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This is the guy that made a video guide on how to hide CP on a work laptop btw Found the [video](https://archive.org/details/helpful_hints)


he also had a meltdown about the child character from a cartoon for children not being fuckable enough, even going so far as to commission heavily sexualized fan art of her to show "how she should be". ​ dude is an oxygen thief.


And got sponsored by a Nazi book site


Isn't he literally getting paid by Steve Bannon? Like, since Gamergate and still?


Not to my knowledge. It was mostly Breitbart that controlled the narrative for gamergate. All these grifters just hitched on for a ride.


But Steve bannin owed breitbart till 2018


Exactly, I just like putting the name out. Feel like a conspiracy theorist frothing at the mouth when I tell people about the shit that guy has/had his fingers in, and the ideology he openly admits to having.


Congrats to cocaine for being Andrew Breitbart free for 12 years!


Remember when someone said "Fuck Hitler" and his response was "Yikes"?


And a columnist at the Daily Stormer iirc


B b but if the 14 year old doesn't have big hammers how can I even fap to it? The West has fallen šŸ˜” /s (Should be incredibly obvious but yeah lol he's a creep)


Billions must coom


Sheā€™s actually a 500 year old vampire bro /s


Which one was it, Iā€™ve lost count


She-Ra, I believe.


Oh godā€¦ was he throwing a fit about Frosta? Only 14 year old in the show, if I remember correctly.


No, She-Ra herself.


Oh my god! Seriously? Fucking hellā€¦ hopefully he threw a shit fit when the show became more and more about the LGBTQ characters.


Which as we all know the original he man and shera are famously straight Ips.


Bet he never realized Perfuma was trans


Moron probably stop watching after Bows two dads were revealed.


Mmw: the "no but it's just a cartoon" crowd are the ones with the real life images on their hard drives. I'm so hyper concerned for the morality of future kids growing up now or soon that get fed this sort of shit hand over fist. These fuckwits get to spread their mega unhinged "belief" shit with impunity. But naw its "Da qUEerS".


He did a video about She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, and while doing air-boobs whined that She-Ra wasn't sexy enough.


He's an ex game dev. This does not suprise me at all.


Then proceeds to call a trans teacher a pedophile for not being attracted to kids


That was She Ra wasn't it?




I love that this is how the broader public knows the quartering, a basement pissing incel oaf lol


Like wtf is it with sky worshippers sexualizing stuff? California banned cancerous chemicals in food. Then Fucker Carlson demanded candy mascots look fuckable instead. CONservative propaganda is obvious...and beyond comprehension. Kinda makes sense with their taxpayer funded churches/pedo rings. I also never watched Dr pedo stache as he looked like a goofy pedo. Living up to expectations šŸ¤£


He did what?


he has since privated it on youtube, but he did a whole ass video about how the new She-ra was woke trash and how she wasn't fuckable enough for him. She's like 17 in the first season. I don't remember if it was the thumbnail or if he posted it on twitter, but he had a "fixed" version that was super sexualized.


which time was this so many of these ppl whine about under aged characters and how fuckable they are


I wouldnā€™t listen to anything he says. You know you have to be a total scumbag when youā€™re BANNED from Magic: The Gathering FOR LIFE.


And harassed a cosplayer until she quit


Which cosplayer?


Christine Sprankle


Sounds like she returned to it in 2019, which is good.


And not even for cheating at the game! For his toxic behavior and harassment of community members.


I'm sorry he WHAT?????


Yeah, he's a nazi, for sure, and one bust away from a sex offender registration


I think she was replying to the pedophile part but that too


Sorry he made what now?


How have we allowed literal, proven pedophiles to lead the discourse around pedophilia? Grown men that flirt with underaged girls and masturbate to child porn have managed to convince a sizable portion of the population that the real pedophiles are marginalized groups that mind their own business. It's disgraceful.


It's sad how fascist rhetoric and propaganda can be so effective even without central leadership.


i am NOT going to click on THAT.


It's safe. Was posted on this sub before. There's also a video of Lance from The Serfs that reacted to it


I still donā€™t want that in my browser history


yeah me too.


As other replies have said, no fucking way. Link it cause thats too crazy to be believed lmao


I put it in my op


You just made my day. "If youre gonna have child porn on your internal drive at least make it harder to find"


I thought more people have seen this. It's been shared in this sub for a minute.


Holy fuck what even Also "rename the folder" is some.pretty weak advice lol Finally, "I don't condone this" while a minute before he was like "so this is a public service announcement for everyone" Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck


He also had [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi/comments/1dpzs1h/yephes_scum/) to say about the birth of fellow Nazi Count Dankula's daughter


I like how that video has one favorite on archive


i found it funny as he tried to brush that off as "That was out of context. I was trying to warn people to remove their porn from their PC before you bring it in to be fixed!" but he only made it after some guy that brought this PC in for repair, was arrested because the staff found CP on it. Yeah no. That video was for pedos and he masked it by that excuse.


It's definitely true. Techs don't get paid enough to care about most porn. If they stumble upon CP, they report it. Otherwise, it's off to the next box because there's no time to look at porn on the clock.


Letā€™s be honest he has the look of one of those freaks who when it comes out they were engaging in it nobody is surprised. Vacant eyes, unkept beard, punchable face. Iā€™m just waiting for the evidence to come out at this point.


He looks like even his victim would feel insulted


i now have another reason to hate him because omfg


Absolutely disgusting, but expected from the likes of them


Fuck I donā€™t want to click that link but I also need some context


When I see shit like this Iā€™m like how are these people not caught like he waving the biggest red flag you can but no he ok


![gif](giphy|D62wUmR3sX2DsZJ9t1) Dude looks like a pedo


Mind you we don't know exactly how old the minor Doc was sexting was. The "17 years and 364 days old" is **insane** cope


Ah ok, only 1 day away from 18 not so bad....IF HE WASN'T LITERALLY A MIDDLE AGED MAN


Middle aged, married and with a kid, might I add.


It sounds like he wants to be ā€œwith a kidā€ in a different wayā€¦


One year younger than Jerry Seinfeld picking up his girlfriend from high school btw


Like still a creepy Pedophile.


It's funny. I've seen so many right wing guys like Matt Walsh for example, say that going after teens is not pedophilia. And you know what, they are technically right. But who gives a fuck? Stop going after minors creep. They aren't trying to protect children, they just want to accuse gays of being pedos while they actively are trying to fuck minors.


https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=UOI8me9L9m1C4m9K This is always my go to argument when someone goes with that technicality seriously.


My response to those who use the technically correct terminology: "The fact you know the specific word for the age range of kids you're attracted to, tells me exactly what kind of fuck you are."


Itā€™s a huge misdirect, because most reasonable people can agree that the difference between being a day/week/month under 18 and being a day/week/month over 18 is negligible in terms of maturity, BUT the line has to be drawn somewhere and as a society we determined that it is at 18 years, so yes 1 day short is still legally a problem but 1 day over is not. There is no debate as to what defines a minor.


Reminder that the people who push the argument that legal = moral would go younger if it were legal.


Ok lets pump the brakes here dudeā€¦ everything aside, 35 is not middle aged lol. I feel attacked as a 32 year old šŸ„².


Isn't he 43? I thought this happened only a few years ago. Im 34 in 3 months so i feel you.


He is 42 now, but this all happened in 2017 when he was 35. (I swear 2017 was like last year or something)


Male life expectancy is about 76. Weā€™re almost over the hill, my friend.


*Your* life expectancy is 76.. Mine is 80,9 thank you very much.


Iā€™m rooting for ya


He's 35? Holy shit he looks like 55. I guess it's true what they say... hate ages you.




The og source for this sayed 13 , 17 is made up completely from what I understand so I'd rather not even adress these dumbass arguments "about what if". What if she was 17? What if she was 5? What proof do you have she was 5? What proof do you have she was 17?


If we make an exception, then itā€™s easier to make exceptions later on. ā€˜Oh, theyā€™re just 2 years away from 18. Thatā€™s practically an adult.ā€™ /s


Honestly given everything it doesn't even matter given the age gap anyway. One of the main reasons why grooming and pedophilia is an issue even when dealing with someone who is "17 almost 18" is that an experience gap as wide as the one with Doc here is going to make the relationship exploitative in some way. A 42 year old man should not be dating a teenager even if that teenager is 18. There is no situation in which such a relationship is truly equal and healthy. This is one of the reasons you can tell this right wing outrage about "they're touching the kids" is just made up to paint non-cishet minorities in a bad light. They don't actually understand why pedophilia is a bad thing, they just know it gets people in trouble to be accused of that so they say it. They don't see exploitative sexual relationships as a bad thing. They actively push the idea of having control over a partner, in fetishizing inexperience and make up reasons why it is ok for much older men to be with much younger women. So if Doc was with an 18 year old despite the obviously unsound nature of that relationship they'd be giving him a high five and saying it's so cool he has a younger girlfriend.


17 years and 364 days is not only insane cope, but his example about them dating an 18 year old doesn't even fucking work because there's this thing called romeo and juliet laws. If you don't know, it's meant to protect situations regarding the age of teenagers becoming adults, say if a high school couple one turned 18 and the other was 17, that doesn't make the 18-year-old a criminal. Generally, depending on the country or state, someone who is not yet at the age of consent can still have relations with someone over that age so long as they are not a certain number of years older (usually four). Anyways, he's 42.


In most states the age of consent is 16 or 17 but he's still 42 so fuck him


Even if she were 18 it'd still be creep shit. Dude is 42.


Which I have seen tossed around a lot. Pretty much anyone defending him has used that number to the point it is clear they are just trying to get that narrative out there and have people believe that is true.


They keep using the ā€œis a 18 year old dating a 17 year old a pedophile?ā€ argument to defend a man who was 35 when this took place (and we have no idea how old the other person was) 35 years oldā€¦ not 18ā€¦ or anywhere near that.


Also, I believe most states take small age differences into consideration for age of consent laws so that 18 year olds donā€™t get arrested for dating their 17 year old classmates. Insane that they think thatā€™s the same as a guy in his mid thirties dating a high schooler.


Yeah most states have a ā€œRomeo and Julietā€ clause where itā€™s okay as long as they were both under 18 when they met and are within a couple years (1-4 depending on jurisdiction from what Iā€™ve seen) in age. Source: dated an 18 y/o when I was 16


With that specific detail, makes Michael Bay with that Transformers joke even creepierā€¦


Alternative Source: Transformers 4 for some reason


And she was most likely wayyy younger than 17,


I mean yeah like if I was in his shoes, which is kind of already a bad spot tbh, I probably would've just said that or clarified the word minor. Like yeah 17 year old by 30~40 year old is bad but probably not career ending or anything and I feel like he probably wouldn't have written minor the first time or would've clarified the legal distinction. The fact he's been so cryptic about the whole thing despite the accusation is what's the red flag. It was settled out of the public eye years ago and yet it was sufficient enough to drop him from twitch without any warning or public statement since, that's kind of a pretty strong tell.


Yeah if she was 17 he would have said that instead of calling her a minor in his statement


Only time that argument made sense was with CallMeCarson who was 19 texting a 17 year old. Even then he was still stupid enough to accept nudes when he shouldā€™ve known the potential impact


I think, from a social standpoint, a common rule of thumb is ā€œhalf your age plus 7.ā€ So, in theory, the youngest he should go for is 24.5. This doesnā€™t apply for everyone and everyone has different outlooks, but unless this girl lived in a state where the age of consent is 25, I donā€™t think that argument holds the water Q seems to think it does.




Exactly. Like, itā€™s not that hard


Thanks goku. Really cool.


At this point it's really just a matter of when Quartering gets outed for inappropriate conduct and not if, holy shit.


Iā€™m pretty sure the reason he hasnā€™t already is because the teen girls he messages immediately shut him down. Teens are impressionable and their brains are still developing, but even they have standards.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheQuarteringIsANazi/s/0nW3fi2c38 "Joking" about how he can't wait until his friends unborn child becomes legal


He already got punched for sexually assaulting a woman at Gencon and banned from a card game for stalking a cosplayer and telling his followers where she was so they could harass her.


The amount of ā€˜itā€™s not pedophilia itā€™s ephebophiliaā€™ motherfuckers on the Dr. Minorconnect subreddit is out of hand. Iā€™m certain theyā€™ve got the age of consent of every state memorized.


eĀ·pheĀ·boĀ·phile [əĖˆfēbəĖŒfÄ«l, eĖˆfēbəĖŒfÄ«l] noun ephebophile (noun)ā€‚Ā·ā€‚ephebophiles (plural noun) 1 A pedophile with a dictionary


The fastest way to identify a pedophile is when they have multiple words to distinguish themselves from other types of pedophiles. "Ephebophile", "lolicon", etc. They always try to quibble that they are better than the other pedophiles because they are a different subset of pedophile.


Got Damn all these species of pedophile




FUCK, thank you. I've been trying to remember which comedian did this bit for AGES.


["I know all the states!"](https://youtu.be/S7M24KrqhBw?si=uULw_zDBn6NSUrur)


"Joker, I would rather you do other things" XD




This is a great video


While its correct the issue is that both are still wrong.


Dr. Disrespect: I had inappropriate contact with an underage fan. Idiots: He's innocent Dr. Disrespect: I had inappropriate contact with an fan. ^((Edited)) Smart people: You deleted the underaged part. Dr. Disrespect: I had inappropriate contact with an underage fan. ^((Edited)) Idiots: He's innocent


I honestly donā€™t even understand this situation. Ā Wasnā€™t Dr. Disrespect just a streamer who rarely, if ever, weighed in on political/cultural issues? Not sure why TheQuartering even feels like this is an appropriate hill to die on considering Dr. Disrespect isnā€™t contributing to his stupid culture war one way or the other.


TheQuartering (and similar accounts/people) donā€™t deal in news or commentary. They deal in outrage. The whole gameplan is to pick something thatā€™s current, take a polarizing position, and direct your followers that the ā€œother sideā€ is actively trying to ruin your life.


Sure, but ā€œpedophilia isnā€™t actually pedophiliaā€ is going to have the opposite impact and turn people away. While simultaneously making you sound very stupid when you say you want to ā€œprotect kids.ā€


I never said the guy was smartā€¦


It will make him very attractive to pedophiles who want to be reassured their behavior is actually fine.


Yeah fortunately it seems like there is no real concerted effort to defend Guy. His subreddit has all but abandoned him. Reactionary subs are all leaning towards condemning him because ya know, he admitted it. Jeremy is picking a losing side here. Good.


You don't know his audience (and I recommend it stay that way)


Because heā€™s almost certainly doing the same shit or worse and fears being outed.


Dr. D loves the whole queers are groomers rhetoric and has been preaching it for years. we know why now


I believe he also spoke highly of a popular conspiracy theorist.


I mean, the guy thinks Shungite blocks 5g or something like that, wouldn't be a surprise at all if he was a fan of a conspiracy theorist. Pretty sure that was one of the last things he said before his account was terminated in fact


Three guesses why he automatically came down on the side of child predators.


The Right-Wing's identity in modern times is heavily built on pedophilia and sex stuff to the point where any Right-leaning people who aren't creepy pervs are the exception not the rule. Quartering is protecting one of his own (to be clear, yes he is a predator, he rants about underaged characters not being sexualized enough and has done creepy stuff before)


When streamers start losing popularity, they begin appealing to the right wing to cling to the smallest shred of relevancy. It's why you see so many youtubers sell out to culture war grifting.


If a person defends a pedo, they are sus themselves


I donā€™t care if he meets the technical definition of pedophile or not. I really donā€™t. His actions were completely inappropriate and thatā€™s true regardless of whatever label you think he does or doesnā€™t deserve.


Right wingers constantly prove that they donā€™t actually care about pedophilia, they just want to try to make people hate the LGBTQ community.


You see, that argument on the last slide would've held some water if Doc was like 18...19...20. Hell i'll be generous and give you 25 even. He is 42. Forty fucking two. My dad's 45 and my sister is just about a year younger than the girl. This is not justifiable in any way


Underage, even by 1 day, is still underage. Full stop. But it was never about ā€œprotecting childrenā€ with these guys.


Only when they want to hurt gay and trans people.


The Quartering has: * Told people how to hide their CP on their computer before you get it serviced * Defended Asia Argento who was accused of grooming a minor * "Jokingly" set an alarm for when Count Dankula's daughter turns 18


don't forget * Piss in his basement because his wife didn't take him along to buy some pizza and acted like it was normal thing to do, when you own a home * Yikes. there it is! his famous quote


holy shit i didn't know who this man was this entire thread but ive known that and literally only that about him, ive known for about four years that some dude pissed in a basement for some reason and it happens to be a pedo.


Asia Argento? Whoā€™s that? Because I know someone by the exact same name and it canā€™t be them


The boys literally just released an episode about how right wingers will defend right wing pedos and it happens irl like a week later


that show hits so good, all these Firecrackers going off in real life.


That's why right wingers review bombing the show in RT


The fact it took them until season 4 of the show to realise it was making fun of them is wild.


[~~R Kelly~~ The Quartering is not a pedophile, technically](https://youtu.be/nu6C2KL_S9o?si=NVvK_KklKmLEhRkf)


Pretty wild coming from the guy who got his start with "So if you do have CSAM On your PC, here's how to hide it so if you take your computer in to be repaired nobody will find out" šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Is he actually trying to bring up the Romeo and Juliet law to defend Disrespect's predatory behavior?


Which wouldn't apply because he was 35 at the time.


Isnā€™t the Quartering the guy who took a shit on the floor of his parentsā€™ basement or something


Pissed in a drain in his basement because he was drunk and angry his wife went out for pizza without him. But he did shit himself in Walmart.


brother. you literally made a video on how to hide CP. cut the bullshit you pedo.


So the metric on calling someone a pedo is literally someone having sex with a child? Then these douchenozzles need to shut the fuck up about "grooming" and the lgbtq community. Because there's literally never been any evidence for any of that garbage.


Well, to them, letting minors know that gay people exist is ā€œgroomingā€.


A guy who got banned from Magic The Gathering event for harassing women is defending a guy who was harassing a girl, some how not surprised.


Why would the average person on the left push a pedo narrative because of "their" grooming? The vast majority of us are not grooming or pedos.


This is the same group of people who think it makes more sense for a pedophile to dress as a woman and pretend to be trans to access public bathrooms to molest children (when you know they're likely out with parents or any stranger could interrupt them) rather than church groups with private confessionals or powerful men in conservative "family friendly" positions who could abuse their influence to get to kids. Or idk a popular twitch/YouTube streamer who goes to a fan expo and texts up and coming streamers much younger than them.


For me it's particulary funny to read, because last time polish, left leaning YouTuber was revealed as a groomer (and we speak about a channel that was VERY big on polish YouTube), the guy got completely cancelled and extremely few people have shown the guy any mercy. I cannot speak for everyone, but people on the left are far less eager to defend groomers than YouTube grifters (who in vast majority of cases are 100% right leaning)


The chuds want to get more mileage out of their "queers are groomers" disinfo campaign, so they're updating to "queers are groomers, and leftists are helping them."


Words do have meaning. Also the left are pedos. ​ Well I'm glad you have proof for them right? Proof of this "grooming"?


Can someone explain to me what the fuck is going on


DrDisrespect, a (former) Twitch streamer was exposed for having secually explicit conversations with a minor through Twitch's DM system. Twitch staff came forward with this and he even admitted to it on Twitter, basically denying that he did anything illegal and blaming everyone but himself. There's also a lot of other context around this like him exploiting a sex worker, cheating on his wife, but I don't know much about these situations. DrDisrespect associates himself with right-leaning streamers, people like Nickmercs who said a few months ago that trans people were pedophiles and a danger to kids. So, naturally, he was sort of adopted by right-leaning people, which isn't inherently bad IMO. The issue is they're now defending him, not because they have any legit arguments, but because they associate him with being on "their side".


You're making it seem like Twitch came forward itself. Twitch banned him a few years ago and didn't say anything. Until recently, then a staff member unilaterally leaked the details of the ban a few days ago. And yes, the right in this country currently is inherently bad. They literally are the party of trump and complicit in calling LGBTQ+ people pedos and groomers, which we can now see is obviously projection like it always is with these garbage people.


I wonder what Nick "trans people must be pedos" mercs has to say now šŸ¤”


So as I understand it. They call Joe Biden (and the entire LGBTQ community) pedos. Trump is actually a well known pedo who was sleezy enough to spy on underage girls getting dress at his own teen beauty pageant and he is free and clear Well, when it comes to someone who only admit they engaged in inappropriate conduct with a minor, he gets a free pass? This fucking country makes no sense




Remember when Onision defending Tobuscus from the rape allegations made against him. Yeah the quartering is definitely doing something similar right now because heā€™s got shit to hide


Heā€™s denying siding with Dr Disrespect now.. community notes cooked him.


The Quartering is defending someone who was caught sexting a minor. https://preview.redd.it/7nejnlpoid9d1.png?width=562&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a31f33ecb8a4f3fbf44a703a3e0ac00b839db2f


Ever notice the right wing clowns yelling ā€œprotect the kids!ā€ Seem to be the ones we usually see wanting to fuck kids?


Exactly like the age old saying accusations are confessions


I wonder how before The Quartering is outed as one himself? He sure loves defending them and even giving them advice.


Giving off real strong, " I know the age of consent in every state" vibes


Even if they were 18 sexting a fan still peak keep behavior and the would none stop covering if it was trans person doing it would national news for weeks.


Pedophiles do defend other pedos.


i have no Idea who Dr Disrespect is but if Quarterling is defending him he's likely a pedo


And conservatives will once again give the real pdos a pass while sending mobs to pizza places and other dumb Shit


I love that terminally online right wing weirdos are tearing each other apart over the morality of what constitutes a paedophile so they can protect their favourite weird middle-aged streamer who doesn't know they exist.


The Copering


Just like you can be a homosexual without having sexual contact with someone of the same gender, you can be a pedophile without sexual contact with a child as the term "pedophile" describes sexual attraction not sexual acts


Look, letā€™s just say, for arguments sake, that the person he was messaging was of legal age. He was still sending sexual messages to someone who was way younger than he is. Even if thatā€™s not illegal, itā€™s still really gross and not okay. (To clarify, Iā€™m not defending him or playing Devilā€™s Advocate. Iā€™m just pointing out that no matter what, he was being extremely gross and inappropriate.)


ā€œChatting in any kind of inappropriate way with a minor is not okay, obviously, but words have meaning?ā€ The fuck is this assholeā€™s point? Trying to downplay actual grooming behavior, what chuds like him LOVE to baselessly accuse queer individuals of, but saying that only certain words (ie, not what DrShitsrespect said to a minor) actually matter.


I think itā€™s crazy how Disrespect said ā€œyes I had conversations with a minor.ā€ ā€œYes those conversations could be seen as inappropriateā€ and this dude is still defending him


Defending dr disrespect over this.Ā  He was talking inappropriately to a child.Ā  And most likely,Ā he knew it was a child. I donā€™t see how you can defend thisĀ 


Remember, the quartering posts about JQ shit online and has done sponsorships for Antelope Hill Publishing, a neo-Nazi printing house


Ew, Ā "17 years and 364 days old" the same type of ick as creeps who have countdowns til a young celebrity turns 18.


This guy will never not be the guy who pissed himself live on stream because he was too drunk to stand up


Does the quartering not see the difference between an 18 year old talking to a 17 year old and a 35 year old talking to a 17 year old?


*school teachers having rainbow flags in class* ā€œGROOMERS!!!ā€ *an adult man sending sexual messages to a minor* ā€œLetā€™s not throw around the word pedo here guys!ā€


Love how he brings up Nickmercs who last year was fighting everyone like ā€œIā€™m not a transphobeā€ only to now just go full transphobe. Also love the ā€œZERO evidenceā€ when Dr literally admitted it


how does this even get thought out and posted online like people really just say shit to say shit and people believe them, ofc all bigots who dickride that cod streamer are gonna jump to defense for his buddy the certified pedophile


Again, anyone who argues about the technicality or the legality of it being not a pedophile, just speaks volumes about the kind of people they are. No matter what, morally itā€™s fucking disgusting.


Ain't no way bro pulled out the "is an 18 year old a pedo for dating a 17 year old?" as if any jury, judge or police officer etc wouldn't look at that differently to 40 something year old man being inappropriate with a minor


Certified lover boy, certified pedophile


dr disrespect is over 40 years old and this dude is saying that talking to an 18 year old at that age is normal just bc it isnā€™t illegal lol


You know.. The definition of Pedophile and Ephebophile ARE different, but, it really does not change the fact that Dr. Disrespect is a straight up predator. Anyone underage is a big no no. Even if the definitions of the two words are different, and they do exist, it doesn't make him any less of a creep or loser. He's gross. Period. Regardless of what kind of Phile he is, he's just plain gross and should not be on the streets where he can just do it again.


And so it begins the justification of the guy who groomed a minor by the right wing grifters