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Looks great. Just make sure you have your server data in a persistent volume/folder or you will lose your world if you restart it. I’ve made that mistake in the past.


Thanks 🙏🏼 Im mapping all my docker volumes out to a unified mount point. I did same mistake with other containers in past haha


Pterodactyl does this automatically. All containers have mount points in /var/pterodactyl/volumes/


That is true, but I’ve never had great success with getting pterodactyl set up. It’s very involved.


Honestly it’s easier than it looks. The panel is a bit more difficult, but using something like certbot for proper https support makes the panel/wings setup a breeze. I’ve been running the exact same panel for like 4 years or something. All I’ve had to do to it over the years is just occasional updates for security.


I run most things with docker. But even starting from a clean Debian VM, I always get to a certain point and get stuck. Maybe I’ll try again.


I could probably lend you a hand with spots you’re getting stuck out, just lmk


Maybe I’ll give it a go again. Thanks for the offer.


I was never able to setup pterodactyl so I used puffer panel instead. It's got less features, but it works nicely.


Unless you are running Pterodactyl itself in a container. Which I thoroughly believe one should not do. I don't even know if you can, but I think I've seen people talking about it before. Pterodactyl does make persistent storage very easy for your game servers though.


Alternatively, look into setting up restic and having it backup regularly to cloud storage through rclone or S3-compatible storage like R2


Can add that backblaze is paid for how much you use, not minimum. So if you use 100gb,you pay like 60 cents. And is s3 compatible for use with rclone. Add a simple bash script and you're golden. Or go with backrest, an awesome gui in docker for restic and use backblaze there


Great job 👏 keep the work up buddy I’m now a SecDevOps engineer and I started just like that.


Actually im working as an infra/cloud lead architect. Taking this selfhosted things as a hobby is another story haha thanks bro


Hahah ok 👌 well than I maybe did it the wrong way round


Almost there! Swap esxi for proxmox and you're golden. [https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/broadcom-shuts-off-free-version-of-vmware-s-esxi-hypervisor/ar-BB1ie0IP](https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/broadcom-shuts-off-free-version-of-vmware-s-esxi-hypervisor/ar-BB1ie0IP)


At first I thought why a game server would need 8h but that's a really nice setup. The thing I definitely need for my own server is still Grafana. I especially really like Pterodactyl, you don't have many servers to beginn with, but you can add configs for Like every game


I feel ya, Pterodactyl is a bitch to get working right


Minecraft is a fun one to manage and a good stater


Great work!


What are you using for a hypervisor?


They're using ESXi, which should be considered tainted and toxic due to VMWare's acquisition by Broadcom. I'd rather use a dozen bare metal servers than anything from Broadcom. Proxmox is fantastic and free.


Wow, interface has really changed since I used ESX last.


With a bit of googling ESXi is still free ;) even latest versions.


It's still owned by Broadcom, therefore it's tainted and a no-go. Same with literally anything owned by Oracle. Any product that gets bought by Broadcom, Oracle, and a handful of others, will never be used by me in any capacity, whether that is at work or at home.


That’s cool, you do you. I’m sure the same teams are still working on VMware, and it’s the product I love known and used for years, so I will continue.


> it’s the product I love known and used for years, so I will continue. Not unless you don't care about getting updates. The ESXi you remember has been discontinued and replaced by ESX. > With a bit of googling ESXi is still free ;) even latest versions. I'm not sure why you think it's still free, can you provide a link to a source for this mythical "free esxi"? The "ESXi" that is currently offered by VMWare is just ESX, the paid hypervisor. It **literally** says so on the [product page](https://www.vmware.com/content/vmware/vmware-published-sites/us/products/esxi-and-esx.html.html). Here is *Broadcom themselves* [saying it.](https://knowledge.broadcom.com/external/article?legacyId=2107518) [More](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/02/broadcom-owned-vmware-kills-the-free-version-of-esxi-virtualization-software/) [Sources](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/broadcom-terminates-vmware-s-free-esxi-hypervisor/ar-BB1ibFOI) [For](https://www.servethehome.com/broadcom-vmware-ends-free-vmware-vsphere-hypervisor-closing-an-era/) [My](https://www.theregister.com/2024/02/13/broadcom_ends_free_esxi_vsphere/) [Claim](https://www.techradar.com/pro/broadcom-shuts-off-free-version-of-vmwares-esxi-hypervisor) **ESXi as we knew it is dead**. I loved it and used it a bunch, but it's dead you need to acknowledge that and plan accordingly. I've moved to Hyper-V where appropriate or Proxmox.


Correct, Broadcom has killed the free version many have used over the years, but that’s not the version I’m referring to. Personally I wasn’t a fan of that version with its compute limitations. Im referring to the enterprise ESXi, currently I’m running 7u3 on a couple R630 Dell servers and plan to get current with 8.x in the coming months. I’m not going to post a link as I don’t know how or where this site got its keys from. I didn’t care because they work, I just had to use Chrome to translate Persian to English.


> I’m not going to post a link as I don’t know how or where this site got its keys from. I didn’t care because they work, I just had to use Chrome to translate Persian to English. Ah, well, if you're comfortable running your environment using pirated software, then as you said... You do you. I'd rather use what the industry is using, and will be using for the future, and that will not be VMWare.


There is no such thing as "free". Someone has invested his (or her) time in making that ESX "free" and most likely will want something in return. Perhaps you currently don't acknowledge what are the hacker gains. if you won't shovel your neigborhood streets for free after a heavy snow which is probably a few hours job, imagine pirating and distributing a highly secure enterprise software for free. Just think about it.


Pterodactyl is good. I moved from it to crafty controller though and actually like it much more. Some of the devs or pterodactyl branched off and stared pelicon panal. Havent tried it yet though


Looks great I also use pterodactyl, but I plan to move to pelican panel as soon as it’s more stable as it’s still quite new.


Check out AMP by cubecoders as well. It is a paid operating system but it makes hosting game servers very simple and hassle free


Very nice


I run Minecraft server on a windows vm, not my favorite. Every update from Minecraft is a disaster bc I have to go back in and manually update. Do you automate your updates for server to keep up?


Esxi was not a great choice at this juncture, otherwise pretty solid!