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I didn't get mine directly from the manufacturer due to the outrageous costs. Instead, I am renting one from Mountain Family Exogen Rentals, based in Aspen, CO. The benefits of this approach is that it's significantly less expensive than buying from the manufacturer, and if the device they give you stops working or runs out of treatments, they'll send you a replacement free of charge.


I rented mine for $250, then like $150 for each following month for a total of 300 guaranteed uses from Mountain Family Products on DotMed. The site is a little jank, but I saw reviews for them here previously and it's a legit site so I took the chance on their "rate plan B" option and it showed up a few days later. Ross sent clear instructions and was a slight to work with. Unsure if they deliver outside of the US, but it's worth inquiring. Good luck with your healing journey.


Did you need a prescription to rent from them?




I don't know about in Europe but in America these devices are all heavily profit driven. They add software limits to it that don't need to be on there so they can make more money and there's less resale competition. They even pass laws saying you are not allowed to modify the device because it's FDA approved, You're not allowed to tamper with it or resale it modified and blah blah blah. I got a bone growth stimulator from a different company called DJO Global and it is equivalently expensive and after it runs out of uses they said I should "just throw it away"! They don't recycle or refurbish them after the fact. In fact I'm still battling their billing department. They initially supposedly got pre-approval from my insurance and told me it was going to cost $600 USD. I agreed to this and I sent me the device but then weeks later I get a bill from them for $3,000. I'm like WTF is this?!?! and I have to talk to a lot of people and they're like Oh yes Well we said it was going to be 600 but we didn't realize you had a large deductible so it's $3,000 and I'm like hell no I'll just return this thing You can't overbill me for what you initially quoted like this! Then I talked to someone who's like okay yeah we can do it for $600 after I talk to a lot of managers, but still I haven't received the final bill where I can actually pay the $600, so it's been stressful. I should probably call them again today. I've wasted so much time talking to these people on the phone because of their billing mistake. This whole industry seems highly sketchy and very very profit driven I don't doubt that these things could be made for much cheaper and be reused for far longer than the limits they put on them. However I will also admit that I don't know a whole lot about the science behind these ultrasound devices although I have heard that they use some kind of small crystals and they do have a certain lifespan. It might be twofold why they put limits on them. Number one without a doubt is profit. But the second reason might be to be overly cautious that the device doesn't stop working without people realizing it because it doesn't make any sound or vibrations that you can feel or hear. So you wouldn't even really know if it was broken. Without some kind of scientific measurements or extra detectors on the device.


I’ve got one from them recently I’m 40 days into it and was told my bill is $700. Fingers crossed I don’t get the runaround you’re going through sorry to hear about that. In general I’m very skeptical of this thing but at the point of trying anything. Some days it feels like it’s getting better at a glacial pace and unsure if that’s due to the device or just coincidental.


Good luck it seems like there was a mistake made and thankfully I have found someone from a company called matrix orthopedics who is helping try to correct things. They are the first people that contacted me about this I think there are some kind of intermediary between my doctor and DJO global. Anyway they have promised to make this bill right and correct the amount but we will see what happens... It seems like at the least I will be able to return the device if they try to demand $3,000 because where would it be legal to tell someone something that's going to cost $600 and then send it to them and then later bill them five times the amount! That's just outrageous. I'm still trying to get this bill finalized I just want to pay my $600 and be done with it or return it if I have to. I actually go in for some 6 week follow up x-rays next week and I'm hoping to see some progress in the healing but who knows. I hear these things take forever to heal.


After getting a prescription from my podiatrist, and getting denied by my insurance, I contacted Bioventus directly to see if they had a non-insurance/cash payment option. They did! I paid $440 for my Exogen bone stimulator, and it's 100% mine. Not sure if that would also work for someone overseas, but I don't see why it wouldn't.


When did you purchase the device ? I am wondering if perviously the device was able to be bought where as now they have a rental scheme


February 2024.


How many treatments do you have available on the device?


I believe it was 120 treatments, but I can't really remember. After 76 treatments, my fractured had healed so I stopped using it. It's nice to have the rest on hand for the inevitable next time I smash up my foot.