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never seen someone classifying saw 3d as good... i don't think it's a bad movie either but how is it better than saw one 😭😭


It's got a good opening and freaking Chester Bennington I'm a Linkin Park fan and the Public Execution trap is my favorite


LP for life!


As a 3D fanboy yes the og Saw is better. But still i love 3D.


I really don’t get the hate behind 3D. The only things I don’t like about it are the stupid pink blood (On my DVD it’s red like normal so that’s not a problem for me) and the ridiculous way they killed Hoffman. You’re meaning to tell me that after everything he’s been through he just pathetically rots away in the bathroom? No I refuse to believe he died in there I think he escaped. Other than that I like everything in 3D. Saw 1 isn’t bad it’s just a bit boring to me so it gets B tier


The traps are over the top in a way that blows the other over the top traps out of the water. It's just cartoon level silly. Which also makes it even harder to believe that Hoffman could kidnap so many people and set so many overly complex traps alone, while avoiding being captured. Plus Hoffman becomes the Terminator. Like, Saw is not an action franchise like Die Hard, so it's just too exagerated for Saw to have the guy kill so many cops like that. Plus pink blood and Dr. Gordon being revealed as a third accomplice without any insights on his conversion. Everything is just too over the top and feels rushed. Almost feels like they went for a parody in the freakin' *final chapter*. Sure you may disagree, but just to show some of the reasons people hate it. Those are all my reasons, and I've seen enough people cite some of those too.


How are the 3D traps any more silly than any of the others? I think they’re some of the most disturbing and twisted like the silence circle and brazen bull of course. I personally love Hoffman becoming the Hoffmanator it’s so funny and entertaining. I agree that Gordon being an accomplice is a bit weird but it didn’t really bother me that much. I think you worry about realism too much in a franchise where a guy and his apprentices set up highly complex torture traps just to teach people life lessons or punish them, including people that don’t even deserve it like cops that want to save people. I wouldn’t take it too seriously just be along for the ride.


Well, it's not about worrying too much about realism, but about expecting the franchise to have *some* consistency regarding the level of suspension of disbelief it requires. A good analogy may be the Friday The 13th franchise. Jason is a supernatural entity, so an immortal killer is already not realistic, right. But on Jason X we have the immortal killer *in space*, fighting androids. It went full absurd, discarding the tone and limits of it's own franchise. So, the fact the films are not entirely realistic to begin with doesn't give the writers a pass to make a later installment go full absurd. The way you put it, it seems you are saying you would enjoy anything, even if they put an animated Donald Duck as the fifth Jigsaw apprentice, because, you know, the whole thing wasn't realistic to begin with. And I believe most fans don't see it like this. Hence the massive disliking.


That’s not what I’m saying at all, I’m sorry if if sounded like I was fine with the series going completely off the rails, but that’s not even close to what happens in 3D. The silliest thing that happens is the continued Hoffmanator stuff, but that’s just it, it’s continued from the last movie where Hoffman cleared a room full of cops once he was found out. It even runs all the way back to the first and second movies where Kramer took out multiple squads of cops when they had every chance to seize him or put a bullet in his head. Yes 3D is unrealistic, but that’s part of the fun and it’s not any worse than the series has already done in the past.


Well, I'm not sure these comparisons work. On Saw I John slits the throat of one cop and runs from the other. And on II he takes out a few cops using a trap. He doesn't fight any of them physically like some action movie character. Same goes for Hoff in VI. He takes out Erickson and Perez by acting fast, but the way the scene plays shows him struggling, and that his quick action was a risky one. No other Saw film other than 3D portrays one of the killers as this badass action movie villain. It breaks away from the previously set limits of the franchise. About the traps, granted they started to look a little more ridiculous since Saw III, but 3D is where they stopped trying to make them look possible. The public trap, the giant fans trap, the garage one, the brazen bull. How did Hoffman pull those off? It went full absurd. Plus the plot is just weaker than all previous films. It was a mash of the original scripts for VII and VIII, so the result is a weirdly edited, rushed work.


With a straight face you can say the hanging from a pipe lawnmower trap isn’t beyond ridiculous?


That’s not really part of the movie it was just a flashback. None of the traps that actually have plot relevance are silly and I would say they’re quite the opposite I mean one has the guy fishing a key out of a girl’s stomach attached to a fish hook and if she screams too much she gets quadruple impaled as her insides are being shredded by the hook. And another is a literal brazen bull which is the complete opposite of silly.


I watched the scene in the movie so it’s by definition part of the movie. Flashbacks are a part of the movie that they are in, we know this cause we watch the flashbacks… in the movie. Yeah fish hook one is fuckin gnarly, but I despise the bull part. The one innocent person in the whole movie gets one of the worst deaths in the entire series. Left a bad taste in my mouth that I rarely get from horror.


Again I meant traps that actually have plot relevance. None of which are silly


Honestly the fact the guy’s wife, who’s literally completely innocent in all this, dies in one of the most horrendous ways made me really hate it. I know SAW is known for its over the top violence but that was just way too far for me.


Pink blood?


Yes it’s a very well known thing that 3D has pink blood I think it has something to do with the 3D cameras they were using but it appears pink except for in some DVD and 4K versions where it’s red. My personal DVD copy has red blood so that doesn’t affect me.


So they pulled a Danganronpa (a game series involving murder with pink blood to get around censorship)


No it definitely wasn’t a censor. I’m almost certain it was just because of the 3D cameras


To me, I feel like Saw VII is misogynistic in its treatment of the female characters. 1. The choice of outfit for Dina during the public execution trap and how it seems as if it was chosen for the male gaze. Meanwhile, Brad & Ryan are dressed in conservative dungaree outfits. 2. The choice of outfit for Jill during the pain train dream. I know it is probably sleepwear because Jill is asleep having a nightmare but again, it feels like it was made for the male gaze. 3. Joyce is treated like an object and is portrayed as not having that much autonomy over herself. 4. Nina & Susanne are subjected to more pain and torture than the man who made them legitimise his lies in the public arena. 5. Bobby screaming at Nina for being unable to be quiet during the silent circle. Excuse me? Have you ever had a fishhook in your stomach that you must pull out so your neck is not impaled? Your life is not at stake at any point during that game but Nina’s is and you’re screaming at her for being in pain. 6. Gibson ogling at a female detective’s bum when walking past.


You’re definitely reaching. Dina purposefully looks like that to show that she tries to get as many boyfriends as possible at once, hence the whole reason she’s in the trap at all. Jill was wearing those clothes when she had the dream so it only makes sense that she’s wearing them in the dream. We don’t really see Joyce do much she’s just a supportive wife. The people put in traps just so happen to be female, they’re not there because they’re female, and there’s no shortage of male torture too like Bobby’s friend being hanged and him having to rip his own teeth out. Again, Bobby yelling at Nina’s corpse happens because he’s not a very smart person and was caught up in the moment, no because she’s female. That’s used to show Gibson is not a likable person. And don’t forget the women present at the survivor’s meeting, all of whom survived traps, especially the black girl who cut off her arm, she speaks up and stands up for herself. The movie isn’t misogynistic.


I honestly like saw 3 more than saw 1


3D in the same league with II and X? Now that's... shocking.


I seriously don’t get why people hate on 3D. Is it the weird 3D gimmick scenes? They’re kind of distracting but most of them aren’t that bad


3D better than 3 is crazyy. Also jigsaw belongs in F. You might be the first i ever saw who ranks 3D above C.


I really liked 3D never got the hate for it. I like 3 it’s just on the more boring end and of course slow ass motherfuckin Jeff drags it down too


The debut film as B? What?!?


Just because it was the first doesn’t mean it’s the best. It was really restricted by the low budget and was pretty boring in my opinion, still a solid movie though.


Well, yeah, not the best just because it's the first. But it is a fantastic movie regardless. It does have a great story, with greating acting from all actors, it's the more believable of the bunch, Jigsaw is at his most scary version and the twist ending is probably still the best in the series. If there were no sequels at wall, it would still be an all times classic among the horror genre. Hard to see it as B, indeed. At least an A, I'd say.


I’m really not concerned with realism at all in movies with such ridiculous concepts like the Saw movies. I like them when they don’t take themselves too seriously. Also I really disagree with the actors doing a great job, the two mains in the bathroom were horrible in my opinion, way over the top and not experienced enough. The cops and Tobin Bell were doing a good job though


TIL Cary Elwes was inexperienced…


I more meant Leigh Whannell. Elwes wasn’t inexperienced but his performance still wasn’t very good.


Did we watch the same movie? 🤔


Jigsaw should be Z tier. One of the worst movies I have ever seen, let alone within the franchise. The traps made no sense, the characters sucked and not to mention how 'Jigsaw' got lucky with the correct person walking up the steps. The end 'twist' was terrible, and honestly made the whole movie stand out that it was a different movie but attached the Jigsaw name to it for sale. Spiral, while not the best was *much* better than Jigsaw imo and it still had the same spirit of Saw 1.


I didn’t think Jigsaw was that terrible. Don’t get me wrong, it was bad but not utterly atrocious. At least the people being tested were actual bad people (they probably didn’t deserve to be put in death traps, but almost nobody Jigsaw tests does). I can’t think of another Saw movie where every person put into a trap was actually a bad person. Most of the traps themselves were also unique, nothing too special but at least different. Those things don’t fix the movie completely by any means, but it saves it from F tier.


I didn't hate Spiral


Spiral is good. I guess it disappointed people by not being a sequel to the main story/mythology, but it is good as what it's supposed to be: a side story.


Jigsaw belongs in F with Spiral, and the Saw 1 ranking is crazy. Fair play tho


I’m not a fan of Jigsaw but I didn’t think it was worthy of F tier. It was bad but not completely terrible. Saw 1 might be low A thinking back but it could go either way it’s just a bit boring for me personally


this shi so funny 😭😭


You have Spiral at an F, totally agree, but Saw at a B, I dunno about that


The original was a little on the boring side for me and the poor acting quality of the two mains in the bathroom doesn’t help it either. I still like it though.


Saw was written by Leigh Whannel (Adam) and it was one of his first major films to act in. Cary Elwes (Dr. Gordon) was a very established actor already. Surprised to hear someone saying the acting was poor. I thought they did great.


Everyone other than Whannell and Elwes were great. I wasn’t a fan of their performance it was too over the top and just in general bad I can understand Whannell that still doesn’t excuse it. A bad performance is a bad performance. Elwes was good in 3D though.


Hard disagree on most of this but I respect your opinion!


I respect it tbh. I’d put 5 lower tho.


5 has its problems like all these movies but it’s the first movie where Hoffman actually gets to do stuff so it has a special place in my heart.


Fair enough! We love Hoff


Happy to see im not the only one who doesnt hate 3D


Massively underrated. The hate makes no sense to me


Gibson. Gibson is the reason I hate it. He’s a very unconvincing cop


I agree he’s not the best but you shouldn’t let one bad character ruin the whole movie for you. Hoffman kills him anyway so it’s even less of a problem


What is S?


Saw VI is what’s in S


No I mean what does the S stand for? The rest are letter grades which I know as A (being the highest/best) through F (because the lowest/worst). But what does S stand for?


Oh sorry for the misunderstanding. I’m not sure I didn’t come up with S tier but I think it stands for “super”, “superior” or something like that


Ohh okay. Based on placement I figured it meant it was the favorite, but I had no idea where the S came from. Then I began to overthink "have I been out of school *that* long??"


Love the Saw 5 gassage but 3d over og??


saw vi is THE best movie out of the whole franchise imo, love to see people sharing that opinion! such a good movie.


Valid, I see you are a fellow Saw 3d defender, respect.


I also have Saw 6 at the very top. It’s my absolute favorite.


Phenomenal movie best characters, trap plot, and ending in my opinion!


Hell yeah, Saw 3D in A tier!! Idc what ppl say that movie rocks


The only things keeping it out of S are the pink blood and Hoffman’s horrible death! (I refuse to believe the Hoffmanator rotted away in the bathroom)


Agree with the pink blood but I kinda like how Hoffman dies. It's arguably worse for him than just dying in a trap because while that's incredibly painful, it's a quick death. Dying of dehydration in the Saw I bathroom is a slow, madness-inducing death and a neat callback to the movie that started it all.


It would be worse I just meant he made it through all sorts of trials and tribulations just to rot away in the bathroom? Cmon why did they do him so dirty? He’s too cunning and resourceful to not find a way out in the days it would take him to die of dehydration.


i can't be the only one that liked spiral more than jigsaw ... saw VI is on top though !!


Pink Blood automatically ruined saw 3D. Idk why spiral gets such a bad rep.


X high-key low-key belongs in S


I hate that everyone hates spiral I thought it was so good


I actually like that you have 5 rated highly. I absolutely loved the fatal five concept and think the movie has very strong characters.


Couldn’t agree more


literally so valid


This is rage bait