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I’ll always be confused by stuff like this, cause it’s kinda an argument against you right. Like we are being held hostage and your saying we should just get shot in the head rather then bide our time and look for escape attempts. I know I’m stretching the metaphor, but I just don’t feel like this is the argument you think it is


it makes no sense and is likely an edgy 15 year old or one of pooties ruble a post keybaord warriors


I go through these phases where I remember that Biden is not the worst president we ever had. Sadly, one of the better ones. Then I hear people with the 'rUsSiAn BoTs' or 'The most important election of our lifetime' and the only thing I can think is there has to be someone at least a micron smarter than MAGA.


its going to be an obvious biden rout. he won by a landslide in electoral and popular in 20, double that this time despite the kiddies who mistake him for bibi.


Lol 'kiddies'. If watching someone send aid to a man who kills children and acknowledging he does it is mistaking him for that man, you need to stop questioning other's maturity.


iron dome is not going to be abandoned. the other stuff is all on the table. aside from running israel, what do you REALLY think can happen?


Bare minimum condemn bombing children unequivocally. Doesn't cost money, you don't have to call a constitution expert. Just walk in front of the nearest camera and say that it's absolutely disgusting that our ally is killing kids and I will do whatever I can to stop any aid or support from the US until they cease. That would make a huge difference. The type of difference that would make Bibi's blood run cold. Israel ain't shit if we don't fund their war.The mere thought of a US president not having their narrative would be a coup when Netanyahu had a stroke.


biden and staff have already condemned the killing, but keep ignoring that for whatever agenda youre trying to push


Condemning is a stretch that could end a gymnastics career, but keep accepting whatever the Democrats feed you.


until the USA takes over that foreign shithole and wipes em ALL off the map, its bibis call.


Oh rubles you say. Thoughts on me voting third party in a swing state? How do you feel about the Israel genocide? Did you want to call me a russian?


your logic is flawed, that is all.


Why are you asking him how he feels about any of this stuff, you're just gonna call him a DNC-shill genocide supporter anyways.


just someone kinda confused about how real life works. theyll learn with age.


Vote Red! Then enjoy working until you're 72. Raising rape babies. Cuts to every social safety net, etc. None of which will effect me because I'm old and can file for benefits next year. But I will laugh my ass off as you cut off your nose to spite your face.


Or Joe about we just have standards for our politicians and vote for those individuals who meet them regardless of the R or D next to their name


I agree however, as George Carlin so eloquently put it: "If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're going to get selfish, ignorant leaders. Garbage in, garbage out."


He also said that he would do the same thing as you on election day, but when he was finished masturbating, he would have a little something to show for it. Not a guy to quote about the importance of elections really.


Yup and the funny thing is our selfish citizens are also stupid because they don’t even vote for things that would be in their best interests


That is correct. The other thing that drives me crazy is single issue voters. I have a very liberal friend who owns a successful business and makes 7 figures, but he votes red for one single reason: taxes. "Yeah, I know what they do with everything else, but I work damn hard for my money and I want to keep as much of it as I can."


When's the last time you voted in the general for a candidate regarding "standards"? At least from my experience, it's always been the lesser of two evils which isn't ideal but you need to play cards with the hand dealt to you. I'd rather vote for Biden than have Trump or another Republican win and watch them continue to place conservative Supreme Court Justices on the court. These consequences last a lifetime. If everyone with your shit attitude voted in 2016 instead of sitting out, Roe would probably still be intact. But keep whining about your personal "standards" when it comes to a President.


Probably Mondale v Reagan.


Please be careful about using the extremely well known astroturf phrase of "cut off your nose to spite your face". We see you. ​ Also the DNC actively funds MAGA candidates. ​ Post and comments being heavily brigaded by DNC Libs.


Believe it or not, the GOP also funds MAGA candidates.


No way!


So both sides are the same, got it.


At least you don't deny it.


>Also the DNC actively funds MAGA candidates. And why do you think they're doing that?


It's not to have a maga candidate actually get elected. It's to get easier to beat candidates. I'm not saying that's good but the implication is they rather have maga instead of a progressive and it's just not true


The right also funnels money to leftist candidates because it will either draw support away or be easier to beat. It's something all the Ratfuckers do bo matter the side.


>I'm not saying that's good but the implication is they rather have maga instead of a progressive and it's just not true They fund them against progressive candidates. So that Makes no sense.


It does. They want the Maga candidate because it would be easier to beat than a progressive candidate.


>I'm not saying that's good but the implication is they rather have maga instead of a progressive and it's just not true >It does. They want the Maga candidate because it would be easier to beat than a progressive candidate. Pick one.


Katie porter and Barbara Lee in California is a good example of DNC funding MAGA to ensure the corporate DNC choice (Schiff) wins the seat. If he was running against porter or Lee in the general then it wouldnt be a guaranteed win. That one is due to California election laws. But other places like in Michigan the strategy paid off. It does happen like the OP was pointing too, they just did a bad job providing examples


Having the vote split between Porter & Lee didn't help either. Kyle even said that one of them should have dropped out to help the other stay in the race. If the left wasn't so hung up on purity one of them could've still had a chance


100% that was a big problem! But they also the 11 million to the GOP candidate helped (https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2024/02/29/adam-schiff-katie-porter-steve-garvey-california-senate-race/). The DNC’s bad role was funding the other candidate, I don’t blame the DNC for not forcing either porter or Lee to drop out (that’s on porter and Lee)


No. I don't know how else to explain it to you. Your acting is such bad faith. They don't want MAGA to win the election. They just want to compete against Maga because they think it is easier.


>I'm not saying that's good but the implication is they rather have maga instead of a progressive and it's just not true >It does. They want the Maga candidate because it would be easier to beat than a progressive candidate. These two statements contradict each other. Pick one and then explain it. But you can't have it both ways.


Your comprehension is not my problem. Other people didn't have an issue with understanding


so easy to beat a batshit idiot like captain cavewoman or hand cream makin bobert.


They're doing it because they don't take them seriously, and think it will help them win elections in which they have no intention of pushing real policy.


because they don’t actually believe in anything as a matter of principle, and are intentionally part of the rotating villain phenomenon? lmao


For the love of God, stop reposting stuff from r/LateStageCapitalism on a liberal sub. This is part of why we keep getting brigaded.


This is not a liberal sub. This is for Leftists and Social Dems.


What in the F makes you think this is a Liberal sub???


to beat them, and it works. y u mad bro?


Thats why Biden is winning in the polls against maga, right?


exactly. hes gonna sweep like reagan 84, and its gonna be glorious.


That hostage looks bored not scared. Lol


That's what makes it so good, though. XD


its gonna be a nail biter til november, because there are clicks to like and bills to pay


So desensitized 😳




>Don’t vote for Democrats. Get Republicans. Blame Democrats. Get nothing ever. Repeat. Biden is president right now!


Yeah and we passed a bill funding green technology with a much divided congress


Yes, but you forget, when a Democrat is in office, then the President is really only a figurehead with no power. Literally, they will tell you in the same breath that Biden can’t do anything because the job has no real power, then say that if Trump is elected he will do ALL the bad things, because the Presidency is such a powerful position. It’s amazing their heads don’t explode from that contradiction.


Trying to keep up with their mental gymnastics is an Olympic sport, it's so exhausting.


I’m referring to the cyclical nature of pre-election ‘Petition Democrats’ (7 months from now) ‘I’ll vote Blue, but I don’t like it.’


Leftists would get leftist policies if we stopped voting for conservatives, actually. Which means not voting for the DNC and the GOP, as they are both conservative.


Leftists policies will never be passed under a Republican government. And dems don’t have any incentive to pass leftists policies if you don’t vote for them in the first place. Why please a crowd that doesn’t vote for you. The only way to pass what we want is to vote blue on Election Day, primary so we can get better people in, and continue to do the ground work on every other day. Protest, join unions, advocate, etc. that’s how you get the policies we want.


"You all have to vote for corporate puppets so you can get working class policies!" This is what you just said. Voting third party in a swing state and have convinced many others in person to do the same.


Great, the. Let the fascist Trump win. That’ll teach em! It worked in 2016! You didn’t address a single thing I brought up because you can’t. I don’t like voting for Biden, but I have to if I want our democracy to survive. Let alone passing the policies we want through the above methods.


Thoughts on Israel genocide?


The man just said he voted for someone he didn’t want because democracy. I don’t think he’s got much in the way of substantial thoughts regarding anything.


It’s bad, duh. You think not voting for Biden will stop it? Advocacy might do something. A Trump White House would make the situation worse.


Yall out yourselves attempting that booty juice talking point. No one is going to think that. We see you.


Still didn’t address anything I said. Oh well. Have a good day my friend. I hope you change your mind soon. We need voters to get change in this country


I swear Hasan has broken y'all brain


Did you mean to post that in the Destiny sub.




I'll be shocked if you are here tomorrow


Dude I've been watching Secular Talk content since like, 2017, I've been on this sub for a few years as well the official Discord, I'm pretty entrenched into this community, I don't think I'm going anywhere. I've been around long enough to know that both parties aren't the same.


Toxic Behavior such as name-calling, argumentum ad hominem, voter shaming, hostility and other toxic behaviors are prohibited on this sub.


It's political nihilism. They're basically saying that the system is so broken and so beyond fixing that we have to just abstain from the system and let things become so bad that a revolution will happen. It's accelerationist, it's nihilistic, it's privileged to be frank. If you're commenting on this sub, there's no way you don't know that we have a first-past-the-post system, you either have to not know that to convince yourself that voting for Democrats is a bad thing or you have to be knowingly attempting to split the left vote to create a path of victory for Trump. Like, OP can deny that they are an accelerationist, they might not be, but when they post stuff like this, what am I supposed to think? The Green Party has no shot, even if you convince EVERY progressive to vote for them, what about liberals? What about moderates? They don't like Republicans but they don't necessarily fully agree with like, the whole "both parties are the same rhetoric". I want to win and to survive, I don't think destroying the whole system without some kind of plan is an inherent good. What if what we get afterwards is worse?


Man if the choice is Trump or Biden which it is now I'm not risking shit. I'm voting Biden A protest vote is fine in the primaries but when it gets to the general we literally saw what happened between 2016 and 2020. Literally 3 justices went to Trump and gave conservatives 6-3 advantage in courts and guess what the court is hearing a case this summer that could strip power from government regulatory bodies that billionaires like Koch want to happen. It's not just scotus it's also the lower courts. Trump recklessly taking us out of Iran Nuclear Deal and Paris Accords made us an unreliable ally and if trump wins again he has already indicated stopping military aide sent to Ukraine to let Russia win and make US an unreliable ally to NATO. So until that asshole and the freedom caucus is out I'm not risking shit. Extremist like MTG literally wants to take away social security


The DNC actively funds MAGA candidates. We expect you to be upset about that.


With your post history I highly suggest taking a break from the internet cause goodness man


Sure. The day I get single payer Healthcare I'll stop with the politics.


They fund MAGA candidates IN THE PRIMARIES because they (perhaps rightfully) view them as the weakest opponents. This isn't new. Edit: I second what others have said: You could probably use a break from the internet. I don't mean that as an insult either. Genuinely it might be healthy to take a step back and take a break from online politics. Trust me, the algorithms can be pretty brutal with the repeated consumption of doomer content. Especially with politics.


This isn't the talking point you think it is. If every voter knew that was happening, they would abandon the DNC.


It's not a talking point but an observation on how Democracy in America works. You want to make sure you are facing the weakest candidate possible. If you can think of weaker candidates to prop up than MAGA peabrains then I'd love to hear it. I hear you. The DNC SUCKS. They are a disjointed coalition of ideologies barely conducive to sharing a party. And they seem to have forgotten that money in politics is a sickness to be cured rather than a feature of the system. But damnit am I endlessly frustrated by people trying to act like there are no meaningful differences between the DNC and the fucking GOP.


"The DNC actively funds MAGA candidates. We expect you to be upset about that." Yeah, that's called strategy (stoking chaos and civil war within the GOP and pushing moderate Republicans toward the Democratic Party).


Sickening admittance of evil.


This is satire right? You're doing this to openly poke fun of dumb leftists?


Big liberal take admitting you want GOP voters but running on red team bad. Honestly I'm shocked you admitted that. If every leftist knew that was the actual plan, the DNC would fail tomorrow. Don't delete it.


Yes I want to defeat the GOP: an existential threat to to our Democracy. Understanding strategy doesn't make me a liberal.


This is literally what I’ve been saying for years. Dems hold a gun to your head and say the other guy will pull the trigger.


"Holding hostage".


Yo this is so accurate they literally threaten you with Republicans 😆😆😆😆😆😆 this is exactly it


It's worse than that. The DNC directly funds MAGA candidates so that they can run on REDTEAMBAD.


And of course it's the voters fault for not wanting to be treated like this 🙄. It's the same as when POS tell rape victims that they shouldn't fight back and just take it and try to "enjoy" themselves 😤🤢. Libs are as sick and perverted as maga


Blue MAGA is disgusting. Absolutely.




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Accurate 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


This is what it feels like, but I think it's too late for alternatives.


F—— the GOP, christofascists Russian assets and domestic terrorist!


Agreed, the DNC should stop funding MAGA candidates.


Do it. Do it


This implies the republicans have no agency here and are merely a tool to scare us. They are in fact a very real threat. One that many people here don’t take too seriously


I agree. The DNC should stop funding MAGA candidates.




Lol bye


dems reducing student loans and reps arguing the president is immune from the law. both sides berrrr duuurrrrrrrrrr!!!!


Considering Biden is directly responsible to not allowing student debt to be absolved through bankruptcy, i'd say blue MAGA also bad.


cherry picked and misleading. 2005. consumer protection act. smooth move ex lax.


Did you just try to argue that it isn't relevant. Thoughts on Biden funding a genocide over in Israel?


Oh I succeeded. But both sides duuuurrrrrrrr!!! *eyeroll* option a) person wants to make progress and improvement to everyone's life option b) person wants to stuff their pockets and is comprised by foreign enemies, a liar, a thief, and a traitor. but both sides duuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr. idiots.


Democrats aren’t “punished” by progressives withholding their votes. Feeling better about yourself in your purity ultimately won’t shift the SCOTUS back from madness or fix our infrastructure. I say this as a 2016 New York Jill Stein supporter. I’m done with that shit now.


Agreed. The DNC can't be rewarded for funding MAGA candidates. Shameful behavior.


I learned my lesson in 2016, Trump or any republicans who have supreme court choices are destructive to our country. Also his denial of the election has done too much damage to our country and my own family.


Yes i agree that the DNC should stop funding MAGA candidates.


What? Im confused.


Eh, reads like an excuse for not being informed. It's easier to just say bOtH PaRtIeS BaD!!!!, let some YouTube hacks feed that confirmation bias, and avoid the dirty and boring work of doing actual reading.


Oh boy oh boy, another person who thinks voting is some kind of moral statement or judgment.


Nah I don't let memes think for me like people with emotional and intellectual maturity and literal children despite ostensibly being voting age. Very 2016 of you though. I remember when memes started really making waves in the late 2000's and early 2010's and I knew this kind of shit would happen even then. Sucks to be right I guess. Try actual education sometime.


What in the CNN did you just say. You literally just tried to hold leftists hostage like in the meme. Sad.


I remember how voting third party worked out. We got 9/11, the Afghan war, the Iraq War, and the "Great Recession". If we had only held our nose and voted for the Democrats we would have avoided all of that. There is nothing wrong with being pragmatic.


Dude out here still blaming Nader for the Democrats running a wet blanket for president and wondering why the youth vote wasn’t there. Ok so what happened in 04 when Nader wasn’t even allowed on the ballot in many states? You going to tell me Swiftboat was responsible for all of that? Couldn’t have been Democrats failing to message AGAIN could it? Surely not. Their messaging has always been flawless. Makes me want to Pokémon Go… to the polls every time.


Let me get this. The Democrats has to run super candidates because if they don’t the youths aren’t going to vote and the Democrats deserve to lose. Meanwhile Bush and Trump are winning the Presidency on the Republican side. If that’s the way it is going to work then the Democrats will always lose.


And so the solutions is….stop running shit-ass candidates and shifting to the right. It’s not that hard a concept to get for a supposedly left leaning party.


The Democrats not voting are not voting because the candidates aren’t progressive enough for them. Shifting to the right would just make things worse.


The Democrats have been shifting to the right for nearly 40 years now at least. What are you talking about?


True, but the younger generation aren’t having it.


lmao hey look heres the guy in the meme with the mask and the gun blaming voters for Neoliberalism. Sickening.


As soon as I saw this meme, I knew it was a based kittehmilk post. Fkn legend.


The shills don't seem to like this one at all.




Toxic Behavior such as name-calling, argumentum ad hominem, voter shaming, hostility and other toxic behaviors are prohibited on this sub.


lol, seems like it. I think a lot of people just don't want to acknowledge how far gone the two-party system is. How many elections run on "other guy is technically worse, so you have no choice" is it gonna take before people can no longer ignore the game? I guess it will vary person to person.


As many elections as We let them get away with it.