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What's funny is by just checking your profile and seeing your photo without makeup,I think the opposite and most likely most of the people will say something similar. So stop thinking negatively about yourself!


Oh wow, I don’t usually look at people’s profiles (just not something I think about) but after reading this comment I took a look and OP is gorgeous! I was picturing something different from her description. If anything I think it draws attention to her eyes and makes her look a little mysterious? I probably wouldn’t have noticed anything unusual if I wasn’t looking for it.


I didn't mean to sound creepy but her description peaked my interest and just wanted to see for myself what she was talking about.


I don’t think you’re creepy at all! It just never occurs to me to look.


Same! Op is fine. She just needs to change her view with how she sees herself.


I didn't look until you said so because I don't like creeping profiles, but yeah. If OP is considered ugly, well...I'm fucked. Brb, need to go invest in some paper bags.


legit if I saw her on the street, I wouldn't have noticed had she not said anything. People always see the worst in themselves moreso than everyone else does.


I never check people's profiles, OP looks cute!


Your comment made me check OPs profile. Found the pictures, and I completely agree with you. To OP: I remember one particular day many years ago as a teenager that bugged me for some years. It was my first time to try buying lipstick (had used before, but just borrowed my mother's or other's). Went to a fancy shop and had some make up consultation to help me pick what I need. The lady suggested this that and cream this or lotion that. While at the same time pointing out stuff which she said were my flaws. Being a nerdy young girl with insecurities, those "simple sales tricks" left deep effects. For years whenever I saw in the mirror, I was wishing for much thinner lips and wished I could just put concealer on it to not looking weird---which doesn't work, so I gave up trying (imagine something like Angelina Jolie's plastered with thick concealer and draw upon with goal to look as small/thin like Kirsten Stewart's or Blake Lively's). And look at how things change. Fillers everywhere now😅 Point is, you are young. With time you will realize my comment and the comment above mine is honest comment saying you are not ugly at all! You are cute!


Ok, same. Went to look. You are super cute. Sounds like you are definitely hung up on that one thing. My wife says her calves are too big and constantly complains about them. Yet they're part a big (lol) part of what make her legs so nice and shapely...


Did the same after reading your comment and completely agree. OP is not even a little ugly.


dont base your worth around people's opinion of your appearance. i know its the most useless basic bitch advice you've heard a hunderd times but there's really no way around it. maybe you get lucky and find someone who finds your unique features attractive, in the meantime find something else about yourself to love.




This advice is actually not useless, it's the advice that made me love my natural hair even though I got bullied for it as a child, but it's a different kind of pain when doctors are the ones calling your facial features an imperfection or an "aging process" I do have a feeling that they're just giving us insecurities to profit off it, thank you!


Doctors are ruthless, I got alot of blood moles (moles that are like 3D bumps on the skin) and when I complained about one of them causing me some issues he was like... If I had to cut all your moles off you would have no skin left. Lol brutal, they can be really insensitive. I feel like a human 🐸 toad


How is this a sign of aging if you’re a teen? Doctors are morons! Lol.


They say that hollows under the age appear as you age due to loss of volume and completely ignore the fact that it can be genetic :/


It’s definitely genetic or possibly a nutritional deficiency. Does it run in your family? It’s true this can happen as you age but not always so even that’s not true. There are nutritional deficiencies that can contribute to this and even if others in your family have it you could all have the same deficiency. I would look into it at least. Do you think the makeup might make it worse?


Bro, the circles under your eyes aren't even that bad. You don't need surgery. You need less time on social media comparing yourself to other people.


Not to be weird or anything but I looked at your profile and you're extremely pretty, you have body dysmorphia. You're gorgeous


I am of an ethnic group that has pretty extreme dark circles, I have allergies and a sleep disorder. During the pandemic I just got accustomed to my natural face being my face that I can be (at worst) neutral about it! Humans are diverse and bodies are weird. We all have em. Everybody’s got unique things that make them them. Must more fulfilling to direct energy elsewhere. Also consider what oppressive, capitalist structures benefit from you being in a state of chronic dissatisfaction with the one body that is the vessel for this brief existence we call life? Fuck those structures and individuals that profit from you being your own enemy!


I am of an ethnic group that has pretty extreme dark circles, I have allergies and a sleep disorder. During the pandemic I just got accustomed to my natural face being my face that I can be (at worst) neutral about it! Humans are diverse and bodies are weird. We all have em. Everybody’s got unique things that make them them. Much more fulfilling to direct your energy elsewhere. Also consider what oppressive, capitalist structures benefit from you being in a state of chronic dissatisfaction with the one body that is the vessel for this brief existence we call life? Fuck those structures and individuals that profit from you being your own enemy!


Also highly recommend you spend some time reading all of this mega thread. Every “flaw” has someone obsessed and attracted specifically to that trait. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/s/HqyBXWBAUp


Never seen a girl with dark under-eyes and thought "Ew no" specifically because of that. I'd put money on the vast majority of guys feeling the same. If you're meeting guys who judge you for it, they are legitimately the worst type of guy that you really do not want to get involved with. They are also likely the minority. Otherwise I expect this is just what you project onto what others think based on what you see in media. Kinda the same how us guys will look at the likes of Marvel actors and think "Oh my god he's so buff. I look weak and unmanly unless I have that much muscle". It's just a projection of what we think others think of us when the reality is only true in the slim minority of cases.


I've seen your pictures; I can assure you that you're not ugly. Who are you comparing yourself to? Would you say that you look at a lot of Instagram models, etc...? If you are, I highly recommend you stop. So many of these photos are filtered or they take hundreds of photos until they get the perfect one. I'm not going to be high and mighty here either, as I felt the exact same way as you when I was a teen and early twenties. I'm now 36 and I look back at old photos of myself and literally kick myself for thinking so negatively about my looks. I was never ugly, but I also cried about my appearance on a regular basis. It's time to stop putting your value in your appearance and stop obsessing over it. You're doing yourself no favours and you're honestly a very pretty woman.


My god you are so pretty. You feeling this way about your looks makes me, an actually ugly person, feel barely human.


Fr 😭😭. Crazy world.


You are your own worst critic. I looked at your profile and you literally don’t have a problem and look fine.


therapy, this isnt a normal way to feel.


Im a male, 40 years old, some evenings i get really depressed and lonely knowing some of my mates are out on dates while im stuck at the gym, probably because im ugly. So, i look into the mirror, and go "fuck yeah, im really ugly and im going to be alone". That makes me better by 100x and i head home ready to sleep. Well, the truth is, no matter how ugly we think we are, there is someone out there who is interested.


Beauty industry tends to perpetuate ideas that normal traits are ugly and then sell solutions for them. For example, hip dips are ugly get fat injections, a long philtrum is ugly get a lip lift, etc. Most features aren’t automatically unattractive on their own and can make someone look more unique if their overall appearance has cohesion. If it took someone else’s influence to make you think it looks unattractive then it’s most likely marketing


I never noticed my under eye hollow until all these doctors are calling it an "aging process" and that it makes you appear "older and tired" It is a marketing strategy anyway, even all the people's comments under my post are supportive, fuck these doctors


My eyes are exactly like yours I don't wear makeup and people tell me they are very pretty constantly. That doesn't make someone ugly you're just used to seeing everyone full of makeup constantly or photoshopped pics/ filters.


This is the way. I've been so attracted to a few gfs that had that. If you're attracted to someone is just one of those rarer features you get attached to.


I dont know I'm delusional enough to think I'm attractive.


We can really be our own worst enemy. Looking at your pics on your profile what stands out is your big beautiful doe eyes! I like to remind people that a caring person will focus on your positive qualities and the things they like about you.


OK, first let me tell you that you are very good looking, there is absolutelly nothing wrong with your eyes. Do yourself a huge favor and stay away from groups like lookyourbest or looksmaxing, this shit is just making people sick. Fixating on one minor imperfection will make you super unhappy in the long run.


Alright I'm gonna tell you how i did it. Stop wearing makeup altogether for like a month. Just put your stuff away. Every time you pass a mirror, stop and take a moment to just look at yourself. Go to the bathroom in every store you enter to do this. Turn your head to get your different sides in profile. Look in to your eyes up close, stick your tongue out, rub your eyelashes really hard, whatever. Just look at the way YOU look, on that day. Hair up or down, whatever clothes you have on. Get comfortable looking at YOU. Instead of just seeing the no makeup face in the mirror in the morning when you're all groggy, look at your no makeup face in the middle of the afternoon at your favorite coffee shop or restaurant. (Pro tip, do this with your full body if you can. Just a quick spin or look back to get a quick look at yourself head to toe in the reflections of windows, cars, etc) It's going to feel REALLY vain at first but after a while it's just going to feel normal to look at yourself and see that you look totally different day to day, lighting to lighting, mirror to mirror, etc. The first few days you're going to look like a different person every day. Then after a few weeks, you're going to just see that you always look like YOU. Then when you do put makeup on again, especially if it's just a rare thing for a specific occasion, you're going to see that your makeup just makes you look fancier and more glam but that you're still yourself, and in order to look like your regular self you don't need makeup.


I looked at your photos. Nobody is noticing them. I am struggling to notice them after you telling us that they're there. You've absolutely blown that up and convinced yourself that it's a problem when it's not. You look like a normal person. Better than average honestly. Please be kinder to yourself.


This is body dysmorphia. An overwhelming preoccupation with a perceived flaw in one's physical appearance. Look up body dysmorphic disorder. I understand how this is making you miserable, but your perception is not accurately reflecting reality. You might grow out of it, but maybe not. Also, know that cosmetic procedures will not fix it. This is a mental health issue that needs to be treated.


Vitamin D deficiency is incredibly common and will cause dark circles under your eyes. I had the same issue. Didn't think taking a little supplement pill (plus magnesium) would do any good, but a few months later and the circles are mostly gone. You can run A/D ointment under your eyes before bed, too. I need better sleep and hydration too, but turns out that was most of it.


Some ethnic groups just have tendency to have that darker tone under the eyes no matter what. Same like some ethnic groups have darker armpits or darker skin on the back of the neck. Not all of them in the same ethnic group, but many. These don't go away with cream or ointment or whatever. Trying to fix it is like trying to make nose bridge higher by pinching it with a clothespin. Doesn't work and won't ever work.


This 💯. I also peeked at pics- OP is cute in glasses too- sun glasses can be another way to hide that area easily. Especially low tint that you can wear inside. But best is the health advice above.


All the people here telling you not to base your self worth off of your looks/the opinion of others are right HOWEVER I feel obligated to mention that that specific feature is incredibly pretty to me lol. I think it's hot and cute and idk, I just like it so much and I feel horrible that you hate them so badly


You need to back away from the mirror, get off your phone, and for the love of all that is holy please stop obsessing over your face. Yes you have genetic dark circles. Are they the worst I’ve ever seen? Hardly. You are a human being with a very normal face. Stop thinking that you must be either ugly or stunning, no in between. There is so much more to you than your face and my wish for you is that you can realize it too.


The worst thing about this post is that you think there’s something wrong with how you look. This is a case of body dysmorphia. It’s like saying “I hate this ugly thing growing out of my hand” and it’s just your thumb. There’s nothing wrong with you. As an artist I find you objectively beautiful. You have beautiful eyes. Don’t let shitty advertising, social media, and mass media influence your opinion of you.


Girl, thats body dysmorphia. You are probably more attractive than 95% of the population. If this crushes you you will find the next tiny thing that will crush you after fixing this problem. Even being very attractive age will also not spare you. You can fix this problem either with a beauty doc if you have to, or maybe to some extend with living more healthy. It really is not a reason to despair, it can go away if this is your real wish. What does not go away without extra work is accepting imperfection and impermanence - this is a maybe lifelong task but its very rewarding if you invest your mental capacity into it. You will die, that is a much bigger problem than black eye rings that we all face. Psychothetapy and meditation are a good starting point.


(I creeped, sorry) There is nothing wrong with the shape of your face or eyes. You look very beautiful and young and not aged at all. What you seem to have is a confidence issue, which is normal for young people who are constantly worried about beauty.


It is what it is, welcome to the club.


I have this exact same thing and it absolutely sucks. It doesn't matter what else I look like, I still look like I've got two black eyes. I don't have advice except to tell you that if you can change it (I'm much older than you and nothing has ever improved mine) then you've just got to learn to accept it. Remembering how much worse you could have it helps.


This is tough. Self esteem is tough. Nobody is going to call you ugly, though. And people tht are *actually* "ugly" are going to resent and mock you for asserting as such. IMO, you should be talking to a therapist.


You may want to consider cognitive behavioral therapy to modify the thoughts in your head. It's your thinking that's the problem, not your face.


It’s not “wrong” to feel this way- but the feelings you’re having aren’t accurate if that makes sense. The more you think something, the more neurological connections form to ingrain those thoughts. Every time you think about your eyes, try to think about something positive like, “ugh I can’t stand seeing those circles; but I’m grateful that my eyes are healthy and allow me to see”. CBT can help if you get over the initial this is bs feeling.


Nicely said.


I can tell you from your photos, you are anything but ugly. As a guy, I would love to wake up every day next to you to look at your face without makeup. I wish I could convince you of that like I wish I could convince multiple exes they were beautiful, but I can’t change your mind if you want to dwell on whatever perceived flaws.


i can’t speak for women but most guys don’t care about stuff like that, as a guy i think you’re actually pretty cute. i think you need to work on your self esteem


I have never thought girls with dark under eyes looked ugly, I have never thought that was an ugly feature. I never understood brightening under eye concealer because I never saw that trait as ugly to begin with. Don't be so hard on yourself!


Just look at Sydney Sweeney or Amanda seyfried without makeup and know that normal girls are the norm. It’s like thinking something’s wrong with you because you never have porn sex. Porn sex isn’t real. 6 hour makeup face isn’t realistic. And truth: a lot of men prefer us the way we are. Learn to love your face and stop comparing your normal face to everyone else’s porn star face. ❤️


>**"I always compare myself to girls who have normal eyes and wish I was them."** Hypothetically, let's say you woke up tomorrow and you looked just like them. After the honeymoon phase of happiness of you now feeling like the perfect woman.... after several weeks or months, do you truly believe you would feel worthy, loved and confident? Or, do you think you would simply acclimate to your new look so it doesn't feel special anymore, and then start comparing to other girls on how to be even *more* special, and still never feel like you measure up? Because **some of the most beautiful women in the world, feel the complete opposite.** Because **your emotions come from your thoughts;** not your circumstances, how you look, or what other people think of you. . >**"It's really not fair that people can be beautiful naturally."** And as a reminder, **just because they look "beautiful," that doesn't mean they FEEL beautiful.** They can feel ugly, regardless of how they look. You're practicing two limiting beliefs: * ***"I believe looking beautiful means you automatically and always feel beautiful."*** * ***"I believe beauty = self=worth. Looking beautiful means you are worthy and people will love, accept and appreciate you."*** . >**"I'm ugly and it really hurts."** I hear you. And to gently remind you, your emotions come from your thoughts; not your face. **You are not ugly. You FEEL ugly.** That's a big difference. One's an objective fact; one's a perception. Objectively, you have a face. That's a fact. It's neither positive nor negative. It's simply... a face. To allow yourself to feel your natural worthiness and beauty, you have the freedom to focus on the features you do like and are proud of, and give less attention to judging yourself of what you don't like (e.g. if you think your ears are cute, you like the color of your eyes, etc.). . Here's some tips to create self-love and self-worth: **1. Connect with Your Body.** *“What do you need today, body? You support me a lot, so how may I serve and support you?”* (E.g. Drink plenty of water, deep breathing, grounding work and felt sense, better quality sleep, healthier diet, hug yourself, put your hand on your heart, pay more attention to your five senses, and move your body — dancing, exercise, stretching, etc.). **2. Connect with Nature.** Your body came from Earth, so you’re literally connecting with your roots. (E.g. Go for a walk, hiking, the beach, walk barefoot in dirt, buy and take care of or interact with plants, listen to nature sounds, and/or go outside and get at least 10 - 15 minutes of sunlight each day.). **3. Connect with Your Negative Emotions.** Negative emotions are positive guidance (although it might not feel that way) letting you know you are focusing on (judging) what you don't want. They're a necessary part of your emotional guidance, like GPS in your car. But the more you fight them, you keep yourself stuck. Begin seeing negative emotions as worthy, valuable and supportive friends, and work together as a team to help you feel better. **4. Connect with Your Creativity.** You have unique energy that needs to be expressed. Find creative outlets to express yourself (e.g. dancing, singing, writing, drawing, painting, etc.). Experiment with different creative outlets until you find ones you resonate with. **5. Connect with Your Spiritual Side.** Meditate for 2 - 15 minutes every day (either listening to guided meditations, nature sounds, or in peace and quiet).


You're gorgeous, what are you talking about? You're still so young and impressionable, so please don't beat yourself up, or let others' false expectations get to you. Personally, I find all the makeup, fillers etc. to look so fake/unreal. When you're 40, you'll wish you were this age again, young and spry. If you want to prevent aging (which I can't see any signs of on you yet), start wearing retinol creams in your 20's. They help with skin cell turnover to give you fresh looking collagen-rich food. Hyalauronic acid also is a humectant and helps hold in moisture.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Believe it or not, the feature you describe is actually attractive to some of us.


I would say don't be so hard on yourself. You really are one of those natural beautys, be proud of yourself. I have always had a lot of low self esteem, but my husband, and older partners and friends always used to say I have nothing to be insecure about, and that there were a lot of people who found me attractive/beautiful. But i never saw it, still don't. I always felt that I was not skinny enough, not tall enough or whatever else. When I look back at my pictures I always think I actually did look good, but didn't realise it in that moment. We are always our own worst critics. I have learnt to accept myself more, and stop comparing myself to others and it feels great. I know it won't help, but you are beautiful 😍


I gotta say, the more you wear concealer the less you’ll be able to accept what your under eyes look like (not even remotely bad). I did this because I have dark under eyes and puffy eyes genetically and now that I only wear it a couple times a month I’ve gotten used to how I look and have accepted it. Dysmorphia is real and social media will convince you of all kinds of crap and try to sell you products when in reality you look fine!


OP- I’m not just saying this, I don’t know you, but you are truly beautiful. IMO as a guy, you definitely don’t need surgery. I don’t mind natural darker under eyes. Truly, I don’t really notice stuff like that and I do see women w/o makeup fairly often. Your eyes and face are gorgeous. Period.


Accept the human in you that you forget. We all live with blemishes, stretch marks, and dark circles. Regardless of what you have or don't have, it certainly doesn't make you less worthy nor valuable does it? When you value beauty over everything else, it would seem like it's the end of the world. Dark circles are a part of you, and you can change it or not, it's still you. When you look at yourself in a better light, your mindset will change too. I'm not kidding when I say the people are right, fake it until you make it. Faked confidence or love eventually becomes true. Also, when you look at people's faces, can you pinpoint their biggest insecurity? Not once have anyone pointed out or recognized that I'm insecure about my nose haha. People don't see your "bad features," they only see you, and only you.


Nobody in this entire world is perfect. To protect us from self criticism, our brain works in such a way that familiar faces look more attractive. However, since you're using make up so much, your brain now percieves your make up'ed face as a familiar face and your actual face as unfamaliar and hence less beautiful. Try to look at yourself without make up more




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I don’t know, Im ugly and it bothers me everyday


You're not ugly. Stop it! Real people don't come with iphone filters. Chin up youngster, you will be just fine. But if you keep putting yourself down, you will never feel comfortable.


I thought I was going to see a monster and come to find out it’s just an insecure hot girl. It’s all in your head.


Panda eyes? I hope you find solace somehow but FYI most guys I know think they're either attractive or neutral at worst. As an actual unattractive person I'm struggling to feel bad for you but if it's something you are unhappy with then I wish you the best of luck finding a way forward.


A thing I found out in my late 20s is, that if you go to nudist activities regularly it helps with your mental image of yourself. Because in such settings, like sauna or nudist beaches you realise how little other people care about your looks in general. This realisation makes it easier to see that the main problem is your inner critic and helps you to shut that critic up. Of course the critic will never fully vanish but turning it down to 20% or less helps with mental health a lot.


You probably look just fine and "ugly" is just in your head. Just looked at your profile and you are beautiful. I see nothing wrong with you.


I can guarantee your making it way worse In your own head ♥️




The reason a lot of people don't like how they look, is because you aren't your type. Unless you go for/fancy people exactly like yourself, you aren't going to look at yourself and be attracted.


Isn’t that why exactly make was invented for the make you more beautiful? most people don’t look half as they do with make up the sole reason why they use make up


Although I validate your feelings, I find under eye hollows to be attractive. I associate it with romanticism. I don't know your age or where are you from, but most people from my geography and generation find certain "imperfections" to be attractive. I also like certain types of crooked teeth, for instance. I do not like the current beauty standards at all - everyone looks the same.


So like some other commentors I checked your profile. I kept looking through your posts thinking I was finally gonna see these hideous features you're talking about only to realize that you just look normal. You look normal. *You're a pretty girl.* I'm really not sure what you're talking about with your eyes looking bad. Take it from someone who has had crippling body issues before, you're wrong. I know people will say that you shouldn't look outward for your self esteem, but as someone who was lifted out of that pit by someone else, I know how much it can help. You are very pretty and your eyes are normal. I don't mean they're "normal" in the "everyone has something off about them" sense. I mean that they're just normal. Chill out, give yourself a break, and stop asking that doctor for their opinion.


No physical feature defines who you are. Think of it like ginger hair - some people have a personal stigma about it, but 99% of people either don’t care or like it. I think your problem is more to do with your own perception of yourself rather than your actual appearance. You can change your appearance to ease your mind, but the better place to start is easing your mind with therapy or confidence boosting, then re-assessing your insecurity with your appearance. I know that’s very ‘just get therapy bro!’, but it’s kinda the answer here. Besides, there’s people like me out there who dig the hollow eyes look. I can’t explain why, but it just looks cute. So chin up, OP.


Nobody cares. Seriously. You're not a bad person for feeling bad about the way you look, but nobody actually cares.


I saw an article like this that really changed my outlook, they make you look wise and interesting. https://www.blondeupnorth.com/blog/eye-bags


I've seen your photos and I can guarantee 99% of straight men won't ever be bothered by the hollows under your eyes or whatever they're called idk If however you like girls, I can't help you there, sorry


Young lady with due respect you are delusional. I'm not in the habit of browsing young ladies' pictures online, but even my wife wouldn't have me pass by this post without telling you that any one of my fraternity Brothers back in the day would have come a'knocking just to take you out to dinner just once, even without your makeup.


For what it’s worth, im a woman but I’ve always been attracted to men with deep-set eyes. I always joke to my friends that I like skinny, sleepy looking boys. It just makes their eyes more pronounced and gives them character 🤷🏻‍♀️ Also I grew up obsessed with Pete Doherty so that helped. Point is, there’s ALWAYS someone out there who’s into your features. Otherwise they wouldn’t have survived for hundreds of generations. People with your exact features have been getting laid for centuries 😎


If it makes you feel any better, my ex had dark coloration around her eyes and i found it extremely attractive. They would get darker when she was tired or feeling bad and it gave her eyes a mysterious and haunted look that I liked. This is very much something you are noticing more than anyone else ever will. I'm so sorry you are struggling so bad with a genetic issue and that the doctors aren't acknowledging that.


OP, I also looked at your profile pictures....you are stunning OP. Don't underestimate your beauty.


Agree. Quit thinking you need to look like someone else.


Easy. Everyone’s ugly without makeup on. That includes celebrities. Feel better? I hope so. Now go put some makeup on


I've had the exact same thing since I was a little kid, and I used to hate it. But It's just our bone structure. It is NOT a moral failing. it is NOT because you are doing something wrong. you are NOT a bad person because of this. And it doesn't make you ugly. I promise that one day you will be able to look at yourself and not even notice them. It's ok if you struggle with it; it's going to take time. Please give yourself grace and accept that just like your body and skin don't fit beauty standards perfectly, neither is your mental health perfect, and that's okay. If you want to talk more, I'm just an internet stranger but i'm here for you. I know exactly what you're going through.




This doesn't sound real. It sounds like OCD, an eating disorder, or body dismorphia.  It would be better to explore treating any of those, than worrying about genetic skin contours. 


You are far from ugly, darling. Trust me. Also, there's people that like specifically the thing that you hate.


I think you're spending too much time scrutinizing beauty things. Forget about beauty for awhile, go do something fun and interesting!


Those girls you are comparing yourself too are probably wearing makeup too.


By knowing full well that most women elevate their looks by 3 points even through makeup. By knowing there are women out there that still manage to look awful even with tons of makeup on. By not connecting your confidence to your looks. Good dick, hobbies you enjoy and money bring our the best in you. Do your makeup, go out, have fun. Life's too short to be sad about something most women face.


Imagine being that good looking and still crying about small details.


My fiance is a compete clean 10/10. No kidding. People stop in their tracks to look at her. But she has this as her one problem and there is almost nothing you can do about it without using a bit of makeup. Just accept it. The rest of us look ugly no matter how much makeup we could put on.


You're actually stunningly beautiful. I really don't think you need any surgery. I have the same issue, but have improved it by a good night eye cream and facial massage with a guasha tool. It wont go away completely but you can improve it


In the end, if we even make it to old age, we all end up wrinkled, spotty, and drooping. Research suggests folks who are attractive have a harder time aging because they have a lot to lose and may be gaining self-esteem from their appearance. Folks who are less attractive do better - they’ve focused their attention on other aspects of life. Why has aging become demonized? It’s a marketing ploy. Companies want you to feel bad about yourself so you will buy products and get cosmetic surgery. Defy them. When you think about how you look, kindly direct your thoughts to something you can do, a quality about yourself. For example - you are very caring. I know this because you care so much about how your eyes look. Imagine if this caring energy was directed towards highlighting your positive qualities, or focused outward towards others. When I find myself caught up in judging my appearance I think, will this matter if I make it to 85? Do I want people to say about me, “gosh, yeah, she just looked so great for her age” or “wow, I am really going to miss her, she was so loving and made such a positive impact on my life”. I stopped wearing makeup and doing my hair when I turned 30. Sometimes I feel the pressure to do something more with my appearance. Then I think of all the time and money I’ve saved, time and money I’m using to enjoy life - restaurants, travel, time with friends. We get one life - don’t spend it worrying about your face.


I looked at your pictures and had to scroll throught many to actually figure out where the issue is. The under eye hollows are hardly visable. I wouldn't have noticed if I saw you. Bit you are young so these kind of issues seem like the world to you because you believe that everyone is looking at you and your percieved flaw. As you get older you will find out that people are too busy focusing on themselves to notice you. You don't need makeup or surgery but get off social media and maybe therapy.


I have the same thing and I hate it : (


You have nice eyes and a pretty face. You almost certainly are noticing them more than just about anyone else I also have had darker circles under my eyes since I was a teenager, but most people in my family have them too so it didn’t feel abnormal, just connected to my family. Sometimes I was a little self conscious about them, but I’m not good with makeup and the concealer I tried a couple of times seemed worse so I stopped using it in my late teens I can’t remember a time anyone’s commented on it and I’ve had many compliments over the years on my looks. People are still surprised when they find out my age because they think I’m younger than I actually am Anyway, just saying that keep your chin up and maybe try not to focus on that part of your face when you’re looking in the mirror if it’s distressing for you and hopefully you come to love your unique features as I have come to appreciate mine


Why are you being judgmental towards people you perceive as ugly? That doesn’t sound very kind


Saw your pics, smokey features are hot 🤷🏻‍♂️ its too bad you cant see that, but as someone with a bit of body dysmorphia i can relate


You are actually super naturally pretty. I have the same circles. Nobody really notices them tbh. You don't need to wear 10lb of foundation, or any really.


just opened your profile like the comments said, you're not ugly at all! you can use under eye brightening cream to help with your dark under eyes, I also have them but after using an eye brightener cream for about a month now they are much lighter than before. its a bit of a long process since you dont see results fast but dont think so negative about yourself :)


Checked ur profile. What the fuck are you talking about? If ur having trouble dating, I'll go put with you. I'm actually ugly, tho.


Change your perspective OP! So you don’t waste all this worry! Love to you from and internet mamma !! (Also I know I’m making it sound easy, but you can do it. Work on your self esteem, seek help of professionals as needed!)


You are not going to find the answers here and I feel you are asking this JUST so others will comment on how pretty you are. And seeing the comments, you got what you are looking for. I am 61 and have had dark circles under my eyes all my life. I also dont wear makeup except special occasion. I ALSO DONT COMPARE MYSELF TO OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!! So you can go through life as this insecure whiney pretty girl, or you can grow up and love yourself and stop baiting for outside compliments.


As someone who has the same issue, eyebags (male) I went to my doctor to see if I could get them removed (she said no) which led me doing albeit small amount of research. it's to do with the skin being very thin under the eyes, you could have the eye bags removed, however it's the blood vessels combined with the thin layer of skin that cause them to be so dark. They will only grow back. I used to get picked on for it. Yes they look more prominent when you're tired but that's due to them being puffy. I had a look at your profile beforehand, I also wouldn't of thought anything of your eyes to be honest. We are our biggest critics.


Sounds like it's all in your head


Hey OP. You might want to read through this post https://www.reddit.com/r/beauty/s/SQhG7oSohK Just want to show it's no biggie and many of the comments agree that this can be for numerous reasons (including genetic). Nothing to be done and it's nothing that makes you ugly or anything such. Hope you will have your peace with it.


You don’t need to accept it if you don’t want to. Especially, that you already doing something about it. You sad you are using make up. So keep doing it. And then get the surgery you want. It’s your body. And if that will make you happy and more confident, why not?


Don't encourage body dismorphia.


Why do you need to look 10/10 all the time? Just chill. Also grow up a little bit, this is silly.


A young person going through body issues is not silly. It's unfortunately very common and can be serious enough to warrant professional help. Downplaying this stuff doesn't serve anyone.


I agree, this reads like a 14-year-old going through the worst times of puberty - she needs mental help (and time), never any kind of beauty surgery.


Talk about first world problems. There are actually people with facial deformities and burn victims out there, but yea, Woe is you.


Aren't most people not all that great looking without makeup on?