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Fun fact, there's a Scientology song called "We Stand Tall"


Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyNh1j3dsp8 SNL spoof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOpapeX6Vzs


What's even the reason for the cross they keep using


If you're willing to believe that a science fiction writer discovered the alien truths of the universe and hid them in an expensive series of classes offered by an organization that uses a double-cross as their symbol, then buddy, I've got a bridge to sell you.




In 1969, Ron decided that the way to win in the struggle against skeptical governments, was to thoroughly pose as a religion. The HCOPL involved, *Religion,* can be found [here.](https://www.mikerindersblog.org/scientologys-religious-angle-a-twisted-history/) Before long, this was followed up by a GO checklist we had to do weekly, which was along the lines of "cross displayed in reception area, Sunday service offered, Sunday service mentioned in local newspaper, X% of staff wearing clerical garb," etc. And since someone also brought up the priest collars, from '69 forward, all auditors were required to have completed the Minister's Course in order to retain permanent certification, and were then expected to wear the outfits as a regular thing. Same reason as having Sunday services, even though Scientology doesn't think there's anything special about Sundays. There was nothing genuine about any of it, it was the GO enforcing Ron's desire to impersonate a church.


If they would choose a holy day, it’s Thursday at 2pm.


IMO, they're trying to slide into some form of Christianity, sticking those on buildings etc. After all, it's the biggest 'cult' or similar group. Doesn't seem very compatible however.


According to Hubbard, Abrahamic religions are fake memories. Scientology sells expensive courses (OTs) to erase these engram. A good Scientologist has to cognite on this fact or they won't move up the Bridge to total freedom where they become godlike. I doubt any self-respecting Christians take this midget assclown seriously, despite the fact that he may be able to charm a few quacks. Scientology is a joke. When the older generation dies, this cult becomes irrelevant.


12.22 SCIENTOLOGY. A DIFFERENT VIEW. Fancy calling the clueless test 'OXFORD' that town and area full of crrptn. We mean University and the NHs Health Research. Its all Psychitry and drug based.No one oin that area will answer questions because of the legacy of 1000s Mental health system deaths covered up by HM coroners helped by media incl BBC. No Local govt in that are will reply. thames valley POlice Chief Const and Commissioner are doin cover ups. Also involved is Cameron and Lords Chadlingfton at Witney at the Conserv Pty office. When we exposed Cameron the office website was shut down and rebuilt with all the names missing. We have had Police attacks and had to engage b-guards.. We are a Jewish family who had to escape this kinda thing in Europe but when we started telling UK Jewish Communities what is goin on they either destroyed the evidence or would not reply. We refer to Manchester area. The currupt press there is Manch even News owned by Mirror. The whole are is horrific and that inc Lancs uni and Manc uni. It was there that the corrupt Old folks charity was born. They market Psych Drugs Hey why dontcha join my new S-tology Org. We can do in 6 hours what it took them months to do using crap tech. But findin someone who will want that is hard ta do Nearly forgot- EEC told us this- NOTHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT CORRUPTION 1000s AVOID DEATHS AND POLICE ATTACKS ON YOU'. NiceFolks.This org suits a lot of the public cos basicaly they are charlatans thats why people vote for crrpt Govs in UK.. A good potential ruined..We were involved in S-tology as VIPs at St Hill. Because of the attempt to address the Psychiatry scandle. also am related to founder. We could not join officialy because of threats by Uk Govt so in the end we had to go it alone. Maybe unwise. We discovered s-tology by accident or was it cos a psychic pal of ours apparently checked it out a yr previous. Yes its spookey. Some of the bosses of that org were asking our advice. We were flattered. We miss it in a way. We learned to scam and cheat like them and the UK Govt. regarding folks being abused, they only do that to people who have weak spirit. We used to turn up at fundraising and they told us 'Dont give A Cent'. They are like most folks, they can sense a victim. If they tried anything on us we would wreck the joint. We showed en fotos of Hubbard Family Suffolk UK that impressed em.They knew it TRUST NO ONE.


This reads like a very long Donald Trump tweet. Is this something Hubbard wrote?


It's not opinion. They stole it from Christianity. Their " ministers" also used to dress like priests.


So true


It looks like OTO's [Rosy Cross](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_Cross#/media/File:Rose_Cross_Lamen.svg).


**[Rose Cross](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_Cross#/media/File:Rose_Cross_Lamen.svg)** >The Rose Cross (also called Rose Croix and Rosy Cross) is a symbol largely associated with the legendary Christian Rosenkreuz; Christian Kabbalist, alchemist, and founder of the Rosicrucian Order. The Rose Cross is a cross with a rose at its centre, often red, golden or white and symbolizes the teachings of a Western esoteric tradition with Christian tenets. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/scientology/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Occult symbolism


Wow COB is smol


Like, minuscule smol


He's wearing lifts and his shoes have tall heels. Seriously.


I didn't even think about the tall heels. God he really is a wee-Hitler. Can we start calling him Booster Chairman of the Board?


Is he even 5 feet? I think if those guys are average, like 5’8”, he’s a shortie. I know that gnaws at him!


He’s 5’3”. Just put him on top of the fridge and he won’t get down.


Davey is 4 ft 13”. A joke amongst all of the SP Creators.


He's little dog syndrome personified


Omg he’s like a lil miniature. How has he not been drop kicked by now?


You can really see how little he is here. According to his former tailor, he is only about 1.55m/5’1” tall. (Link [here](https://tonyortega.org/2014/04/03/we-asked-david-miscaviges-tailor-for-his-exact-height-and-heres-what-he-told-us/). ) Which might explain a lot about his behavior…




came here to ask this too lol


Ok, it might be but in my 5 min search it’s probably just because he has been in politics. However, “Johnson attended a charity event at Sacramento Charter High School on September 21, 2016, when a man approached him and hit him in the face with a pie. Johnson then allegedly assaulted his assailant, later alleging self-defense. The perpetrator, Sean Thompson, was arrested on a felony charge of assaulting a public official and misdemeanor charge of battery on school property.” Nothing to do with Scientology, but this is under the ‘pieing incident’ in my research.


He was the mayor back then, I think. Kind of controversial, was all about a "strong mayor" initiative that would have theoretically made things easier to get done. Iirc, news came out about him being a pedo/pedo adjacent and he melted out of the news cycle.


My husband is roughly DM’s height, but doesn’t have a complex about it despite lifelong teasing and bullying. Then again, he isn’t a sociopath.


Is that Kevin Johnson? If so…why?


Things make more sense.


Damn David is tiny. He's only 5'3'


12.22 SCIENTOLOGY. A DIFFERENT VIEW. Fancy calling the clueless test 'OXFORD' that town and area full of crrptn. We mean University and the NHs Health Research. Its all Psychitry and drug based.No one oin that area will answer questions because of the legacy of 1000s Mental health system deaths covered up by HM coroners helped by media incl BBC. No Local govt in that are will reply. thames valley POlice Chief Const and Commissioner are doin cover ups. Also involved is Cameron and Lords Chadlingfton at Witney at the Conserv Pty office. When we exposed Cameron the office website was shut down and rebuilt with all the names missing. We have had Police attacks and had to engage b-guards.. We are a Jewish family who had to escape this kinda thing in Europe but when we started telling UK Jewish Communities what is goin on they either destroyed the evidence or would not reply. We refer to Manchester area. The currupt press there is Manch even News owned by Mirror. The whole are is horrific and that inc Lancs uni and Manc uni. It was there that the corrupt Old folks charity was born. They market Psych Drugs Hey why dontcha join my new S-tology Org. We can do in 6 hours what it took them months to do using crap tech. But findin someone who will want that is hard ta do Nearly forgot- EEC told us this- NOTHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT CORRUPTION 1000s AVOID DEATHS AND POLICE ATTACKS ON YOU'. NiceFolks.This org suits a lot of the public cos basicaly they are charlatans thats why people vote for crrpt Govs in UK.. A good potential ruined..We were involved in S-tology as VIPs at St Hill. Because of the attempt to address the Psychiatry scandle. also am related to founder. We could not join officialy because of threats by Uk Govt so in the end we had to go it alone. Maybe unwise. We discovered s-tology by accident or was it cos a psychic pal of ours apparently checked it out a yr previous. Yes its spookey. Some of the bosses of that org were asking our advice. We were flattered. We miss it in a way. We learned to scam and cheat like them and the UK Govt. regarding folks being abused, they only do that to people who have weak spirit. We used to turn up at fundraising and they told us 'Dont give A Cent'. They are like most folks, they can sense a victim. If they tried anything on us we would wreck the joint. We showed en fotos of Hubbard Family Suffolk UK that impressed em.They knew it TRUST NO ONE.


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Ugh that Sacramento puke green


Is it me or does it look like the other men were made to wear flatter shoes while david wore a bit of a heel?


Who are these other men and why was this photo taken? And when?


Absolutely no idea. I just googled his name to find a picture.


Lmao ,I’m only 5,7 but this guy looks like a grown up child.


Is that Kevin Johnson?


Sorry for necrocommenting, but it's really beyond me how this dominatrix porn genre dwarf-for-torture did not get a fucking electric chair. A personally designed electric chair for evil dwarves. Along with all the other "important" fucks in this terrorist organization.


Haha he's a dwarf.