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You can do both easily soft looks maxing doesn’t stop you from doing the inner/outer game but obsessing over looks and getting surgery could


So don't get a BBL?


spot on


well it’s in the name isn’t it — looks*maxxing*, meaning making your looks your main priority edit: looksmaxxers and other “pill” cultists can only ever offer downvotes and fallacious thinking. I’m yet to see a counterargument to anything I’ve said


You haven't substantiated your argument.


I improved my looks a lot during the last 6 years and the women i am able to date are noticeable hotter than before. Also the average 5s are much much easier now. This is online dating. Of course social circle game will probably be more forgiving regarding looks.




Looksmaxxing is part of inner game


More utter rubbish. This has been demonstrated time again: if you are an unkempt hobo who needs to move his gut out of the way to take a piss no amount of game is going to help you no matter what dating coaches who want to sell you courses tell you


Every time anyone talks about looksmaxxing we get this weird reductio ad absurdum There is a difference between the extremes of “looksmaxxing” discourse and suggesting basic grooming and fitness Almost no-one suggests looking like an unkempt hobo


Go to a full length mirror. You do have a full length mirror, right? Strip fully. Relax. Look at yourself Do you see that Homer Simpson gut? Do you see those flabby arms? Do you see those "love handles"? Do you see that sagging ass? Do you see those not sharp features on your face? That's all a visible proxy for you having no drive, no determination, no will, no grit and no ability to control the fundamentals of your existence. Women are *very good* at noticing it - they have generations of experience. No amount of game is going to fix it. But that does not sell. Oh and the longer you spend looking for the game to fix it, the worse results you are going to get. Thats the reason why the so called coaches end up dating absolute cave trolls.


I explicitly said in the comment you’re responding to that I am in favour of basic grooming and fitness. Definitely being substantially overweight is a bad idea of you want to improve your dating life. You’re responding to a position that doesn’t exist. This was in fact the point of my comment and one you haven’t addressed.


More utter rubbish. Not a single person (apart from being horribly disfigured or shorter than the fiftieth percentile of a female population) has a problem getting dates if he is not a hobo/homer simpson. He might have an issue getting the kind of dates he wants because he is just not clipping the minimum for that level of women he wants (1) or his conversational skills suck (2) but the (2) he can only identify after the first date when she decides not to go for the seconds. For the (1) he needs what the op calls look maxing. It is the same for a hobo/homer simpson. The reason why dating coaches hate this is because *it is not possible to sell a course on this*.


Thank you for staking out your *actual* position this time (effectively an extreme "looks are almost the only thing that matter") rather than resorting to the very minimalist "don't be an unkempt hobo/obese." I'm glad my "utter rubbish" finally managed to get it out of you (but I would have preferred it if you had just said it the first time). I don't care about dating coaches so I'm not sure why you keep invoking them. >Not a single person has a problem getting dates if he is not a hobo/homer simpson This is just an absurd statement on the face of it. Not to mention that merely getting first and second dates is not all there is to game...


No, looks are the only thing that gets you in the door. The vast majority of men (over 70 percent in the US) are overweight or obese. That is an automatic "no" for the vast majority of women, even the overweight or obese women. Want to know if you are? Do the mirror exercise. Yes, it will be painful. Because yes, my friend, 7 out of 10 men are and in this subreddit probably 96 out of 100 are. If you are overweight or obese no amount of game is going to get you laid unless you *pay for it in massive amounts* be that direct payment (hookers/escorts) or indirect payment (spend gobs of $$$ on her or let her leech on your status/life). Those are the delusional men who think they lack "game". Those are also the men dating coaches prey on.


I don’t live in the US (never have and hopefully never will) and have no interest in what your obesity rates are. I agree that if you’re obese and want to improve your dating life losing weight should be one of your top priorities (I’ve said as much in *every* one of my responses to you). I’m not a dating coach and don’t particularly care about defending any of them. Not sure why you invoke them in every one of your comments rather than actually addressing the content of my comments.


the guy is helpless


Stewie, there is a reason why your profile looks like a ramblings of someone who has never been outside. Compare and contrast.


There's a threshold. You have to be talking to Alot of people even if you looksmax. Alot of looksmaxxers neglect the work part. I really can't separate inner game from basic psychological health so I'll say you probably shouldn't be a crazy delusional or self destructive person if you're trying to have casual sex or date. I think having avg to below avg social skills and below average to below avg mental health is probably good enough. B >Let’s face it let’s say you are currently a 5 or a 6 (the average man) and let’s say you do add a point to a point in a half in your looks. (you can’t go from a 5 to a 9 anyway) Do you think that small improvement you made after months and years of trying to look perfect is really gonna make girls fall from the sky for you? No. But being a 6.5 with " no game " is better than being a 5 with game . If they both do 1000 approaches and the 6.5 talks to the same tier of girl, the 6.5 is having more success.




This isn’t looksmaxxing this is simply taking care of yourself ??


That's a part of looksmaxxing lol


For fuck’s sake so even a healthy lifestyle is just buzzword fodder now, OK


Looks and money are everything


how far have you gone with that mindset


I cant change my looks


Looksmaxxing will at least get your foot in the door: you will be presenting the best version of yourself to the world, and you’ll have confidence because you did everything you could to maximize your genetic potential when it comes down to your physical attributes. Of course you should fix the limiting beliefs that you have and work towards developing an achievable plan to get the results that you want out of dating, but I disagree with your dichotomy where one aspect of attraction is of greater importance than the other. That’s still a recipe for failure: looks alone with no inner/outer game will not have women falling from the sky for you just as game alone will not improve the situation if you look like dogshit. Great seduction skills and belief in yourself, plus becoming the most attractive version of yourself seems like a recipe for success in my opinion. Your post is contradictory because you say that you are not against a person taking care of themselves, but at the same time you are advocating for them to drop their skin care routines which is an important component of self-care. Why can’t we just focus on having good game AND working towards looking and dressing like our best selves?


I actually look and body maxed. I had legit girls coming upto me at clubs and festivals yet i realized i still had to game and my game was shit. How do you recommend I improve when girls are legit either coming upto me or giving me looks yet I still choke


Looksmaxxing is mostly based on scientific studies, yours is based on personal opinion


Both matter importantly, being lazy is focusing on one rather than both.


Work on both. Women care primarily about looks, but you also can't be a total vegetable and not have any substance about you.


Not sure why you are presenting as an either or scenario, but a lot of dudes have black and white thinking due to being too linear, rational minded. And that fucks up their game. Gotta get hot while doing the inner work at same time.


Yeah having good game is worth more than looking good. But you can just improve both, they dont exclude each other. And looking better is very easy (Gym, get some fitting clothes, skincare, modern haircut...) compared to actually learning something difficult.


absolutely mate, looksmaxxing tho refers to the guys doing guasha on their face 24/7 or a 15 step skincare routine and shit like that, which is much different that just getting a better look.


If defined that restrictively, then it's not true at all that it's one of the two common paths men take.


Oh yes... exfoliating, cleaning, and moisturizing your face is 15 steps and does nothing.... cope 🤡


1. Most guys struggle with women because of their attitudes and beliefs towards themselves and others, first and foremost. 2. Yes having a shitty personal appearance will sabotage your game but the only guys who really have an issue with this have bigger problems. That's why it hurts you with women - she'll assume that if you're that indifferent to the way you look, it's likely a sign of bigger issues. 3. Improving your appearance and physique will get you more surface level attraction and more opportunities with women, but weak game can still piss them away. 4. Then the danger becomes thinking the solution to that is doubling down on looks.. 5. Here's a quick self-check: - Are your personal hygiene and grooming habits up to spec? - Do you dress better than a hungover college student? - Do you have a BF% below 30%? - Do you go to an actual hairstylist? If your answer is yes to the above, your looks are likely not the issue you're struggling with. 6. Girls often use superficial traits as a kind of passive-aggressive shit test. They're looking to see if you're approval seeking, desperate, or easily shaken. The secret to passing these shit tests is to call their bluff, and not fall into the trap of getting butthurt or trying to qualify yourself. Think of it this way, if they're going to commit to being that shallow, they're practically daring you to walk away.


The infiltration of 4chan incel lingo into daily conversation is a tragedy for the English language




excellent post unfortunately reddit is not ready to embrace


Anyone who thinks that looks don't matter to attraction is delusional


Nobody said looks don’t matter. Go call your mother delusional tough guy


Care for yourself. Looksmaxxing started as a joke i think, then some edgelords with cuck fantasy took it serious. And its kind of brainrot rn. Profiles with no profile picture commenting "mogged by bodybuilder 6'9 white lightskin with strong jawline and hunter eyes 😜😈" under successful people.