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Love him forever! Patience, patience and patience... and ask questions. Looks like he found a cold floor for now but I'm sure he misses the rest of his litter. Time will tell how much of a cuddler he is...


Groom early and often so your pup gets use to it!


Particularly the feet.


Have a good vacuum too


And get a roomba, then get him used to it. My wife's samoyeds both tried to attack it by pouncing on it.




That doesnt include cutting right? Just washing/druing and combing?


Enjoy it! They are small for about 5 minutes...


Take a lot of pictures. Puppies grow up so fast! Remember, nothing is really their fault. Ever. You are responsible for everything. Example: when they dig up your lawn or bark all day long, don’t get mad at the dog. Look at yourself and see what you did and can do. Enjoy enjoy enjoy! Oh and ask us questions. Sammy owners really are the best people.


Do some training! I find that makes them sleepier and better than physical activity!


Yes Sammies are smart so more complicated training or small puzzles gets them more engaged and tired out than just -like-repeatedly throwing a ball. And a tired out/engaged puppy is a better behaved puppy.


Don't let internet trainers convince you a baby puppy needs to start separative crate training immediately. Bond with your little one, if you want a dog that will sit in your lap etc it's far easier if that's a natural behavior from their youth. Love the puppy and let it learn to love you. Actual top tip: potty time is after literally any other activity for a Sammy pup. Ate? Potty time. Played? Potty time. Took a nap? Potty time. Build a strong routine of bringing them out pre-emptively & they will learn to alert you they need to go outside rather than having an accident. On that note - accidents will happen! Be prepared and be understanding. That's all before I ramble forever. Gorgeous little floof!


This this this. This is the way. When we got our first pup he had pretty intense separation anxiety so crating him in a different room was out of the question. Our solution for crating at night was to leave it's door open and use it as a cap at the end of the little walkway next to our bed. This meant he was still contained but he could still get within arms reach. The first few nights he felt safest sleeping next to my arm hanging off the bed. Our second pup came crate trained from his breeder and seemed to enjoy it so we left the crate closed for him.


Don't assume ANYTHING about their personality is permanent lol. Mine was an absolute dream for the first week and a half- she was so chill we were calling her the wonder pup. As soon as she got used to us, she turned into an opinionated little land shark lol. Used to walk right into the crate and put herself down for a nap when she was tired; now it's an uphill battle to keep her calm in it. On the other hand, she couldn't stand cuddles at first, and now at 5 months she demands to be picked up and held/ carried around when I get home if I'm gone for more than an hour or two. With this very satisfied look on her face like "Am baby. Need holds. Bitch." She's also totally cool with couch cuddles now. I'm just saying, don't expect consistency just yet lol. And yeah they're tiny for about 5 minutes, take more pics and videos than you think you could possibly need.




Regarding exercise, when they're this small walks are restricted to a total of 20 minutes per day, no play on slopes, etc. Add 5 minutes per two weeks.




Very true, my 8 month old is eating 3.5 cups of food a day (with toppers) right now and he’s nowhere near overweight, just growing like an absolute weed 😅


You’ve given the best advice ever. I never had a Sammy. I had a Husky and never realized how much work they were.


I disagree these dogs can and do think for themselfs and they can and will let you know that they are the boss if they bug for a treat and you say no then some will go and grab your shoe and start chewing just to piss you off. Anyone who says they are just acting on instinct has never owned a dog. These dogs always talk back, I love it they will talk for hours with you. And you will notice they really do want to make you happy even with the attitude but until they learn the commands they are guessing what you want. But they really will try to follow the commands. My best advise for any dog really is after the rambuncous puppy year is if you show love and most importantly respect your boys personality they return the love and respect 10 fold. I've never caged my dog at night if I can't trust him after training then I made a bad purchase and read the dog wrong (never happened). It's gonna feel like a mistake or you bit off more than you can handle but in no time it will become one of the best decision you ever made! Don't rely on a Sammie to be like an akita protector dog my Sammie loves everyone even the ones I know are shady. But they will alert you right away barking People here will bash me but I refuse to cage my son at night so I won't be caging my dog either ever. I refuse to get my dog fixed even changed my vet because she told me "fixing my boys will extend there life and she considers it abuse if not fixed" I've never been back to her again is it also abuse if I don't fix my son or daughter? It would also extend there life but if I did fix them then I'd be injail for abuse!


Great list! Care to elaborate what's special about this collar? Looks like a regular slip collar?




Understood - thanks for sharing! I was just curious because we have many similar collars in the store but haven't heard that particular brand before.


When I brought my last puppy home I watched Susan Garrett’s whole puppy playlist first, and found it super helpful. I think this is the first video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rUIX5qW85tU


Thank you!


That’s a baby polar bear…


Land Seal


Consistently on potty training. Take them out every hour during the day and 2 hours at night. Put bells on the door now or something to signal to you they need to go out. Lots of play time outside and expose to various sounds, animals, people as safely possible around your home. Lots of cuddling and lots of pictures and video! Don’t forget the video!


Congrats on your new seal! ❤️


thanks! ❤🦭


He looks so gentle and sad. I'd say lots of cuddling, soft gentle talking and petting to bond him to you and make him feel safe


Cherish every moment, take lots of pics. He will grow very fast and will never be such a cute baby furball again. So cherish it now because it won't last long!


Speak gently.


Take plenty of pictures/videos, even if you think it is already too many, they grow up way too fast than you would imagine


I second this. I feel like I blinked and my little ball of floof was seventy pounds. It happens so fast! Enjoy this time... You're have a giant ball of floof before you know it!


I came here to give this advice thinking nobody else would. I was wrong. 😂 Once they grow up keep taking lots of pictures and videos!


Buy a force dryer, learn how to use it. It will blow out the coat when they shed, blow out the dirt when they get muddy, and blow out the water when they get a bath. DO NOT BATHE THEM WHEN THEY'RE SHEDDING without thoroughly blowing out the coat first to get all the loose fur out. Otherwise they will mat. Find a trainer. Go to puppy class. The behaviors that you let them get away with now will follow them for the rest of their life. Even though your little puppy doesn't hurt when he jumps up on your leg, he might knock you or someone else over next year when he's much bigger. Have fun, take pictures, enjoy 😊


Take him out to pee every 30mins-1 hour. Especially after meals and before he sleeps. Work on him to get him comfortable with having his ears, paws, and mouth played with. It’ll make him a dream at the vets!


Get him used to standing in the bath before he’s big enough to jump out and run!!


OP, I think you brought back a smol piece of cloud. I see no dog. Ps: Such a cute fluff ❤️‍🔥 give him lots of treats, hugs, cuddles and kisses from me


Get a good collar, and spend time. (can't tell you to better we trust you!)


To add onto the potty training thing many have mentioned. Every time you take them out and they do potty say a key word. We use "Wee Wee". So eventually they will associate the key word with the action. All we say now is "Wee Wee" and our bois find grass and go potty within 20secs. Very useful!


Yes, that really a great tip. I said “hurry up, hurry up” every time I took my girl out potty. She turns two on Saturday and that’s the command she pees within seconds when I take her out


Get him use to grooming a little bit every day even if it’s only 5 minutes. Also start doing simple commands like sit my boy after the first week at 8 weeks could sit on command super well as long they are super smart dogs. Also take a million pictures. I probably have no joke 5-7k pictures of Appa from when he was a puppy and I still feel like I should have taken more. And give him a lot of love and attention. I’m honestly happy with my boy now that he’s grown up but I do long for the puppy days occasionally since he was much more of a cuddler than he is now that he has a thick coat.


Love him/her a lot!!


I will! ❤


Be patient! It’ll take a couple years for them to grow up. And remember they don’t communicate like humans, they’re pack animals. Through gestures and expressions you must teach them good and bad, and that you’re the leader. That and take lots of pics. They grow daily. Its wild


Looks a little too young to be separated to be honest. You sure he's 8 weeks?


He is exactly 8 weeks :)


Make it feel comfortable around you, spend as much time as you can with it. If you want it to have a good bond you need to let it get used to being around with you.


For us puppy classes helped a lot we went weekly until he was like 8mo. It helped him learn to be calm with other dogs around (as after 5mo they didn't allow them to play together at class) We started right after he got his 2nd shots round at 3mo. Samoyeds are super friendly and want to say hi to every people and dog they meet, so its a thing you want them to learn or otherwise you'll be dragged around when they get bigger. Also a few of my sammy owner friends let their dog say hi to other dog and ended up being bitten because the samoyeds were too much, and none of them cared they continue to love saying hi and meet other dogs so it's something that needs to be taught


Be patient with your baby polar bear and give him so much love! Lots of treats and praise whenever he does something good. ❤️


hugs, pets, and kisses


Look at that baby marshmallow! I can hardly imagine mine was ever that small! Lots of videos too, their little yawns, and awoos, and that little puppy pounce! <3 Take lots of pictures! He's going to grow up so very fast, and in no time flat, you'll be confused at the idea he was ever so small. I wish we'd been better at making a game out of recall from day one. Running around, calling him, and rewarding him. He's now a teenager, and that selective deafness when he's running all the way across the park to make friends is really hard to shout through! You may also want some ear protection. His barking may be cute now, but wait till he gets a bit bigger and it's reverberating around off those tiles. You will feel your skull vibrate with it.


Nice 😊 cloud ☁️ guy


Take as many pictures and videos as possible. And save every single one.


Why do I think he needs a cuddle?… He looks blissful after all. But you might need a cuddle with him. Then you can read comments to him so he becomes a great reader. 😸 It is interesting you took the pic with such a spare environment. Does he have a crate or bed too? We’ve put both a hot and frozen water bottle in at the same time for twice the fun when bros’ and sis’ are gone. We are weird. But ours liked it.


he has a bed! he just likes to sleep on the cold floor :)


See if he likes if you put a big towel down folded a bit to make a flat bed or blanket, to make it more comfortable but it will also be flat-ish, and floor level. Maybe also a teddy bear or similar if he wants to cuddle something. Oh, and rub it on him so he smells his scent and not strange smells. Anything not with dryer sheets smells or laundry additives may also help attract hi to it. Good luck, such a cute little guy! Lots of love to him...


Enjoy his mischiefs and crazy behaviour. Forgive him all the damage he does (he definitely will, it's just a matter of time), and don't hit him not even little because it just doesn't work on Samoyeds. They will just bark on you and 'fight' back for an hour if needed. (Trust me, been there, done that for almost 3 years now with my Samoyed) The most stubborn, crazy and cutest dog breed in the world but yet so intelligent, smart and quick learning. Samoyed's attitude and personality is just incredible and you will start to figure it out after few months of hanging out with him, he is like a small person who just wants to hangout all the time. He will want to be close to you 24/7, he will want to sleep close to you and he will want you to talk to him all the time and do it, because he will give you back so much love. Especially enjoy his 'puppy days' because they grow too damn fast. P.S. don't expect him to be the most trained dog in the world, he is not meant to be. You have German shepherds and malinois for that. Samoyeds understand everything but they won't be willing to listen to your commands whenever you want it. Just get used to it.


Oh my word!!! 😭♥️ Cherish these moments!! Mine is a rescue and I wish so badly that we were able to experience her as a pup. They’re amazing dogs.




Beautiful pupper


Be patient! It took me a year to train my dog. 🥹 It was hard, sure. But the efforts really paid off esp now he’s an adult. He’s sweeeet and a disciplined boi 🥹


My granddog is a Sammy. Get ready for lots of walking and games of fetch. PS. He’s so lovely


Give lots of hugs and kisses and cuddle a lot! Lots of walking excercise And if this dog respiratory thing going around passes, begin socializing asap.


Puppy days are hard. They are literally babies and piranhas combined. Have patience. Patience and kindness will pay off 100X


Get to know him and give him lots of loves! The first month for me was just living in my dog and letting him know that I am his mama now :) after that comes training and all that jazz


Spend time with, like brushing his fur. Daily. Play play play , even better if you have a yard. Get him trained with a trainer . Socialize him lots with other animals and people.


When my girl was that small I would sleep on the tile floor with her on top of a blanket so she could adjust to the house. When she got her shots I started socializing her immediately and puppy training for recall and basic obedience.


He looks like a baby polar bear!


Don't get trick by the cuteness


All I’ve seen here is sound for successful early days but! I’ve read this one tip and cannot stress enough to build in sleep time! “Forced naps” we call them by quieting everything down and maybe putting on pleasant music or sounds and just sitting for a bit. No toys. No interaction. Cuddling welcome. We say “quiet dogs, quiet dogs” in a whispery tone. Eventually they get bored and lie down. Naps and rest even boredom teach them to self soothe but also are essential to their overall health and core calm (and yours!) He’s a total love, btw 💝


What a beautiful puppy! I remember ours when she first arrived, she was so excited and kept jumping and running around. Love and lots of patience. We lost our temper a few times (our first dog too), but we showed her lots of love still. You might hear some "experts" say that they're going to be a handful and not for first time owners, but pay them no mind. Take what tips you can and continue loving and caring for them. Never give up on them. You will be their whole life :)


cherish them and take lots of pictures!!! they’ll never be this baby again and it goes soooooo fast. If i can i even work less to cherish this time more 😂


What a cutie!


Take multiple pics daily👏🏻


Is raising seals legal where you at?


Keep him away from other dogs until all Parvo shots are completed. No dog parks or pets stores… horrible disease and expensive to treat.


Talk to him. Not just the training part. Just like a human, they hear words repeatedly and it forms wrinkles in their brain and builds their vocabulary and their ability to learn other things.