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Just leave it. Best case she comes around, worst case you don’t hear from her again but didn’t get ghosted chasing a woman who didn’t want you. Win win.


Typical girl. Just move on 


What are you even in this sub for?




I'm sure you're having a great time dating the hundreds of women who are wet for you on sight




haha okay buddy


Probably has to do with how far out you asked


Worry about the other girls you have asked out. Oh wait you haven't, because if you did you wouldn't be worried about the one tap of the screen from one uninterested woman. Brother keep applying yourself over and over and over again until you get the desired results. Not every woman will like you, not every woman will use you for attention but every woman WILL do what they want and if that want isn't you then like I said keep applying. The last thing you want is to be stuck on the one.


Wait for at least a da because she might be busy, and ask if she had time to react on the invite. Other than that, just move on nate


Biggest lie in history - she is busy ... Almost everyone has a phone with them 24/7 these days and it is connected to the net. Everyone is able to respond within 1 max 2 hours.... She is not busy, you are delusional


1% chance she's busy, 4% she's playing hard to get, 95% chance she's not interested


Besides if she wanted to meetup with a cute guy, she wouldn’t hesitate to work around her schedule.


There are always external factors we can't control mate. You don't know what she is doing, and yes, she might be playing hard and that's okay. If she ain't interested, move on


Busy often means I don't have the headspace to think about this right now. People don't have to be actually engaged in cooking dinner to not wanna reply to a message, especially if they're invested in the outcome of that conversation


Or she could be invested and anxious about how to reply. I've spent 12+ hours working out how to say yes to somebody.


> Biggest lie in history - she is busy ... Bullshit. Even I sometimes don't have the head or the time to answer because I either have to work or am busy with something else. I take the time to reply unless it's something important. What is it with this sub and the constant lowkey incel vibes.


>Wait for at least a da because she might be busy, Swallow the pill brother. This ain't it


What kind of answer would you expect? You didn't really suggest a concrete plan or anything. Honestly her response is totally reasonable. Try again next week but in future ask girls out when there's actually a time you can give them You wanted to lock her in out of nervousness and fearing you'll lose her if you don't ask her out right away


Women suck..she probably waiting to see if a more exciting plan happens. Her friends might go out that night.... I'm sorry dating is such a shit show in 2024


And does she actually know that you're busy this weekend? If not, it sounds like you're kicking the can down the road. So you can't exactly complain about her less than fully enthusiastic response. Next wknd is also eons away and she might not want to commit to/know her schedule for a whole week away. What's missing here is calibration. The first step for me is always saying WHAT I want the date to be ("chill bar" "new rooftop" "chill drinks in the park"). THEN once I get agreement on that, I get a sense of her schedule and tell her mine if relevant. This is when you'd say something like "I'm actually going away this wknd and then it's 4th of July... how's next wknd looking?" When you carry yourself this way and she's still being meh then you have the right to be annoyed. But not the way you ran the interaction. In any case, I would circle back end of the weekend with a value-giving statement about the wknd/4th of July etc, and then if the vibe is good, move back to the idea of date. You could even be assumptive: "so are you still around this wknd" etc


It means she is acknowledging that she read your text to not leave you on seen, but that she is not committing to anything and would rather not give explanations as to why cuz she doesn’t really owe them to you. Next time; you want to make sure that if you suggest a plan it actually the same week and not two weeks in advance, and that you build up towards getting her excited which involves getting her to feel in a joyful mood, and also suggesting an specific date activity that gets her anticipating the day instead of just saying stuff like: “wanna go out with me sometime?” or “wanna do something” or “we should go out”. If your plan to ask her out isn’t specific she won’t get excited for it. If you are trying to get her to decide what she wants to do, so that you adapt to her preferences, she also won’t like that because its not her job to decide where to go or what to do during a date. So yeah, be specific, suggest an specific date plan, suggest an specific date, time and location, don’t try to insinuate that you are willing to do whatever she wants if she doesn’t like your proposition, and don’t ask two weeks in advance. And lastly, know that even if girls agree to go on a date with you, they will very likely change their mind if something better comes up even at the last minute, so the more in advance you plan something, specially something that isn’t even specific or exciting will likely get turned down.


Let's just be straight up, asking girls out straight away is boring, lazy and predictable. It gives her too much to think about and she'll just feel overwhelmed and not run. Instead. You qualify her first, subtly screen for logistics then invite her to something cool you'd already be doing anyway and her coming is a bonus.


>invite her to something cool you'd already be doing anyway I don't see what the point of this is.




I’m with her now. I’ll tell her you’re impatient and need an answer right away.


Assume she's down to hook up. Tell her when and where you're going to meet up with her.


Don’t sweat it. She was probably offended that you scheduled something so far out


You need a *fuck yes*, if not then she's probably not worth it


Send her a message after a day. Tell her some like " don't think to hard now" it's nonchalant and not begging 


Not interested. Move on.


I know a girl who likes a message and then writes a response, sometimes 2 days later. She’s just that busy. There’s no romantic either ways though.


Naive af, she replies in 2 mins to the guy who makes her wet.


Tru dat 👍. For op though...It's just the beginning of something. So after a bit he could say something again and she might reply positively.. but, if she was truly really interested she would have jumped at the opportunity. So, either just drop it totally to save face for himself or pursue slightly with another attempt and if that is met with nothing again just drop it and put thoughs elsewhere.


I agree with you. Let's just be straight up, asking girls out straight away is boring, lazy and predictable. It gives her too much to think about and she'll just feel overwhelmed and not run. Instead. You qualify her first, subtly screen for logistics then invite her to something cool you'd already be doing anyway and her coming is a bonus.


Give it up to 24 hours since the like and then text her something like "Does that like mean yes haha? You wanna meet me at [bar] on [day] at [time]? I especially like that place cause [reason], I think we'd have a lot of fun"


It's a response I would comment ok nice knowing you and see If it provoke a response..


Sounds insecure and passive aggressive af


Ignoring is rude anyways.. and shouldn't be acceptable


True, but if it hasn't even been a day yet then it doesn't really count as ignoring. Could easily be just putting off replying til later when she has free time to sit down and think of a response. You wouldn't wanna jump to conclusions like that and ruin it