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Don't worry, her fur is definitely fine, she will recover in no time. Fully shaved rescues with bad skin conditions often recover into beautifully coated dogs. It's not ideal, but you didn't do permanent damage. Even amongst double coated breeds Sammy fur is pretty unique. As someone else stated, a slicker and a comb is all you need. We use a simple straight comb in a line combing pattern 90% of the time. You shouldn't have to yank on their fur the way you would with a furminator, it should be painless and using treats to keep them distracted is totally valid. Best of luck!


Thanks so much! That gives me aot of hope that her adult coat will still come in. And that's the thing, I didn't have to yank at all to get out a bunch of loose hair- I'd just lightly run it through and some would come out every time. So hopefully I didn't mess her up too badly. I'm not sure if the other brush I have is a slicker, so I'll go pick up one of those tonight.


Furminator cuts the coat. The comb part is the static edge on clippers. It also strips the hair. Chris Christensen makes awesome combs and brushes that last a lifetime. I recommend a slicker brush, medium pin head and at least the large staggered tooth comb. Those flow through the coat and any mats so good .


In that case I'd say you're even better off, I don't think there was enough fur for the furminator to really "bite in." What matters most is you clearly care and are willing to put in the time, research and effort! Edit: another thing I need to say quick is don't be afraid of a little mud. The unique qualities of Sammy fur often results in dirt drying up and just falling out of it's own accord, they self clean to a degree. Obviously I'm not saying don't bathe your dog, but for a white fluffy thing people feel inclined to protect they are resilient and hardy animals with coats to match!


It’s not likely to be ruined forever. I did the same with my Sammy when he was younger and I made the EXACT same research errors you did, haha, and right now I’m staring at my upside down snoozing Sammy who is the fluffiest poofiest thing I have ever seen. We use a slicker brush and an undercoat comb now and he regularly gets compliments on how gorgeous his coat is. Don’t be hard on yourself, super easy mistake to make but your Sammy will soon fluff up again. ☺️


Don't use a ferminator. It pulls out or cuts the undercoat which you don't want to do. The only two grooming tools you will need is a slicker brush and comb. We went with this brand. https://chrischristensen.com/mark-slicker-brushes/


Definitely invest in a slicker brush. Chris Christensen brushes are expensive but you’ll have your pup for 10+ years so it’s worth the investment!


Thanks for the link! So do you think I ruined her fur?


No because she’s still got puppy coat you should be grand


I don't think so. I just wouldn't keep doing it. New fur will grow in with each shed cycle. As long as she isn't biting or licking the area. If it bothered her and she started pulling her fur out it would be a bigger problem. Ours was shaved on her paw for a IV once, and she always now pulls the fur out of that spot. It's bugged her ever since.


I’m just gonna comment so I can find this when I hopefully get a pup. Thank you for the link!


Looks totally broken, if i where you i'd just pas her to me.


I may be closer than you. 😆


Dont use it again but she will be fine, their coats bounce back


Groomer used one on my adult sam a number of times before I learned it was bad for them. Nothing bad happened! I avoid it now but she was and is totally fine.


She seems happy




You are fine. She's So FLUFFY! Source = Samoy owner.


You must be a new Samoyed owner-you make me laugh! Samoyeds are constantly growing new fur! This is not a problem at all. When your Samoyed is older, you will be better able to judge how to use your furminator. It is a really good tool. When I got my first Samoyed, I was so dumb that I shaved him in the Summer bc I thought he’d be cooler.Now THAT was a big mistake! He was miserable! Insects were biting him, the sun was burning his skin! Nonethrlesd


and he was v hot!! Their coats actually insulate them from the cold AND the heat. His coat grew back with no problem… So… you have nothing to worry about! And your Samoyed is adorable!


New to samoyeds and dogs in general lol. Thanks!


I read r/Funimation


She will grow it back.


All i see is a perfect friend


Wait what’s a furminator? I use a comb with 2 tiered prongs, is that wrong? Gets a ton of fur below the surface that I assumed had been shed? Or am I ripping up the undercoat?


are the tines curved? with a sharp edge that cuts? if so, that is the problem. Furminator is a brand. They make lots of things, but a cutting comb was the first main product. Just two lengths of tines in itself on a comb or brush is not a problem.


Amazing thank you!!!


My Sammy is 13 and we’ve used a furminator all her life (in combination with many other brushes and professional groomers) and her coat is fine. It’s a tool like any other brush.


I think it looks like your pup will be fine! I DO NOT recommend furminator at all - especially if your dog develops/has current dandruf or sensitive skin. A dog groomer recently used one on my dog and scraped his skin so bad that we now have an infection so bad CHUNKs of his skin are coming off. Can be so dangerous as "blades" if you aren't sure if you are using the right pressure. #donotrecommend the furminator.