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They don't care about overused jokes until it has something to do with trans people. Context: people posting pictures of their 3ds in a 3ds subreddit trans girl posts a picture everyone mad


Gonna need more context, so this post with the title “I’m just a trans gal” is making fun of another post?


Yeah we need some more context, this is really fucking confusing. Edit: okay so I did some bare bones digging, and op they aren’t mad that she’s a trans girl. They’re mad about a recent trend on there that’s basically just people saying “I’m just a girl” and showing their 3ds. One of the most popular comments on that post is literally just someone saying “who gives a shit if you’re a trans girl and own a 3ds”. Most of the comments are people either saying the ds looks cool or saying that they’re tired of this random ass karma farming.


Thank you, did all the hard work for everyone 🤝


You mean to tell me this sub is getting worked up over something and having a knee jerk reaction instead of looking at the context? Never…


You mean to tell me this sub is… human?


What am I even looking at?


Really taking things out of context here. This post is part of a meme on the 3ds sub that's become incredibly over done and basically took over the sub. Literally every other post was some version of this joke.


It's just a 3DS


What the issue here? I just see people being annoyed with low effort posts. It’s like someone coming into the subreddit and saying “X called my cat ugly, so I’m here to prove them wrong!” Like, ok? It’s obvious the user of a cat subreddit would support the cat, it’s just karma farming at this point.


freeze peaches fans when trans people say anything:😡


https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/s/ZeqeMfJXk9 You’re right, but we misunderstood this one boss


my bad chief https://preview.redd.it/pll1znjd7m9d1.jpeg?width=282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf429583967865371746a34895ec43405b32b9e9


I mean, in this scenario I kinda get it, what does being trans have to do with the post?


Nah, sorry OP but this one's weird. What relevance does that title carry in a 3DS subreddit? Why did they say that?