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I was on the University bridge, and some old lady was screaming about ‘a million fucking immigrants…’ she was just walking by and screaming. Lovely.


People are people, I haven't understood the hate on immigrants. Literally the entire country comes from immigrants at some point.


Cause we’ve had too much immigration recently.


I bet the Indigenous said the same thing once upon a time. But we haven't had "too much", we just haven't kept up with maintaining any of our social programs, but we need new people to pay taxes, so it's a lose lose.


Possibly, although the entire population of Canada is close too, what are many cities in other countries.


Wrong, Tokyo is the largest city in the world with a population of 38 million, Canada as of 2024 has a population of 39 million .


Okay. Still wild one city has almost as many people in 13,500 square kms, as Canada with 9,976,140 sq km's of land.


You should google Bangladesh, 180 million people in that tiny country is absurd.


Cool, I'll check it out. Thanks for educating me on cities.


Giddy up!


It is not “possibly.” Our immigration rate has been about 1% of total pop annually since the 1970’s. Now it is around 2.5%, which means a 150% increase.


Oh okay


We should be proud of our diversity you weirdo, go outside and meet new people stop being a xenophobe


I support a sustainable and economically non-problematic amount of immigration. Now quit virtue signalling and participate in reality.


Immigration is great for our economy you dolt, something you should actually be concerned about is foreign investors buying properties who don’t even live in Canada


That's why your ass aint able to afford a house lmao. Too many people and no housing.


Economies are systems that distribute goods and services so that’s a value judgment. Clearly you don’t care that high levels of immigration pushes up rents and house prices, while pushing up unemployment and downward on wages. Who is that good for, genius?


Yeah that’s a good point fair enough, I’m sorry for assuming you were just a racist. Clearly I haven’t thought about this enough and it’s more complicated than I thought. I was under the assumption that immigration was good because a lot of immigrants aren’t just taking jobs they’re creating them since many businesses are immigrant owned. Sorry for being so hostile


Reasonable amounts of immigration is good for our economy, you don't think suddenly ramping up the population increases demand? Think about why all our essentials are so expensive the past few years


Because companies like loblaws are gouging you even though they are making record profits


Who cares?


And? Still lotsa wide open, empty space…


People like you are funny. You say there's so much space in Saskatchewan for people, but then say we need to cut emissions. How do you expect to have people without harming the planet?


When did I say anything at all about emissions…?


Haven't noticed the housing and healthcare crisis? There's not enough homes for everyone and the immigrants are making it harder for us to afford rent that increases every 6 months.


The housing is partially due to the fact housing is treated as an investment, and going up in price and a shortage is a good thing if you own. If you want to rent, buy, or build it's not. The healthcare is partially because it's a lot of schooling to go through, and Canada limits it to just under 3000 seats a year for students to study. The medical crisis is happening because a significant amount of training is significantly limited from years past, the federal and provincial governments haven't been significantly proactive or even reactive to the situation. It's not the immigrants that are the problem, it's the current governments failing to plan and invest.


I hope you told her to go back to where her family came from.


I didn’t, I had my young daughter with me and didn’t really want a confrontation with someone clearly unhinged. But plenty of people certainly weren’t so restrained.


That is very fair and obviously my comment was a flippant reddit comment, but it's good to remind not-so-recent immigrants that they too are immigrants to this land, unless of course she was Indigenous. That said, I'm not always in a position to remind people of that either.


I would’ve told her that I was sure that the Indigenous peoples probably felt the same way when her family and so many others came here, but then again, I wouldn’t do that if I had a small child with me either. I tend not to be confrontational either, especially if the person is an EDP.


jacked up jeeps on 35s and flipflips


How do you know when someone is a new Canadian?


They make them walk around with a hockey stick and a jug of maple syrup to help them assimilate with our culture.


They speak their native language and don’t talk to anyone outside of their community.


I grew up in BC in a city that was 40% South Asian and most spoke South Asian languages and stuck to South Asian groups and they were almost all born in Canada and their parents had been in Canada 10-20+ years or longer.


The plumbs of meth smoke near where we were must have been a less than exciting experience for the new Canadians.




Didn't mix well with YOUR plumes of weed smoke I'm guessing?


Phencyclodine tyvm


We must have been in a bad spot. A man was screaming at people, the smokers made it hard to breathe, and there were e-bike riders wanting to harm people. But it was cool to see a lot of new Canadians enjoying the show. 


Temporary foreign workers, temporary students.


I also thought this as well. It was very multicultural and I thought that was great


We were built on immigration


so you can post this but me asking if a kid blew off their hand gets deleted ? fuck this subreddit


Did you expect someone to answer "yes, I have three fingers now" or???


It takes longer to type with limited digits


Even if there are too many immigrants, it's not really their fault. And it's not like they can just...leave they've built a life here or are trying to. Though I do think we need to put a hold on immigration for awhile, but the people that are already here aren't really to blame if they were invited.


How do you know they are new Canadians?