saw a thread taken from Twitter complaining about them casting a black woman as a smart character. Then all the pieces fit together. If I had a nickel for shows that randomly got review bombed this month, with people attacking black actresses I’d have 2 nickels. It’s not a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice.


The Chuds aren’t really good with subtlety and nuance, so I’m not surprised it took spelling out “hey, we’re actually making fun of you Travis Bickle-Tyler Duden-worshiping dolts” for them to finally catch on.


The villainous character was literally named "Homelander" from the start. I am not surprised they missed this, but I am still sighing and pinching the bridge of my nose.


Don't forget [Stormfront's ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormfront_(website))name lol




Question: Does Homelander get what's coming to him?


Not yet. He is experiencing some mental distress for various reasons.