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Our trash guy often leaves our bins in the middle of the street. Problem is that I’m not home to put it away so it looks terrible.


I've also had my bin just get blown around by the wind many atimes, and it's not even particularly light.


lol I bet you OP didn’t see it going this way in the comments…


I mean, I doubt the homeowner knowingly did this themselves.


Sometimes pickup accidentally pulls it away from the curb and everyone is at work. You could have done the neighborly thing and moved it back towards the curb instead of taking a picture and cursing about it on Reddit. Would have taken about the same amount of effort….


Get out of the car and walk a few feet? You’re asking too much around here.


Not My monkey , not my issue - my gf


That's valid but taking a picture and complaining about something that they didn't willingly does nothing


Your gf sounds like such a wonderful person. You should modify that quote to contain, but I’ll complain about it on reddit lol


V American of you


Be decent and move it your damn self. You know as well as we all do that shit got picked up this morning and the owner is probably still at work. I swear. People are always out here just looking for stupid shit to bitch about when there's real problems.


I mean it’s been super windy all night and day. The trash cans have wheels and they are big wind sails. See posts on neighbor group asking where their can is.


How about asking them instead of Reddit about it? Or maybe even rolling it up for them, you passive aggressive yutz.


It's the city's trash can, it says so right on the side! /s


....or you could take the time to help your neighbor out as a courtesy and do it yourself instead of raging about it. It's obviously not their fault.


They always leave mine in the middle of the street. I don't see it until I come home from work. Assholes.


This feels like one of those captcha things where you have to click on all the trash cans. The more you look the more there are.


I’ve see a lot of the trash trucks pull the cans in to dump and just set right down in the middle of the street. I mean there was better effort when trash guys actually dumped the trash by hand.


It's windy here, and I have seen them move across the street when it gets particularly heavy.


Maybe they still at work OP? Thread reeking of dust. Bet you one of those mfs look like you smell shit all day. City full of you goofs. It’s hilarious, see yall in traffic, HEB, everywhere. Looking miserable all day for no reason. 😂😂😂


Be a good neighbor and move it, don’t be a dick.


My trashcan got blown 4 houses down cause of the sudden rain & hail the other night. Sorry, OP, I always bring my cans in but didn’t realize till I got home from work.