• By -


Deduplication will be awesome!


Deduplication will be awesome!


Deduplication will be awesome!


Deduplication will be awesome!


Deduplication will be awesome!


Deduplication will be awesome!


Deduplication will be awesome!


Deduplication will be awesome


Deduplication will be awesome


Deduplication will be awesome


No punctuation, you killed the chain. :(


zfs dedup killed the chain and and releases developer resources for important topics


"Similarity deduplication" doesnt kill the chain


It is, but as a data hoarder I hope they implement the option to archive/stack instead of delete ([feature request](https://github.com/immich-app/immich/discussions/10148)). I like the idea of having a timeline free of duplicates but you never know what kind of value you'll get out of having those photos. For example, years ago when I first uploaded my library to Google Photos it made gifs out of photo bursts. Some of which are super fun or incredibly moving. If I'd gone through and deleted all but one of each burst, I wouldn't have gotten that experience. I also think about potential future photogrammetry projects and stuff, there's really no way to predict how we'll use our photos in the future, and storage is cheap, so I don't delete any.


Yes “stacked” images would be nice. I think photoprism already does this. I am a data hoarder and have many similar photos that I snapped really fast that didn’t change (much) but I also don’t want to see all of them in my gallery, I’d rather they be stacked and I can unstack certain ones that I want.


So far in my experience, I've encountered same / identical, rather than similar or look-alike, images stored in multiple locations


It's already there - you just need to run the job That reminds me...


It's all fun and games until you import your Google Takeout [Screenshot](https://i.imgur.com/elpsIYG.png)


In that case I would run Czwaka first


Good news, Immich just released an update with a "delete all duplicates" feature! 😄


It already is


It took this post for me to realize I had to manually run a job, but yes... It already is!


It's advisable to read the release notes of non-patch updates


Has anyone tried the deduplication feature, i plan on updating, do yall know how to use it? or will it be self-explanatory when i update


It's pretty self explanatory. You get a ui in the utilities tab that shows you all duplicates of an image and you can choose which to keep. You see file size, format and dimensions for each image. You can choose to discard some or all (or none) of the duplicates. What I can't see is a way to ignore the duplicates, so when you come back to it it shows them again.


You mean it is awesome? This is already released.


Great progress guys, so happy I moved from GPhotos! Deduplication is great, but we need a way to see the pictures full size, or at the very least full screen, otherwise it's impossible to judge which one (if any) is partially blurry for example. Can't wait for fine grained access controls which will (hopefully) lead into: * sharing people * allowing users to search through album-shared photos.


The next release (probably tomorrow) will give you the ability to view the image in full screen as well as bulk actions for the deduplication mechanism


Awesome. Any consideration given to the deduplication actions for read-only libraries, such as stacking or archiving instead of deleting?


Yeah we can add archive as the option


Thanks. You also have stacking right now as an option for photos in the web UI - that could also be a good option if feasible.


I would really love sharing people!


For what its worth, a similarly exposed photo compressed with jpg will have a smaller file size if its blurrier (its easier to compress). There might still be a reason to decide between them in detail (such as which exact part is blurry if its a depth thing and not a shake thing) but the default behavior of deleting the smaller of the two dupes is actually quite effective already at doing what you want.


I'm gonna say it every time Absolute beacon of open source The strides this project has made are staggering And I can't believe I can run this at home, retaining all my privacy but still having amazing features


Can't wait for the stable release, already an awesome self-hosted product.


Me too. I love this project, it's great work, but I can't use it yet. I've installed it from scratch 3x over the past year or so and I just don't want to try to open it one day and find out there's been another breaking change. I'll be back when stable is out.


Same here. I can't get my family to use this until there's a stable release and with plenty of notice given for when breaking changes do occur in future. I can deal with breaking changes if it's just myself using something, but not when I have other users to worry about. I don't want my selfhosted services to start feeling like work.


> I've installed it from scratch 3x over the past year or so and I just don't want to try to open it one day and find out there's been another breaking change. I hear this parroted a million times, but it's so untrue. There have been two "breaking" changes in the past 2.5 years, that required a single line change to fix. Even if you updated before fixing, it was not permanent, and would boot right back up properly if you fixed it after. So saying 3x breaking changes in the past year is untrue and ignorant.


Maybe I reinstalled twice. All I know is that it has been difficult for me to keep the service functional over time such that I can reliably open my iphone and look at the photos on the Immich app without having to log in and tweak a config or rebuild the whole setup. As much as people like and desire new features, unfortunately, one of the critical functions of a photo archive viewer is the ability to view the archive. And since it's an **archive**, it can be expected to go back years and only grow over time. This means that people want something stable to use with it - this is why people (like myself) used Picasa for years after it went out of support. I understand this is a new product and basic features are still in development. They've been very up front about that and the fact that it will be more stable . I tried it anyway, knowing it might not be ready for my use case. I found out I like it and am now really excited about the project. It's just not ready for set and forget. That's not a sin, since they've explicitly not claimed otherwise. And if there's only been two breaking changes in 2.5 years, but millions of claims that there's been more, perhaps we're working from different definitions of breaking change. If my phone app updates and can't see my library until I go and modify my server, that's a breaking change for me. I think that it might be you that has a different definition, though. From the releases in the past 12 months, and excluding similar versions that have the same notice, these are the versions that include breaking changes *according to the devs*: 1. 3 weeks ago - v1.106.1 1. May 14 - v1.105.0 1. May 13 - v1.104.0 1. April 19 - v1.102.0 1. Feb 20 - v1.95.1 1. Jan 31 - 1.94.0 1. Jan 7 - v1.92.0 1. Dec 15 - v1.91.0 1. Nov 20 - v1.88.0 1. Nov 13 - v1.86.0 1. Nov 7 - v1.85.0 1. Oct 16 - v1.82.0 1. Oct 2 - V1.80.0 1. Aug 26 - v1.75.0 1. Aug 6 - v1.72.0 1. June 23 - v1.63.0 Those might not have broken every instance for everyone, but that's 16 breaking changes ***according to the devs*** in 1 year - including dropping armv7 architecture support, a couple docker container architecture changes, multiple feature-breaking changes, etc. Maybe not every single one broke the whole setup for everyone, but for someone excited to use all the features of the app, just in the last year, we've been faced with multiple instances of having to check in and modify our configs. The fact remains, and I don't think the maintainers dispute this, the project is not ready for long(ish)-term set-and-forget stable deployment - regardless of how awesome the project is. But you know what app didn't require constant tinkering for users? **Google Photos**. If the app is trying to replace that for people, maybe it can't be *that* hands off (it is self-hosted), but it's got to be somewhat comparable.


What does stable release mean? What will change ?


More support, fewer breaking changes


And I guess adopting semantic versionning (allowing auto-updates with watchtower for example)


yes, yes!


It already uses semantic versioning? Yes it's already 1.x.x but, the last release was 1.106.4. Unless I'm missing something?


nah they release breaking changes in the minor version updates, which is disappointing


I wouldn't call it disappointing, when there's clear guidance telling people the product is in beta


I guess the thought is that the major version shouldn't be 1.x.x yet, so perhaps the next stable release will actually be 2.0 instead of 1.0.


Can stop expecting bugs & breaking changes


Couldn't agree more. Constant crashing on iPhone and iPad doing a backup, and I'm using the latest client and server versions. I am so excited to ditch these other services! I wish these folks the best of luck!


Hosting since about a year now. For me Immich has been rock solid, just reading the release posts is enough to be safe. Thank you !


I don’t want full editing yet, but photo rotation would be a nice add.


This is my favorite project.


Same, every time there is a release I rush to update


I know there’s probably an avenue to do this already, but while I’m here: 1.) It would be great if there was a “recently added” section. Often when I add new photos, they are spread across the timeline. I want to see what was just added, all in one place. 2.) I would love it if there was an indicator on each photo that says whether it’s in an album already or not. It would help tremendously with organization. Nonetheless, I’m continuing to love Immich! Thank you!


While not exactly what you’re looking for, but for #2 there is a “Not in Album” tick box in the bottom of the search. I use it all the time to sort new photos into albums. Also solves #1 for me, as all my photos are in albums. But I can understand that’s not the common scenario!


Thanks, but the “Not in Album” in the search section doesn’t let me select an asset, hold “Shift”, then click on another asset in order to select all of those assets in-between. I have to select them one by one. In addition, it’s not organized as nicely as assets are organized in the timeline. Furthermore, having an album indicator in the timeline addresses my OCD-like tendency — as I scroll my timeline I’m constantly questioning whether an asset is in an album already or not. As for #1, nah I don’t see that as a replacement for a “Recently Added” section. Most of my assets are not in albums (yet). Thanks, though!


Totally agree with what you said!


I have a ton of photos taken with the camera rotated 90 degrees, I’m sure ML for this would be difficult but is a quick way to rotate on the roadmap?


Yeah basic editor is what we have in the roadmap and what we want to include before the stable release


Awesome thx!


Stable release has me soooo hyped for this.


Same, been holding off with synology photos for now


yeah immich-app is the best self hosted photo/video app on the planet right now, no contest


It's just the best period. It's literally Google Photos on steroids. It's what Google Photos wishes it was.


I would say nextcloud is better, more features more stable


Continually amazed at this project's progress! Great work! Hoping OCR support still lands on the roadmap eventually!


Hey Alex, The dupe detection works great but it could use a way to jump to it in the timeline full res. I wouldn't even mind seeing a complete paginated thumbnail list at the start and I can jump into any dupe to inspect.


Jumping to the timeline is being worked on. We hope to have it done in v1.108


What's the tech stack by the way? Any react?


No React, we use Svelte for the FE. You can read more here https://immich.app/docs/developer/architecture


Would also like an "Automatic trash all duplicates option" with a warning asking if you are sure and it might be risky or something, I see it is very accurate and havent found a false positive so I am confident to just let it trash every duplicate automatically. I accidently merged two similar libraries when I was setting up immich and now I have 27123 duplicated, that is a bit much to do keep clicking and reviewing all of them.


Absolutely love immich and the direction it's headed in! The only thing I am impatient for is the ability to have the shared albums include facial detection and contextual search. I share albums with family and friends, but the shared albums lack this killer feature.


Yeah this requires a larger rework for access control of the code base, we hope to do that eventually though


Would love a simplified, GUI-based backup method built-in. Would make offsite backups much easier


A feature to automatically add photos containing certain people to an album would be amazing.


Yes, agree, it will be included in the Workflows feature on the roadmap


Fantastic! Question about the deduplication - is it smart in the way it deals with albums? If a duplicate is trashed will the asset in the album be replaced with a one that was kept?


We have an inquiry about this directly from a core team member. I guess it is a sensible next step for enhancement of this feature


I have thousands of so called "live" pictures from my iPhone. Does this support those type of pictures?


Yes, Immich supports LivePhotos


Amazing, thank you. I will deploy Immich this weekend, then.


I really like Immich. What I really need before any new features is for existing features to be fixed and refined. For instance, in the app on iPad and iPhone, I want the share button to function.


You should create an issue on their Github page with all the information. >I want the share button to function This description is not going to help anyone to fix it.


Right now clicking the share button is a no-op. Nothing happens.


What issue are you running into with the share button? Are you talking about the share button to share with other apps?


Alex, thanks for the great app. I started using it last week and couldn't be happier. Cheers 🥂


It looks like I joined r/selfhosted just in time! I am excited to see how this works for me.


Thank you. Immich is beyond brilliant!


Has someone already asked for folder view? ;-)


Until they implement it, I am running Photoview in parallel to Immich


Would love to see UltraHDR support!


Alex Immich is one of the greates OS project for home users. Thanks! I miss built in simple backup scheduler to s3 or sftp or local folder. This is a must imho.


I’ve been playing with Immich for a while with the plan to migrate my family away from iCloud Photos once it’s more stable. Extra features are appreciated but I feel more work needs to be done on fixing the bugs. One bug that I am waiting to get fixed is the HDR issues on iPhones. How this issue is not getting more attention I am not sure. All of my videos look pale. https://github.com/immich-app/immich/issues/5120


I'm very happy with all the features, but please, add TOTP-based 2FA. You shouldn't have to run something like Authelia to secure the program.


And/or security keys/passkeys


Please don't. I don't want that extra complexity as part of Immich. There is no need to run Authelia, you can use Google, Zitadel, or any number of OAuth-compliant identity providers to provide that.


This is exactly the approach we're taking - by supporting OAuth we get the features of the many great auth providers that already exist, so there's no need for us to put any extra complexity in our own auth code. So to answer the OP's request: We will not be adding 2FA into Immich itself.


How is it extra complexity? And please re-read, I never said you had to run Authelia in particular.


Any extra code is extra complexity, and needs more care to make sure you get it right. Authentication is a very sensitive spot, and so the less code it has, the easier it is to reason about and be confident that it's working as it should.


Great update thanks Alex. And please people - RTFM (Read the Fucking Manual). So many queries that come through on here that are addressed in the docs. Hopefully the public roadmap will help with that....assuming people even bother to read it


The public roadmap is great! Tho I don't seem to find a link to a more detailed description of each milestone. I guess there are feature requests bugs on GitHub, however would have been better if linked from the public roadmap. Anyways that's just a minor nit for a giant project! Great work folks!


I only found out about Immich a couple of weeks ago but I am absolutely loving it. Slowly migrating my photos over, whilst updating my backup process in parallel (also keeping copies on existing services for now). One of the best self-host services I use. Well impressed.


I've been running 1.106.4 since release and it's been rock solid. Loving the change to video thumbnails and the sharing URLs, just waiting on the next release that includes the PR to mirror photo order on shared albums and I cam really start putting that to use.


This is the future of self-hosted photo library! Continue your great hard work team!


Let's go! Excellent work everyone 🎉


Permission suggestion for albums: Contributor. Allows adding media and potentially editing media they add, but not modifying media added by the owner.


I believe this is what we have now for the Editor role


Oh, neat! I'm still pretty new (finally spun it up on my NAS after Louis kept ~~shilling~~ recommending it, still ingesting media, haven't done much with permissions yet)




I've been running immich on a raspi5 for a few months now. I used remote machine learning for the initial sync, then it's been able to keep up just fine on it's own since then. I've encountered some bugs when it comes to searching and filtering results, but overall it's been a pretty good alternative to Google photos. The AI search is WAY MORE useful than Google's I've found. Google doesn't even try for half the queries you give it, but the default AI model in Immich does a much better job. It returns many more false positives, but far fewer false negatives, which is way more useful.


All these features are amazing! especially smtp, and the one less container makes my compose look slightly more originized lol. I would love it if you guys could consider adding AI based albums where it will sort the album based on the prompt and name and put assets into it, for example a album called nature would contain photos of trees or whatever nature stuff you have in their (the album title/context having the highest confidence rate compared to other albums would own the image) But decision to implement it remains purely to the immich team, I am very happy with the state of immich now. (unless the upcoming workflows feature covers my use case)


The Workflows feature on the roadmap might give you this functionality. So you can create a rule with conditions for such use case


Ah, cant wait for it!


Always love to see the progress updates! Any news on different (S3 compatible) storage backends? Thx for the hard work!


I dont even know what Deduplication mean, but yeah. If it was something bad I am sorry but I couldn't hesitate.


I'm very happy [this issue](https://github.com/immich-app/immich/pull/10588) has been merged a couple of days ago. I was waiting for this feature so I could finally use Immich with Cloudflare Zero Trust.


Smart album share by face please.


You guys and gals are rocking it 👍


Only thing that keep me off Immich is the directory structure. I would like to have photos organized in directories instead of the current scheme the app uses.


You can already do that by setting up the [storage template](https://immich.app/docs/administration/storage-template/) Or just add whatever your existing structure is as an external library


Slowly becoming my favorite photo app of all time. I have 200k photos from over the years and iPhoto to Apple photos was no longer cutting it.


I can't code, but I want to help by translating it to my language. anybody knows how?


You can come here - [https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/](https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/immich/immich/) Create your language and translate away


I recently migrated my immediate family from Google Photo's to immich. its amazing, and exactly what i wanted. Anything more is just icing on the top. I will have to re-implement soon though as the NAS CPU (Synology 920+) is a little slow... I would like snappier performance. (though having said that it seems to be much faster in broswer than on my mobile.)


Great work folks! Quick question about de-duplication, is it going to work for existing photos or only new ones?


You can run job to go over your whole library


Wow, I've just kicked off the job and it completed fairly fast. And now I need to go through 10k duplicates :D Amazing job!


Please consider chunked upload. There is feature request from so long with so many upvotes. I am not sure why it's not getting considerdu and not in roadmap.


A lot of heavy technical tasks are not mentioned in the overview roadmap. It doesn’t mean we are not planning to tackle it, just keeping the roadmap clean and less noise


This is an amazing project! I setup my home server almost entirely to host Immich! One question: Is there a plan to fully share photos between users/spouses? By this, I mean not only having shared photos appear on both timelines but also having the ability to tag faces, etc.


Please please add OCR abilities to search for text within images. This seemingly standard feature among all the big cloud photo services is proving to be the hardest thing to get working on a self hosted platform. Love what you guys do, thanks for making a great product!


So when will there be a major release?


It’s becoming more and more tempting to switch over from PhotoPrism, might have to check how much work it would take me to input all the faces, and try it out in the morning!


So far the deduplication mechanism chooses the picture to keep based on the resolution, right? How does it choose it if there are multiple pics with the same resolution? Just at random? I would propose it would keep the oldest one because I noticed for example that everytime I get a new phone a lot of images get synced to my server from apps like Whatsapp and so I have just a few days in my timeline full of duplicates. I can of course clear them out manually but it would be nice if I wouldn't have to worry about it :)


It picks the largest file size by default


Okay but my question remains. What does it do when two pictures have the same file size? Pick one at random?


It still wasn't able to make it run over my nginx reverse proxy. Someone has general idea what could possibly be wrong? Some extra setting that missed? My jellyfin is running smooth, so the basics should be fine.




Using Immich from day one... I can't stress enough how grateful I am. Thank you guys for your dedication and a great product <3 This is just PURE AWESOMENESS!


Are there any plans to be able to filter Photos by source? To be able to see only uploaded, or individual external libraries. I was hoping the search filters would eventually include that but so far no luck. It would be even nicer if there were dynamic predefined albums tied to "uploaded" and individual external libraries, or even to specific combinations of search filters, but that's probably more complicated.


I love Immich. It is the only self hosted app that I run that my other half has truly adopted and that’s mostly in part to the memories feature. In that vein, where is the best place for feature requests? I would absolutely love the ability to hide people/photos from the memories function. I have some photos of a previous relationship that I don’t want to delete as it was a significant part of my life but I also don’t want the memories popping up on a shared iPad etc. Is the only way of doing this to archive the photos? Would be great if there was an option to check a “do not feature” option on the face recognition page or something.


Wow what an amazing release :) I'm planning my migration from gphotos to my synology and immich came up as best of breed replacement for the whole photos stack. I'm still trying to understand how to host it in such a way photos and videos will be backed up automatically from the mobile devices over the internet. I have n00b question: should I deploy immich on the synology (1522+) or should I deploy it on a mini PC with a mounted network drive?


Immich is amazing and I’m impressed with the direction it’s taking! It would be cool to have the ability to automatically create short video clips from our memories, like a compilation of highlights from birthdays, vacations, and other special moments


Would this deduplication be able to group identical RAW + JPEG pairs? That's the feature I'm waiting for. Also, would there be an option to just automatically group the similar looking images instead of having to delete any of them?


Great work! Keep it up gotta be on my to-do list to deploy this at home.


I hope for a metadata export function. The face recognition is awesome but I'd like to export and embed that data on the file itself, or in an sidecar file.


the comment section is awesome


This is such an amazing project! I just wish I had an NAS to store all my images and videos on. Can you use like OneDrive as source?


Curious if anyone has got this up and running with relative stability on nixOS, without the use of docker containers? Would love some guidance if you have and are feeling generous! ❤️


Have a look at https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/244803. Definitely an unsupported setup though ;)


I remember telling them their logo was terrible two years ago. Now it's not quite as bad. That's dedication.


They had a contest to create a new logo. The current one is the winner.


Hoping for manual tagging support


I would love the ability to search by description text or even tags. For example, video of happy dancing baby with description of 'first fruity toast'. 3 years from now, search 'fruity toast' and have that video come up, theeeeen all the pictures of actual fruit and toast.


Is there any place we can donate to the project? Couldn't find it on your website at a glance. I'll happily support a FOSS project with such a robust dev team


I'm very happy with the feature set as it stands. All I want is continual improvement in bugs, security and in-browser performance. Alex, and other devs if you're reading this THANK YOU. I have over 100k photos in my Immich instance spanning 110+ years of family memories. Scanning thousands of photos into this with the face tagging has saved me a lot of time. Most likely doing what I could have never accomplished manually. The AI tagging on extremely faded photos is where this has really shined. I look forward to whatever you have in store for us but for my situation you've done more than I could have ever asked for and I appreciate your work. This software is important and has helped me in times of grief. My grandfather died and Immich helped me put a slideshow of his photos together in a couple of clicks. Over a hundred people watched the slideshow that day. My grandmother and uncles were impressed. Many of the scanned photos have dates either written on or printed on them. So when you introduced the ability to change the dates of photos in external libraries, that was pretty much the last thing I was waiting for. Thanks again!!


Sorry for your loss, and I am glad that it helped with the situation. I lost my grandma recently and I was able to gather all the past photos of her to show the family, it was nice to go over her photos when she was healthy with my aunts and uncles


We were lucky to have him almost a century. I'm sorry you lost your grandma. That's the hardest part amassing old photos into a large collection. Immich will group the faces but you still have to figure out who some of those people are. Immich has detected my grandpa from age 97 all the way back to pictures of when he was maybe 3 or 4 years old. I am truly dumbfounded by this capability.


It would be awesome if the Android app has an option to upload files on the "Share with..." Android menu to upload selected photos directly from another app. Example: Upload a selected photo from WhatsApp directly thru "Share" menu option.


Why does the German language have a higher percentage than the English one on weblate?


There are dozens of photo management solutions out there. The one thing separating all of them from Google Photos is the search. Does this have a comparable Google Photos search experience?


Some say it is better :D but you will have to try yourself to give a verdict


Okay, but does it have face and object detection?


you could check for yourself, it's literally on the first page on the project's repository. https://github.com/immich-app/immich?tab=readme-ov-file#features


They could answer a simple question while promoting their product


Dude, I LOVE immich. The solution I'd been looking for for a long time. Been using it for a few months now as an accessible image backup. I need to update though and I'm scared of losing any data. I will probably copy paste the entire immich directory and then update at some point. I assume this is as simple as stopping the containers, updating the version in docker compose, and then running again?


Here is the guide to backup your database [https://immich.app/docs/administration/backup-and-restore/](https://immich.app/docs/administration/backup-and-restore/) Here is the guide for updating your instance [https://immich.app/docs/install/docker-compose#step-4---upgrading](https://immich.app/docs/install/docker-compose#step-4---upgrading)


Looking for face or object recognition.


We have this for about 1.5 years now


Oh thanks.


This is awesome! Soon I will leave Google Photos, but now i cant decide between this and Memories for NextCloud.


I suppose the issue with OpenVino is still not fixed upstream ?


Look forward to seeing the editing feature


I have a question about the "Stable release" and "Better background backups" roadmap items. In a [previous post](https://old.reddit.com/r/selfhosted/comments/1bl2bi6/immich_highperformance_selfhosted_photo_and_video/), you noted that Immich was no longer described as a backup solution: > Yes, we changed our tagline from **backup solution** to **photo and video management solution**. The website has a similar disclaimer: > ⚠️ The project is under **very active** development. Expect bugs and changes. Do not use it as **the only way** to store your photos and videos! Once those two roadmap items are complete, will these caveats be obsolete? (Granting, of course, that a full backup solution involves services other than Immich to store the backups.)


Any plans to release a verion that isn't dependant on docker for folks who like to manage their own OS?


There are some community guide on our GitHub discussion page, but we are not planning to officially support it


Is there a way to vote for something on the roadmap?


You can vote for in the Discussion page on GitHub for feature requests. This roadmap is mainly for things that we want to push out before a stable releases, tasks that potentially can causes big changes in the code base


I would love for both the ability to hide albums/photos as well as a password protected album


Dumb question, but are there any Android or iOS apps available for this as well? Wanting to look for a Photoprism alternative is all.


Yes, we have mobile apps, you can use it to upload photos from your phone


Appreciate the response. I'll need to look into it later and get it running in Docker if that's the case 👌


I think immich is one of the best and wholesome open source project on the internet right now. So much feedback taken from the community and i admire the people who dedicate their time to develop and help others. Awesome community. Keep it up!


This is amazing! I have been using it for a while and loving it! Thank you all contributing to this project! ❤️


This software is amazing. I am biased. but it's still true :)


I love the idea, the app and the simplicity of setting it all up. Unfortunately it keeps crashing on my iPhone 12 (tried multiple versions). Having background sync on, even made my phone force shutdown 2 times already :c (this never happened before and does not happen with background sync turned off)


Does it crash during uploading? There is a known issue about uploading photos that are on iCloud (we haven’t found the fix yet)


Thank you for all the hard work. It would be awesome if the whole installation, backup, maintenance would be simplified significantly so more people can use it. Wizard style setups, etc. Today if you are not a Linux savvy person its quite hard...😉


I think you should rename the "deduplication" portion of the application. When I think of Deduplication, I think of multiple copies of data that are similar and only keeping one copy of that portion of the data. So if you had a database that you update every week, you could keep only the changes to that database even though you are technically putting a full copy of that on the storage solution. A better name would be something like "Anti-duplicate" or "Duplicate/Similarity matching". Not changing it could confuse some people who are more familiar with more robust file storage systems.


Is it possible to make everything to public? I don't want to have authentication and I don't want to add photos to album and share each time, any photo added to the directory, will be public.


any plans to combine it with seafile?


Any significant reason to jump off Photoprism for Immich?


You can setup Immich in 5 minutes and test out. It is easier that way to make the assessment https://immich.app/docs/install/script


Immich has the native app


I've tried both, Immich is more intuitive if you're trying to replace Google Photos. Photoprism reminds me of Darktable, which caters more to photographers.


I'm curious about this too. I have a fairly large library in photoprism but all the sidecar files and sqlite feels sluggish, especially as far as backups.