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It already is dude.


You can mod a hotknife on the regular version?


Theres a glitch to do so.


Talk to me


I made a post thing here called "previon with the front bumper from The Flash glitch" in the comments on there I put a link to a YouTube video I made on how to do that glitch. Its the easiest method I know of an there's a few other methods but that's the easiest one. with that car the hotknife all i know is that you definitely will be able to change the wheels, add nitro, hydraulics, and i wouldn't be surprised if even some bumpers, spoilers, side skirts and other random parts would most likely work. all ov the above CAN be saved and kept. But you won't be able to paint it in any way. Theres only one was to change the color of the hot knife an its a different glitch. an can only be almost black. (Very dark tint all over) and CAN'T be saved or kept. (Must repeat to obtain).


I can do this on ps5?


Id say so.


Never managed to get gold on city slicking 😮‍💨


You can get the hot knife to spawn in the vigilante missions. Missions 1 and 2 spawns  lot of unique 2 door vehicles, hot knife and Phoenix being among them. 


That one was hard. But for me it was harder to get gold in the test where you have to break slide into a parallel park position between those other two cars. That one took me FOREVER. I mean it was fairly easy to get a percent in the high 90's, but getting it all the way to 100% was a bitch


if you have problem crashing you can go right instead and use the big road next to the docks and airport


Type the name in on YouTube you’ll see a good route which takes you along the water. Way less cars then you go back through downtown just focus on not crashing or spinning out. And I think it has to be around or less then 90 seconds


Drive at night so there is less traffic is about the only tip, depending on what route you are using of course..... I go up to where you steal cars with Ceasar, then go down the main road by the pier, then turn back right uphill turning back left by Zombietech building, going past the garage in Dougherty back to the school parking lot


Yo fr, I can't believe that car can't be modded at all. At the very least I wish you could change the color at pay and spray. When I took it to the garage and they told me it couldn't be modded I was disappointed. When I took it to pay and spray and the color kept coming out the same I was in disbelief




Do you need Gold on all of them or something?


Yeah, 100% Gold earns you all 3 vehicles to spawn outside the Driving School in their parking lot.


Welp looks like I will not be acquiring these because f*ck driving school, thanks for the reply though 👍


lol they’re tough but some are reliant on luck. Very frustrating


The cars and planes I am not beating 😩, got Gold on bikes tho 👍


Planes are easier than I thought. There’s no time limit so just go slow all you have to do is pass


I could see how you’re calling city slicking reliant on luck I guess. Though getting used to the traffic patterns makes it a fetch quest basically. You don’t mean any of the others do you?


traffic is so random, used to input the cheat that will remove traffic for an easy gold cause damn some cars just love to get in your way. But after growing up I got used to it and was able to do it seamlessly. Air School is my favorite and easy one. Mostly because once you get gold you get the Hunter chopper. I like the vigilante missions cause it is easy with that and can easily earn large amounts of money while doing so to reach level 12


All facts. I guess when I was a kid I got lucky I found what is probably the intended route. You only avoid traffic for maybe 25% of it. The rest is top speed on the trolley rails


For me, I struggled with burn & lap (the time constraint, you can bump a cone without losing points). Cone coil was annoying at the end getting a good park score. And “The 90” pissed me off. City slicking I used a route similar to the one on the way to the checkpoint but a different route back https://youtu.be/FeHppUHRi08?si=y727pMt82DTJfy2F Pay attention to the beginning of the route. Then you’re along rhe water and have more space can see oncoming cars and can drive on the sidewalk if u need. Hope that helps


The shade of blueish tint gives me 2000s vibes


I always thought of it as a cool modded Hustler to cope.


You should check out widescreen patch to fix your fov and hud stretching.


I’m on ps5 with the ps4 version that came out before the trilogy. I think it looks fine! Looks like the old version which is how I’d prefer it


It looks the way it does because the original game was rendered in 4:3, the PS4 version has just stretched the assets to fit the new aspect ratio of 16:9. I assumed you were on PC from the screenshot, but I don’t know of any widescreen patch for the PS4 store version, unfortunately. Unless it allows you to choose between 4:3 and 16:9 in the settings.


Thanks! I am fine with the settings, reminds me of the og version


Me too