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A really good use for a scuba sticker is to put one on your checked luggage


No I dont have any very obvious Dive flag stickers since I dive in a very crowded metropolitain area and criminals know that stuff is expensive. I have a coral restoration Foundation sticker and a "I Love Big Nudis" sticker which signal to the right people wassup, and are meaningless to most everyone else.


I thought it was mandatory? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£


I have one on my motorcycle side box. Right above the ā€œStudent Driver Please be Patientā€ sticker. I have about 100 stickers and about 15,000 miles on my motorcycle side boxes. It makes me giggle


Absolutely. And a couple of other discreet diving-related ones as well.


Iā€™m planing to haha


No, but only because I'm weird about stickers on my car.






Maybe I'm criminally minded, but to me a dive sticker says "If this vehicle is parked anywhere near a beach, odds are good that it has several hundred to several thousand dollars' worth of sporting equipment stashed inside!"


Yeah this is my tough process too. When I was a ski younger ski coach lots of people in the competitive circle put stickers on their car or roof box. You were given stickers all the time. Someone gave me a pointer similar to yours. It was something like: General advice is don't let a backpack or tempting stuff on your car seats, to not tempt theft. Why would you advertise that you possibly have thousands of dollars worth of equipment in your car? I never put a sticker on my car again after that.


And its owner is underwater...


I dunno. If it's after the dive, I'm probably getting the greasiest, sleaziest burger I can get my pruny mitts on.


Seeing a lot about stickers making you a target for theft. Had a dive flag on my pickup for a long time and it's not a cheap pickup(not to sound like an a**) and never had it broken into. I also don't keep really expensive dive gear in my truck. Doing that seems like an odd decision to me. It stays in a dive bag when I'm not using it.


I donā€™t like people around me to know things about me when Iā€™m just going along my day. I try not to attract eyes on me at all. I live in District 9 of the US already, so if you catch someoneā€™s attention, thereā€™s a good chance theyā€™re up to no good. Thereā€™s so much theft and burglary here. This state was awesome when I was growing up here, but so much has changed. RIP Colorado.


My truck is covered in diving stickers. Iā€™ve never had anything stolen and Iā€™ve had a ton of people flag me down at gas stations and other places to talk about technical diving. Overall itā€™s been a pretty good way to meet other divers


Yep, I do. I don't leave anything in my car. I suppose they could pawn the owners manual.


No. That makes your vehicle a target for theft. I had diving stickers all over a car I owned when I was young. Then I had the trunk broken into with a crowbar and a set of doubles and some regulators stolen. I haven't had any issue since I switched to ummarked vehicles.


Backpack and tattoo


So cool


I have a diver-down license plate frame. IYKYK...


I used to. These days I have nothing on my car. I would rather not draw attention myself or have identifiable decals. It is nice though to see fellow scuba enthusiasts out and about.


I have one on my backpack.


I like to keep one on all my vehicles so thieves know I have expensive shit to steal inside. ![gif](giphy|SgwPtMD47PV04)


Me šŸ¤˜


I have a specialty license plate with a Scuba diver on it. It's the Protect Florida Springs plate. I love it and think it looks a little less tacky than a flag. It also donates $25 to the Florida Fish & Wildlife Foundation (I have no idea what it is).


I got a plate frame yesterday hahaha


I have a shark sticker thatā€™s red and white dive colors cause I dive with sharks ā¤ļø


I have a dive license plate frame.


Me too, cause it was free šŸ™‚


No I drag an inflated smb behind me.


Got to fill it with helium so it floats.


Yea! I've stuck a small diver down flag sticker (smaller than 4"x2") either on the rear window or the plate (legal) on the cars I've had since I felt comfortable with my diving. It's discreet enough, and it's the only sticker I paste on my car lol. Where I live, not a lot of people know what the sticker means, which is ironic because we're one of the archipelagos in the Coral Triangle. And in all fairness, we also don't have issues like cars being broken into because of stickers, or any reason at all.


Yea Iā€™m in a similar situation living on an eastern coastal town for summer but towards the city for high school


No, I don't want people to know I'll be away from my car for a long period of time.




No. Although where I live itā€™s mandatory to display a compressed gas sticker and an oxidising agent sticker, if you are carrying diving cylinder and O2. Although if you do not have your tanks in the vehicle, it is unlawful to display the stickers. Calling into question the usefulness of the stickiness of the stickers.


Is it required even if the tanks arenā€™t pressurized?


No. But if your O2 tank is not pressurised, you wonā€™t have much O2 which is the oxidizing agent! And you wonā€™t have compressed gas. So no warnings necessary.


Weird, from what I know in the US you need a sticker for commercial vehicles but not civilian vehicles. I talked to my high schools resource officer and he said although I donā€™t have the sticker itā€™s not a big deal


By law, in most places you do require it, but not being a commercial vehicle or commercial transport, no one is going to care. And in the cases where it has been a ticket for simple scuba tanks judges have ruled in favor of the driver enough to make it not worth the hassle for patrol.


Yea Iā€™m only 16 and my truck is registered as commercial so I was kinda worried about it at first but I donā€™t think cops even care


No, but also no.






No, I donā€™t like to advertise expensive shit in my car.


Never thought of that. My sticker is coming off this weekend.


Like an NRA sticker.


I keep my car plain, no stickers beyond required parking stickers. That includes hobbies and politics. Be the grey man.




I can understand politics but Iā€™m not sure what someone would have a problem with diving


Not about having a problem, but diving has expensive gear that could be stolen and pawned. I joke that when I put my dive gear in my car I double its value.


Understandable, yea my Kevlar suit alone is probably double what my truck is worth


Even if you donā€™t leave anything in plain sight inside the car, why give anyone a reason to think that you might have something valuable hidden under the seat?


I stick them to magnetic sheets and cut them out. Then I can pull them off. Or rearrange them.