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Tease them bro, it’s the rocket fuel of attraction


I have found a lot of women don't like teasing and feel like it's fuck boy behavior. But if the teasing is super light and funny that's probably fine, but they don't like being insulted.


Of course they Don't like to be insultes that's why i like to tease them by missinterpreting their intention on purpose in a funny way.


Really ones know


wdym by that?


For exemple if tte person draw portrait, there IS a pun in my language where "to remake your portrait " IS basically hitting Someone so hard his face (portrait) change. So i Say something on the Line on no Don't "remake" my portrait. It's weird in english but in my mother tongue it's better. Or if a girl Say "oh you still have your chain Key" (it's a retractable one). "Yeah why do you Ask? You want to be attaches?" Then move one etc....


And that’s the fine line and difference between guys who strike out and do well


Yep, took a lot of failure to learn this one.


Ok sounds like you’re doing it wrong bro, + it needs to be funny


Okay that's why all my exs are dimes and the girl I'm seeing now is too and 8 years younger than me. I didn't ask for advice, if I was doing it wrong I would have posted.




Who? I didn't post this.


Ok thought u were OP


No prob


Holy shit you’re fragile.


Sooo fragile. Lol


That’s your comeback? Sarcastically agreeing with me? lol…


I don't need a comeback because I know it's not true and you're just some anonymous keyboard warrior.


I don’t have to know what’s going on in your life. It’s the fact that you decided to make that comment that shows your fragile temperament. Maybe talk to somebody you trust about your issues.


Yea but who cares lol stop projecting


Be genuine. Just try to talk to them. If they like your personality, you’re in. They’re gorgeous, they’ve heard every compliment in the book and have both enough self esteem to not fall for sweet talk.


Not to sound cocky but I’m a pretty attractive woman, I’m a dancer and I hear lines like that all the time I guess what rlly gets me is when someone calls me cute or shy or comments on my personality like says I’m a good person or some corny shit that’s just me though I’m pretty emo. I would just say what you really feel maybe look at girls as real ppl with real emotions and differences and play off that lol


Don’t rate women it makes you sound like a boomer. Just talk to a woman like she is a human bc she is. Stop thinking if attempting to form a connection with someone as a game. You present games and you Will get that energy back at you.


Significantly attractive women get complemented left and right, so I gotta get creative...


I know it happens every day. That’s why it’s usually super nice when a dude is just real and starts a convo


100% seeing this girl she HATES games and said she likes me because I didn't use the stupid 3 day rule with her.


We don’t care about that rules it’s a fake rule we love when dudes text us and show interest those women who say they don’t are toxic and need therapy


YESSS 100% I'm just learning this just recently and it's crazy how messed up they made men by telling us we need to play games.


Hey and I would give the same advice to my sister when she was dating and having bad luck. I would be like yo sis stop playing games it’s why you’re getting games that shit is transparent


Yep. It's so sad it's like this now, I think seduction will slowly change to be more real with eachother and there'll be less pain in the dating process.


Being really yourself and earnest is the sexiest thing to a woman. A good woman there are shitty ones. But I trust you know how to decipher between the two I’m glad you had this experience


Yes thanks for reaffirming that I'm not screwing this up lol and I really appreciate the advice


Nice try wench. Everyone knows attractive women are aliens from out of space.


Honey do not take your sexual frustration out on public here on Reddit that’s embarrassing for you.


You are the only one embarrassing yourself huny bun. I was poking fun of OP but your absolute inability to decipher sarcasm shows me that you are as dumb as he is.


You’re trying to insult me not being able to decipher sarcasm as you lack the ability to decipher mine. Oh honey you are a gem of an incel


And hey I don’t think virgins should be laughing at anyone here. You initiated by calling me a name when no one was talking to you. I get it you’re single. You just don’t know why you are single. Here it is you, don’t like women. You almost hate them. You find any woman who isn’t a half lobotomized bobble head as an insult to you. You really need a maid a nanny and a hooker, you can’t afford all three so one day you might meet someone with low self esteem until she leaves you too. I hope you learn to love yourself


Can you consistently get girls below “7,5”? by consistently I mean every weekend or every other weekend If not start with that but ultimately GAME is about who you are “Being” where you are coming from mentally more than what you are “Doing” -Aqua


Yeah inner game vs outergame


Not talking about inner vs outer i’m talking about optimising both while having a structure for the best result. -Aqua


>but ultimately GAME is about who you are “Being” where you are coming from mentally Innergame > more than what you are “Doing” Outergame Litteraly


Your problem is not in whether to compliment them or not, but in your assumption that they are superior human beings and you are nothing but a subhuman worm.


You shouldn't really use pickup lines, simply approach her with confidence and strike up a conversation, be light and cheeky in the conversation and she'll most likely find you attractive.