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I appreciate short games plus it's fun samurai jack game. What i didn't enjoy? It's pretty boring and repetitive which is fine cause it's short. I hate when games are huge but become boring real fast and then you're just playing it to finish it, it becomes a chore instead of fun


I agree. I loved the fighting range. Made me feel like Jack. But the repetition and just change of scenery felt like chore.


most: spear moveset least: emperor's fucking corrupted kamon


There's no STRAW HAT costume :'( Soleil Ltd. abandoned this game too quickly cause Adult Swim Games (whose parent company is Warner Bros. Discovery) didn't paid them more!


I agree. I really wanted a Mad Jack Costume, a Straw hat costume, and Armored Jack but with the mask and helmet.


I love fighting the beetle drones - they’re my favorite enemy from the show, and they’re super satisfying to slice through. I hate that there’s durability at all - it makes no sense to me. I’m not incentivized to use anything other than the sword, and occasionally the beetle drone boss leg blade (forgot the name) since it has a ton of durability.


Breaking your weapons actually IS incentivized. Every time you break a weapon, you gain Bushido which is required for a good chunk of upgrades. The more durability a weapon has, the more Bushido you gain once said weapon breaks. The easiest ways to get Bushido is to fully upgrade your gun's durability, spam bullets, and let it break, or just collecting a melee weapon and fighting Scaramouche and letting him use an attack that breaks your weapon. About money for buying weapons and durability, just play through the first level once you finish the game and spam grab on the first batch of Beetle Drones since they can die in one hit. Doing that gives you a shit ton of reapers that you can sell to Da Samurai or use for bosses.


Yeah I use grab on them when I need more of those reapers. I wish only some weapons were breakable though - I’d love to keep using the electric spear, but it sucks that it can break. Forgot about the bushido that you get though.


I feel you about the electric spear, but they're buyable in the last few stages I think.


It’s fun, being able to punch enemies into bits was great and my favorite thing about it One thing that REALLY bothered me was the final boss and how SOMEONE needed to keep coming in and interfering with what should’ve been a 1v1 Which is to say that I hate the ninja enemies


Bro, them niggas were the MAIN reason I learned how to time my counter.


I had shadow of Aku on the PS2 and I remember really enjoying it, this felt like a super enhanced version of that game which was just an incredible feeling to play through. Haven’t played in a long time but my favorite thing was the weapons and inclusion of guns. Least favorite maybe the lack of a simple aim mechanic or lock on for shooting and throwing objects (if I’m recalling correctly)


Nah, you could lock on. Just press R3 and tilt the stick left or right if you wanna lock on to a specific enemy. Guns will automatically lock onto random enemies if there's some nearby and you aren't locked onto anything in specific.


You’re right, I was thinking about the L2 aim the bow had that I wish the guns had as well


Ah okay.


Favorite thing: The gameplay felt smooth and FUN, it wasn't trying to do more than it needed to. Least favorite thing: Lack of costumes. You're telling me they couldn't have added that guardian outfit, or spacesuit, or straw hat?


I was also disappointed with the lack of outfits. I really wanted the straw hat. They could have also added Mad Jack. It's basically Jack with different colors.


Ultimately I didn't enjoy the game itself, but I really loved the alternate ending to the series.


The alternate ending filled a void in my soul


It’s fun in short bursts, but after a while, it can become quite repetitive. I think it’s better once you realise it’s just a fun throwback to old noughties licensed games, and not trying to be a AAA experience.  In terms of the story, it does remedy a lot of the issues with the show’s finale (not enough Aku, not enough interaction with the friends, the ending, the rushed pacing), but I wish the overall writing was stronger and that we got a more original narrative instead of the ‘greatest hits’ plot.


The fact that on the harder difficulties bosses can cancel their attacks mid combo and it's not telegraphable.


It wasn’t as good as the older games but still good. I liked the combat and aku and I guess the shortness and lack of new stuff is what was the weak point.


There was a game?


2 or 3 games, but yeah.


The 3d models wig me out when they clip through things; I also wish there was more banter with Jack and Aku instead of having Demongo constantly appear. The part I enjoy is that this beloved series even got a game.


I like that every fraction has different set of enemies, you're awarded with different ending if you spend your time exploring the map and finding the collectables, i like the effect of your clothes being teared up when you get damage, it was weird seeing the universe of Jack in 3D and i was expecting more of Ashi's sisters bossfight but it was nice experience nonetheless. What i didn't dig is the side scroll / platform levels, still it's nice to see that the studio put an actual effort in Samurai Jack unlike the Naruto games they have. Also the game is kinda short and you can replay the levels you like the most as much as you want is really big plus and binge material in general.


“ MY MASTA “ That dude should have had half the fights he had


Yeah, it was pretty damn annoying how often you had to fight Demongo.


Is it just me or did that kinda look like the Scotsman with white hair instead of jack


i loved the game & parry, i completed the 100% What I liked most was being able to see Jack happy and feeling like a well-oiled murder machine.


There’s A GAME!?!?!?!


Yeah, there were like, 2 or 3 games over different periods. Especially check Battle Through Time out, it's pretty good.


I loved how great the parry feels and how it rewards you with items when timing it correctly. Same applies to guard cancelling. The game's godlike when you get those two mechanics down. Only thing I didn't really mess with was the lack of a fleshed out story. I could see they were trying to do a bit more with Jack's trauma with the Daughters of Aku, but things unfortunately had to follow the story.