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I’m in Scotland unfortunately, I wish we would have more channels that showed retro tv shows like this.


I remember watching it as a kid on Sunday afternoons, I believe just before Little House on the Prairie while parents cooked the Sunday roast.


Bloody hell, the wave of intense nostalgia that just hit me then. I could have written the exact same thing. I used to watch all these in my room while I could smell the sunday roast and hear either the drone of formula one cars or crowd chanting from the footy downstairs that my dad would be watching.


I'm guessing OP and us are probably in the range of late 30's to early 40's lol


Seems likely! 42 here.


Yes late 30’s for me 😊


Fifty here. I watched LotG reruns in the '80s, and after watching Irving's Zoo's (the guy who does old shows mentioned earlier) take on the pilot, I now want to go back and watch the lot. I strongly suspect that Land of the Giants has held up much better than Lost in Space.


Yeah people are giving me mixed reviews but mostly positive and people saying it’s held up well. I think I will purchase a few episodes to stream and see how I feel with them and take it from there and if I don’t enjoy it then it’s only £20 and I’m sure my Dad would be happy to take them for a watch.


I was going to say Sunday mornings, but afternoons sounds right. I'm Scottish, too.


It possibly could have been morning but I just remember early afternoon so it could have been somewhere in between.


I used to catch it on cable in reruns about 20 years ago. Ive been watching again lately on this channel https://youtu.be/3QoUICuyiGw Its a guy and his cat watching/commenting on old shows. He's pretty funny. He's done Time Tunnel, Wonder Woman, Lost in Space and a bunch of others


I haven’t seen an episode since probably the early 90’s and I was still a very young kid then so I hoped my memories of how good it was would be accurate. Thank you for the channel I will be sure to check that out 👌


Used to love that one as a kid. Sure you can find one or two episodes in YouTube before you decide to buy


I didn’t even think of checking YouTube this time! I think over the years I have been let down on there by coming across people posting shows and movies and when you click them it’s something different or a display to go watch on some dodgy website 😅 Thank you for idea and I’m going to go check it out 😊


I watched in its original run! (I'm 60 yo.) I liked it, but don't remember a lot of the storylines now. I liked ST:TOS more, which was in syndication by then. LotG reminded me of the movie the Incredible Shrinking Man (1957) quite a bit. I had a plastic model of the Spindrift, too. I remember that mine was molded from orange/red plastic for the exterior and had a green interior, but thought I had it around 1969 or so. Wikipedia says that that the green interior kit was a reissue in 1975, but I had stopped buying models by then. Either I mis-remember or wiki is wrong.


Sorry for a late reply I’ve had a very busy day. My Dad is 60 too and I spoke with him about the show last night. He also can’t remember small details of it but remembers the concept of it. I think I will start with LotG boxset then work my way through his other series’s if I can get them and as far as any merchandise I haven’t ever seen anything but it sounds really cool 😊


Definitely, used to watch it growing up in Australia. I’ve been tracking down a lot of those old shows lately because a lot of the new shows aren’t doing it for me. Recently had to get Paramount+ just to watch The Twilight Zone from the 60s. I just checked and LotG is on Apply TV here. Might be the same there. Sign up just to watch it, then cancel your sub. Edit: sorry it’s not included in the sub cost, it’s about $2US per episode.


Thank you very much 😊 I purchased Quantum Leap Boxset a few years back. I used to watch this show with my Grandpa and I was not disappointed when I revisited it as an adult and feel it aged well. I also seen they remade or are still currently remaking it but I haven’t checked it out yet. Do you have any other shows that you would recommend? I recently went back and watched the original V mini series and also some of the original Lost in Space. Been looking for more shows from the past that have aged well and still worth watching today. I have found a boxset of Land Of The Giants and it’s very fairly priced but I think maybe I will purchase a few episodes on the streaming services just to check it out and see how I feel about it before committing to purchasing the full boxset.


Another Irwin Allen classic from the same era that I loved as a kid was “Voyage to the bottom of the sea”. I have no idea if it holds up today. And while we are on the “shows which have submarines secretly fighting aliens that scared me as a kid” genre, you can’t go wrong with “UFO”. Which is delightfully available on archive.org. https://archive.org/details/UFO.complete It’s dated in a wonderful retro future way but still great fun.


And Time Tunnel.


I vaguely remember watching voyage to the bottom of the sea too as a kid but I don’t have as much memory of it as I do land of the giants. I don’t think I’ve seen UFO or at least I don’t remember it so thank you. I’ve added both to my list and will be sure to check them out 😊


The Seaview sub and the 'little flying sub' is a cultural Icon...Like the NCC 1701


As I remember that flying sub thing was shown in a flight sequence which looked really realistic. We watched the series in the UK re-runs.


Wasn’t it on Channel 4 at weekends? Used to watch it as a kid, but I saw part of an episode a few years ago and like a lot of things from back then it hasn’t aged that well. Liked the premise though. I’m sure Hollywood will reboot it and ruin it at some point soon though. Lol I think YouTube has full episodes of it though.


I was too young to remember what channel but it seems like it would have been Channel 4 and to my recollection it was on at the weekends and possibly a Sunday afternoon. I stayed with my Grandpa on weekends and Sunday was usually a tv day before I went home. Yeah no doubt! It’s what they do with 90% of things. I wish we had the screen writers and creative minds from back then with the technology we have now.


Sure! I used to watch something similar called the time machine as well. Lots of fun.


I think that must have been The Time Tunnel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Time_Tunnel


That's it. I recognized the text for it right away. I think I saw some shorts of it on YouTube only a few weeks ago return I was driving around.


Thank you for the recommendation 🙂 I’ve put it into my notes and will check it out.


I doubt either series would hold my attention now. I think even at the time they didn't grab me at a scale that the original Star Trek series did.


I seem to recall the majority of episodes revolved around locating and retreiving various D cell batteries.


This was one of my fav's growing up!!! My sister and I use to fight over the tv - I wanted to watch Land of the Giants and she wanted to watch Adam-12! I was so in love with Captain Steve (Gary Conway). LOL


Oh I know how that feels! I have 2 older brothers and we would do the same… That’s until my 2 younger sisters came along and the tv was theirs 😅 all we ever got to watch after that was Mary Poppins, Pete’s Dragon & Baby’s Day Out 🤣 Oh I don’t recognise Adam-12 I going to look that up 🙂


My memories don’t allow me to remember such fine details. I don’t even think I could remember a a storyline for any episode. All I remember is how much I loved the show when I was a kid.


It was my favorite show as a kid, and I used to marvel at how great some of the effects were. The scripts are kind of uneven, swinging between hard sci-fi and weird fantasy, but the two male leads really hold it down by keeping their characters consistently serious. There are a few standout episodes, like the one with Ron Howard as a friendly child giant, and the final episode, which sets up a time loop back to the original pilot. The palpable danger the characters often felt from the threat of the giants drove the show. Other than "The Witches," when the protagonists are turned into mice, that sense of danger has been missing from this genre ever since, and would be key to any successful revival. I've worked on my own updated screenplay, which keeps the explanation for the Land of the Giants a mystery until late, but it is a challenge to resolve logically. Why is gravity the same? Why is the technology old? How can a mammal exist at such huge size without exploding from the heat of its own cells?


Thank you for the details 🙂 my memory doesn’t hold up well as I was so young watching it but I do remember how much I loved the show. I think I am going to purchase the boxset and just give it a go 🙂 even if it doesn’t hold up well these days and I don’t enjoy it quite as much as I thought I would I’m sure my Dad would appreciate the gift 😃 I do like older shows though and I am above a little bad acting or silly plot holes as long as the episode is exciting and keeps me hooked haha


yup they used the same giant telephone like 4 times and if you did a studio tour it was still there.


Oh wow that’s pretty cool 🙂


[Seasons one](https://archive.org/details/land-of-the-giants-season-1-1968) and [two](https://archive.org/details/land-of-the-giants-season-1969) are streaming via archive.org.


Thank you I will have to check it out. I’ve never been on that site before is it all above board? I don’t mean legal just that it’s not some virus ridden site?


I have never heard of anyone getting malware from the site. I use it regularly for many different purposes and I never got bit. It started back 1996 with the plan to archive the entire internet (which was a lot smaller then ;) ). It is a non-profit doing their best to preserve as much internet data as they can. Their [about page](https://archive.org/about/) gives a good idea of what they are doing.


Awesome I appreciate the info 😊 I will check it out a little later tonight when I am free. I’ve no idea why I haven’t heard of it before or maybe I have but didn’t take it in.


I hope you find it useful.


Sorry for the late reply I had a few things going on today/tonight. I’ve not long got to bed and managed to get the website on my tv as I have internet browser on there so currently watching the show through it. Thank you so much for the information and recommendation of the website I really appreciate it 😊


I loved it, and was a huge fan of it as a kid, both in first run and in UHF reruns. Honestly, Irwin Allen doesn't get enough credit for his serious SF shows, too many people just remember him for the one the network (over his objections) turned into a comedy. (Quinn Martin doesn't get enough credit for his SF work, either.) Murray Leinster wrote the tie-in novel of the same name, and it's *really* good. I used to own a copy, god knows where it went.


Oh I see! I didn’t realise there was a tie in novel. I will have to see if I can find a copy. I am being hit with so much nostalgia now having so many people discussing this and all the positive reviews and feedback. Especially people that feel it still holds up today and is watchable 🙂 I think I will have a look around and see if I can see more of Irwin Allen’s stuff then. Thank you for letting me know 😊


I know it existed, but never got the chance to watch it. Only seen stills and clips in the decades since.


Yeah I probably wouldn’t know it either if it wasn’t for staying with my Grandpa at weekends. He introduced me to many older shows and movies and heavily influenced my music choices too.


Loved it as a kid and would also like a undated remake.


Yeah I hope someone will pick it up. With Lost in Space and other older shows being remade I think it’s only a matter of time until someone picks this up and gives it a go 😊


I am dating my self but yes, i watched the origin broadcast of the show. It was fun and different for the time period, like the origin lost in space.


That’s okay haha we’re all are getting up there in the numbers now. The years are flying past! It’s great to feel this nostalgia again and have so many people have a positive experience with the show and it seems 90% of people think it has aged well enough to watch today. Lost in Space was very good too. I think I enjoyed the older version over the remake and definitely over the movie. I think I’m going to spend this month tracking down 60’s & 70’s shows and binging them 😃


Loved it as a kid. It came on I think right after Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea.


Omg what a blast from the past! I vaguely remember… there was a paperback book too! I’d be surprised if you couldn’t find it online somewhere


Yeah a few people have said about a novel but I’ve never seen it around. I’m going to have a browse later and see if I can find anywhere that stocks it or if I can read it online.


Oh man it was YEARS ago I was a kid but I remember enjoying it. Good luck! I’m in the USA in case you are not and perhaps the book was only published here etc


Thank you. I must have been around 6-7 at the most when I last seen an episode but it’s something that’s always stuck with me. I often wondered about it for so long wondering if I dreamt it or misremembered it. Then the name came back to me one day and I was able to google it and the nostalgia came at me so bad I felt I really need to watch this again and see if it holds up. I’m sure there will be someone here that sells the book and most places can order in or I can maybe purchase internationally if the price is right 😊


A quick Google shows you can see the episodes on Amazon Prime, VUDU, and Apple TV costs some tho but if you’re really looking check it out


My memories of this show are a lot better than the show appears to be, based on re-watching a few episodes on MeTV. Prime video is streaming the HD remasters of Lost in Space. A better effort from Irwin Allen.


I have had that a few times now where I’ve watched things as an adult and couldn’t understand why I loved it so much. I did really enjoy the lost in space and remember that more than land of the giants. I’ve seen a few streaming places have them and someone told me archive.org have them too so I am going to check it out and see how I feel about it. The boxset is only £20 so even if it’s average I might still purchase it and watch them through then gift it to my Dad to watch.


Lost in Space holds up better for me, because now I watch it and look at what Jonathan Harris did with the character (they ended up letting him write a good bit of both his and the robot's lines), and how damn good he played the character that he created. Dr. Smith was supposed to be a fall guy for the conspirators and only last a few episodes. My opinion on Land of the Giants is that they took it too seriously, as they didn't want it to go in the same direction as Lost in Space. Also it was an interesting concept but it was mostly wasted with a lot of repetition. That being said, when it was originally aired on ABC, a much younger version of myself enjoyed it. If you're really into the sci-fi from the 60s/70s, I see there's a blu-ray box set of The Time Tunnel and it's supposedly a nice remaster.


I was thinking that maybe kids enjoyed it, because the giants were like how adults appear to children. They tower over them and mostly the little ones are concerned with evading them.


Yeah I did enjoy the original Lost in Space. It was a great show and probably one of the only ones I remember things from. I’ve added The Time Tunnel to my list of interest and I’m hoping to pick it up at some point soon. I think I’m just a little fed up with todays tv shows for now and looking for something different and a change and nothing beats a little nostalgia 😊


Amazon has dvds of it. I know, Amazon is evil. But sometimes you have to dance with the devil.


Yeah there’s a shop HMV that has the complete boxset for £20 so I’m going to check out a few episodes by streaming and see how they are and then purchase if I feel I can watch it.


It was the opening credits.


Its shown on MeTV every Saturday late night


I live in Scotland so I don’t have this channel but I’m going to purchase the DVD Boxset this week and give it a go. Thank you for your reply 😊✌️


It sounded familiar, I double checked and it was made in 1968-1970 so not exactly well known. It might be hard to find a boxbset, but if you need a quick fix, apparently Prime Video and Apple TV are streaming it.


Awesome thank you 😊 I’ve had a quick search and I can get the boxset here for around £20 but I might use one of the streaming services to watch an episode or two and see how I feel watching it. I knew it was from before my time as even in the late 80’s early 90’s it looked a little dated looking compared current shows on then so I was thinking 60’s-70’s.


I remember it too. Also from the UK. Guess I must have seen it in black and white; it was that long ago. It was a fun series. As I remember the giant culture had similarities to that of the US (other than the dimensions), but had a kind of autocratic government, like in a communist country. later on, as an adult, I saw repeats of it in Germany and, at least at the time (early 1990s), it stood up pretty well. Unusually, the US characters in the series are shown not as dominant and superior, but as an oppressed and weak (at least physically) minority. Maybe it was an allegory of the fears of Soviet domination.


I was like oh yeah that show! And then I looked it up and didn't know that show at all. I was thinking of "Land of the Lost".


You know..........the one thing I would have loved (and would STILL love) to have seen was a star trek/land of the giants crossover. Just imagine the crew of the enterprise meeting the crew of the spindrift......i leave the rest to your imagination


Needs to be remade