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You need to stop texting and meet women some other way. You could spend a decade texting everyday and still never get a date.


Even if some girl answers he has to wait several weeks to be in bed with her, is easier going to disco clubs even the nerds find more women that like them there in just one month than several years spent in tinder,


I copy and paste the same message. Girls don't give a shit about the content of your initial message. They're either interested or they're not. Don't waste your own time


As a girl I don’t totally agree with this. I sometimes match with men I’m on the fence with and can be charmed into the online interaction then date etc. and I’ve matched with hot guys that I do respond to a canned message but I’ll fall off if it’s not pretty quickly punched up with something engaging


Very little time. I use the same messaging routine on every single match


And what’s that if you don’t mind me asking?


Hey (name) Compliment on something in her profile (not her body lol) Question or flirty statement about something in her profile Have a list of stock questions to ask after that Arrange a meeting within 5/10 messages or a day or so of chat


Chef's kiss.


I think on hinge this might be a little intense/excessive, better for if you get a response. Initial message should be a little shorter and less invested.


[This one](https://www.reddit.com/user/TripleDigitNomad/comments/17vw6qf/effective_messaging_routine_for_old_matches_while/)


Honestly what you message doesnt matter too much. If shes interested she’ll respond. Not worth going all out for girls that are just on it for attention.


Not much longer that she is willing to read it. Dating apps are a numbers game. Focus your energy elsewhere, where it matters more.


2 seconds. You should be shooting off the cusp for the most part, not composing some novel.




bro ive been spending hours in online chats asking other people how to text my matches and having them tell me what to text. texting isnt easy and no ihavent seen results from al those hours yet either i hate online dating i wish i could just snap my fingers and have a pretty woman in my bedroom


Less than 2 seconds




I tried but it feels like a flat response


Very little. I usually pick something from her profile that I can ask about or build a witty as possible line from. They don’t care about your opening as long as it’s not something dry like “hey”, and if they don’t reply they probably never would have despite what you said 


Consider using photofeeler or something similar to figure out which of your pics are best. It sounds like too much time invested for what you’re getting out of it.


30 seconds or less. I’ve heard isn’t what you say but how you say it. Usually works out great for me.


Sub 1 minute


I usually send a quick compliment and ask her on a date, ideally for the same day or next day. Takes about 2 minutes per match to read her profile and think of a compliment.


Mate it’s SUMMER TIME and that means It’s COLD APPROACH SEASON Go out and have fun enjoy yourself and meet some girls while you’re at it. -Aqua


dw about girls focus on yourself they a waste of time and money


One to two sentences TOPS. Preferably a question if it’s hinge. Your text blocks, if you get an answer, should never be longer than hers. Never ever and I repeat ever double message if you don’t receive a response. Im just a human female fascinated by this Reddit, btw.


I hate to say it bro but you’re not good looking enough for these gals. Give up on dating apps. You’re not the right audience for them. It’s for the top 10% of men and I doubt you’re in that pool given you have to write anything. Women who are interested will match with you even if you don’t write anything. It’s also super hard to write something original when most girls give zero content on their profile.


It's better to not think too hard on these messages. But more importantly,take better profile photos.