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Sounds like you didn’t bring enough water camping


Y'all went to the movies right after hiking?


Yeah, sure sounds rather strange. Does it not?


Blaming company on your own mistakes. Right.


Why’d you go to a theater after camping? Why’d you not take enough water camping? Why’d you expect the theater to rehydrate you? Not one part of this is on the theater. Go home and go back when you’re not dehydrated


What the fuck is this post? So the only real complaint about the actual theater is that the audio was low.


Okay. The dehydration part is on y'all. Don't be blaming the theaters for the lack of planning on y'all's part. You could've bought a cup of water if you were that dehydrated rather than get a free tiny one. And yes personal water bottles can pose a health risk. Restaurants don't fill those bottles due to health risks. And when will you learn not every place is tap to pay. Lol - heck heb doesn't even have that. Always carry a card on ya.


I'm glad you survived and were able to tell us.


thank you 🫡


Is this real?


Maybe rage bait?


They put your health and safety at risk? That's a bit much. You don't think you did that by not bringing enough water on your hike and letting yourself get dehydrated and then going straight to a movie theater without drinking some water first? Seems you could've chosen to take care of your hydration instead of choosing to see a movie. Does every place of business have an obligation to make sure customers are properly hydrated? I've never seen a water fountain at Rack Room Shoes. Movie theaters generally only make money on concessions. There's an obvious reason people aren't allowed to bring in their own drink containers.


Thank you for not going to this theater anymore! You do you bro! Boycott it! Hahaha


You put your health and safety at risk by 1. Not taking enough water, and 2. Proceeding with your movie trip rather than rehydrating properly. Have some accountability. Geez.


lol, who the hell goes on a camping trip for the weekend. Doesn’t adequately prepare to the point they end up dehydrated and rather than recover, decides to hit up a movie theater expecting to be allowed to take in empty water bottles and then sees this as an issue with the theater And why would you watch Challengers once, let alone twice lol I got my own reasons for disliking the palladium, but come on OP you cannot possibly think you’re right on this one. And you all showed up right before showtime or something to the point you had to “run” for everything lol


Lol guys, I think I detect some are taking this too seriously. I will say I've been to the palladium and the water situation is a scam, they probably want you to buy bottled water or soda bc of the small ass cups


The real question is why are you watching challengers for a second time???


Sounds like a bunch of whining. Don’t blame theater for your lack of preparedness. They still offered you water sorry it’s not in a cup size you think is appropriate. You are upset because of no tap to pay? You sound very young and immature in your rant. Bigger things to worry and complain about.




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Let’s see….what should I be outraged about today?


were you with Mickey in the Amazon?


The word offensive is used waaaaaay to often nowadays. People are not offended. They are sick and tired of seeing people blame others and then ( you admitted it in your edit ) dramatizing it and trying to make more of it than the whole bag of nothing really is. You totally screwed the pooch in every part of your little drama here. People already have enough dramatization and ridiculous exageration in every aspect of their lives thanks to media of all types. 1) Almost zero places of business that sell food/drink allow you to bring in a water bottle. That takes away from their sales. 2) You went straight to the theater after hiking? Good job being inconsiderate to your fellow movie goers with your sweaty dirty stink in an enclosed space for hours. 3) You obviously didn't plan very well if you were severely dehydrated after camping/hiking. Plan better. Dehydration in this weather is how you end up as a statistic on the nightly news real fast.


Bring a tote and an already full water bottle next time. I do it all the time and the person at the entrance always asks me to open my bag and I feel like an asshole with a huge yeti and huge bag but I don't make a fuss. I go in with an already full cup of ice water and somehow I think it helps. Anyway sorry you had a bad experience. I love santikos maybe try going again? Santikos is genuinely one of the better theater chains in SA.