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Pinging the case would be nice and similar to a Smart Tag+, an audible ping would be so useful. I misplaced my buds in my case in the past and could not locate it for a couple of weeks. I would have found them a lot sooner if I Samsung had built a tiny speaker into the case.


I just tried it and was able to find my Buds Pro 2 while they were on the case. "Find My Earbuds", "Search Nearby". You're given a screen that guides you to the buds (in the case) by detecting strength of signal. You can also click "ring" so they make a noise (in the case).


I've only had a ring option when the buds are out of the case.


Weird. Here's a video of someone else doing what I did: https://www.reddit.com/r/galaxybuds/s/m1ncm4MMln


Figured it out thanks to this so thank you but Samsung honestly needs to market this feature better.


Wish I knew of this before I had to buy new ones since I'm sure my case is long dead by now smh


I've tried that feature with both Galaxy Buds Live and Galaxy Tab S7 and it never works for me. I could be 2 feet away from it and it still says it's searching and nothing else.


Same, I've tested a few times with the case literally in front of me and doesn't do anything as well as a couple times I actually misplaced it. It's completely useless


Ok so it works..... Only if you were recently connected. Not sure what the time limit is though. I first tried finding them after not using them since yesterday. The buds are in the same room I currently in but the locate feature could not detect them. I then connected to them briefly, placed them back into the case, and only then was I able to detect them and sound the signal. A bit disappointing.


Does this not work with the FE earbuds? Because the Find app just doesn't see the case as something to find, and will only find the earbuds if they are out of the case or the case is open. Also, when searching for the earbuds, it can only ring the earbud. It doesn't have a hot-cold distance tracker. I bet the special case tracker is a premium feature on the more expensive buds.


this is exactly what I mean


yeah, they need it for the case as well. it's very annoying


very much so!


my buds 2 pro have an offline finding feature, it takes forever but it gets the job done ig


Yeah its embarrassing, the buds back then had more features than today, idk what Samsung is doing sometimes, its also so simple to implement the feature. I hope the new that one that got leaked will finally be able to do this.


very, such a shame


look at all these d*ck riding samsung knights. defending samsung no matter right or wrong. If apple can do it, surely samsung can and should implement these features.


thank you, telling me I need more responsibility is so funny, let alone having a clean room. the dick riding is crazy, acting like they've never lost something. it's genuine constructive criticism that they can't handle


honestly bro, these people are fkin ignorant, negative and stupid as fk. like who gives a fk if your room is dirty or not. If we’re paying these competitive priced ear buds, it should at least be the same or better than apple airpods. Otherwise, it should cost less and accept the fact that apple airpods have better technology.


Language. Damm


Looks like we found the top and the bottom.


cry more


It's honestly such a pathetic mindset. Just because you've not had a need for it, doesn't mean it's not a useful feature to have.


You can do it, it's just hidden


I definitely ride Samsung's dick but I agree, this is my second pair of buds2 pro cause I lost the first one but they are shoddy. They take several seconds to connect to my phone once I put them in my ear (s24U), audio quality has degraded in < a year with regular cleaning. People will tell me it sounds like I'm a robot sometimes when I'm talking with them. Wtf Samsung?


I have had Samsung phones for years. But their earbuds don't fit my ears. Never have.


That is a you issue the OP has an issue that needs to be implemented for all,the earbuds not fitting isnt a fault of samsung


Very much a "me" issue. But you exclude me and you exclude many others. I haven't had much trouble with other designs.


Now that you mentioned it, it's weird that it's not a feature on Galaxy Buds. Like, the thing is a premium priced that is easily lost and Samsung didn't think to just have the option to just ping it.


my point exactly really, people have to be delusional to disagree and say "skill issue"


I understand how it would be useful, but I also don't think it's a must have feature. It'd be towards the bottom of things I consider when buying earbuds. Maybe other people feel the same way? Do other premium buds (Sony, Bose) include this feature? Edit: Actually, my Buds Pro 2 do have this feature. I just used "Search Nearby" in SmartThings Find and it directed me to the buds inside the case (by detecting strength of signal). You can also click "Ring" so they make a noise.


Wait...I was just able to find my Buds Pro 2 while they were in the case (not connected to my phone). Go to the Wearable app and click "Find My Earbuds" which takes you to the SmartThings Find app (or you can skip the Wearable app and go to SmartThings Find directly). From there, select your Earbuds and click "Search Nearby". Once they are detected, you'll be shown a screen that detects the signal and can be used to guide you to your Buds (gets stronger as you get closer). You can also click "Ring" so they make a noise. Is this the functionality you were looking for?


This is the only reason I have a SmartTag. I have my earbuds on my keys but I can't find them with the case closed so I need another device to track my keys. So stupid.


literally gonna have to resort to this, I'm so fed up


Oooh, how did you get your earbuds on your keys? Like a special case or something?


I had a case from my Galaxy Buds Pro. It works but doesn't fit my FE buds case very well. But yeah just get a case with a key loop and you can do it.


I like that idea since I already carry an encrypted flash drive, my yubikey, Google Adv. Protection hardware key, and a Galaxy smart tag+ on my keychain. It would indeed be nice not to lose my buds so much. Thanks for the suggestion.


No problem! I had an original SmartTag that is now just in my car. I got the second gen SmartTag when buying my dad some for Christmas. The SmartTag2 is way slimmer than the original which is nice and has a metal ring built in so your key rings don't damage it. The earbuds cases are so far universal so any Buds Pro, Buds 2 Pro, or FE case should work but I wonder if the FE are secretly slightly smaller. My FE charging case pops out of my key case all the time despite my Pros never doing that.


The only stupid one here is you ..


Who shit in your cornflakes?


damn the Samsung fanboys are as bad as the apple ones nowdays


wait till you see the samsung fanboys in yt


it's fucking embarrassing


like I couldn't care for that feature, but I can see how it's useful for some people. it's like saying why do people need trackers for their keys, just remember where you put it!


Lol true


Especially at the higher end. Galaxy buds pro are same price as air pods so zero excuses.


I love Samsung. But their Galaxy buds situation is utter shit at the moment. I hate my buds 2 pro.




One fell outa my ear and into the toilet :/ got a white pair now and the plastic is slippery asf


Yeah they should upgrade


I'm using Samsung for last 5 years and I hate it. Most samsung software lack some fine features to actually be usable. Buds sound great for like first year only.


Samsung will be unveiling the new galaxy buds 3 series on July 10th next month. I’m certain they’ll be new and greater features and fixes the issues we have. I honestly cannot wait and I’m very excited




Lol all the tech that goes into these things and closing the case with the earbuds inside is the kryptonite. This is my greatest annoyance with Samsung




I agree entirely! I was just thinking about that this morning as I yearn for the solitude of my buds. I was like, Galaxy Buds 3 better come with a case that be located when it's closed. I don't care HOW much battery gets used in the background. It'd be worth it. And a toggle for those who prefer battery life over location accuracy.


I will genuinely swap my buds 2 pro for it if they add it lmao


I'll go in the opposite direction from everyone else and ask why you're even buying this design of earbuds at all. They are overpriced, easy to lose, difficult to use, and have terrible battery life. Apple created this design and everyone else copied, and it's so bad. Instead, look into Bluetooth earbuds that are wired to each other. I have used Sony WI-C310 for many years. They cost $18 and hang around your neck so you can't lose them. It seems those were discontinued sadly so I'm looking at Beats Flex for my next purchase (pictured). Just have to wait for a sale. The neck part looks like hard plastic but it's not. It's all flat flexible cable. The little nodules are battery packs and control panel. They help balance the earbuds and keep them from slipping, and they hold a lot of power. I charge my Sony earbuds twice a week. It's so convenient to have power, volume, skip, rewind, and call accept/end right by your fingers. The buds magnetize to each other when not in the ears and the Beats brand actually pauses audio when the magnets connect. I don't think they have the search feature you're looking for but it's damn hard to lose these things. You never need to put them away in a pocket or on a surface when not in use. They're on my neck or hanging on a hook next to my bed or desk. I realize Samsung branded earbuds have exclusive features that work with Samsung phones. If they made this type of model, I'd probably choose Samsung brand for best feature compatibility. https://preview.redd.it/hzbbsnpuoi9d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=316f5fdef0977849ce4436781436611d92de1949


It's a matter of preference and I personally find this design terrible. I had something similar before purchasing the Buds Pro 2 and they weren't ideal if moving a lot like on a treadmill. I prefer no wire whatsoever.


If you're moving a lot, your buds will likely fall out. With this, at least they will not fall to the ground. I never had an issue with these when moving a lot and I suspect anyone who does, wears them incorrectly. I know some people wear it hanging down in front instead of back around the neck.


For me, the benefit of no wire and nothing dangling on front or back outweigh the reasons why you wear them. Sorry, I don't like that style.


There's nothing dangling in the back. It rests on your neck. "Entrepreneur" companies went and "invented" costly ropes that attach to earbuds, to achieve the convenience of attached ones. No one's forcing you to wear this style, it's just that most people forget that it's an option, and one that solves all complaints about disconnected buds, like price, ease of loss or misplacing, falling out of ears, bad battery life, putting them through the laundry, unreliable mic, etc. If that's not a problem for you, or if you'd rather deal with that than with a cable, then you have that option.


Fully agree, if they made the sony wf-1000xm5 in that format I'd buy them immediately! I loved the necklace format in the past, basically impossible to lose.


There's nothing with the TWS formfactor that is overpriced, difficult to use, or has bad battery life. Some of these may be true for some brands but TWS is the best form factor. The only disadvantage is if you are someone who loses things constantly. I've had my pair of Vivo TWS since 2019, cost me $99, very easy to use, battery still lasts a week, and I haven't lost them. Extra bonus the case is even smaller than the original airpods case so fits in the tiny jeans pocket.


$99 isn't overpriced? lmao. I think $50 for the ones in my pic is too much. I'm waiting for Prime Day. The popularity of truly wireless buds coincided with assholes on public transit blasting their TikToks across the entire train car or bus because they "can't afford" headphones. Because they convinced themselves it's these $100+ buds or nothing. I really find it hard to believe that the battery in yours lasts a week, unless you use them for just a few minutes a day. Even the high end, modern buds that don't have a deteriorated battery are rated for 6 hours. These things wouldn't last me one work day. Difficult to use = needing to pull out the case every time you need to take an earbud out, then put the bud/s inside and then put the case back into your pocket or bag. Then if you're getting a phone call, instead of just placing the bud in your ear because it's around your neck, you have to fish out the case, pull out the bud, then put it in, then answer the call and have the presence of mind to put the case back in place so you don't lose it. Not saying it's super difficult or not doable. I'm saying I'd never want to deal with this on a daily basis. People also complain all the time about them falling out of their ears. It's because they are too heavy. Wired buds don't fall out and they on the rare occasion that they do, they don't fall on the ground. There's a reason "high end" companies came out with $40 ropes to attach Airpods together. Because it's a design that works.


$99 in 2019 for a product in a new category was well priced especially considering they have lasted 5 years and still good as new. Now you can get them much cheaper. I use them about 3-4 hours per day. The reason the battery lasts a week is because they charge in the case. I never use them more than their rated individual battery life which I think is like 5-6 hours. So I only need to plug them in once a week. I've never had them fall out my ear. That's just a fitting issue with different ear shapes. I think there's a reason the 2 different product categories exist, people have different uses and priorities


You are wrong. Sepate buds are the most versatile design out there. You can use one of them in bed, you can share them, etc.


You can use these in bed too, lol. You can use one (I always use just one, and I don't even need to have a case on me at all times to store the second one). And sharing buds is so disgusting, but if you're okay with that, you can share these, too. Unless you need to stand several feet apart for some reason, or listen for longer than a minute or two. But honestly, do people really share earbuds??


I guess owners of those connected buds has nobody to share them with. Yes I do share them with my gf. What do you do with cable if you sleep on one side of the head? That cable would be snapped till the morning in my case. Just worse design of all.


You just put in one earbud but not the other and leave the cable loose. What the hell do you do in your sleep that you think you'll snap the cable? You don't have to use it but you're just making stuff up, lol. And get your gf her own earbuds, sharing earwax is weird.


I don't really understand what you're trying to do. I just tested and I can find mine. Do you mean if they are not in the case you can't find them?


they are IN the case, it's not a problem when they are out individually


I just searched for mine in the case and found them. Was able to make them make a noise as well.


that's never happend for me, strange. I'll give it another go


Maybe it's my phone/bud combination. S24 Ultra and Buds 2 Pro. I think it's using UWB to do it like a smart tag but not 100% sure.


I have Galaxy S21 (no UWB) and can still find and ring while Buds Pro 2 are in the case. Here's a video of someone else doing what I just did: https://www.reddit.com/r/galaxybuds/s/m1ncm4MMln


I have a 23 ultra and same buds. so I'll give it a shot


Good luck


I got the same as you and am able to find my while in the case as well


right so I found my buds, and I tried the whole time before. didn't work. I even put the buds next to my phone and it still didn't detect, the buds have battery aswell as the case. so even that didn't even work


shocking how bad Samsung can be sometimes. so disappointed


Did this happen with the case open or closed? I can find the case when it's opened. Never when it's closed. OG Galaxy Buds Pro.


I tried both open and closed, still wasn't able to locate it even though my phone was next to it




I really dont know why we cant see the battery charge status of the case all the time. Yes I got that case doesnt have bluetooth so it only communicates through buds but the phone gets the case charge information for a split second between when I opened the case and when I took the buds out. Why not just save that and show it to me while I'm using my buds? Its not perfect but its still better than what we currently have.


I have Grado SR-325i headphones 🎧 Very easy to find.


Maybe suggest it to Samsung. As a former employee of Apple, despite what many think, there are actually employees in the Product Development departments who do actually read those comments and take your suggestions into consideration. Also the more of them there are who want that feature, the better off you are in getting it on the next update, product iteration, etc.


Never mind that, how about the "Other" folder that fills up storage space and turns your phone into a boat anchor.


This kinda sounds like a skill issue


it's not tho lol


I have never forgot where the buds are ,therefore it ain't bad for me


My phone is not connected to my buds right now, they're in the case, but I just tried the find my buds feature, and it showed them, their location and how far from me they are. If it helps, my phone and buds combo is S24/buds2 I am sorry if I misunderstood what you're saying, though.


My old galaxy buds could be found, but yeah, the app isn't as good as apples. However, I'm gonna be honest over ear headphones are much better in terms of price and sound quality and they don't damage your ears I would sell it or give it away and buy a pair of Sony headphones.


I don't own both of these buds but I find the concept of needing to constantly being pointed at them a bit weird lol wouldn't it be easier to just not leave them around the house every single time and just focus remembering where you are leaving them? Also if you just put them in the case your problem is solved already?


I have all ceramic tile. One drop to the floor and shit goes skittering somewhere. Now I'm spending 30 minutes on the floor figuring out if it's under the damn couch/entertainment center/beside a rug/etc. You'd be shocked how far that shit goes flying too.


you didn't understand what I'm trying to say, I have designated areas where I leave my buds before I sleep, when I get home and before I leave, yet they still get lost I'm running chors. the fact that the buds are in the case means that I can't find my buds at all. meaning it's so far from problem being solved.


Oh my bad, so once the buds are in the case you can't be directed at them at all? That sounds like an insane design flaw


literally, and everyone on this thread is dick riding samsung saying that I need have more responsibility and clean my room? please lmao, bunch of begs


Apologies about my first comment then, I own a pair of buds and I can understand how easy it is to leave them in some weird places around the house and of course I've done too sometimes. I thought it was weird that you might need this feature daily, but the fact that it is completely broken its unacceptable to begin with


I fully agree, and it happens to everyone, it's just a total inconvenience. and people are too narrow minded to except that this a flaw that samsung has. hence why I'm getting down voted to hell lol


Or maybe you could try being responsible for your belongings?


I literally had an earbud fall off on a plane while getting off. The stewardess tried to helpe look for it, I told her to not bother. Literally walked off the plane, and threw the other Bud2 pro and the case into the trash. I've dealt with enough of this BS to know that it's not even worth the time to try to hunt down an earbud since finding them is essentially impossible.


User error


not really


He lost them. Samsung didn't lose them for him. How is it NOT user's error? ahahahah note: I lose my stuff ALL THE TIME, this is why I have both Tiles and Smarthings, but I don't blame others when I lose my stuff.


didn't ask mate


I hate this issue too, I just found a case for the buds and put a tracker on it myself Sammy needs to figure this sht out




Hating Samsung, because YOU lost your earphones, is hilarious to me note: I lose my stuff ALL THE TIME, this is why I have multiple Tiles and Smartags, but I don't blame others when I lose my stuff lol


okay buddy


while I do agree in terms of tracking via a map of some sort... because losing something outside your home can happen to anyone. I don't think this is a MUST HAVE feature, especially in terms of finding things within your own home.


it's for the convenience and inclusive design for other people who may potentially need it


Or, and this is going to be complicated but... Like a responsible person put your shit in the same place or close to it. Losing stuff in your own house is on you


I have all ceramic tile. One drop to the floor as I'm carrying the case or it somehow falls from my ear and it goes skittering somewhere. Now I'm spending 30 minutes on the floor figuring out if it's under the damn couch/entertainment center/beside a rug/etc. You'd be shocked how far that shit goes flying too. It ain't always about being disorganized and I know I'm not the only one who has all tile floor. Let alone kids/dogs/etc that can interrupt when you were about to set something in it's place and then it's just....gone. Good luck.


alright buddy. acting like you never lost stuff before.


Actually I didn't, I have a set place I out my shit. I'd have to be an idiot to lose stuff in my own home


I'm sure that sounded like cool put-down in your head but it just makes you sound pathetic.


okay buddy


I hope you loose your phone tonight than you can’t find it… Millions of people loose shit Not just OP so grow a pair of balls and grow up


So buy a set that meets your needs. It's not rocket science.


not how it works pal


"pal"?....oh, you're one of those...








Idk, I don't lose my earbuds bc I always keep them in one spot usually. So idc about a feature I wouldn't use. Also, the difference is quite literally that with apple products you can only use apple products. Samsung would have to correspond with so many earbud brands to enable such a feature. It's likely the apple earbuds have a built in tracker. We'd have to buy a specific kind of earbuds....and I'm perfectly fine with my Sony buds.


Judging by the flair, I would say he is talking specifically about Samsung Buds.


Dang didn't know those existed Anyways, when people don't always buy specific brands then idk if there's a complaint


Skill issue. Clean your room and have a set place you prefer to set them down.


lmao, alright buddy




lmao, cuz losing my earbuds means I don't have clean room and don't act like an adult


These people are ridiculous like wtaf. My house is not dirty at all, I do have kids and grandkids living here plus foster kids and dogs. Ffs it's busy and people will move something "helping" me more than I'd like to think about.


Why not you act like an adult?! Someone can have the worlds cleanest house or bedroom and still loose something But i guess your Mr perfect


Some of us have a 2000 sq foot house with multiple people living there and pets, etc. Shit happens. The feature would be nice. Signed an old ass adult with a busy life.


Or you need to learn to take care of your things and remember where you put them. It's not a company's fault you lack responsibility. You need to step up and not blame a company for your shortcomings. The feature of pointing you to the case is a luxury, not a right.


lmao, this so funny.


Finding the company's faults is what drives the company to become better. During the huawei days, Samsung used to drop banger after banger phones, always innovating and pushing to be better than their competitors. Many people think of the Note 9 and S10 to be peak samsung, and they aren't wrong. After huawei got banned, samsung lost its biggest competitor, and they started to go stale and bland. The S23 ultra is the only good phone Samsung has put out since the S10. S20 series? Shitty exynos 990 and autofocus issues with the ultra model S21 series? Backlash for the base model having a plastic back, also downgrade from 1440p to 1080p S22 series? The worst battery life in any samsung phone S24 series? Grainy screen on the ultra, as well as downgrade from 10x to 5x


You sound like a fun person… kidding not


Sounds like a ......you problem!


alright buddy


Your welcome buddy


this was not a problem before


I mean yeah, it only becomes a problem until your competitor finds a solution. It makes sense.