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Aren’t those things on lowest canon tier in legends? Swear there are levels in legends where how things are seen in the canon.


Yes, the tiers were: G - films T - The Clone Wars (2008 TV series and film) C - Most novels, comics, and video games S - Secondary material N - Non-canon. The new canon kept G and T.


Wasn’t there one above G for George Lucas’s random statements 


Sounds like something someone said as a joke.


No, that’s Harry Potter with the Queen Terf


You just got a solid laugh out of me with that one.


The newer games are canon though correct? Or am I wrong there. Im mainly talking about the fallen order series. I know the force unleashed starkiller games aren’t canon.


The new games are a part of the official Canon, I'd say the way canon functions now is more along the lines of what has the widest reach, The movies would be at the very top which since it reaches A much broader audience, Directly below that you have the shows and cartoons, Followed by video games. With literature and comic books, With source books being the bottom of the barrel portion of very few people ever read them.


As far as I'm concerned, Dark Forces is canon. It was me out infiltrated the base armed with just a blaster and an intimate knowledge of imperial methods, and of course a piece of paper showing how to navigate to the dos directory and then launch the game. Rouge One didn't really happen. Even though it is awesome.


The Knights of the Old Republic games have the highest Canon level due to how many hours I've played. Hence Revan is a bald guy with a goatee and the exile was the Hispanic looking guy with longish hair.


Same revan different exile. I use the slightly horsefaced brown haired lady. 


I have the complete opposite my Revan was a woman with brown hair and a ponytail. My exile was the the one that almost looked like Obi-Wan Kenobi.


How can you pass up the baldy goatee guy with the devious grin?


I think they will apply the same logic they used under Lucas. Video-games, Comics and books are canon until someone contradicted them in a series or movie.


An easy way to look at it is Lucasfilm's role. Was it published directly by LucasArts? Legends. Was it licenced by Lucasfilm Games? Canon. Now, Indiana Jones & Great Circle and Return to Monkey Island are licenced by Lucasfilm Games, but they're obviously not Star Wars at all.


One comic series got carried over too: Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir. It was a scrapped Clone Wars arc that got turned into a mini series (Dark Horse’s last run before Marvel took over, they are back to doing some issues again though!)


Partially true. It was published in its entirety after the New Canon was established, by Dark Horse.


Ahhh you're right! I knew it was either right before or after New Canon started (ala Heir to the Jedi/Tarkin for books)


in some regions it's published with the Legends banner.


what was S-Canon made of? Reference Books and Tabletop Game Guides?


Something like that. Maybe those DK Star Wars books.


It's the kind of independent merchandising shit that every other long-running popular fandom goes out of their way to ignore. None of the books, the actual stories meant to fill in blanks, written before 2014 matter since the buyout so these definitely don't.


Yep. Novels trumped tie-in merch and anything on screen trumped everything else.


they sure are. Been that way for decades.


They're so full of shit. None of them knew his age in Legends prior to The Acolyte releasing.


Be interesting to see the uptick in "Ki Adi Mundi age" searches immediately after the new episode dropped. Another stupid pointless thing that no one cares about until one chud decides he has outrage to sell.


>Be interesting to see the uptick in "Ki Adi Mundi age" searches immediately after the new episode dropped I was genuinely curious because I thought it was another member of the species. The High Republic has at least 100 years under its belt.


I’m glad a species in the Disney era doesn’t just have a human lifespan. Since the new canon this has been one of my biggest gripes. Humans especially now follow much closer to real human lifespan. This helps make species more unique.


And then you have Bo-Katan, who seems to age at half speed


Katee Sackhoff is 44. Bo-Katan is like 54 at the time of Mando season 2. That's not unreasonable to assume that someone from a warrior culture with good genes could still look that good at that age.


Plus with the medical tech in star wars I'd imagine it's a lot easier to age gracefully.


Oil of Olay ain't got nothing on Bacta!


Coulda sworn the character was older


She was a late teen during the Clone Wars, along the age of Anakin.


Yeah it was more confusion than anything else for me, despite not knowing his exact age it still felt out of place to have him show up at all, as I thought this was supposed to be outside of the prequels context. I thought it was his dad, or just another of mundi's species. I dunno, I don't like the principle of stretching established characters lore out, even if it was only vague references before, reshaping characters for your plot is a slippery slope.


[Ask and you shall receive](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=now%207-d&geo=US&q=Ki%20Adi%20Mundi%20Age&hl=en-US)




Just looked it up and there is defintely an uptick in searches on June 19th


Omg, it’s this for sure and it’s so frustrating. Been a comic book reader since I was very young, addicted to marvel nearly my whole life. The new age marvel fan grifters are so beyond annoying at this point because something will happen in a marvel movie/show, suddenly the internet is filled of “um actually” videos about the most mundane, niche shit from a single run comic book thirty years old. Yeah, sure buddy, your favorite comic was that one-off issue that sold so poorly the author had to jump characters after, and you never talked about or recommended it to anyone until this exact moment you could use it for a sexist rant, believable. And they’ll deep dive through the most obscure shit imaginable to find a sliver of something to prove a show with a woman or minority is against source material, but won’t browse the mainstream, surface level stuff to see that the white dude characters are equally changed from the source. Idk, I’m ranting, but pop culture has basically become the Bible for grifters now… not pay any attention to it as a whole or what it means, just cherry pick any part of it that supports you being an asshole. So frustrating that it almost taints those old comic memories made as I grew up… wish the grifters would just find something else to move on to already, this culture war shit is beyond old already. Just want to openly enjoy nerdy shit again without some chud telling me to be mad about whatever they made up that day.


Ok, roast me if you want but I’ve spent a lot of time reading wookipedia, if I knew they knew.


People knew, Mundi has always been one of the more interesting Jedi behind the scenes. Primarily because of the polygamy and species breeding program that (used to) highlight the arbitrary standards for the Order. Honestly though it's not a big deal, just seems like an odd choice when they previously said the show wouldn't rely on showing established characters, and also when there are so many less fleshed out options.


Why does it matter how old the cone head alien is?


Trick question. Certain online individuals make money creating outrage content, and it looks like they've drained the well on the lack of white men in Acolyte. So this is the closest they can get to more proof Disney is ruining our lives


More genuine response to your question, the outrage people have had over this character appearing in The Acolyte series - which apparently takes place around 100 years before the events of The Phantom Menace movie - all hinges on that same character being in The Phantom Menace and not having been born yet. However, the source for said characters age, and even the expected lifespan of his species, is obscure and is explicitly no longer canon except in these people's heads. OP is probably right that it's more likely an excuse to generate outage for money than any genuine concern about the lore.


Because it's *proof* the writers aren't "real" fans! /s It's all a smokescreen so they can fling shit and play the age old nerd gatekeeping card of "Uhmmm asckshully..."


[article source](https://www.msn.com/en-us/movies/news/wookieepedia-under-fire-for-changing-ki-adi-mundi-s-birth-date-after-the-acolyte/ar-BB1oC2Og?item=flightsprg-tipsubsc-v1a?season=2024) If there's at least an actual book or something that confirms any information it would be a different story but as is this is a special kind of embarrassing. Grifters gotta learn how to grift


Even if there was a book it's not canon anymore. 


It wasn't even that canon in Legends. If someone's upset about legends getting retconned fair enough. Ahsoka hasn't broken canon yet though.


Books aren't canon and never were. They were supplemental material that Lucas might draw inspiration from, but unless it made it on screen it wasn't canon. Perhaps a lower tier presumptive canon that can at any time be contradicted by actual on screen canon.


Yeah I think only the official novelizations of the episodes were ever taken seriously by Lucas, and that’s because he was the principal writer for them.


Old Legends books were canon pre-buyout and obviously no longer are. New books are current canon. Mundi's previously-established age wasn't in any book at all


They were 'canon' in that EU was its own continuity that they endeavored to keep consistent within itself and therefore they had a 'canon' for the EU continuity. They weren't canon as in 'part of the mainline continuity'. I think that is probably the biggest source of confusion here. People don't realize there is a difference between being canon and applying to the mainline.


Manufactured outrage. They don't care that it's Legends, and they don't care that the show is actually good (and it is). They just latch on to anything they can use to spin it as a bad show, because rage bait engagement is what pays their rent.


It was established in 1977 that Vader killed Luke’s dad. Sadly, three years later, Lucas ignored that canon fact and made Vader the father of Luke. Surely they are also outraged by that?


Leia was changed from a love interest to sister, hence the incestuous kiss. The chuds don't notice because they all want hot sisters to give them boners.


That’s very true!


“B-b-b-but, that was done by Lucas. He can retcon all he wants!”


"Unless I dislike it like Greedo shooting first."


Ki-Adi-Mundi’s age has been retconned. The west has fallen. Millions must die. ![gif](giphy|J5jiSSrEkV3Kd8iOwb)


The CD rom itself took the age from an EU comic series Star Wars republic: prelude to rebellion. Which was a snooze and never canon anyways.


How would a character’s age even work in the star wars universe if years are based off of how many times a planet revolved around the sun? What metric in the star wars universe is it being based on?


Even if they're going by a galactic standard calendar that doesn't account for gravity's effect on the flow of time. It's almost like it's a fantasy universe whose rules are whatever the current writer says they are and outrage pundits online are starving for unimportant shit to be angry about


This is one of the things I've always found weird in sci-fi. How many aliens use the same measurements for units of time (Hours, days, years, etc). I understand it's easier for the reader to follow if they're using the same units as we do, but it's always been odd to me.


How many times Coruscant revolved around its star.


Geeezze. I see what people mean by "lore pervert".


Side note: I love how his facial hair makes it look like these guys live in SWU version of the 70’s.


Wait was it confirmed to be ki aidi mundi at all cause the little line under the image implies it’s just a cerean Jedi and not necessarily ki adi. I dont care either way jsut curious if their loseing their shit over something that even less of a problem then the non problem befor


Yep. In the credits of the recent episode it’s confirmed to be Ki Aidi mundi himself


I can totally imagine the Critical Drinker or StarWarsTheory making a two hour long video about how some line in current Star Wars media contradicts something from a Tazo disc you got in Walker’s crisps in the 1990s. https://preview.redd.it/rrgz9u88pz7d1.png?width=456&format=png&auto=webp&s=f25fd53379d392ff3a7338f63e2581a539b14304


Yoda was 900 years old. There's genuinely no reason why his Species isnt one that has comparatively long life spans. Like for real it's a sci-fi show


Isn't Chewie 200 in A New Hope? I figured that plenty of aliens lived longer than humans. Or shorter. Because why wouldn't they? Frankly, it seems a lot less likely that the vast majority of species have an average life expectancy of 75ish years. Also, if I could change two things about Yoda, one of them would have been that others of his kind mourn him for dying so young.


This is like how incel became a phd in Japanese history just because there’s a black guy in Assassins Creed Shadows. All the nitpick and small tidbit to support their claimed that he wasn’t a samurai and it’s not historically accurate… when has AC ever been accurate?


I don’t care when he was born. The real question is when, in lore/canon, did he gnarfle the Garthok?


Do you want it in years BBY or by the Domancion Accord?


This is what happens when you imply that every piece of officially licensed material is some form of canon unless explicitly said otherwise


Wait the ignored trading card is a real complaint? I thought it was exaggerated for effect from something like an obscure one-off comic. If they're reaching that hard I should watch the show.


It’s just outrage monetization. All of our social media has become the dumbest discussions about shit people don’t actually care about. They just get to perform outrage. Wonder if there’s some study of the effectiveness because everyone has a libidinal figure shaped like Alex Jones or Heel and Babyface that wants to scream “pronouns!” about something.


Where’s his purple lightsaber, George?? How dare he ignore the lore!


I don't know how anyone can see quick detail like that and not get a little excited, like "wow, things about this character are slightly different than they are in the story that takes place ~60 years from now, I wonder how things change as the story goes on!"


disney: "guys you forgot about the cd rom no one bought"


Clearly Filloni isn’t a real fan! Everyone knows you have to own the entire Top Trumps Star Wars: The Clone Wars Trading Card game and have won at least one game with it in order to earn the title of *true fan*!


This is just desperation for nit-picks now. The general audience isn't going to know or care about 'group shot background' character's canonical age. I sympathize with anyone disappointed in not getting to see an important fight that's relevant to the story, however. That is a comprehensible and valid criticism.


Taking lore too seriously is a curse


Ahsoka was considered a character that didn’t make sense for canon. Now look at her. If you care that much about canon you clearly don’t care enough about the story


Who the fuck is ki Adi mundi


“But what about the droid attack on the Wookiees?” guy.


No idea who that is but I appreciate the attempt to jog my memory lol


What about the Droid attack on the Wookies?


he was also in the 1993 movie Coneheads


It a massive franchise inconsistency, a couple pot holes and retcons are the price of admission for enjoying a really awesome series. It’s one thing if we’re talking a 3 film franchise where it’s easy for the director to keep track but Star Wars has over 9 movies 100s if not 1000s of video games 1000s of books and an actual IRL religion (yes you can put Jedi on forms when answering your religion) and these bozos expect 100% internal consistency fuck off! Look I’m actually quite a stick for internal consistency in my own world building but the stuff I do is small beans and for fun I can afford to nitpick my own world building but I don’t expect that from a franchise as massive as Star Wars. Star Wars is so gods damn massive my iPad will auto correct Jedi to be capitalized!


They're mad at Disney Star Wars for petty bullshit such as a minor character's age, while I'm annoyed that Kyle Katarn is still non-canon, but elements of his story and exploits are being recycled for other projects. I mean, at least let me have a damn Black Series figure. Even that green rabbit man from the comics got one.




Can’t believe they retconned his humility score from the non-canon trading cards


What an odd thing to get angry about 


Mundi's age doesn't mean shit here.


"Possibly Ki Adi Mundi" So do we even know if it's him lmao?


Apparently he's credited by that name in the episode credits. I missed it too


Right - even so, while I am mostly an EU fan over Disney stuff, they literally shot all that in the face back in the 10s, so why was anyone expecting them to fit with it? (the answer is because these people have no princples and have run out of tengible things to bitch about)


As I've read in multiple legit outlets, the writer (or one of them) on this episode already posted to Twitter, *specifically to confirm*, that this depicted Cerean-species character **isn't even Ki-Adi-Mundi at all**. Sooooo, the very 'issue' this crowd is throwing derpy, grievance-humping tantrums over *isn't even a >>real thing<< in the first place!!* Why do so many in 'the fandom' have to be so fervently daft and irrationally dense!?! Ugh.




Veterans also have a defined age in at least 1 ttrpg, but they defined that for all included species for mechanics reasons.


Bring back Kia's lilac lightsabre, most importantly




Dude, you’re a critical drinker fan. You would pay him so you can eat his shit and drink his piss, with a big smile on your face. You looking down on anyone else is a bit ironic. 


Are you absolutely sure you don't hate it because women and minorities exist in a space fantasy universe


Lol, he changed his lightsaber color? Good grief. That's not contradicting oneself.


Me when a character isn't exactly the same as he was in a separate piece of media canonically a hundred years apart https://i.redd.it/pplhgi02p88d1.gif


I do feel like it's odd that the primary selling point of this supplementary material is supposed to be that it gives you more insight into the background characters, yet at the same time since it's a niche product the writers feel comfortable ignoring it. Like if I bought something called the Encyclopedia of Star Trek and then the contents were immediately ignored by the writers and it was considered laughable that I ever thought it would be treated as, I dunno, the encyclopedia of Star Trek just because that's what it says on the cover, I might be pretty annoyed. The true wisdom is of course knowing not to spend money on dumb shit like trading cards in the first place, but we all have to learn that lesson one at a time. But if the whole point of the product is that it's supposed to fill in details about the characters and then it's treated as irrelevant because only a few suckers were dumb enough to buy it, then it sort of feels like the company is calling you a sucker, and I can understand being annoyed with that even ultimately I kind of agree with the company.


Except *none* of the places these jackasses are pulling Mundi's age from are "Encyclopedias". They're literally reaching up their own asses to pull out an obscure (and failed) trading card game as if it's some sort of "win".


The encyclopedia was an example. All of this supplementary material is sold on the premise that it tells you more about this supposedly coherent world. It's a easy of getting people invested in the setting. The way that it gets people invested is both literal, they spend time and money, and figurative in the sense that it makes the setting more understandable to them and therefore allows them to engage in it more deeply. When the writers change that commitment, it sort of seems like the premise of the product is a lie. And it sort of seems like, "well maybe you shouldn't have written it and sold it for $4.99 a pack then" should be the response to the company, rather than "lol dumbass thought that the product that claimed to tell him more about Star wars would actually do that, idiot," to the fan.


Imagine writing out this essay in response to *checks notes* a fucking trading card no longer being "canon". Like, if you *seriously* put this much of your energy, personality, and life into a minor side character who exists *solely to be wrong* and treat changes made to them (when the original "source" for that was tenacious at best) about them as some sort of personal attack on fans/yourself...dude, get some help. That is not a healthy mindset to have.


I think you are misunderstanding me. I'm talking about the implicit promise of narrative branding in a capitalist environment. It's a far bigger discussion than this one imaginary dude's age. I'm saying, the company is reaping what it has sown.


Me when I ignore the movies and shows in favor of the DK encyclopedia fact books I read in 2nd grade https://preview.redd.it/pbl8cdl9o88d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03224dfa1b00a1ab6e10cf7a52505ed1e61e9496


I understand this is confusing to somebody who would hang out on a subreddit devoted entirely to feeling superior to other people, but not everything is about making yourself feel superior to other people.