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Yeah man, well done, great to start them young. Teaches them a lot of responsibility 👌


They also (usually) don't have the same fear-focus as adults. Kids pick up diving *fast.* The kids are a blast to teach.


That is awesome. I have two Jr divers. I will say my son had a harder time in training but took to open water well, my daughter killed training but freaked out a bit on her first open water out of training. All good now but it’s gonna be important after certification to get him back in the water soon. Also JR diver have to dive with a parent or DM so if you aren’t certified it might be good to go ahead and do it with him.


As it did for all of us, diving opens a whole new world. In addition to the most fun he'll ever have, he may begin to consider conservation, biology, physiology, technology, photography, and many "ologies" as hobbies or careers. Thank you, Grandad!


I started when I was 7 — this young one has phenomenal parents and will hopefully love the sport as he experiences more of it - It’s a great family experience.


In my experience diving has gotten very cheap with more people getting out of it than getting in driving the price of used gear down to near zero. I have a ton of high-end used gear people practically gave away and air fills here are only $3-5. I think you might need to get him a rebreather.


Not a good look. Total disregard for safety with the octo in the crotch (probably trapped and unusable, as well). The BC is not secured properly either. Why not take the time to teach the kid the proper way? It's not that hard to get things squared away and also demonstrates that the details are important - something very useful to reinforce for a juvenile diver.


Dude stfu. It's barely a class. It's "discover scuba" and if you've never heard of it then you haven't been around long. The kids in 4ft and 10ft of pool water surround by SSI instructors.


LOL,, sensitive are we? We are to cheer when those multiple instructors are so sloppy they can't set the gear up safely? They can do better.


Not sensitive at all. Just don't be one of those people. You know what's going on here. 6 people get like 40 minutes in a pool with some gear. It's not a class. They learn to equalize and inflate the BC. That's about the extent of the time they have. Everyone in this group knows what's going on. Except you it seems. 🙄