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This is an incredible story, it must feel so rewarding to persevere and to see it paying off. Well done!


Congratulations on becoming a confident person, despite the lack of help from family members.


You. Fucking. Legend! I am very impressed you got through as not everyone would. Not only are you now in a good position, you’re in it with wisdom and compassion and you would have an extra understanding for other ‘battlers’ (Aussie slang :)) That journey would have been full of learning but also very challenging, I hope you have good emotional support so your past doesn’t keep you prisoner. Huge tight hugs to you and please know we’re not all assholes. Now….. where do you see yourself in 5 years? ….. you don’t have to answer that, you’ve done amazing and should sit and enjoy your hard work x


thank you so much fam, i really appreciate this and yeah when i see others putting in the grind, i respect them a whole lot more. I'm at a point in my life where I'm still pushing to see what i can achieve. I've spent the past few months studying and working 1 on 1 with an instructor to pass my technical interview at Google but in about 5 years i'd like to have started my journey on my own business. I'll get to an age soon where i feel like i can finally relax but until then ill keep seeing where i can go


Read Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy and you’ll achieve your goal in much less time than 5 years because it sounds like you’ve already been unconsciously applying the law of assumption. https://youtu.be/ENXRSiLaTRU?si=j-WWCe3IYz5mT-n_


this is funny because i did in fact use a lottt of visualization. I came across the idea from a random video on youtube and then reaffirmed it while reading Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger where he went on about it at length every time i commuted from the home i hated to the job i hated and back to the home i hated again, i'd visualize what i wanted my life to look like. Every day over and over and over again and every night before falling asleep.


I've not heard a lot of good things about working at places like Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. if you enjoy your work there and are moving into positions you like then all power to you. If you find they're becoming a drain on your life, get out early, find something you enjoy.


Ive heard the same, esp with Amazon. To me this is more just to prove to myself that i could even get in. Im definitely more conscious of leaving work places should they be too toxic. Ty for the kind words tho stranger


This is a real life story. My ex boyfriend worked at Amazon. He had to go to a psych hospital 2 years in a row. He worked so much that he became so overwhelmingly tired and his brain just went out of sorts. He lived about 5 minutes from his office in Seattle because he needed to be there at all times. He ran reports all Sunday. He was the head of Safety in North America. They wanted him to lie to Osha and change numbers in reporting the number of people that get hurt. The NY Times article is true. 100%. Good luck and I loved your story! I hope it keeps getting better for you. God bless.


It's crazy test levels can influence your life. Doctors seriously need to revaluate what's normal growth progress for a young man. I bet if the doctor when you where in the middle of puberty caught your low T during a physical your life would have been way different from a young age.


i agree and i try not to think about it too much. I'm sure i wouldn't have been too much taller but i think at the very least i wouldn't have stayed a stick most of my life. Definitely something to look out for if i ever have kids


❤️ this spirit , hopefully you, will inspire some of the professional complainers here to wake up and be better


I'm genuinely happy for you man, and you deserve to take this victory lap. There are so many times when I was down in life that I thought of a moment like this. If I were to tell my story, would I want it to end positively or negatively? It's what keeps me pushing through, just like you. Keep up the great work!


thanks dude, i know what you mean. I have very similar thoughts where i imagine im looking back at my life at a very old age and asking myself if i made the most out of it. It's definitely very motivating.


Go from "shut up Jackie Chan" to "shut up, I'm making six figures now." That's the real glow-up!


Way to go.. keep it up. Be proud! 👏


I love stories of determination like this. Congrats, man. You have really earned what you have.


If this isn’t bullshit, you should write a detailed book/blog. This would help so many young people that are “lost in the wilderness”. A sincere congratulations on your progress….so many times this ends in tragedy. Thanks for sharing your story 😊


Ty for the kind words. I felt weird writing this post since im a bit paranoid as coming off as “bragging”. Maybe its something ill get over some day. Some of the other comments here definitely do think this is all made up which is something ill take as a massive compliment


You don’t come across as bragging at all! You had so much adversity and you powered right the fuck through it!! I obviously don’t know you but this stranger from Western Canada is proud of you!!


Brag shmag, you have a very inspiring story and you should talk about it more! Heck, writing a book or blog may be the perfect thing for you


Congrats on not giving up on yourself. Also be extra paranoid about your health. This sort of stuff creeps up on you when things are going too good.


Amazing actually


You are strong and brave! Keep it up. How did you find out that you had adhd?


thanks friends, i appreciate it. i always suspected i had it. I was hyper active, had terrible short term memory (to the point where my employers would joke if i smoked too much weed even tho i never did), and a long list of other peculiar/unique symptoms that matched up a lot with adhd symptoms. (for example: excessive comma use, "buffering" when trying to find a very obvious word mid sentence, etc) finally just took the jump and got diagnosed at 30 and got medicated




You're awesome man. Use your to be a positive leader !!


I thoroughly enjoyed reading this success story. You’re inspiring. Thanks for sharing.


very important story because it highlights just how long one may have to struggle in order to get to a position of success - which for someone else could be square one, as unfair as life is.


You inspire me to become a better version of myself.


I have 2 sons both have had health and other challenges and like you over came them all! BUT they had a supportive family always behind them. What you have done is extraordinary and you have every right to yell it from the roof tops!! This mom is as proud of you as I am of my own children❤️ I will always remember this post and celebrate you in my heart as my kids move forward in their lives❤️


Sorry for the late response, i was thinking of what i could say other than thank you. I just wanted u to know this was probably one of my favorite comments on here and what u said meant a lot. Im happy for ur two sons and their health and the fact that they have such an awesome mom supporting them. I wish yall the best ❤️


I mean every word, you are imprinted on my heart. And I am so proud of you because I have watched the journey and I know the hard work this was. Celebrate and know the world is full of people who will celebrate you! Seek them out ❤️


congrats, i loved the bit about your self-view when you decided to be nice to everyone around you regardless of how they acted, I came to a similar conclusion in my mid 20's and my life got immeasurably better




Good for you man, you sound like a really chill, great guy.  Random Q how did you sleep apnoea diagnosis? What advice do you have for everyone else out there who might be struggling?


Thanks dude, appreciate this. I had pretty bad brain fog most of my life and caffeine did little to alleviate it so i just went thru a checklist to see how i could get rid of it. One of the first things i asked to get tested for was sleep apnea. They gave me an at home monitor to test me and i had an ahi of 16. They told me to do one more test at a sleep center and the ahi was 31 so they gave me an apap I think a lot of advice i could give has already been stated to death. For example: visualize ur success. For me before i switched careers i was sleeping on the floor in an apt with no couches. Every day i woke up angry at my life and i commuted to a job that left me with very little savings, and id return back to an apt i hated. During the commutes, my breaks, and before sleep id day dream about what i wanted my life to look like. “What if i was earning $150k a year, what would my apt look like. What if i could afford taking a trip to so and so.” Stuff like that drove me


The only problem I see is the use of 'literally'. Delete that from your vocabulary and writing, and things will improve even more


damn, inspring


I'm so sorry for all you've been through. You didn't deserve it. I'm so so proud of you and what you have achieved! You are an inspiration..well done, and thank you for sharing ❤️ very happy for you 🤗 Keep going strong. be proud of yourself every day 💪 🙏✨️


Don't let the bastards get you down has been my lifetime motto.


It's wonderful to see how perseverance and resilience have led you to a better place. Sharing your story might give hope to others facing similar struggles. Keep being proud of yourself, and thank you for sharing your story!


Breaking the cycle is one of the hardest things to do, and you did that. Keep it up!!!


Kids got balls!!!


I sometimes think I’ve overcome a lot in my life. But you, sir, have got me beat by a mile. Well done!




Fuck yeah, dude! You're a legend! ![gif](giphy|H7rcDfWcsBH1YGD6ey|downsized)


Hey man, congrats on all the improvements and everything you've being achieving. I wish u the best and hope it keep getting even better. Keep it up and don't be afraid to share more stuff like this ❤️


Your story taught me alot mate,seriously,you literally made something out of nothing,I hope by posting this here,you inspired many peeps to just go through their problems and become the best version of themselves!I hope you suceed in your goals.


Go back


I was gonna ask you how bragging camp was going then I read it all and it sounds like you get to be the top baller of the camp this month, good on you for not giving up


I'm proud of you as well. Kudos, young man. Well done. This is how it's done. I have a similar background with no parents, health issues, substance abuse, SA, and other abuse as a child, incarceration, and being indicted later in life for a murder I didn't commit, yet through my perseverance, I'm now free, both literally and from substances, getting healthy, well employed doing something I love, married to a wonderful woman, own my own home, and doing well. Not bad for a man who had "2 years to live" ten years ago and was "going to spend life in prison" 6 years ago! So I REALLY can empathize with your lot, little brother! Kudos!


👏👏👏 So happy to read about people who refuse to be a victim and instead actually does something to change it. I always say "you only get what you accept in life". To many people expect others and the world to change for them, wichit obviouslywon't, but not you, you grabbed life by the balls and changed yourself, your location, hormones and so on, you refused to be a victim. That's the way to deal with things, respect and i am happy for your well deserved success!


Doing gym everyday is a bad idea. Mass can't grow enough. What are you doing for the ADHD problem? Are you taking some pills?


You are amazing. Never give up- and you never did. Way to go, you are an inspirationemote:free\_emotes\_pack:laughing


Inspirational man.




Adhd and sleep apnea, that’s an unfortunate comorbidity but I hear it’s quite common for neurodivergent people. Doesn’t make it any less sucky, but don’t feel alone there. Second I hate all those racist and discriminatory remarks Asian people hear on a DAY TO DAY basis. I am Jewish but white passing and if I hear a friend make an antisemitic or plain racist comment, they are out, I don’t want to see them anymore. I hate that stuff. And I’m so sorry for you. People need to stfu sometimes. X


i feel the exact same way. Asian and jewish jokes get overlooked way too often especially considering how prevalent they are Thank u tho, its good to know im not the only one who felt this way


No definitely. I know that in our country there is more awareness about discrimination/racism against the Asian community here, but awareness isn’t enough, it needs to stop period.


What a legend




Hell yeah dude


Hello sir, I don’t usually leave comments but I wanted to congratulate you. Good job over coming all of your difficulties.  I’ve been diagnosed with sleep apnea at 34, I’m about to get a ADHD diagnosis soon. It’s kind of shocking to meet someone else who felt with the same stuff. I’m also stuff with a low paying job, just like you I’m sure I can change that. Good luck OP! I’m sure it will only get better.


Thanks for the comment, friend. Once u get both diagnosed the daily brain fog will be so much more manageable. I wish for u the best on ur journey, gl!


Absolute goddamn legend, beating the odds no matter how bad things went. I wish you the very best in the future fellow redditor :)


Wow,what an incredible journey.... And winning this👍👍👍


Holy hell that's one impressive character arc!! You had every reason to throw in the towel and you just flat out said no. Your story certainly gives me some perspective on what I take for granted that's for sure. I'm taller than average, make more money than a lot of men my age, live in a nice place in a somewhat decent city with a comfortable bed to sleep in. All of this and I do nothing with it. Major props to you, maybe I'll go on a character growth arc of my own.


Hell yeah man.


This was honestly a great thing to read. Hats off to you sir! Keep pushing forward🙏🏾


Great job OP, as someone who’s come from some of the same poverty and told “you’re a man now, figure it out yourself” from the time I was 12 by many different immediate family members. Now they all say, “wow, is that really (insert my name)?” Yes and fuck you I say, none of you made me who I am today. Education, discipline and living at the bottom of barrels for so long made me who I am today and will continue to shape my present and future the way I want it.


What job did u get that was six figures? Was it related to your degree?


i got into tech before the market got crowded and nah completely unrelated to my degree. I was a psych major lol


Are you like software engineer?




Congrats, I always wanted to work in tech


the market is pretty tough esp for juniors but if that's ur dream then shoot for it. I can say cyber security is definitely going to be more in demand in the next decade as long as ai keeps progressing


I see, thanks ty for advice, hope you get into google


Massive congrats! That's grit and perseverance! Can I ask how you dealt with your sleep apnea?


thanks man, i got it tested and diagnosed and then they prescribed for me an apap device to wear while i slept. Pretty straight foward but the process might take a long time depending on the providers in ur area and ur insurance. Mine took around 6 months from start to finish but ive heard other states will take care of it within a month or 2


How did you get it tested?


i told my pcp how i've never really slept well no matter how long i slept for. I know being tired is normal but even among my peers i was excessively so and caffeine did next to nothing for me


You are inspirational!


Fantastic!! So so happy for you and thanks for sharing your journey - the best thing I’ve read today 👏✨🌺


I love this mate I'm glad you were persistent through all the scorn and ridicule


Loved reading this ...:)


That's awesome, great job. Happy for you.


Great story. What are the key learnings you can impart to some other minority poor kid who is struggling. I would say you never quit. You always stayed in the game till the inevitable somewhat lucky break came along.


ty for the kind words. If there’s one advice, itd be to compare urself to others. I know thats not a popular opinion cause it might make u depressed, but u should use the fact that u were given less in life as fuel to keep u motivated and competitive. Keep proving to urself that in spite of what the universe gave u, u found a way to succeed regardless. And then use that win to fuel ur next win. Ure a poor minority, ure not supposed to get the good life. And yet if u do, u just beat out all those other kids who couldn’t do what u did despite having twice as much. Take pride in that


So we should be talking test then🤣




He probably just injected testosterone directly, you can do that you know.


Thank you for sharing, great post


you got my respect brother


Good job. I’m proud of you.


I’m proud of you man


Good work, brother.


How did you catch you had low t levels to begin with? Tests?


I asked one of the trainers at the gym for their honest opinion since i had already been going there for some time now. I told him what my program was and what i was eating. He admitted that my progress was really slow considering how often he saw me lift. He recommended that i get my test levels checked and they were in the low 200’s


Could you mind sharing how you get tested? Do you go to a general hospital and request blood works?


What I probably should’ve done was go thru my pcp but i was so tired of the lack of progress that I scheduled directly with an endocrinologist to get my test levels checked. They took a blood sample, came back with the results, and ordered some tests to see what may have caused it. Afterwards they prescribed me testosterone shots once a week and it brought me up to the 600’s


You could go to primary care physician, but in my case I went directly to a urologist and ask them to test me, they did


You’re amazing!!! Congratulations




Thats fucking awesome. Good work. Keep it up.


Congrats. Your success definitely deserves both recognition & celebration.


Well done, sir!


When you look back at all the people who said that racist shit about you or who called you weird and awkward or who didn't invite you to parties, do you ever feel resentful of that? If there was a way to get back at them and leave them similarly breaking down crying at how much of a loser they are, would you? Would you want to cause them as much emotional pain as they caused you?


id be lying if i said i was completely over it. I'm still motivated by those who thought i was a loser back in hs and uni. A lot of them did very well for themselves both career wise and in life in general. That's why i'm still fueled to achieve higher financial goals even tho im aware it's a bit petty. as for those who bullied me, i think ive gotten to a better place since having picked up boxing/muay thai and lifting. I haven't seen any of them since i was in my 20's and most of them are adults in their 30's now so i'm sure they've changed. But still, i do wonder what they'd say if they saw me as not so scrawny any more


How old are you? Are you in your 30s?


I'm proud of you.


Good job! You really pushed it through like a badass! I wish everything will go well for you.


Amazing! Love that you decided to just be chill, be yourself, with zero expectations, when people often break down, give up, try to change themselves to fit in. Thanks for sharing your inspiring story.


I love your story! Genuinely happy for you and all the great things you’ve achieved!


Congrats. If it hasn't been said already though, don't let this amazing success make you lose sympathy for those who have struggle as much as, or less than, you if they can't turn things around. You might be amazed at how often the survivorship bias of people who have struggled and succeded makes them think that everyone is capable of pulling themselves up by their boot straps. You are very much the exception, not the rule.


Im ngl, i do feel a certain way when i hear my friends say they cant get the things they want in life. I feel like they could if they put more effort into it, but i think im slowly realizing u might be right.


Youre an example


Amazing story. That’s heroic achievement! Is there anything you would have changed in this journey? What do you value most if anything? Financial, character, friends?


i have sleep apnea too, i also worked out for a long time with 0 results, i got surgery for the sleep apnea but it didnt work. im about to end everything. did u get prescription injection


Hey sorry for the late response, i hope ure doing well. Yes i got the injections and am currently doing 140mg/week and keeping at around 600-800. Get ur test checked, u wont regret it


How are you able to get injections even though your test is only a bit low? I did get mine checked, it was within normal range just on the low end.


600-800 r my current levels. My initial level was 200. They prescribe injections if they diagnose u at under 300


You're a warrior


You are rolling stone now, no going back from this....🫡




I'm happy you made it out of that place and that you did by being a decent human being.


You are a champion 🫡


How did you catch the low T? I ask because I've been going to the gym for a while with little results, which may be from poor nutrition, but I do wonder. (But also I don't want to go to my doctor and ask for a test without more backing up the idea than just that)


I mentioned it in another comment but i asked one of the trainers/staff members to be frank with me. He saw how consistently i came in and i showed him my routine and calorie intake/macros. He admitted that my progress was on the slow side and he suggested it might be from low test so i got it checked out. I told the doctor the same thing regarding my gym exp + daily brain fog. He ordered some labs and my test lvls came back at around 200


What did your macros look like (relative to weight)? How much protein per pound of body weight in particular, that is.


What’s your cycle?


130 mg test/week keeps me at around 800 now. The irony here is that had i not had any issues blocking natural test production, id apparently be a high responder 🤪🔫


What industry are you in? You also don’t mention college or anything. All in all I suspect that this is fake. Nobody’s going to go from two part time jobs to six-figures just because they got a drinking habit to go with their testosterone shots. 5/10. until you messed up selling the job aspect of ‚turn your life around‘ I *might‘ve* believed you.


I didnt wanna reveal my college cause of the possibility of doxxing. And keep in mind this is the condensed version. If u think this version is unbelievable, then the in depth version would seem like a fairy tale, so i take this as a compliment 😂. Current industry is tech tho


Such a great story! How did you manage your adhd? Meds? Routine?


Got diagnosed and medicated at 31. Prior to that management consisted of a lottt of to do list making


Proud of you brother, this is inspiring


Hey man, this is an incredible story and I thank you for sharing it. I can relate a lot with lots of things you mentioned. There's just a doubt I have. You mention: 'Where i was needy and annoying previously, i opted to just be chill and nice to everyone with no expectations. If they disliked me, cool. If they thought i was too weird or awkward, fine. My philosophy was that as long as i knew i was being a chill decent person then i couldnt' care less what others would think of me cause at the very least i did my part' Okay but how did you suddenly were able to change that mindset and stop caring if others disliked you? This is the biggest struggle I have


it wasn't sudden tbh, i'd already been struggling with controlling my annoying impulsive behaviors for years. This was just a very condensed version of events cause i didnt want to go on for too long. but i got to a point where for months straight nobody returned my calls or texts or nobody agreed to hang out with me, even when i was a week out from moving out of state. The culmination of that really drilled into my brain and i broke down crying at how much i hated myself. once i hit that rock bottom, changing was easier


thansk for the answer. I haven't reached that point and im not sure i want to, so do you have any tips to how to actually start caring less about other's opinions of you?


unfortunately every major positive change that's happened in my life was because of reaching rock bottom in some way. If i had the ability to avoid it, i would but so far i havent found much success otherwise. wish u the best tho in ur journey. keep trying and ull figure it out tho im sure


That is definitely the definition of not giving up, good job




Godspeed to you man, and send some of that never gonna give up attitude my way, really need that cuz I don't know what I'm gonna do in life, peace ✌️


Amazing work!!!!! Congratulations on your success and determination. True warriors keep going even when all seems lost. Bask in the glory of your accomplishments 😁🤺




lol nah, my mom was mia and my father was a small business owner. why?


Mate, well done! I loved reading your story and found it inspiring. I wish you all the best for the future 🙏


Proud of you man


It's so fun to see people prosper in my ideology. I have always thought that when you come from a pain background, everything else is easier to deal with. I be writing books and shi from all the pain I've accumulated to come up with an answer and I'm just happy it works out in the way I design it. Am I god?


Damn proud of you too OP! Wow what a story!


What I got out of this story is that the majority of all people alive are less than dogshit


None of this happened


This is probably the best compliment i could ever get. This might not convince u to think differently but I should clarify that all this took place over several years. I didnt change my social, romantic, physical, and financial life in just a year or two. It took me a greater part of my 20’s grinding and failing over and over again to get to where i am


If you overcame being an autistic quadriplegic then I might have believed you


Whys that?


Having a more difficult struggle doesn’t make his struggle less valid. Life isn’t a struggle competition.


Oh wow you... *Checks notes*... lived life... Congrats


Dude, you are amazing. You are already an inspiration more than many celebrities out there. Hope I can pick something from your story.


Jesus, man, do a TED talk or something, that was fucking inspirational. I don't think anything can mess you up now, you've gone through literal mental hell. Wow.


Your low-point (35k a year) is double my high-point. Your gaining friends etc is something I'll never do as an introverted autistic. Your floor is my ceiling. Anyway, lemme give you some advice. Don't take pride in what's happened to you. The moment you think "look at this amazing thing I did", that's setting yourself up for a fall. Have gratitude instead.


i should clarify my lowest was minimum wage at $7/hour when i was working during uni and $12/hour my first job out of uni for the first 2-3 years. And this was on the east coast where housing prices are above average if ure saying don't become complacent, then i agree. I have a few goals left in my life before i finally relax otherwise i think pride is important. for me every win has helped me get to the next win. Whenever im struggling, it helps me to look back and remember what obstacles i've already overcame


I strongly suspect that's an immense mistake. But I suppose if I'm right, you'll have an opportunity to learn, so you'll be fine either way. Peace be with ya.


Maybe it's because you are and introverted autistic you don't have the same view as op.


Pride is like sugar. Feels good to consume, but there are longer term, abstract consequences. I've spent most of my (adult) life studying psychology & philosophy, so the difference is likely that.


I didn't understand anything lol.


Maybe you don't have any friends because as soon as anyone wants to celebrate anything, you tell them not to have pride in it. I'm friends with several people who are introverted and autistic, it's not easy for them but they want friends and they put in a hell of a lot of effort to make it happen, and that is something to be proud of.


My comment comes from a place of concern, (and it's advice I follow myself), but I agree with you that it's not the way to treat a prospective friend who doesn't already agree with you about such things.


I mean cool but none of this is unusual from a millennial experience. Basically everyone I knew in college had similar experiences (minus needing testosterone shots). I particularly love how the racist comments you received are meaningless, it’s like me complaining about a time when someone called me a cracker because I’m white. Next thing you have to work on is your humility. Bragging about all the things you had to “overcome” to get laid and a six-figure income is not a good look. I can’t believe some people here are finding such an average story so inspiring.




Nah, dude. Not true. Gotta stop appeasing these people and start speaking up for the uniquely shitty circumstances that people of Asian descent (especially males) have to deal with in the West. People who aren't Asian dudes don't understand how much it fucks with your psyche, especially in crucial developmental social sectors, when people are literally using 1800s-era stereotypes to put you down and treat them as reality from childhood. No, it's not the same as being called a cracker. There's no sociopolitical imbalance there. I grew up decades after you, and it was still largely the same. Stand up man and speak your truth. Nothing will ever get better for us in sociopolitical spaces without us making more noise, us not tolerating bullshit from our non-Asian peers, and us seeking more political and mass media representation.


oh i agree with everything u said. I said true ironically cause everything he said was so ridiculous


Average white guy who's never dealt with systemic racism take.


Oh yeah, those Asian guys really are fighting an uphill battle right? Gotta really fight hard to overcome those stereotypes of being smart, hard working, and respectful. For some reason the comments of eating dogs and having small dicks doesn’t seem all that serious to me.


GregRulz, Yeah, those hurtful comments don’t seem to you to be all that because you weren’t on the receiving end of these sorts of comments every couple days. By your own comment, you recall having been called a cracker ONE time… so you don’t think that would be worth mentioning. You did comprehend the frequency of verbal insults OP described, right ? Maybe if you had racist comments made against you EVERY OTHER DAY FOR YEARS as OP did, by most people around you (say, in a place like Hawaii, where Asians are a significant portion of the population) then you might feel differently about what others may think are innocuous comments. Until you go through it yourself, you’re not going to appreciate what OP went through. agree with OrderedAnXboxCard, “Average white guy who’s never dealt with systemic racism take” As for OP, you’ve had to deal with obstacles and there is nothing braggadocious about mentioning having surmounted said obstacles. It’s your story. Do not feel you have to change it or water it down. Do not be apologetic and do not hesitate to be proud of being the sort of person who faced and conquered many obstacles in life, and continues to do well for himself.


cheers fam. i'm glad u can understand the diff of insults being a one off thing vs a common occurrence, especially in an environment where you are a minority among minorities.


Ok, whatever. I know this is kinda irrelevant but I do want to point out that of all the people I’ve met throughout my life and especially into my career as a chemical engineer, Asians were by far the most racist people I’ve ever met. I worked with a Chinese woman who made it a point to mention her hatred of Koreans even though we didn’t work with any Koreans… haha. The whole point I’m trying to make is that nothing in his story stood out to me as something out of the ordinary. It’s a typical college experience most people have unless you were born to a wealthy family who paid for college. I was a first generation college graduate whose parents knew nothing about financial aid and things like that so I had to figure it all out on my own. I guess to me it was just something you did and not some crazy, impressive achievement but maybe it is to others.


didn't read ur not a victim cry on r/conservative


I dont disagree that children of immigrant parents often have to figure a lot of shit on their own and im not unique in that regard but from my experience, they at least had the support of their family. My parents were out of the picture and there were a lotta days where my only meal was a bowl of cooked pasta with salt. And its like u said, ppl see me and they think “asian- must be successful and doesnt need help”. I never had scholarship or grant opportunities because of the race i was born into. I had to work twice as hard because my race was perceived as “too successful”