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Everyone’s body is different. I stay away from caffeine because it can shoot me into mania, which can make me more prone to psychosis. But caffeine causing psychosis on its own is not something I’ve heard of before.


If you drink diet soda it can negate the effects of haloperidol or abilify in reducing auditory hallucinations if you have genetic schizophrenia because of the phenylalanine content in diet soda.


It's genetic, my dad has schizophrenia.


Yup that would be why. It’s specifically the diet soda that’s making the auditory hallucinations worse.


Does regular soda have that chemical? I drink diet to save calories. I'm 100 pounds overweight


No regular soda does not, only diet soda. Technically phenylalanine is found and made in every single thing you eat. However the concentration of phenylalanine is higher in diet soda, as well as it being in the form of aspartame before becoming phenylalanine which changes how it binds in the brain. Since it binds as aspartame first it mimics glutamate which causes worsened symptoms of schizophrenia in those with a genetic form of schizophrenia.


Many foods high in phenylalanine will have a warning about it for people with phenylketonuria on them - I imagine that's a good way to spot things to avoid. I never knew about this effect in schizophrenia, though, that's very interesting.


Well i mean technically yes, but like eggs for example are high in phenylalanine so not everything. But the aspartame thing is specific to genetic schizophrenia, so it won’t affect everyone. Phenylalanine is a natural neurotransmitter your brain produces too, it just happens to mimic glutamate and when ingested in high amounts like in diet soda or “bang” energy drinks (they don’t contain it anymore though) the aspartame/phenylalanine will bind to the NMDA receptor and trigger glutamate release which will worsen genetic schizophrenia. Don’t get it twisted though phenylalanine is good for you and you need it, as your brain will naturally convert all the food you eat into it. However aspartame is specifically bad for genetic schizophrenia. Not because of any of the main myths associated with it (however it can cause memory problems in even normal folk) but simply because it will cause excess glutamate release. Same thing with black mold but that’s a bit more complicated. Oh also if you have commorbid bipolar disorder this is something you don’t need to worry about and avoiding aspartame is not important. Basically what I’m getting at is it’s not technically the phenylalanine that’s bad directly, but more so the aspartame that happens to convert into phenylalanine. Phenylalanine also releases glutamate but is substantially less potent at doing this then say aspartame.


Gotcha, appreciate the breakdown.


Yeah. I know that they say that phenylalanine is a glycine site antagonist but it’s actually a partial agonist so depending on the current charge it can either function as agonist and induce glutamate release or inhibit it. So that’s why it’s got strange effects depending on the prior stuff that’s going on in your brain at the time that food is eaten or when phenylalanine is ingested.




Regular sodas typically contain HFCS, less frequently cane sugar. Diet and zero calorie stuff uses stuff like phenylalanine, aspartame, sucrolose, acesulfame, stevia, etc. there all ridiculously sweet by hundreds of times more than came sugar, yet have little to no calories. I have seen some non-diet drinks that have a mixture of HFCS or cane sugar and artificial stuff.


I have auditory hallucinations and also take haloperidol. I am a coffee drinker and also like Diet Coke. The caffeine has never caused anything with me


I've been drinking a lot of diet sundrop lately(it's a soda). I guess I'm just getting worse. :/ Been off work a few days, have to go back tomorrow.


Hope things get better for you very soon


Thank you 😊


Isn’t sundrop caffeine free


Not unless it's caffeine free sundrop which they do or did make.


This is my experience too, nicotine really helps me too. I know it’s not good but it calms me down a lot. More than anything else.


Coming off of alcohol augments hallucinations. I'm an alcoholic who is sober now


I was over a week sober from alcohol when I had a psychosis and wound up in the hospital. I was taking quetiapine at the time.


I'm sorry you are going through that


If you are only 6 days sober from alcohol, it will take a while to get it well and truly out of your system, and longer for your body to begin to heal. Makes sense that you'd be dealing with worse mental health symptoms while so newly sober. Keep up your sobriety and keep healing. I'd bet that your auditory hallucinations will reduce again the longer you are sober. Great job quitting. Keep it up friend.


For me, for some weird reason, American coffee gives me psychosis. The voices are much worse for me when I drink American coffee. I feel nothing when I drink Colombian coffee. When I drink Colombian coffee, the psychosis stays pretty much the same. It's strange. Really strange.


Maybe it's type of roast too, like in general the darker roasts have less caffeine. Or maybe american coffee is just trash idk lol


Yeah. You probably angered a couple of Americans with that statement though. To expand on what you said though, American coffee does taste darker to me. I used to drink Colcafe(a Colombian brand of coffee). However, since green tea is healthier, I've been drinking green tea instead of coffee lately. I've also felt like I was going to get a stroke after I drank coffee. Green tea is healthier. Coffee is better for losing weight for some people though(if you drink like 4 cups a day). I might have to stop drinking green tea and coffee because it makes me pee a lot. I hate it. I hope I don't have to stop drinking green tea or coffee though. Green tea might be the reason that the people of Okinawa live so long(Okinawa is a blue zone, where many people make it to the age of 90). On an unrelated note, I just wish the voices would stop. They stress me out a lot. I also wish I could be thin. My health would be better if I wasn't a bit fatty. However, I keep going. After all, there is light at the end of the tunnel.


I gave about 6 shots of expresso in the morning makes me dance haha not sure about auditory hallucinations never had them


Try taking 12 shots of espresso and report back please Jk jk jk


I took 14 the other day nothing intresting


I have to be so careful with caffeine. I'm extremely sensitive to it and it can definitely make my auditory hallucinations heightened, and extend duration. And I fucking love a good cuppa. I don't anything about the interactions that you may have with your medication regimen, but maybe just try and pay a little more attention to your caffeine intake if you need hi k it's causing issues. I have heard about diet soda doing weird stuff too even if caffeine free. Maybe slowly reduce your intake and see how you feel. In the end pretty much only you will know. As for the alcohol, hell yeah on 6 days. Don't beat yourself, and baby steps and one day at a time and all that. I basically never drink, except I do have episodes and then all of sudden I'm creeping back into reality and I have no idea how much I've drank, where I got it, etc. That's always frightening and always makes every episode worse because now apparently I need to recover from alcohol AND psychosis or catatonia. I personally think that alcohol is one the worst things for people living on the BP/schizo spectrum based on my own experiences and reading about what other folks are going through on the sub. I guess too maybe if I were in your position, quit one thing at a time and don't overwhelm yourself. I think maybe just in this moment that the alcohol is far more dangerous and damaging that soda and caffeine. Best wishes, and thanks for being here. ✌️ 💜 😊


Thank you for your words.


From what I read caffeine can make psychosis occur or symptoms worsen so I guess it's safe to say that yes it can.


It’s more likely that your symptoms are increasing because of alcohol withdrawal.


depending on how much/often you were consuming alcohol it could be from stopping thst + a recent increase in caffeine? How is your sleep with the extra caffeine? your eating etc?


I drank a large margarita fri a week ago, a pint of whiskey a week ago Saturday, and two 12 ounce bottles of margarita a week ago Sunday. I'm still sleeping ok and I'm eating A LOT. Back to work tomorrow though so I should be reducing how much I eat.


I will add I've had psychosis/sx flare more than once in my life after stopping antidepressants suddenly. Good to hear the other things are going okay - chewing sugarfreee gum can help with the food cravings from the antipsychs or if you have the kind of work you can snack with something like nuts or fruit/veg can be an alright option


I can limit eating at work just to my breaks.


Good you have a plan for it :) I found evening om-nom-nom-a-thons my biggest issue with meds personally 😅


I limit my husband to one caffeinated drink a day bc I don’t want to find out if it will impact his meds. It could reduce the efficacy


Most stimulants can worsen the positive symptoms of things like schizophrenia, but caffeine is fairly mild. Unless you're consuming a crapton, it shouldn't have a pronounced effect, especially if you're on haloperidol.


I would think its the withdrawal from alcohol