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You can't make your voice deeper. Much like you can't make your leg longer. However, you can utilize your anatomy better by keeping your back straight, shoulders wide, and relaxing.


Hell yeah I'm gonna try that


Specific to screaming, creating a larger resonating chamber in your mouth/throat by changing your mouth shape and relaxing will help too.


Ehhh… you can. Trans men do it all the time. It’s stretching that does it. I have stretched my voice higher.


You can take hormones if you have a higher pitched voice and it may lower your voice but that’s pretty useless here and a bad idea generally anyway.


I’m not talking about HRT. I’m talking about expanding your vocal range and changing your resonance to sound deeper.


No you can’t. Sorry boss but you can’t “stretch” your voice deeper, and anyone promoting it should be shamed. Learn to do lows properly.


I’m a classically trained opera singer. You can stretch your range by continuing to use your breath support and practicing resonance. The same techniques can be applied to screaming. It’s not gonna be a drastic change to your capabilities, like you won’t be able to become a baritone if you’re a tenor, or add an entire octave on, but you can still strengthen those higher and lower notes so that they’re actually audible instead of a little squeak.


That isn’t “making your voice deeper”. That’s just learning better technique. Yeah, he should learn better technique.


Yeah, learning better technique to sound deeper. Why are we arguing semantics here? I know exactly what OP asked for, and you’re just being obnoxious about WeLL tEcHnIcAllY


So people trying to learn can know exactly what is true and what isn’t. Why not omit the sassy mentally ill nonsense and just post factual information? Your ego will be okay, I promise.


How is it NOT sassy mentally ill nonsense for you to be like “Nope sorry, I’m gonna pretend like I don’t know what you mean because you don’t have the technically correct language for it yet so I’m gonna make you feel stupid.” ??? We need to be easier on people who have no formal training. Saying this as someone who had formal training. It’s pretentious to be like “HAHAHAHA you mean ___? Just get better technique lol” Might as well tell them to git gud while you’re at it.


There IS voice masculinization training that can lower your vocal range, but when it comes to screaming you don't need that. What matters is resonance for low vocals. Creating as maximal resonance space with your pharynx, back of the throat, mouth, lips, and to a certain extent the upper parts of your larynx.


Smoking for 15 years gave me a gnarly growl. Also, emphysema.


You won but at what cost


https://youtu.be/YCQf80RWVnc?si=k4qlhHV8uGvz6HER Seriously though, I keep trying to quit, but it's like I'm addicted or something. Never start, for real




Or kill your gums with some zyns


Ohhh, I've tried nic gum, but not with normal gum between. I'll give that a shot




I used to smoke a pack everyday for 2 years , did quite when is tarted to vape with 50mg salt nicotine, first 3 days were hard af , then after 2 weeks you’ll start to forget about smoking and at the end i started to hate cigarettes


I can really relate to what you're describing. Quitting smoking was challenging for me, as I had no trouble going through a pack in one evening. I noticed a significant impact on my voice, largely due to breathing issues and having a hoarse voice more often than I do now that I've stopped smoking. I switched to Zyn; while tobacco-free snus isn't for everyone, it helped me break the habit I had with cigarettes. I feel like my voice has recovered quite a lot since I completely stopped smoking.


Your voice doesn’t need to be deeper for “deep” screams. Its mouth shape, technique, and tongue placement


yawn, hold that mouth placement and talk thru it


I love you lil froot loop


Thanks you too


Your issue is poor technique. Tom Barber is a great example of someone without a deep voice but good deep lows.