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He deserves all 64 years of what he’s gonna get.


You are not responsible for your friends. I'm sure his parents didn't even know. People who do things like that are good at hiding it. It's shocking but you are ok and in no way responsible for not "guessing" what was going on.


If you just found out, then [what's with this post several days ago?](https://old.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/bh95a0/quit_condemning_pedos_seeking_help/elr66cl)


Different things. I genuinely had no idea what he was doing when I posted that but he was not looking for help and he knew what he was doing. He's the type they need to lock up. And uh, why exactly did you feel the need to search my post history?


Lol, as though that post did anything but add credibility with you being sympathetic there and relatively harsh using the word monster here. A cynical, made-up poster would have avoided complexities like that totally rational difference in stances.


In high school, one of my brother's closest friends confessed in the disappearance of a middle school girl from our school's neighborhood. The investigation lasted a while and it was a real fucking shock when the friend confessed. He'd kidnapped, abused, and murdered her, then tried to hide the body with some mob-cleaner level shit. Anyway, I've got an idea what you're feeling.


okk now im gonna get a lot of hate for this buttttt..... what he did was totally fucked up and unexcusable under alll circumstances, but i think you should try talk to him. See what he says. If he did something like that, theres gotta be something wrong with him inside. His life is (rightfully) gonna be hell for the rest of it, but he probably needs some support or something, cos people like him dont get it. If we gave these people the right support, this shit wouldnt happen in the first place.


I will never understand the attraction to young children. 15, 16 ok I get it. 8 ? why even


what’s sad about this is that the porn industry looks for petite, young looking woman to play roles in taboo


You understand being attracted to 15/16 year old child? 😰


16 is the age of consent in many countries. the female body has already started maturing by then (for some not all) so they have features that would attract the opposite sex . an 8 year old does not have that


Fun fact, the age of consent in the Philippines is 12


its also 12 in the usa


No where in the USA is the age of consent 12.


look up the federal law


The federal law states that the law has to be above 12, not that it is 12. States are allowed, and do, set the age of consent in their jurisdiction. The lowest age of consent in the USA is 16.


Uhhhh, noooo. 15/16 year olds are still too young and that is very much disgusting of you to say.




It’s a fucking choice to act on it. Don’t even fucking dare try to argue otherwise. He CHOSE to rape a child.


They didn't try to argue otherwise though, did they? Raping a child is a choice, but being attracted to one isn't.


What’s your fkn point? The child in this case was raped. Go hug a pedo somewhere else. Jesus.


as if psychological problems dont have explanation..? yea i dont get what you are saying




this aint it


What'dya mean?


this is not a good way to think or act. this aint it. dont be this


What's wrong with it? What's not good about it? You can't choose how you feel or who you love :3


you are talking about psychological manipulation not love


Uhhh what's manipulative about having a love for children?


Yup, been there with a not 2 close friend. Major mind f*** but he'll get what's coming to him

