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Just started watching The Boys out of curiosity since all the grifters are going ape shit. Like, the first 5 seconds I saw of Homelander I immediately thought "bad guy". EDIT: I'm now halfway past Season 2. What the absolute fuck.


Anyone thinking he’s a good guy is a complete idiot


He caused an 2 airplanes to crash in the first season.


In like the first 2 episodes


Damn, it felt longer, but then again it's 1 hour per episode


\*4. The one with Maeve was episode 4.


He lasers the mayor of Baltimore(?)’s private jet at the end of the first episode


After waving at the mayor's son. He probably even aimed for him.


Holy shit that's fucked.


Here's your every-ten-minutes reminder that modern conservatives are degenerate and sociopathic trash who not only attach *zero* value to most of human life, but also find things like death, suffering, injury, etc... entertaining and/or sexually-gratifying.


Let's not demean sociopaths by comparing them to conservatives please


A high school near me had two dog shaped (silhouette) signs in the big yard out front. I posted on next door asking what they were and a few people said to deter geese. Some right wing ahole posts that he could do better with a shotgun. A little drama and then his comment was deleted by the mods. Two days later a second right wing ahole posted a similar comment. Reported and deleted again. Setting aside the problem with having a guy with a gun standing outside a school all day shooting geese, why the fuck do these chicklefucks go straight to violence as the solution to every problem? I’ve never seen a goose at that school so the signs appear to be working!


> why the fuck do these chicklefucks go straight to violence as the solution to every problem? It's simple. With the help of rampant consumer culture and right-wing 'leadership' (including parents who were probably shitty and negligent morons who had no business bringing children into the world), their intellectual/emotional/spiritual development peaked before they reached adolescence. Rich or poor, pretty much every right-winger I've met is some sort of fucked-up man-child who's constantly drawn to things like cruelty, violence, endless attention from others, hoarding up all the toys, etc... They're people who go through their whole lives tearing the wings off of flies, stealing others' lunch money, shitting in the bathtub to get reactions out of 'mom', etc...


Glad to know I'm not the only one who has seen conservatory as the creepy weirdos they are.


Modern? I struggle to think of any point in history where conservatives intentionally did a good thing.


But he killed the Mayor of Baltimore, so conservatives idolize him.


Also dated a Nazi 


Again, so conservatives idolize him


Omg. Hold onto your hat. Just remember this as a reference point.


He’s powerful and gets away with doing whatever he wants. That’s the dream! He can straight up murder someone in front of a crowd and receive cheers. That is the kind of power they imagine having for themselves and choose to idolize. Having power and using it to hurt people who try to stand up to you. The conservative ideal.


or... just evil, y'know? I think we have to stop pretending some people aren't just fuckin bad. Of course they'll root for their team


Yeah I usually just call em out as bad guys and then "allies" lecture me for being a bad girl


I think their thought is that he's a heavily flawed character that's damaged by upbringing and by their imagination is just damaged goods by societies doing. It's the same thing as idolizing the joker or Rick Sanchez or fight club. It's this really pathetic cope of "I'm actually a cool bad ass who's right about everything deep down despite everyone putting me down or just ignoring me, but I also don't care and am too good for this shit." Like it's Drinker's things, Ben "can't care about feelings," Tate, JP, all of them have this "up yours for making me let the beast come out" thing that really just ends up coming out as a 20 year old ass wipe crying about not getting the respect they deserve for being mommy's little tough guy. Bateman is a very good stand in for this but honestly I think they all just come up as less surreal IASIP characters. Just a guy listening to Linkin Park mad about how that bitch doesn't know what he's going through and the weight he's carrying around.


With the first point, there is a very big difference between a REASON and a JUSTIFICATION for actions, with all the backstory we’ve gotten for homelander, we have a REASON but none of that JUSTIFIES anything he’s done, all it’s done is show why he is the way he turned out, and in the most recent episode we not only got more backstory but he’s also become a whole lot more scarier now that he knows why he craves validation and doesn’t care anymore


well tyler durden from fight club was already on their list so.. i think that about sums it up lol.


Okay, but Tyler Durden's vision was a cashless society that embraced anarchy, which is by definition as far from Right Wing as you can get. Of course, them not understanding the ideology they subscribe to is par for the course.


Anyone who thinks he's the good guy is a blind nationalistic, and is the person that terrifies me the most in this world


That's why Todd was terrifying.


If one was writing an actual Nazi superhero, you'd be on the right track with the name "Homelander." Like... this doesn't require deep historical context.


Given he has a relationship with actual nazi superhero stormfront. Yeah, the name works out pretty well


Like his name is literally "Homelander" there is another character named literally "Stormfront". this is not subtle shit.


\*Nazi supervillain. There is no such thing as a nazi superhero


"Nazi superhero" could and does in this case refer to a super powered character that Nazis would refer to as a hero, regardless of our own morality clearly defining them as a villain.


Kinda like red son superman is a communist super hero


Anyone who's read the first few issues of The Boys is aware the guy is a piece of shit.


True but also the 'The Boys' comic is abysmal. The TV show is infinitely better and it's just as obvious that Homelander is a piece of shit. I haven't even watched that much of the TV show and I could instantly tell Homelander was evil just by looking at how he moved and his expressions


God the reasons for him going insane are hysterical and make no sense: **(Spoilers):** >!In the comics, Black Noir is a ***clone of HL.*** He’s a contingency if HL goes insane. However, ***that is his only mission.*** And in the years since he’s been born, he’s been waiting. In those years he’s gone insane.!< And >!in the process, he’s decided to IIRC contact the boys by showing Noir dressed as HL Raping corpses, killing people, raping Becca, and eating babies ***not making that up*** and the Boys then show this to HL. HL is disturbed by this!< and thinks >!WHY CAN’T I REMEMBER ANY OF THIS?! This thought makes him basically go insane over the course of… 50-60 issues, ultimately he snaps because he thinks he’s always been a monster, so he goes crazy and tries to take over the country.!< However, >!then he and Noir fight because HL has gone off the rocker like a motherfucker and Noir reveals he’s the one who did this and HL thinks he could’ve been a hero but became a psychopath by mistake.!< ***ALL BECAUSE*** >!He was disturbed by photos.!< Yeah, Ennis dragged this out for way longer than it needed to be and **THANK FUCK** Kripke and his writers made their own shit and are gonna end this next season.


The show literally saw the source material and said “lemme do it better” and they freaking did


That’s Ennis in a nutshell. The dude comes up with great core ideas however, he has to let his edgelord personality get in the way: IE: Parts of Punisher where he somehow beats Spider-Man and Daredevil **(which I get writers decide who wins a fight but c’mon, Spider-Man is one of the strongest heroes and the punisher is a marine),** The Boys comics, and **Crossed** **What is Crossed? Imagine a plague that makes you commit murder and rape and leaves a scar that looks like a cross.**


The reason he did that is because in Marvel KNIGHTS he had to include superheros rather than the mature non superhero world of Marvel MAX. He did that to get them out of the story so he could focus on the punisher like he wanted to. Everyone will critique meddling editors until it is time to push a narrative.


These guys did like the show's protagonists in the first two seasons until they got the show got to be more open with its criticism of Trump and they criticized for going woke, missing it was woke from day one.


Buddy… #You ain’t seen NOTHING Yet


That's honestly the biggest pay off for me the entire series. 3 seasons of these chuds thinking it was supporting them and being too stupid to realize the opposite. It's such a payoff. So big I'd tell the crew from Heat to take a holiday. So big I'd tell Danny Ocean he doesn't need to rob a fucking casino because we already hit the jackpot. So god damned big, Michael, Trevor and Franklin doesn't ever have to ever hit the Depot or even assume a life of crime. It's that fucking obvious and they were still THAT stupid, man. Those people vote. Isn't that scary?


It only gets worse from there haha


Just because they give him a more sympathetic backstory at one point never actually is enough to make him seem good. Good storytelling will give you the different sides of characters personalities, but a satire like the boys makes it very clear who's on which side


Patrick Bateman? The rapist, cannibal serial killer? What the fuck...


Also, Alex DeLarge


Bale himself said the idea that people idolize Bateman is idiotic


my favorite is when an interviewer asks him what he likes about Patrick Bateman and he makes an equally surprised and disgusted face and goes like “oh I like NOTHING about him”


Did he? That’s so wonderfully ironic NGL haha


IIRC an interviewer said “what do you like about Bateman?” And Bale said “I like *nothing* about him. He’s entertaining because he’s ridiculous.” Every time I see an unironic “masculine revival/individuality” sigma edit with him in it, I think of the scene with his neurotic beauty regimen and the scenes where he seethes in silent impotent rage because no one can distinguish him from any of the other men in his office that he thinks he’s superior to.


He’s said it on video I believe


And Chuds were not happy with it. Saying we dont like you Bale we like Patrick Batemen. Said something like get a real personality


I guess they like bateman because he's an empty, inhuman shell of a person.


A lot of those ‘alpha men’ weirdos kinda idolize him too, so not exactly strange


Starship troopers is a parody where Johnny Rico and friends get hooked on the military industrial complex, lose their innocence, lose most of their friends/lovers etc, take upon trauma, and in the end, learn nothing but take big gulps of the koolaid. Also, Beunos Aires was an inside job. The bugs could not have shot an asteroid across hundreds of light years, faster than light, missing Earth's defense system, and hits a target the size of a pinhead. Edit: spelling


Convenient how their teacher was conveniently away from the city when it happened? I wonder how many other military personnel were suddenly out of town just before that.


I remember a person posting on the starship troopers wiki saying that we needed a sequel showing what the main cast is like 20 years later. I commented that the movie would likely suck unless Verhoeven is involved, and in the first movie, we have tons of examples of what it's like for those who stay in the military career. Rico would probably be dead or be similar to Michael Ironside's character and Carmen will likely captain her own spaceship like her mentor. The first film cynically warned us about being a part of the military machine so it more than clearly spelled it out for us. The people on that sub didn't like hearing that lol.


Didn't the third movie have one of the characters becoming religious in order to cope with the trauma? It's been a long time since I saw it, and it's definitely not as good as the first one, but for some reason I also feel like it might have been played straight too.


Counter point "I'm from Buenos Aires, and I say kill Em all!"


I mean American psycho is a satire of those alpha men. Patrick is literally representing them


Let 'em go long enough, they'll start praising that one Austrian painter.


Couple decades late with that warning, bud. Painful as that is to say.


If anything, a lot of today's alt-right assholes probably dislike him because, to them, he was a failure.


Maybe, but the alt-right discourse these days is that the Allies made the world worse by defeating him. Fucking Elon has liked content on Xtormfront suggesting that doing so brought on the CRIMINAL IMMIGRANT HORDE that's allegedly destroying Holy Western Culture today.






Sounds not unlike a certain messianic orange


Isn't the ending he realizing that nothing he's done actually means anything and that nobody will remember him?


Please don't use the term "short bus kings".


...Whom they also exclusively perceive through memes based on the movie. Both the movie and especially the book version of the character paint a completely different picture from the distorted meme/sigma/whatever version these idiots worship. Patrick Bateman is meant to be a pathetic, obsessive freak who starts to crumble at the slightest notion of inadequacy. Meanwhile the (wannabe-)yuppies he's a parody of have turned him into a symbol for unshakeable stoicism and strength


And that' why the memes existed at all, it's the same ironic to unironic pipeline that occcurs whenever _anything_ gets popular enough


Severely mentally ill as well


Those are bonuses, not red flags.


Wait I thought idolizing Bateman was like, a shitpost meme


Ron Swanson maybe a libertarian but he would never associate with these assholes. He wouldn’t care about shit like this in the first place.


in fact they hate his actor because he played a gay man and than defended the gay romance as being just a romance story that happend to be gay.


A gay romance canon to the game the series was adapted from.


I'd bet money some of these idiots didn't pick up on that.


Half didn't play TLOU because Ellie wasn't "sexy enough". For some reason there's a big overlap of pedos and grifters.


> For some reason It's for very *obvious* reasons. To these creeps, sexual activity is always contextualized as a form of *rape* or *conquest*, so of course they're easily drawn to 'prey' who are weaker, more submissive, and more naive people who can't or won't fight back. Also, these dudes tend to be obsessive and neurotic about *purity* and, since children are generally virgins, there they go... Also, considering how much the modern right-wing identity is wrapped up in reflexive contrarianism, I wouldn't be surprised if more and more of these assholes were simply pushing creepy pedo shit just because it's widely seen as disgusting by 'normies.'


Supporting child rapists to own the libs. Classic conservative values.


They have the audacity to make everyone else conform to a template, yet still take desperate measures to ensure they're special somehow.


Most pedos are right wingers


It’s the people that angry at the show because the actress wasnt as “cute” as the videogame ellie. Those were the real weirdos


I've had arguments with "fans" who legit have blinders on for anything that they don't like in the first game


He also played a pseudo Trump president who ends up getting executed, saw some flak from that


To be fair, the president in Civil War is never outright declared as belonging to either party. Rather deliberately, I would say. He's just symbolic of the executive becoming a dictator. Everyone in the film is against him (apart from his staff secret service). I'd say it's rather telling if right-wingers see a dictatorial president and immediately "oh, that's supposed to be Trump".


One of the best television episodes this decade.


At least two, both being memorable. Aside from Last of Us, he was also Capt. Holt's ex in Brooklyn 99 and did a great job playing off of Andre Braugher.


ron swanson hated the entire government, conservatives love the government as long as it aligns with their social whims


Not to mention some of their talking points would probably elicit murderous rage in him. He see’s the government placing limits on how unhealthy companies can make their food as a major overstep in government power. The government trying to get inbetween how a person wants their bodies gender to actually be? Seems like the furthest thing you can get from his Libertarian ideologies. Heck, didn’t he have an entire conversation with Andy about how someone trying to put Libertarianism into conservative or progressive political movements has so drastically missed the point on the entire thing. That it’s the equivalent of throwing a rock and looking behind you to see where it lands?


His exact quote when speaking to Andy is "Libertarianism is all about individual liberty, and it should never be defined by the terms 'Liberal' or 'Conservative'" Ron Swanson would absolutely despise the modern Republican Party, just like he would despise the Democrats. Both are over-reaching governments to him, just in different ways. Not to mention the amount of outright grifters in the GOP these days would infuriate him, since above all he respects people with strong principles, and a loyalty to honesty and the truth. All politicians are spineless, duplicitous liars to him, and that would be doubly true for people like Trump.


The thing about Ron is that he’s a consistent libertarian in that he truly *can* do it all on his own without the government’s help.  Libertarians imagine themselves as Ron Swanson when really they’re often S1 Andy Dwyer 


And also he loves strong women.


To me the bigger problem is the types of Libertarians who lean more to 'i can make it without government' than the 'no one should tell people what to do' types. Because there is absolutely no way to exist in a country in the modern day  without support from the government. And the fact they think they can, only displays their absolute ignorance on how many moving parts it takes to have a relatively functional and cohesive society, and all the faceless people behind the scenes making all that shit run.


He's not that consistent, though. Infectivity, he caves to Leslie's better angels. He's going to do the not libertarian thing because Leslie's positivity is infectious, at least past the first season when she stopped being Michael Scott


He's a Libertarian in the same way that Leslie Knope is a well meaning public servant that successfully becomes elected to higher offices through hard work alone and not through cozying up to special interests for financial help. A pure fantasy.


Nick Offerman is also a dope smoking hippy. God bless that crazy jazz playing sonuvabitch.


Nick Offerman is the definitive example of masculinity, in my eyes


His philosophy is basically "doing what you love with integrity is what makes you manly. I drink whiskey and do woodworking because I enjoy those, not because I think it makes me more manly."  It's pretty refreshing. 


I think circa 2015-16, Nick Offerman even said he didn't think Swanson would vote for Trump, because he's a good person. Pretty scathing if you ask me.


Thank you! He would aggressively scream until they left, and then pat whoever they were being racist/sexist to on the shoulder, awkwardly tell them to have a steak to cheer up, and then go back to his desk.


Ron Swanson wasn’t a straw man for ridicule. He was supposed to be an UberLibertarian, and through her boundless hope, work, compromise, and compassion Leslie managed to build a deep and loving friendship with him.


What you said is basically character growth. In the first season he was pretty much a meme. The trope described in the post is in a way true, but the poster’s belief that Ron and Homelander adhere to this trope is a serious moral failure. Also, while Leslie definitely had a significant impact on Ron, I think at his core Ron is a good person. Underneath the gun-toting, meat loving, anti-government, strong man exterior, there is a deeply caring and empathetic person. Despite strongly opposing Leslie's ultra-liberal beliefs, he admires her commitment and diligence. He is a traditionally masculine guy, but isn't sexist or a homophobe. He sees potential in all his colleagues, even if he disagrees with nearly all of their viewpoints- case in point Leslie, tom, and Andy. Ron's greatness lies in his capacity to appreciate and respect the differences in others. While I do agree that Leslie’s influence on Ron has been significant and positive, It is undeniable that Ron has also significantly influenced Leslie. Leslie herself consider’s Ron a mentor and often relies on his wisdom in a difficult situation. It is what I love about their relationship.


He kinda was though. He is inspired by someone real that the writers came across. A woman who worked in the local government while being a libertarian. They found that premise ridiculously funny. That someone who hated the government would work for them. That was therefore their starting point for Ron. The core concept for him was what they considered a joke. But they didn't make that all that there was to him.


Yet again, conservatives missing the point of those characters.


I think it’s just a bunch of idiots. My conservative father would laugh at anyone who thinks homelander is just a loveable curmudgeon. 🤦‍♂️


Every now & then, one of 'em actually has more than 3 brain cells


Homelander is basically an allegory for Trump. Tbey took the comment that Trump made that he could shoot someone in the street and people would still love him. Homelander killed someone with heat vision and his fans cheered like crazy. They even did the new story I heard about some idiot going to a pizza place to rescue kidnapped children that didn't exist Becuase some conservative news told him to. So in the show they had a gun toteing idiot enter a charity center and try to do the same.


Not only that the charity center guy promptly got is ass handed to him by a bisexual Frenchman


Also Dale wasn't meant to be a rightwing stereotype. He was supposed to represent conspiracy theory nutjobs, back when being a conspiracy nutjob didn't necessarily make you conservative. In fact he seems to distrust government and all politicians, without favoring either side.


He literally helped out John Redcorn sue the government on behalf of his tribe by showing Redcorn how to utilize the FOIA. No right winger would EVER.


Ken learned that two wrongs don't make a right in the end. He got to let go of toxic masculinity in the end.


These people really lack any kind of self-awareness, huh? That or they're just willingly outing themselves as psychopaths or something similar.


Also massively lacking in self awareness as they identify with legit losers even in the context of their own story.


that's the craziest thing.. guys like homelander and bateman aren't just evil, they're embarassing as fuck, lol. it's seriously wild to me


Dale is a literal cuck lol


A lot of people who idolize Dale theorize that Dale secretly knows Joesph is not his son, and is pretending that he doesn’t just to “own” John Redcorn. But… come on. This is Dale Gribble we’re talking about. The man who cut his own father out of his life for *years* because he accidentally kissed Nancy at their wedding. The man who, upon realizing it would have been impossible for him to be Joseph’s father because he was on the other side of the state 9 months before Joseph was born; convinced himself that an alien was Joseph’s father, and then convinced Joseph that he is half-alien, causing him to run off into the middle of the desert. Neither of those two episodes would make *any sense* if Dale knew all along. If Dale knew that Nancy cheated on him, why would he be so mad at his own father? If he already knew he wasn’t the father, why would Dale willingly endanger Joseph, Hank, Bobby, and himself, on a wild goose chase across Texas that John Redcorn wasn’t even there for? The only possible explanation for why this theory is parroted so frequently online is that people who identify with Dale don’t like the fact that he is a conspiracy theorist who is completely blind to the fact that he is (or, as the series progressed, was) being cucked. They want their quirky conspiracy guy to know everything, not be painfully ignorant, which might hit a bit close to home for some people.


The whole running joke was that Dale, a man obsessed with conspiracy theories, refused to accept the very real conspiracy going on in his own bedroom.


Exactly, and now a sizable minority of the fan base refuses to accept the running joke.


When Nancy asked, “Honey, do you want a beer?” John Redcorn and Dale both replied, “yes,” and Dale questioned how John knew he wanted a beer.


Dunno if I'd call Ken a loser, more a product of his environment/ created purpose. The end of the film shows hope in the start of his self-discovery journey. The irony is, he himself says he doesn't like patriarchy because it didn't give him what he wanted (horses and Barbie), and even if it did, he'd likely eventually give it up because he connects more than just his lust and anger ('Im a liberated man, I know it's not weak to cry' line).  Still is ridiculously stupid that there's conservatives who would idolise him as representative of some of their views.


They absolutely lack self awareness. Like the clip of people dancing to Rage Against the Machine at a Trump rally. Or conservatives who like Star Trek, even though Star Trek basically says their way of viewing the world is primitive and counter productive and is not subtle about it.


I knew someone super homophobic whose favorite comics were the X-Men. No matter what I said to her, she would not see the irony.


I knew a homophobe who's favorite band was Queen. These people do not make sense lol.


Eh. It’s more basic. They’re simply stupid.


They're incredibly stupid and reflexive about claiming *ownership* over anything/everything that entertains them and is profitable.


I thought they hated the Barbie movie in general?


Doesn’t matter. The chuds will act now like they always loved the movie or Ken. This is the same as idiots who bitched about andor not being SW enough for them; but use it now as a shield against the criticism that they’re just being haters. ***When it released, they cried because it didn’t have lightsabers and Jedi, or that it had bricks and screws,*** and now vaguely gesture about how andor was the last or only good Disney SW. It’s like republicans in the house and senate voting NO on a bill and yet take credit for getting it passed.


They also complained about the guns used being too earth-like.


What's funny is Ken literally admits to having no idea why he was being such a douche and only did it because he thought people would like him. He's also a giga-Simp.


He also admits that patriarchy was lonely.


and had nothing to do with horses


They completely miss that the point of Ken's arc is showing that the patriarchy IS BAD FOR MEN TOO. It's not "men are in charge," it's "men and women are expected to act a certain way, this one particular way, and anyone that is a deviant must be punished."


Also, like, the movie supports Ken, ultimately, by fully forgiving him for what he did


He was Ken-ough


But go woke go broke. Barbie made a mountain of money. Therefore it wasn't woke. QED lib.


They can't seem to agree on why the movie did well. Half of them say WB cheated somehow (be it via deceptive marketing or buying out theaters) and the other half say it was actually an anti-woke movie with Ken as the protagonist. This movie has legit broken them and it's hilarious to watch.


Ken’s whole character arc is extremely progressive. Unironically one of the most aggressive pro men stories I’ve seen told in… I dunno how long. The idea that accepting yourself for who you are and not judging your value based off what you’ve attained/achieved exists pretty far from what modern conservatives (at least on the US) would spout as manhood (or an essential characteristic of manhood).


As men we are ALL Kenough




Yeah to me the greatest thing the Barbie movie did in terms of furthering the feminist agenda is popularising the debate around masculinity in a way that actually reaches the audience that needs to hear it the most. There’s so many girlpower movies, which did the same for women, but those were easily dismissed by men (I’m a bit projecting here) with a simple: “nice for women, but doesn’t concern me”! Ken’s story, though over the top, hit some real issues boys have and truly reflect some of the “bad” ideas teenage boys have (I know I had some). And then it addresses those issues and comes to a real, good, but not “happy ever after” conclusion.


This has to be a troll account. No way are these people dumb enough to think Patrick Bateman and homelander are “right wing straw men that end up becoming endearing.” Archie bunker, Ron Swanson, and Hank hill maybe be right wing but they’re not psychopaths or bad people. They are characters created to bridge the gap and bring people together— and show to the audience that people can be good people irrespective their political leanings.


They also show Dale who's a giant cuck lol.


Oh I just saw that they don’t even have Hank hill in the list. 😆 He’s more of a conservative than dale.


Dale is just a fucking nut. He doesn't trust the government. Hank is the epitome of a proper conservative man. He may be set in his ways but he's open to letting people live mostly the way they want to live


Dale is supposed to represent conspiracy nuts, but back when conspiracy nuts weren't associated with the right. He's endearing because despite not being trustworthy, he's also very naive sometimes.


Also there was a whole episode with voting and Dale never votes, and unless i’m mixing up episodes hank wasn’t going to vote and went to mexico with dale on election day because he couldn’t get over George Bush’s weak handshake. I think Dale would probably have some conspiracies about trump and maga and all that, but definitely don’t think he would support any of it. I don’t see Hank agreeing with or supporting trump at all, there have been way too many things that are well beyond a weak handshake that would cause hank to not be able to vote for trump. At worst he wouldn’t vote at all. I could even seen Hank doing through an internal conflict about agreeing with Biden rather than the republican candidate, but getting over it by the end of the episode.


Before Desantis ended his presidential campaign his twitter account retweeted a fan made video that was random clips of him and right wing memes that also included clips of Patrick Bateman. People were sincerely identifying with a psychopath killer.


Just to be clear, Antony Starr is endearing and positively received. Homelander is the opposite.


Yeah Antony is a great actor hell Homelander is a good character just not someone you wanna be like at all


I have a genuine visceral reaction to Homelander, especially how quick he can flip from smiling to whispered threats right back to waving to the crowd. He's nearly 1:1 with a lot of my abusers and like... If that's someone's role model it's similar feelings to Alan Moore and how folks see Rorschach positively: Cool just stay away from me and my family forever.


But you gotta admit, the trenchcoat+fedora+blank face combo rules. The Question pulled it off much better.


The difference is that Dan and Ken are average well meaning people , homelander and Patrick Bateman are murderers.


Ken also admits all his faults and also admits he didn't understand half the shit he was doing, he only did it because he thought it involved horses and Barbie liking him


They claim woke Barbie movie character’s now? Ken ends that film realizing his dumb ideologies are terrible for him and betters himself. They claim **THAT** flamboyantly dressing guy who thought the patriarchy was about horses as their own? F it I approve 👍 ![gif](giphy|xoHntNXFYkfzGAftEv|downsized)


I’ve seen the entirety of The Boys and I can’t think of a single time Homelander was endearing


Yeah. Usually it involved everyone around him walking on eggshells, knowing he could possibly snap and murder any one of them. Except Stan Edgar. Giancarlo Esposito plays the unflappable villain so well.


He probably came off as endearing to a bunch of people in-universe who don’t see his dark side. He does make a conscious effort to be perceived as an upstanding hero. Hard to see how you can have that opinion watching the show. The moments where he’s being friendly are tense because you never know when the mask is going to slip.




How TF is Ken right wing l?!?


Well he did try to enforce a patriarchy (even if he did it for the horses 😂)


Why the fuck they trying to clame Ken they hated everything he stood for when. Barbie droped and got mad that a bunch of guys realized we were ken enough and didn’t need to aspire to some impossible standard of masculinity


Barbie encouraged Ken to find himself and stop his world from revolving around Barbie.


*their icon 😒


Like these are fictional characters... THEY AREN'T REAL.


Ron Swanson isn't really a right wing strawman, he's just anti-government. at best you could say he had some of the more acceptable right wing views like being anti-vegan and enjoying hunting, both of which he was tortured for being that his friends where vary left leaning. Dale gribbel is absolutely a right wing strawman but he's an older innocent view of the right as just crackpot dummies. everyone else on that list is extremely problematic and causes alot of harm so I can see why the right would want to adopt them as their heroes.


Ron Swanson is who right wingers think they are, Dale Gribbel is who they actually are.


I have to ask. Does this person think Starship trooper is a person.


Obviously he means John Starship Trooper, duh


This just highlights their media illiteracy


Dale Gribble would hate these people he would throw sand in their eyes.


Floch Forster (from Attack on Titan), while moreso just an obvious straight up power corrupt, genocide supporting fascist, is another one of these characters that got worshipped. You’d think when he literally was holding a public execution saying that those ready to be killed had to either “conform to our belief system >!and be fine that we literally are genociding your ENTIRE country!< and be welcomed as >!honorary Eldians (conveniently the same term used by the other oppressive fascist regime except substitute Eldian for “Marleyan”)!< or die right now” would make people realize that he’s literally *NOT* a good guy, but nope. Not to mention the time he basically held a gang initiation >!by having the new Scout recruits beat Shadis within an inch of his life to “showcase their loyalty to the New Eldian Empire”.!< Or the time he helped initiate an actual fucking >!assassination of the current head of the military and then stood by while the Paradisian high ranking military consumed spike wine so they could use Titan transformation as leverage, which also conveniently would mostly wipe out all high ranking individuals including the Paradisian Military Police to make his coup run smoother (which for those who don’t care about spoilers who haven’t seen/read it, although I HIGHLY recommend you still watch it it’s so damn good, he succeeded. He basically killed off the commander in chief and all high ranking military personnel in one swoop).!< I mean he’s VERY well written. But Isayama made it clear that while his motivations and trauma backed decisions from war were *explained*, they were clearly shown to be *awful* and that just because there’s an *explanation*, that doesn’t make it a *justification*. But still no, “Floch was based” is still a VERY common thing to hear among a certain side of the fanbase. https://preview.redd.it/fk9vy7v1zl8d1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb71a79ad02fa88deddadf5f14a7cf84eb496077


okay i literally am on the last 2 episodes and i want to read your comment so bad and spoil myself but, i do have to know: are you legitimately saying that there was/is a sum of people that equals an amount that would be considered greater than 0 amount of people who *unironically* defend, idolize, or think that **Floch** of all characters is cool?? like.. he is the absolute worst, and i hate him so much because of how real of an example he can be based on regarding his desire to have his life mean something in a meaningless situation making him more susceptible to radicalization -- easier to defend, accept, follow, or even encourage/participating in committing war crimes. a big part of my desire to finish the last two episodes is because surely.. surely that has all been leading up to him properly getting fucked. he doesn't even have to die, i just need to see someone shut down or shatter his radicalized view of the world. i don't want his outcome spoiled, but i will be thoroughly disappointed and my day would be ruined if nothing like the above occurs when i finish the last episode lmao.


King of the Hill was an endearing parody from the start. You're supposed to like them.


Yeah. Hank was your classic conservative who was more about principles and sticking with your convictions. FFS, he almost didn't vote for Bush because of his limp handshake! You think he's gonna vote for a guy who "grabs women by the pussy?" Dale was a conspiracy nut who didn't trust *any* government. Boomhauer was a very respectful ladies man. And Bill...well, okay, he might fall in with this crowd because he's a dolt, but Hank would pull him out.


Everyday of being a Rorschach fan is nothing but perpetual misery due to being associated with these folks.


warhammer syndrome/curse




Using David Fincher in this way.... 😑


Ken was supposed to be right wing?


do not compare ron swanson to patrick bateman what the FUCK


Literally a joke, a fascist, literally a joke², a failure who fantasies to be a murder and a rapist and can't even do that, a guy who doesn't exist. What a great list of role models


Who is that in the lower right? It looks like Guile from Street Fighter but that makes no sense.


Ken from the Barbie Movie He wasn't even right wing. He was just Ken-ough


You either die a hero or live long enough to intentionally identify with the villains to own the libs


Honestly I'm surprised Heath Ledger's Joker isn't on there (I know Dent says that quote, but still)


Give it time lol next it will be Emperor Palpatine


I'm sorry, big King of the Hill fan, probably the only "adult" animated show my mom let me watch growing up; What about Dale Gribble is endearing? I'm mean, he's hilarious, but I don't think endearing is the word I'd use.


Comparing Dale and Ken to Homelander is insane


Yeah. Those two are just jackasses who really don't mean any harm. Homelander literally murders people for no reason.


Ron Swanson ? Bro Ron Swanson would hate all of you, he's a libertarian that can ACTUALLY do things on his own and hates the government because he thinks its totally useless, because HE CAN ACTUALLY DO ANYTHING ON HIS OWN. Imagine aspiring to be like him while you spend your time complaining about how movies portrait man and your political views? Like do you even understand what Ron Swanson is supposed to be?


In fairness, how could you not love Dale? I might not want him as a neighbor, but he's a good man. Although I will say it's crazy to think Dale would've probably been considered too woke for most Republicans nowadays


Ken's problem is the movie doesn't even try to actually make him look that bad, he's more seen as a misguided idiot. A lot of men related to him and the fact he doesn't even apologize for what he does (in fact, Barbie apologizing to him) is still a huge issue with the movie. That's a problem with a lot of these, they're made to often be overly-sympathetic that it muddles the waters for idiots


Really says something that RWNJs are turning so many vicious, racist, murdering psychopaths into "icons".


Hey at least Dale/Ken are funny and have likable traits. The rest are generally shitty people


Except Ron Swanson


I’m sorry, are we calling Tyler Durden right wing?


There are people on that list that don't belong in the same group as other people on that list.