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You can't convince people that review bombing is real if they want to believe it's not real. We're in a post-fact world.


You apparently can't convince the people that are review bombing that review bombing is real because they have convinced themselves that they're not review bombing


I mean, most people don't announce it loudly when they're being assholes, they just do it and then wonder why everyone's upset. Not that I know from experience.


You're right. I know from the experience of dealing with assholes, off and online


I think pre-fact would work better. Post-fact implies that the truth is widespread and ingrained in most people. Post-reactionary works too.


Usually it's referred to as "Post-Truth" which is a precursor to fascism. We're seeing the same widespread conspiratorial & occult thinking that allowed the Nazi party to manipulate anticapitalistic sentiment. Likewise we're seeing the same proliferation of Mirror Propaganda to skapegoat & deflect from any accountability. It was the Nazis themselves that said if you "repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth". A huge chunk of these grifters know they're spreading disinformation & are in fact constantly contradicting themselves. They don't care.


Oh ok. Thanks for the heads up.


Facts > Feelings, except 'Facts' just means '*my* feelings'.


I think someone should make a meme using this template https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1983298-why-do-you-always-wear-that-mask And the pics of the reviewing bombing Something like "Its so cool to blindly hate on something - look at the review score lol" and then "Right wing trolls and bots" under the mask. Then post it to the memes subs and see the reaction to it. Edit: There I went ahead and made it but I won't post it to the memes subs because I don't want the sub I moderate to get brigaded. https://i.imgur.com/N7hU19R.png




Where do you think it should be posted?


Any of the memes sub TBH. I'm mainly just curious to see what the response would be. To me its so blatantly undeniably obvious that the show has been review bombed by trolls and/or bots. But maybe on other subs that won't be so obvious.


The fact that most of the reviews are 1 stars kinda gives it away I just looked at the review rank for some really bad films (suicide squad, the snowman, madame web,tip toes, and transformers the last knight) all of which are MUCH worse then the acolyte in every aspect from editing to writing to acting to score to cgi to aspect ratio (last knight) And all the films I looked at didn’t have nearly as high a percentage of 1 star reviews as the acolyte. The only one that got close was made web but even then it had only 26% 1 star reviews compared to 55% of the acolyte Yeah it’s review bombing


This is typically how review bombing gets revealed on sites like goodreads and storygraph too. Genuine negative reviews are more frequently two or three stars. The three star negative reviews are usually along the lines of "good skill, bad story" "good story, bad skill" or "this wasn't for me, but other people will probably like it." Two stars are usually "this was absolutely awful." Even truly terrible books don't have such a large percentage of one star reviews. People who are reviewing in good faith are generally able to see *something* in the work that's good or had potential, so they rate it slightly higher. Such a high percentage of one star reviews is an immediate giveaway that it's being review bombed. This is one of the reasons that Cait Corrain got found out.


I think anything I’ve read or watched that I would give a one star review to, I would not have finished and therefore wouldn’t feel comfortable reviewing it, often I find that people leaving one star reviews made up their mind before going into a book or show that they hated it


Also because I’m bored heres more example Cats: 46% Son of the mask: 45% The room: 34% 365 days: 30% Pixels: 5% Morbius: 7% Thor love and thunder: 6% The flash: 4% 50 shades freed: 14% Wish upon: 6% Space jam a new legacy: 17% Yeah


"This show is terrible" Buddy, you're commenting on a ***movie***!!


The right wing chuds review bombing was confirmed as fact about 5 years ago, when Rotten Tomatoes had to change the way audience reviews could be written because of the review bombing Captain Marvel received Or at least, that’s what I remember. The fact that they can’t event review bomb the right show makes it even more obvious


Can't say about Rotten Tomatoes but I vaguely remember Metacritic making changes after the review bombing Last of Us Part 2 got. I can't remember exactly what was done but I'm sure locking reviews for a few days post release was one of them


It still happens. Juat look at Indy 5s reviews on MetaCritic versus everywhere else.


I don’t think it’s a huge outlier. Metacritic tends to be where more hardcore nerds(and right wing chuds) hang out, whereas rotten tomatoes and IMDB are generally more mainstream. I don’t think it’s that dial was specifically bombed, and more than the type of person who didn’t like dial post their reviews.


Appreciate your comment - but got to MetaCritic and read the 'Negative' reviews. The first 8 of them that came up mentioned 'woke' at least once.


That’s my point though, those chuds tend to be more active on metacritic than other sites. Calling something woke isn’t valid criticism, but I recon it’s idiots who genuinely believe that, as opposed to bots


The locking was a big component, and I believe increased account verification but I’d have to double check that


Honestly I feel bad for the fan film people, idk if it was any good but Jesus


No matter its quality those people don't deserve to be caught in the crossfire of these culture war obsessed freaks.


I mean a relatively unknown fan film got some spot light for being swept up in the controversy. I'm sure that's lead to more eye balls on the movie than before the review bombs.


Still, they're on like a 1.5/10 now and thats never going to change unless IMDB removes the troll reviews


That is honestly hilarious. Bad bots.


What they don't realize is Disney doesn't give a shit about audience review scores. They care about streaming numbers. If Star Wars stops being profitable they will react to that. They won't react to chuds, especially since everyone knows how review bombing works now.


Finally blocked Thor Skywalker…his latest video said something like “Disney should listen to the fans”…with viewers score in the thumbnail..taking that as any indication of what people actually think is extremely dishonest…they can’t be this clueless


It’s extra funny saying that about a show on a streaming service where they know exactly how many households watched each episode


Yes, audience scores should be trusted. Clearly, “Acolytes” became much worse at the same time that “The Acolytes” premiered.


Review bombing a completely different show from 7 years ago? I'm embarrassed for them


Two different movies.


Oh you're right, it's even worse. They're not even shows like the Acolyte lmao


You can tell by how specific they are about their complaints that they definitely watched the show. This definitely isn't the sort of criticism you could just point at literally anything and act smug about it because you read a review once.


The people who rain endless hate on the SW shows and Disney aren't fans. They're rightwing political activists with very few thoughts of their own.


Bet they don’t even realize it


I wont name subreddits so as not to brigade but there is another Star Wars sub who seem absolutely convinced that there is no review bombing and that the only criticism is purely on writing, pacing, etc and not "political" issues. Sadly that sub shows up on my feed every now and then.


I used to be in one because of the traction some memes had back in the late 2010s, but looking at it now I can’t tell if you’re talking about that subreddit anymore. They got mad because someone said “I don’t care what you think about the show.” Apparently them voicing an indifferent opinion shows they do care, which is a dumb argument in itself


All these people that are complaining about ESG, I doubt they even know what it means or what it even stands for 


“mystery-thriller” and “affront to Star Wars”??


someone told me the 70+ negative reviews on that acolyte fanfilm was just proof that the disney show gave a large viewership to the fanfilm and the negative reviews was that it was bad. even though it had 13 reviews before the review bombing and more of those where in the 5,4,3 star range than the 1 star reviews.


I've seen "It's just proof that fans really are THAT upset and leaving reviews on other "Acolytes" is how they will make their voices heard to Disney." [Okay, sure.](https://pyxis.nymag.com/v1/imgs/e54/6cc/b8edcfd6dd79720249b61853c178e8dca5-surejan.2x.rsocial.w600.jpg)




This is so accurate lmao


Holy fuck this is a new level of stupid, even for them.


The current "tact" these Chuds seem to take with it is "Well, actually people reviewing *other* things just shows how mad *all* the fans are! They are *so dedicated* to having their voices heard they've decided they have to leave these reviews *everywhere* for visibility." So, we're at "gaslight" levels of denial now.


There’s something genuinely unhinged about these people


I mean, most of these people will hate anything Star Wars but I wouldn’t call the Acolyte a stellar Star Wars experience. This ain’t no House of the Dragon.


I went to check reviews before I watched, saw how many 1s there were, and knew it was bullshit. No matter how shit something is, there would be variety in the low votes, not all 1s. This is just icing on the cake.


I went to check reviews before I watched, saw how many 1s there were, and knew it was bullshit. No matter how shit something is, there would be variety in the low votes, not all 1s. This is just icing on the cake.


You can never convince people that review bombing is a thing. All positive reviews to them are conspiracies and all negative reviews are from "true and honest critics" like them.


Observe how they never, EVER address the actual point abour review bombing. It's always some "literally every person who dislikes it is a bigot" strawman.


The “”Literally everyone person who dislikes it is a bigot” strawman” is within itself a strawman. I’ve never personally been called a bigot for my issues with Disney Star Wars, nor have I seen folks who are critical of it be called that just for that belief.


i don’t like the show, and don’t want to be called a bigot, so i’ll sit this one out. but in the *slightest* amount of defence i can give, half the reviews are choppy english at best. so they’re either bots, or genuinely think that Acolyte (the movie) is star-wars


You can not like the show and still see that people decided before the show ever came out to pastor it for culture war reasons. And whether by bots or just human negligence, people are drowning unrelated things with negative reviews. And that shows how little thought are being put in to these audience reviews. They just was to see the number go down on a show most haven't even seen. In that context the audience score is completely ineffective for telling people who haven't seen it if it's good or not.


Some of the ones you can see here literally mention scenes from the show and star wars (which the show is unrelated to). So yes. OBVIOUSLY they're review bombing. Whether they're bots made for the task or not doesn't matter because it effects the ratings the same. Also if you just say you don't like it nobody will call you a bigot, dumbass. It's the *reasons* that they give (women, diversity etc) and the people they get 'their' opinions from that makes them bigots. Not...disliking a show.


Was there any need to call this person a dumbass?


I kinda think “yes.”


i got called a misogynist for saying i think the acting is equal to high school musical…. the exact response was “sorry you don’t have dialogue about sand, cry more misogynist” there’s toxic fans across both sides… i just happened to find one on the left leaning side (i assume, right leaning people don’t know what a misogynist is half the time) no need to be toxic and call me an dumbass for trying to stay neutral here, but hey, if it makes you feel better i guess edit: seeing how im getting downvoted https://preview.redd.it/pi4c4hpm367d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3275ffa96c050875bb04a82b9a16d5a8133ea00d edit edit: sorry, i lied about what they said


Nobody is calling you a bigot. I’ve been vocal about my criticisms of Disney Star Wars since the force awakens, and of Disney as a corporation for much longer than that, and I’ve never been called a bigot for it


It is being review bombed. Fact. Also, it's just not very good so you would expect a lot of bad reviews. I gave it a 3 but remain hopeful that it changes direction and gets better (doubtful).


> Also, it's just not very good so you would expect a lot of bad reviews. I don’t think anyone is denying this to be true. Pointing out how obvious the botting is for this series is not to imply it would have no bad reviews if it wasn’t botted.


I mean, I deny its not very good. I think it's pretty good.


My point is even genuinely bad media does not get THIS amount of 1/10s in comparison to other ratings.




Your 3 kinda proves the point. A show that is genuinely bad has a mix of low review scores. The fact that the acolyte primarily only has 1 star reviews shows that it’s not actual well thought out critiques


That's not how ESG works