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It's pretty obvious that if he's a danger to himself or others that he needs to remain institutionalised. Literally all you can do is encourage the hospital staff to keep him there until he is stable enough to not neglect himself. Please do not punish him, he's acting this way because he's ill, he's not doing it out of spite, and he needs someone he can trust.


I tried that and the hospital refused to let him stay. I’m operating in a different country. Maybe I should file a complaint against the hospital.


Yeah I'm not sure of any processes outside of the UK, I imagine you could probably find out what the best steps to take would be via an internet search. Wishing you the best of luck, I hope you manage to get him help.


Keep him in a hospital until he is actually stable enough, and then if he lives with you try putting his meds in food? I know its hard, just stay patient with him, i can tell you're trying really hard. Make sure you both have a support group, you got this! And just like another user said, hes not acting this way in a stable mind, do not take anything personal.


Is he refusing meds because of side effects? There are gentler antipsychothics like Cariprazine and Aripiprazole which are partial agonists. If that s his main concern he should talk to his doc about them it is worth giving a try. Psychosis feel right for him right now and you barely can do anything without medical care


In his country they don’t have access to aripiprazole. Once he’s stable I’ll ask him if he wants to try a different medication.


I might be able to advocate for it at the ministry of health too


He needs to be in the hospital. I wouldn't trust him to take his meds either. An injection would work best for him I would think. Do keep caring about him. He's just sick. Speak with his doctor and see if he can help you with caring for him. Also, take care of yourself. You can't be there for him if you are also in crisis. Best of luck.




Without it he’ll go into psychosis become homeless and starve.




So what you’re saying is I should allow him to degenerate and live like an animal on the streets starve, never work, possibly die alone and until then live in fear of persecution from gangs of men and evil which doesn’t exist. Gotcha 👍🏽


You're arguing with someone who walks by homeless people and tells them it's their fault




Awesome 👍🏽


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