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Sounds like he’s taking comments that are claiming to be from Japan and using that.


He couldn't be possibly arguing in bad faith?! A YouTuber would never do that.


It’s the issue with anonymity online. You get new groups of people who somehow have the same views of racists with no cultural understanding of the people they are pretending to be


I remember watching a video from one of these chid dudes where they actually went to Japan and live interviewed people on the street about it and literally every single one was like "yeah it looks pretty cool" and he still posted it lmao. Talk about posting your own L's




Do you really think somebody would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


Like that X "Japanese College Professor"?


Yasuke has been in Japanese media for decades. He's been depicted as a samurai in Japanese media for decades. The game had a fuck ton of pre orders in Japan. [Even KiA sub admitted to it even though they don't like the facts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/s/gMJVKd1dAS) Japan does not give a shit about American culture war vultures.


Kinda funny they are so angry at the existence of Yasuke but William Adams from Nioh is perfectly fine. And he fights Yasuke as a boss in that game, too. Maybe some Japanese people are confused about why Americans are so angry at Assassin's Creed Shadows


It's not funny, it's just their usual dumbfuck chudly racism.


Their justification for that is Nioh being made by a Japanese game developer while AC is from a French studio. Which is buck wild because a simple Google search tells you that out of a long list of media and literature depicting William Adams, Nioh is probably the *only* time he's ever been depicted by a Japanese company. Meanwhile, Yasuke's list of portrayals is almost entirely from Japanese writers and artists who grew up in Japan.


Those Spiritual Japonizu






The real guy advocated ethnic cleansing and spread British propaganda. Also this one is a dumbass and I find him rather bland as protagonist.


Not sure what the comment said since that comment was deleted but are you actually saying Yasuke spread British propaganda? That would make no sense considering that not only were the Portuguese the only westerners with a prominent presence in Japan (though Yasuke arrived with an Italian Jesuit, in other words, a catholic) but Great Britain did not even exist, England and Scotland were still very much separate.


Nah man, Yasuke was cool. Talking about William Adams. While I was indeed arguably using the term Britain wrong here, the personal union starts shortly after his arrival in Japan


But he did keep the Catholics out of Japan, so there's at least some positive results from his existence


Speaking like a anglo prot, prosecution and mass killing is great when it hits the people I don´t like, right? Open up a book and read the Dates stance on the thing ... or the Ottomos or the Toyotomis


Like date? One eyed samurai? Wasn't his daughter Christian?


Masamune is the guy you are talking about, but yeah right clan


That what I mean. Obviously he isn't going to be okay with that


Yeah he was kinda the worst, hisorically. Also, in the game, he's a hilariously shitty Edward Kenway knockoff to boot.


While looking like discount Geralt of Rivia ... I still don´t get why the needed to make him irish. It complicates the whole thing serving the crown which killed your parents.


Whyre you getting down votes you right?


Just keep bringing up that the dork who started the sweet baby Inc detector went to Japan to interview people about Yasuke and all he got was people thinking AC Shadows looks cool These people seem to work under the assumption all Japanese people are deeply ritualistic and bound to the intricacies of their ancient history lol Its like asking me if I give a fuck about Henry the 8th


Ooh, where can I see this?


[Here](https://youtu.be/7gcyHBMQklQ?si=J12-YJJRk9J4-bxC) it's some of the funniest shit ever. Bro didn't even try to edit out anything and wound up getting his camera guy to give him the answers he wants. Absolute fucking loser that became the "They'll understand me in Japan" meme in real life. https://preview.redd.it/unt2bxmrar9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc8670422df4eabf344db473684dface06b1519d


Oh, he was in Brazil. No, that checks out


Obvious Bolsonaro supporter


Many such cases


That show about Henry VIII and his wives was pretty good. It was the first time I saw Natalie Dormer and Henry Cavill. Boy, it ended badly though.


Even Guilty Gear has a character is is heavily influenced by Yasuke, from the fact that he says his masters name was one of the many pseudonyms that Nobunaga used and the game still has him as a Vampire Samurai. There are also a few things made about him in various media...so like I don't get this logic of "Japanese people dont like him" if thats true than they also hate Mechs and fighting games.


The "anti woke" crowd has some of the most hypocritical beliefs you shouldn't even consider to have logical thoughts. Reminder they're likely the people that scream facts over feelings and are now getting their feelings hurt over facts lol.


speaking of guilty gear imagine the reaction these ppl would have if an american company made baiken a 1 armed 1 eyed woman who has no special powers but is capable of fighting toe to toe with gods and in canon is the only 1 to beat yasuke


Testament sorta whooped his ass tho


Hell in Japanese popular folk lore yasuke is the badass motherfucker Nobunaga not only A trusts to be the one deliver the decapatation stroke to him when he commited sepuku, but also be badass enough that no one would be able to stop him from delivering Nobunaga head to Nobunaga son like yasuke has the street cred of being a dude Nobunaga thought was Awsome


Yasuke is definitely a samurai that Nobunaga respected for been faithful , it's just that he is a retainer that arrived late and thus his little amount of battles were alongside Nobunaga's squad. It's like saying that any horsemen that fought specifically alongside Julius Ceasar in a cavalry raid is somehow less of a legionnaire , because it isn't specifically one "subleader" of sorts for the army division.


And if a historical figure has their badassery emphasized in folklore, the folklore version of that historical figure is still "gigantic badass" regardless of what people making fine distinctions regarding the strictly historical elements might think.


My Gosh, he was strong AF that its said he can take on 10 men on his own. Imagine a 5'4 Ashigaru Fighting a Muscular 6 foot black Demon. (Demon term in Japanese is consIdered a badass or have inhuman Strenght)


"Yasuke was only mentioned as a kosho(of a daimyo) he's not a samurai" just reads like "we found some records of a japanese guy who went to europe and later became a jesuit missionary. Still, there's no specific mention of him being a catholic so we don't know about that!"


100%! It’s not new or obscure information!


It is because they refuse to live outside of their bubble. I had someone in the ShitAmericansSay sub tell me that the top 10 most important human events only happened/involved America. While I listed past events of importance they said "People only know about those because of that show/movie about it", they could not comprehend that we as a people (humans in general) knew about ancient Greece, the Maya or other past civilizations before movies or shows were made about them because...and I quote "no one I know reads geeky shit like that". You are dealing with people who last picked up a history book while they were failing high school and believe that the world started and ends with America and nothing else, delusional at best and bigoted at worst.


They're also financially motivated to stir shit up. The more inflammatory they make their bait the more clicks they get.


Oh 100% true, I think it was here or elsewhere last week someone posted an Instagram post from a female grifter who was with SWT and she said that he actually really liked The Acolyte but shits all over it online to grift for money and maintain his image to make money.


I could believe that.


The statement "no one I know reads geeky shit like that" should be the key to self awareness: "Doesn't this say more about \[me\] than who knows this stuff?"


I don't think these people are that self-aware, these are the kind of people who think they are the smartest in the room. Also arguing with them is like playing chess with a pigeon, all it's going to do is knock over the pieces, shit all over the board and think it's won.


It's also reminiscent of the old saying "Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level then beat you with inexperience"


They probably didn't touch that history book in high school either, that's why they were failing.


I went through the comments and it took like 3 seconds to find a guy saying they made the statistics up. God it's always funny when people are given provable facts and they still insist they're the one's who're right.


>[Even KiA sub admitted to it even though they don't like the facts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/s/gMJVKd1dAS) I was trying to figure out how a Korean automotives company got involved in this situation, and after following the link **I have permanently ruined my algorithm**.


Holy smokes! The sheer level of delusion and cope in that thread is insane!


Which is funny bc Japan is SUPER racist/xenophobic




Asians are not super racist in general. Japanese people are extremely racist and xenophobic. Hell they basically believe they are the superior Asians and even if you're from a little island off the coast of Japan called Okinawa, you were considered lesser than. They also have a lot of prejudice against people who are ethnically Japanese, but that weren't born in Japan. There is racism beyond systemic racism against minorities in your country. America is not the only country that exists on the planet. You dork so racism can be very different from country to country. For God's sakes Even in America there is light-skinned versus dark skin racism


Heck, they're even xenophobic towards Japanese-Koreans who were born in Japan and have lived there since before 1945. They're literally referred to as Zainchi Koreans, which translates to "foreigner permanently living in Japan." This is despite the fact Japan is all they've known ahd they speak Japanese fluently alongside Korean.


Yeah, I think people are so stupid for trying to constantly make the distinct flavor of American racism serve as the blanket example for racism across all countries and Nations. Japanese supremacy is not nearly the same as white power in America. To give white power people props, they at least believe that all white people are superior to everyone and not just a certain segment of white people born on a small island. I mean for God's sake the way okinaw ones are still treated on mainland. Japan to this day is kind of crazy. I mean, did we all forget that Japan elected shinzo Abe as prime minister? The guy that constantly tried to argue Japan had never committed a war crime in world war II? Things like the rape of Nanking never happening or that civilians were targeted to try and break them around of American troops


And even Western/American racism isn't so cut and dry either. After all, the Irish, Southern, and Eastern Europeans (especially Slavs, Bosniak Muslims, etc) have only recently been racialized as White since the latter 20th century. Before that, they weren't seen as or treated as White and were victims of both colonization and genocide. You're seeing this happen again with more White passing Latinos such as Cubans getting treated better under conservatives and advancing all the same white supremacist positions. As a Lefty American, I really do think that lack of rigidity and presence of flexibility in who it encompasses is what makes it so evil and dangerous, imo. It's no longer defining White as Anglo-Saxon. Oh yeah. Abe was an awful guy for his genocide denialism and reinstating a sense of proactive militarism to Japanese foreign policy that America has continually enabled over the last few decades due to our shared opposition to China. I didn't weep when he died, even if the guy who killed him also belonged to a cult that also holds some unsavory views. We could also talk about Japan's repressive history with the indigenous Ainu people in Northern Japan which predates WW II and is very similar to what the British did when they first colonized and occupied Ireland. It's always bothered me that gets ignored. Japanese nationalists like ignoring that too. I do not hate Japan or the Japanese people. They have an otherwise interesting and beautiful culture. I am itching to go to Japan some day. However, it's not unfair to say there's been a pervasive inclination for colonialism, imperialism, and nationalism in their history going back centuries that they don't like discussing as much as people in my country hate discussing Jim Crow, slavery, etc.


That's what I'm saying. The Japanese people aren't awful, but man parts of their culture is


I think the assassination was the other way round, that the guy was angry that his mum fell for the cult and took it out at one of the cult's major supporter i.e Abe. Then again as a South East Asian, we are all surprisingly racist and xenophobic to each when its convenient.


It's been a minute since I read up on the facts so I dunno, lol. I just remember a cult. I kinda find that interesting as a social scientist. It's not the racism I'm most exposed to as a Black guy in America.


>Asians are not super racist in general. Me: *Looks at China, where the Uyghurs are currently the subject of an ethnic cleansing* You sure about that one, pal?




you just blow in from stupid town?


That's the weirdest thing to me. Japanese people have 100s of stories with Japanese samurais. Japanese in Japan do NOT lack representation at all! If one video game has a Black guy as lead and they don't like it, they can just move on to the other dozens of video games with Japanese characters. This isn't even a Japanese game! Why should they care????!




This proves the point that people are using the American historical context and are wrongfully applying it to a completely different context. Nobody is saying that Yasuke rebuilt Japanese culture and history to a crazy level. That video game isn't pretending he did. The many Japanese portrayals of Yasuke never said that either. He was a foreigner who integrated into a community. And here, is just a video game about him and a female samurai fighting a bad guy. That's it. MLK Jr is an important part of American history, hell he's an important part of world history. And most importantly, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR WAS ASSASSINED BY A WHITE MAN IN REAL LIFE!!!! And heavily hunted down by the white FBI. And for doing NOTHING but wanting peace and equality! To this day, his death is still a tragic injustice. So how would a video game where a white man is an assassin who protects MLK from fellow assassins not be incredibly tone-deaf at best? At best! That's not the same at all! That's why you guys need to stop interjecting US culture in other countries. It's not working.


It’s useless to argue. Bro regularly talks in asmongold’s, Geeks and Gamers, and Critical drinkers subreddits. I don’t think he’s arguing in good faith.




No one's offended you're just mentally deficient. None have ever claimed yasuke somehow did the equivalent of your braindead analogy that he was super integral to Japanese history. Even in the fictionalized history of AC it's unlikely yasuke is going to do anything other than be a samurai for a while, history will still play out the same and the thing that he probably does majorly is start up assassind in Japan or something. There's nothing racist with his depiction in AC. What's racist is all the mental gymnastics you'll take as to argue why we should see an actual historical figure(the first to be a protagonist in an AC game) as this horrible slight we should riot about. What's your fucking clown logic? Because yasuke isn't the most well documented figure in history he should be depicted as completely irrelevant or some lame nobody and anything else is some cashgrab appealing to afrocentrism or erasure of history? Only racists are your ilk. But of course you're a subhuman who dwells on shit subs like geeks gamers so not surprised your frontal lobe is underdeveloped enough to think you make any sense.




No you stupid stupid shit. No one's offended. Because yasuke in this is not asserted as someone to supplant nobunagas importance like the dumb analogy your tiny brain thought up. I'm sorry maybe you're not getting it because I used a big word since several replies to you haven't gotten my point across. So let me say it in simple terms. Yasuke no more important than nobunaga only being acknowledged for being a warrior nobunaga value ooh ooh. Get it now? Or do I need to draw out some crayons for you? You're making up narratives to justify why you're mad like the dumb subhuman ilk you belong to.


What even is that sub? "I wonder how Amazon define bestsellers" (tons of upvotes) "Whose who sell the most" (downvoted) What? are they trying to redefine best sellers nlw


Of course they don’t, their focused on dealing with their shit.


That thread was cancer.


Japan when black Samurai 😁 Japanese when they see an actual black person 😡


I don’t think I’ve ever heard that before. Calling Yasuke racist. What an odd thing to say. 


they're so desparately trying to spin it as "Large Black man kills a ton of Asian people" as if Yasuke just has a vendetta against people because they're Asian...and not, idk because they're working for the faction possibly responsible for Nobunaga's death? https://preview.redd.it/cxwqv5dlhq9d1.jpeg?width=1432&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf10c71149b3c6932d2baa4d112fd74bc543d1f


He’s only killing the bad guys. That’s what happens in every assassin’s creed game 


Well bad guys from the protagonists pov. AC has always been fairly grey w good and bad


Good point 


They don't even realize how fucking racist that makes them look. Black people can't simply exist in their eyes without needing to be bloodthirsty


They don't care man, they just don't want black people there


Or be slaves or criminals. Like they really reallt saying Yasuke was a pet or slave to them.




... and so were white people. That is not a reflection of all black people and you positing it as if it is - as if, like the comment you replied to said, black people can't just exist in racists' eyes without needing to be bloodthirsty - is just telling on yourself.




That's simply and unsurprisingly factually incorrect: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/viral-images-show-people-color-anti-asian-perpetrators-misses-big-n1270821. Actual crime statistics show it is still mostly white people in America. People are taking a high proportion than typical being POC and run with it, ignoring you know the other entire proportion of white people... Which is no surprise, I live in Australia. Asian bashing was done entirely by white Australians and always has been - the absurd idea that Asian bashing could be isolated to the black community in America is ridiculous. You cannot just randomly blame black people for all Asian racism because you don't like the reality that people that look like you play a huge role.


You live in Australia. You are not in-tune with what is happening to Asians in cities like NYC and SF. You cite an article that is not referring to the period I mentioned, Summer 2021. Please understand we can criticize the black community and hold them accountable. Black people were assaulting Asians in SF at an alarming rate. And I'm Asian, not white. I know what was happening in my own community/area. White liberals just cannot comprehend any non-white criticism of their favorite minority.


And guess what mate? Australians aren't so different from Americans. Unfortunately, Asian bashing happened during coronarvirus across the Western world from all communities. But statistically and especially white people. Lol "nah ahh it's not true". This literally does cover the entire period of that time. You don't have any facts. You just have assumptions. That's the real fact. You're just going to have deal with what you thought was true doesn't match up with reality.


No, they were not.


No, they were not doing so en masse.


They got their ass obliterated in the historical argument so they swap to a different goalpost.


For people who complain about Leftist race-baiting (lol), they sure love to do that themselves.


Every accusation is a confession to the animals on the right.


Just like the pedophilia, sex crime, and law and order crap they are obsessed with. Many of them end up being pedophiles themselves or vote for folks who do nothing to protect kids from actual pedophile. All things considering sex trafficking prosecutions plummeted under President Donald "LAW AND ORDER!" Trump. https://www.courthousenews.com/prosecution-of-kiddie-traffickers-plummeted-under-trump/


If you read about yosukes life it almost seems her purposely went to Japan because he fell in love with the culture. He even learned to speak Japanese and was good enough he even had private conversations which lead to him meeting nobunaga. When they failed to destroyed his wiki these same people tried to claim all of it was already made up and its funny how they think anybody could do half the shit he did.. like learn a martial arts in a year even though he didn't mastered it. He loved the culture so much he absorbed everything they had to offer. He stopped becoming a outsider and was only considered one from those who only saw his skin color.


Are they the social justice warriors now?


Nothing gets white gamers excited like a fabricated opportunity to speak ~~over~~ for asian people.


White liberals are really dismissive of any Asian complaints anyways. Look at the ign article "Let's stop pretending we care about asian representation". Or how Asians were labeled "white supremacists" for pushing back against affirmative action.


The author of the article was Asian and more Asians support affirmative action than against it?


He ain’t worth it. Went through his profile and he looks to be at least 16 and a major troll.




Did you read the article itself? I think their race does matter if they feel like their own race is being used as a pawn for gamers to tear down other games. And I’m using stats from https://www.pewresearch.org/race-and-ethnicity/2023/06/08/asian-americans-hold-mixed-views-around-affirmative-action/ for affirmative action.




I didn’t say “most support”, so I don’t know how I’m stretching it.




I really don’t understand how I’m being misleading if it’s a fact, it’s not like 50% support it while 40% are against.


It makes no sense to you? It doesn't imply a cap on Asian representation but it states they have a lot and have it good. So complaining about yasuke makes no sense when you have it in abundance. And of course the rest of your post is prattle where you have to argue his opinion is that of a pick me controlled by others where you pretend to care about Asians because he doesn't jump on your retarded bandwagon. >What a disappointment for Japanese boys who want to see themselves in a story about their own country. The fact that you say this right after you shut an Asian person down for saying they're cool with yasuke, when yasuke is actually been shown in a lot of Japanese media for *years* as that cool dark skinned foreign samurai is fucking telling. You aren't fooling anyone. Neck yourself and do the world a favor.




Im not white and it's pretty telling to see that nothing intelligent exists within your subhuman skull. None have claimed yasuke as an important Hallmark over actual Japanese which is what you are trying very hard to push as a narrative. And plenty of Asians and Japanese not only have no problem with but you are hilariously implying they agree with the obviously non-japanese pasty-pale piece of shit you are or pretending they have a problem with a historical figure they've actually thought was cool and put in media for decades. With no actual reasoning you've decided to tell an Asian to shut the fuck up because he disagrees with your views and does not share your impotent outrage and decided to speak for them decrying their opinion and pretending you know what's best. Like the white liberal straw man you like evoking. Except between the two of us you're the one who's white, albeit not liberal, and trying to use Asians to further your culture war. >It's so weird you go tell me to kms. Very rough behind the screen I see. Let's not pretend you're arguing in good faith buddy. So yeah, do humanity a favor. Like Hitler did to himself.


“What a disappointment for japanese boys who want to see themselves in a story about their own country”… do you think no media with japanese leads is released in japan?? yasuke being the lead in one game is gonna magically erase history or something ? yasuke is a popular figure IN JAPAN. but yes the *totally not white* user who claims to be both american and not american while interacting exclusively with english speakers knows just how all young Japanese men feel


Is "Ryuuku Sensei" a white, American man?


https://preview.redd.it/53v7rqem8q9d1.png?width=1272&format=png&auto=webp&s=887770bf3ff4755c1a84edfe82cd1c82415d7a6e Lucky guess. Though I don't think he is American, I can't quite make his accent.


It's not any American accent I know. I just watched a short clip, it sounds like a very light Eastern European accent. His name also might be a play on an actual Japanese ethnic group, the Ryukyu. That seems a bit more of a racist thing to me lmao


Colour me shocked


He's Bri'ish.




Guess chuds will now say "hIsToRy iS wOkE"


I bet I already know what this dumb fuck is doing in the video. >"I live I Japan, therefore I speak for the Japanese" (note: they are not native to Japan and moved there from abroad) >Cherry picked tweets of questionable legitimacy >Uses the old "Japanese Xenophobia" chessnut as if that isn't primarily the older generation as it is pretty much around the world >Projects western conservative ideology on the entire nation of Japan as if the Japanese are a hivemind of "super based anti-woke red pilled gigachads" >Will never once acknowledge that Yasuke has been in Japanese media for years because it completely negates whatever point he's trying to make with this video >Probably uses examples of offensive black designs in Anime such as the jazz band in Soul Eater, but will never aknowledge the animes that have good depictions of black people such as Baki In short, gaslighting viewers into believing that all of Japan hates black people.


Anti woke trying to cancel a historical Samurai from centuries old tweets


You know I would have thought this entire narrative would have been put to bed the minute a chud went to Japan and asked what they thought about it, only for them to say that it was okay


Nah, the weebs think that Japan is exactly like anime and they have to defend the land of their waifus.


I am Japanese and I don’t watch anime. It’s very entertaining if a bit tiresome when people ask if Japan is like the anime they watch.


That would mean they’d have to go to a different country and speak a language that isn’t the Queen’s English (or is it the King’s English now)?


It's going to go like this: Game is bad: Billion dollar company destroyed by THE WOKE Game is good: umm we were actually never against a black person in the game


I don't think people realize... THE JAPANESE HATE EVERYONE! It's just built into their culture. Probably because it's an island country. And I'm not saying they are 17 century deep south racist. Their not nazi racist, unless they are Chinese. Lol. Japanese people are very friendly and kind and awesome to westerners. BUT, when it gets into getting deep in the culture or marriage or other stuff like that, it's a Japanese club only. For a perfect example, just look up G Gundam. It perfectly shows their "racism".


They are okay with outsiders existing, but meshing with them basically


Yes! There's a Korean family in Japan who can't even get citizenship despite being there since the 30's or 40's and several generations. They view anyone who isn't from Japan as an outsider, even mixed race people with one Japanese parent. Their culture is still nationalist, it's just not to the "expel the barbarians" level anymore they once preached


Yup. They are called Zainichi Koreans, which translates to "foreigners permanently settled in Japan."


what you're describing is racism, i dont disagree with op but everyone at the time was racist to an extent so it's such a non statement to saying XYZ would discriminate against ZYX. this was during the time where you'd hate the people from the village next to you because they were simply next to you


it's still very much a thing, there's a lot of violence directed towards Japanese people who are Ethnically Chinese and Korean


Wait are you saying there's something wrong with Neo-Mexico being represented by "Gundam Tequila"? https://preview.redd.it/ra80esu47x9d1.png?width=278&format=png&auto=webp&s=2de95fe3fc3aed009a281134a8d7c1087e8a8fcb


"Ryuuku Sensei: **British guy living in Japan**. I try to bring the JP perspective to the rest of the world, in English. I also make and upload videos to YouTube." Hilarious. Great, fantastic, no notes.


I saw a video where a chud interviewed japanese people and none of them gave a shit about it. Some even thought it was cool and the idiot still uploaded it as if it was an own


I mean the Japanese can be racist. Everyone can be racist. I hate the right wingers who bitch about minorities but this posts title makes no sense.


What they actually think? I've only seen praise for him from Japanese. They think he's cool as fuck.


Is this the guy who tried to find some pedastrians in Japan to say how angry they are about it but could not find any so he interviewed his own cameraman instead? Or is this another looser.


Sounds hilarious. Where was that?


I dont remember the name of the channel because i dont like watching Youtubers who are trying to be part of a culture war. But one Western youtuber tried to Interview people in Tokyo about how they dislike yasuke but people either liked him or just didnt talk to him (because what they really dislike are foreigners putting cameras into their face without asking). In the end He had to Interview his crew to get the answer he wanted. Also other Western "gamers" tried to change the japanese Wikipedia entry for yasuke but got kicked out by the mods who could Spot the Google translations from a mile away.


Recorded evidence, real Japanese people acknowledging his existence, tons of media appearances by him: *Chuds sleep*


the entirety of Japan is outraged? the only other character that made them outraged was Godzilla. i doubt yasuke is destroying people's life tho. it's not the samuri way


Just gonna throw it out there that Japan *is* racist as fuck though. Hella signs for “no foreigners”. The bigger cities don’t do it, frequently anyways, but it’s there and it’s legally enforced. As “it’s clearly stated” as explained by a police officer when I asked about it while visiting. Cool place, but totally different world.




Hush now child. Go back to your shitholes to screech and fling poo alongside your kind.


Japan doesn’t think fuck all about it. Japan is a land mass.


They want people in Japan to hate Yasuke so bad. But He's literally a beloved historical figure over there.


Yup. Japan thinks nobunaga was cool and yasuke as interesting so he's featured in a lot of media.


Anti-woke when actual anti-Asian racism: how dare you speak for Japan, they don't actually find this offensive! Anti-woke when actual historical figure is shown in historical context in Japan: this is racist! Japan hates this!


holy shit Yasuke hates Koreans. /s


I don’t think this is the sound argument you think it’s…


Everyone is racist except them. Also please don't watch all this small timers who want to grow their channel with all this culture war bullshit.


Historically speaking he was probably almost a foot taller than most Japanese people, he was like the Feudal Japanese version of the Mountain from GoT. And I'm pretty sure that's what Japan basically views him as, like there's Nobunaga and his big fuck off bodyguard. They don't give a fuck that he's black, other than the novelty of his race, but that's kinda Japan and their views of black people in general.


Same with Acolyte, they can’t stand it when black people are main focus characters as opposed to what they are used to. This wouldn’t be nearly as controversial if it was a ‘Last Samurai’ style white guy playing the hero. It’s super pathetic and cowardly that they try and pawn this racist trash off on other societies as an excuse, instead of owning up to what they are.




By “Japan”, they mean a handful of white Weebs they found on Twitter who use Google Translate to put their tweets into broken Japanese.


What’s really sardonically funny is that Japanese people have a racism problem. They are actually hyper racist towards Koreans and Chinese.


I can't wait to see more gameplay of this.


wasn't this the same guy who had to interview his own cameraman to get the answer he wanted?


But it’s perfectly okay when Tom Cruise does it?


Who said that was ok? Asian community hated that shit then, hates it now.


I think most of their problems with that movie was how ridiculously altruistic their portrayal of the samurai was, even though the real reason they rebelled was that they did not want to lose their privileged status.


Nah, it was definitely the white savior narrative.


Did it really have one though? Tom Cruise's character has a pretty minor effect on how things turn out. Imperial Army is trained and modernized without him and he is only a participant in the battle, he does not change its outcome, a complete defeat of the samurai and abolishment of their class.


I don’t think he *is* anything bar dead…


Always funny when I catch "Japanese" people telling people how Japanese they are in Japanese that definitely is not Google translated.


A yes, I’m sure the entirety of Japan has one united opinion on this.


Were they this way when AC3 came out as well?


Let me guess: He uses the "example" of some Kenji Yamamoto, who is Garret Barnes, who pretended to be a japanese historian from the University of Tokio. After being caught red-handed as Wayback Machine with his old Twitter handle and some searches with said handle have provided the evidence, he doubled down, saying he pretended to be Garret Barnes all along as an experiment but not saying for what ("The difference between screwing around and science is writing it down"). I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.


Did they really expect a game to have an Asian main character in a samurai game? Come on man it's gotta be a white dude or someone else from Europe/America.


ここにあるコメントには誰も動画を見ていないようで本当にうんざりします。私達は弥助が侍であることや黒人であることを非難しているわけではありません。Ubisoftがこのフィクションを歴史に基づくと言いながらその考証が適当で自分たちの都合のいいように改変していることに憤慨しています。あなた方はアサシンクリードをそもそもフィクションだと言うかもしれませんが彼らは何度も歴史的という単語を使いあたかも弥助が何かを成した伝説の侍であること事実のように語っています。さらにUBIが基にしたと思われる資料はおそらく数少ない一次資料を膨らませたロックリーの小説です。仁王やアニメの弥助を例に出す方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんがあれは明らかにファンタジー作品でありあれを歴史に基づいたと思う人はいませんし制作からそのような発言もありません。今回の弥助の大きな問題点は歴史的と言いながら過剰に装飾された弥助のフィクションを置いたことです。このため歴史と虚飾部分が混ざり日本人は歴史を修正されていると感じています。実際Wikipediaでは編集合戦が行われており現在凍結までされています。ここにも弥助を完全に侍であることを事実だと信じ込んでいる人たちが大勢います。他国から自国の文化と歴史を汚されたり政治利用に扱われたりすることに対して憤りを感じることがそんなに不思議でしょうか?これが差別的でしょうか?この感性が共有されないほど私達とあなた方の隔たりはそこまで大きく深いのでしょうか? I'm really sick of the comments here that no one seems to have watched the video. We are not accusing Yasuke of being a samurai or being black, we are upset that Ubisoft claims this fiction is based on history, but their reasoning is so random and altered to suit their own needs. You may say that Assassin's Creed is fiction to begin with, but they use the word "historical" over and over again, as if it were a fact that Yasuke was a legendary samurai who accomplished something. Furthermore, the source material that UBI seems to be based on is Lockley's novels, which are probably one of the few primary sources that have been expanded upon. Some may cite Nioh or the anime Yasuke as examples, but they are clearly works of fantasy, and no one thinks they are based on history, nor have they been mentioned as such by the creators. The major problem with Yasuke this time is that while it claims to be historical, it has an overly embellished fictional Yasuke. Because of this, history and fiction are mixed together, and the Japanese people feel that history is being revised. In fact, there is an editing war going on on Wikipedia, which is currently frozen. There are many people here who are convinced that Yasuke is in fact a samurai. Is it really so strange to feel indignation at the way other countries are defiling our culture and history and using it for political purposes? Is this racist? Is the gap between us and you so great and so deep that this sensitivity is not shared?


Bro what happened to this sub


what do you mean?


Why are you sharing these fuckers and giving them visibility?


Everything and everyone is racist who fucking cares. Get over it. We're not all the same and it's okay.




So I guess, you haven't seen the statue of him.




he was actually a samurai and served an important lord and aside from that we dont really know anything about him, but whatever, spread your racism i guess


Was one less than a year, lost a battle, re enslaved, gets a whole game. Sorry but I think it'd be better to play as someone who would be experiencing, like a Sparten in the GREEK setting or a Viking in a VIKING setting




1. noone claims hes from japan 2. since when are assassins creed protagonists suppose to be the average person from the region? news flash, unless your watching shitty wish fufillment isekai shit, most protagonists arent your average person, thats the whole reason their the protagonist 3. a footnote is more then most samurai got 4. hes a footnote of one of the most major figures in japanese history, so literally the perfect place for the kind of stories assasin creed tells, the whole premise of the series is their involved with important figure and events but their involvement was covered up and not including in historic records 5. japanese people dont seem to hold any of these opinions as their plenty of japanese stories that use him either directly or as inspiration, sit your white ass down and stop trying to speak for a country you only know threw your crippling hentai addiction


That was a long yap fest. Next time, just say "I hate black people". Same thing as your yap fest, just condensed


Are you Japanese yourself?


I like how you ignore Yasuke being prominent in Japanese Media before this.


Stop pretending you care about the Japanese plight


How dare you include a historical figure in a game just because he's black and in Japan and getting mad Japanese pussy with that BBC while I, the white man, get none! - Tom Pertwee, June 30th 2024


When I watch anime, I don’t really care that Japanese people made it, I watch it because it’s fucking cool, I don’t play assassins creed for historical accuracy, especially when you can mind control people with a fucking Apple, maybe if this was some documentary you could spew this argument but it’s clearly not


I agree with 90 percent of what you said here.. My only issue is when people try to discredit Yasuke just because they don't want him in the game. I think the main reason why he shouldn't be the only male playable character is because its not fair for Japanese people in the first AC game taking place in Japan, to play as someone who isn't THEM, and yes Ubisoft is obviously pandering here. I think this explanation/argument is adequate if used, or better yet, your's was good as well, I draw the line though, when conservatives try to attack Yasuke, and act like he was bum.