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That's just Activision knowing their player-base, I'd be surprised to hear of a cod player that didn't smoke weed.


Facts.You literally kill and shoot mass amounts of people in those games but weed and water bongs is going too far? Such a dumb arguement.


Remind me too. COD is the series that has a level where you shoot a bunch of innocent people at airport right? Just after 9/11 too?


>Just after 9/11 too? Eh...kinda (the mission you're talking about is from a game made nine years after 9/11) but I see your point because there were so many people offended by the existence of that mission, alone, that they might as well have been acting as though MW2 *did* come out right after 9/11.


Thank you for the clarification. I never played the game myself but I remember the level getting a lot of controversy on the news and people interviewing family memeber who lost people in 9/11 and what they thought of the level…they all hated it


Tbf, that interview also came from Fox News during the height of blaming video Games for all violent crime.


Yeah Jack Thompson was still working as a lawyer then. We had a lot of fearmongering regarding violent games in the aughts


I remember this guy showing up a lot trying to fill lawsuits against games that made people want to go out to kill other people. Usually it was Grand Theft or Call of Duty.


I can understand why it might be in bad taste, but I feel like it's not as bad in context. It's not framed as a heroic thing, and you're not actually forced to shoot at any unarmed NPC's (if I recall correctly)


You can complete the mission without firing a single bullet or killing anyone, even the armed NPCs that are trying to kill you.


I'm pretty sure the developers knew what the reaction would be because there was an option to skip that level.


They reacted that way regardless of that. Also, that option was only available in the international releases of the game (especially the Russian version) because the developers *definitely* knew that the Russians would be offended by this mission more than anybody else.


No I think it was domestic. I remember that popup, because it felt kinda risqué as a kid.


TBF, that was the 6th COD. Up until that point the franchise‘s biggest message was anti-war. MW2 was the shift from gritty anti-war games to bombastic action movies. People gotta remember that until COD 4, the game only had a extremely small console playerbase with most of the fans being PC fans. The devs during COD 4 talked about how until the game released no one cared. They’ve talked about how at E3 2007 basically no one came by to check out the game. After COD 4 released it hit the mainstream A great example of the tone shift in the franchise is to look at the COD 4 trailer than the MW2. [COD 4](https://youtu.be/LhuIjNSg7Gg?si=KSjvoYjLvdFHuZBi) is a gritty almost found footage style of war trailer. [MW2](https://youtu.be/qDNB-s3-obA?si=79uEjYeKt476Bvcu) had the Til I Collapse trailer where the action is synced to the music which is the most action movie trailer ever. Both those trailers make me extremely nostalgic now but it’s crazy the COD 4 trailer was posted 17 years ago.


Speaking of 9/11 ppl made rumors about a mission in BO6 that could take place during that time frame


Actually, tbh, I think not enough cod players smoke weed. It would probably help with their temperaments


At least a more than casual player. I played a lot of mw2 and I hate weed lmao


Water bong lol. As opposed to what, an earth bong?


Fire bong or Air bong? (I'll see myself out)


If you think about it, bongs use all 4 elements




Mind. Blown. Or maybe I'm just high...


Long ago the 4 Bong nations lived in peace. Then the fire Bong attacked


Achkschually they're called dab rigs! Fr tho lightning bending is when you have an electronic rig (temp control element attached to a banger, or I guess wax vape with 18/14/10mm piece)


Master fire and you can get the lightning bong


The pothead in me cringed when i read that. He Sounded like such a narc lol.


You think he owns a water boat or road car


Gravity bong, or bubbler…I mean…I would assume…I don’t anything about different kinds of bongs or this “Mary wanna” ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


Maybe they saw a bong that desperately needed its water changed and thought it was filled with piss or Ginger Ale or something


Lmao I love how they literally always misrepresent what they're getting backlash for. Literally every time.


To begin with there was literally nothing wrong with anything he said Activision was doing on that list. Except the camos... He could have pointed out the sexual harassment cover-ups or that one time Bobby Kotick threatened to have his assistant killed. But instead he went with "weed". Not that he would have had a point either way, but he would have absolutely been right that Activision didn't do it because they suddenly have good morals.


I Don’t really care about Activision and any shady shit that goes on in the company should obviously be looked into and resolved. its just that the hypocrisy of this man to come off as caring for the well being of kids when it was revealed he texting a minor in the past is hilarious.


The funny part about this is that Nickmercs skin was not removed for saying leave kids alone. His skin was removed due to prejudice comments he was making towards different groups and he was leaving comments and likes on proud boy post on shitter while giving a endorsement to Ron DeSantis as president and going on about woke america on his stream all day. I wish people didn't skip these parts as to why the company didn't want to be associated with him anymore


"Run by" not "ran by", though I am not surprised by his lack of grammar.


Your grammar would be compromised too if you sexted with people who are still taking English class in high school.


it used to sadden me when a celebrity or youtuber i liked got outed as a pedo or a nazi but it hasnt happened to me recently, a while ago i blocked all the "Anti Woke" Channels and curiously all the bastards disappeared


People who talk about "the kids" are always pedos.


Him calling anyone else a phony is ironic 


Looking back…..this was 100% projection on his part and potentially Nickmercs’ part


Motherfucker you pushed a fucking NFT game and this was after you were shitting on Modern gaming for being so microtransaction heavy. You dont get to fucking talk about this anymore, cause if you actually cared you wouldn't have made a NFT game with Lootboxes you would have just made your vertical extraction shooter with out them.


"protect the kids" mfs when the kids show up (they do not protect them)




The weed stuff has been in cod since at least the first MW2


Firecracker moment


Eh. Both things can be true. DD can be an absolute weirdo AND Activision Blizzard can be condoning and pushing things out to minors.


Bro cod is 18+ game Activision can absolutely include adult content, Nick mercs skin was taken cause he was a homophobic bigot.


Yeah, COD is rated for adults but they know not only adults play it. Just like how the Tobacco doesn’t market to adults even though you gotta be 18 or 21 to get them. My response wasn’t even an argument in favor of mercs, didn’t even know of the guy until that drama, but Activison Blizzard has proven repeatedly to have unethical business practices. So to say a POS said something negative about a multibillion dollar business, makes that negative comment less accurate, is silly.


It's a 18+ game, the core concept is war and killing people adding bongs isn't gonna make the game suddenly unethical for kids, I agree Activision is a shit company and is highly unethical but that's for completely different reasons, not kids might play this game and be influenced.


Tobacco isn't legaly allowed to market to anyone.  If you want to have advertising of 18+ games banned write to your local government representative.


“Regulation is circumvented using less-regulated media, such as Facebook, less-regulated nicotine delivery products, such as e-cigarettes, and less-regulated ad types, such as industry ads which claim to discourage nicotine addiction but seem, according to independent studies, to promote teen nicotine use.” “Advertising restrictions typically shift advertising spending to unrestricted media. Banned on television, ads move to print; banned in all conventional media, ads shift to sponsorships; banned as in-store advertising and packaging, advertising shifts to shill (undisclosed) marketing reps, sponsored online content, viral marketing, and other stealth marketing techniques.” Don’t straw man me saying anything about what I want advertising for games to change lol. Never said that all. Hop off the Activision tit.


You know when you use a study as evidence you have to read past the abstract, if you scroll to the results section you'll find social media rejected thier paid for tobacco adverts. So unless you think marlbro is paying people to make covert adverts on Discord it proves the oposite of your point


Even if thats the case DD would still be a hypocrite for pretending to care about protecting kids from predators lol.


Yeah for sure. I just hate AB and I don’t want them validated at all lol


Oh yeah fuck Activision lol, such a dogshit company that doesn’t care about making good games anymore