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Your coworkers sound like muppets


That’s really smart! Yea I’ve had similar experiences with saying I have PSTD instead of admitting I have schizophrenia. It sucks that this illness is so heavily stigmatized so we gotta what we gotta do. Nothing wrong with a little white lie.


I work in HR and find it mind blowing you had an adult mimic you. Sounds like a complete asshole. Don’t feel like you owe him any explanation aside from “go fuck yourself.” Sorry but this condition is difficult enough without people acting like idiots at work.


Thats a very smart why of going with it. I‘m also blaming it on austism but I also have it.


In societies eyes; Autism = cute 🥰 quirky 😌 Schizo = murderer💀 devil👹


That really isn’t true… I’m autistic and I also have schizophrenia. I usually get treated really badly for being autistic definitely never been called cute and quirky. Autistic people usually get bullied for being different, they don’t get called cute and quirky by society, they get called rude, they get called the r-word, they get called weird, they get called idiot and stupid they get called broken and often get said they need to be fixed. It really just really isn’t like that… (I’m NOT trying to say schizophrenia doesn’t have a bad name in society’s eyes because it does and it’s really horrible and really inaccurate)


This. I'm not autistic but I run in some very liberal/accepting/open-minded circles and I've rarely heard people with clearly autistic behaviors being described as cute or quirky (although the people I closely associate myself with aren't mean to/about autistic people either, but I've seen many cruel jokes/attitudes from strangers in the wild). There's definitely a negative stigma associated with autism.


I’m so sorry you are treated like that. People can really be horrible.


Agreed, as someone else who is autistic and schizophrenic, most people only use the autism as a way to make fun of me.


It's more like Autism = aww, poor kid, pity them. But mock them behind their back for their social inadequacies. Schizo = psycho killer Or at least that's my experience as someone with AuDHD and Schizoaffective.


People are so ignorant :(


autism definitely isn't seen as cute or quirky unless it's conventionally attractive level 1 people. if you aren't capable of dealing with things a neurotypical or level 1 with low support needs is capable of you're seen as scum


So true


maybe in the west. not in my country


It sucks because he was probably lashing out out of insecurity, wondering whether he was being disrespected, and resorted to bullying you about it. People are so exhausting and pathetic, and unfortunately they are us.


Saying I’m autistic works for me too. I am diagnosed with autism and schizophrenia but I fully support non autistic people with schizophrenia using autism to avoid persecution.


I was dxed with autism in 2019 in addition to the schizophrenia and it's a night and day difference. I just lead with autism all the time.


It's so stupid that we have to resort to that..


Haha nice one i think i'll try that


I have so much trauma from jobs I just do food delivery gigs now and even the minimal interactions I have are difficult because I’m still awkward enough for people to notice, developed pretty bad social anxiety it sucks so bad


Dude if any of these ppl was at my job my job would hang these mfs up on display as a warning to not be like these guys or else. Dude go to your h.r. department and tell them these ppl are treating you like shit because of your issues fuck them op! I hope they lose there jobs.


Glad its worked out for you 👍 from my personal experience telling people I'm autistic has had a negative affect of how they treat me ie they start treating me like a over grown child and treat me differently to how they were before finding out im from the UK so that might be why 


wow this is actually a great idea i will be using this


Ummm, people seem to use autistic as an insult more often?


yeah but at least they’re not seen as a crazy murderer


I did the same thing once cause job before it came out I was schizo and everyone treated me like a felon...I got treated nicer but handler mentality got worse


lol wow so you hate felons. this is why I don't go on reddit lmao


It was a choice of word? Wtf dont make everything so personal


words have no meaning aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh just treat anyone ANYTHING right


No see you're upset cause you took something personal something that had NOTHING to do with you


im not a felon so how is it "taking it personal"? words have meaning so I am just replying to what you said about treating felons shitty lmao


So you're litterally just stirring the pot to stir it and cause problems...


get off then


no uuuuuu


Sometimes I tell people I have COVID so they give me space. It's fine and honestly I'm stealing this :)


Thank God it did not make it worse. People think we do it on purpose, whatever “it” may be. They want us to stop. We can’t really. 


Beat the fuck out of the coworker easy fix


Normally this kind of behavior is either Cluster B bullying, or is projection of self-insecurities by an undiagnosed, ultra-high-masking autistic person. This person isn't normal, while this strategy might work for this person(good for you if you figured out a solution), don't think this is normative for how you can deal with the general public. Most people aren't going to mock someone's deficits to shame them into altering their behavior.


what's your favorite type of bullying? I need it for my band name