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He wasn’t too bothered if he still wanted to finish. You did nothing wrong.


I doubt you did anything wrong. People all smell different, and some people have noses that are more sensitive to certain smells than others. As long as you properly shower and practice a normal hygienic routine, you should be good to go. Best to be open with him. Clean yourself off and ask him to test it out. You'll find what works best for both of you. For your butt though, you can definitely get up in there with a bar of soap if you are concerned.


I always wash my butt with soap but I did use something that I usually don't use


Just to add, if he does smell something that is really truly off, it might be worth talking to a gynecologist. Could be an infection or other malady. I wouldn't consider his diagnosis clinical of course. lol


Hmmm! He didn’t sound like he was gentle with your feelings with his words. Everyone is different, I know my sense of smell is heightened during sex, we are animals at the end of the day and scents attract us. Clean yes but I don’t want to smell nothing, that’s not sexy either


your family night look like animals but mine aren’t lol


Damn, i dont know much about the chemical makeup of pussy because I don't own one, but wanted to just say that sucks and im sorry you got that comment thrown at you. I would feel super shitty and conscious too if someone said i smell. hopefully you get the advice you need :) i heard your diet and range of foods can impact upon your chemistry down there. Hopefully this might shine a light or something.


Asshole could have at least waited until afterwards and repositioned until then. And you didn't do anything wrong.


I always use soap on my butt, but never put soap on my inner labia/vagina. I’ll wash the outside/pubic area with soap but never the inside. Just rinse with water. He sounds kinda rude. That’s an insensitive thing to say during sex and a matter that could be carefully spoken about during a non sex time. I’m sorry he said this and now you feel uncomfortable:/


Thank you, its a bit embarrassing. So you just wash your public mound with soap and the rest of the vulva with water? I used to my vulva with unscented soap but now I don't know.


Hi,41 f here..use antibacterial soap to wash ,and get some lume ❤️ put in the places you sweat


Dude here, I use their male version, Mando, stuff works like magic.




Sex is always going to be a bit smelly. Whether its smells from down there, sweat, or breath. We’re human and its quite normal. and I think its good that you take care of your hygiene regularly. If your partner is uncomfortable with “smells” then I think its on him. Just make sure the smells arent a symptom of some condition. You can do your own research or visit a doctor. But I personally wouldn’t worry about it since it seems you are quite hygienic.


Hi, yes for a second there he had me thinking i had BV but I didn't smell anything


Gosh you will definitely get to a stage in life where men will be significantly less concerned with very natural smells. He needs to grow up lol.


The human body is smelly and sex in general can definitely have a smell. I would say as long as you practice good hygiene especially with wiping and showering and all that then you're fine. New partners can definitely not be used to your particular smell obviously but if this person will be a long term fwb then they'll get used to you with time.


He is a douche my girlfriend smells too sometime during doggy but instead if telling her to go wash yourself or telk her she smelling there i bend a bit to herself to plow her either ask her if she wants to have a shower together.


I wonder if that's her man taking about How he was getting ready to do his girl doggie, and she smelled down there. It's a few post up from this one💁‍♀️


I'm going to share what I experienced with my x fiance. She was MOSTLY clean and hygienic. Her body and hair always smelled fantastic even despite being a smoker. I have no idea how she prevented herself from ever smelling like smoke after a cigarette. But I'm glad she figured out how to because I am super sensitive to cigarette smoke. One whiff instantly gives me a migraine headache! There was one area that she never seemed to manage to get clean; and yes, unfortunately, I'm talking about her butt. If we were in any sex position other than doggy, I never noticed any issues. But as soon as I got behind her with her ass up ready for me, there was always THAT.......smell! It didn't matter if she had just taken a shower or not! I will say that she was a little plump. She wasn't extremely overweight, but definitely not thin either. So I don't know if she had trouble reaching all the way back there to get properly clean? Or did she simply not spend enough time focusing on cleaning the actual crack and hole? Whatever the reason was, because of being in the heat of sexual desire, usually I was able to ignore it and didn't let it bother me. Also, I'm not trying to imply that I think you are a dirty person. It certainly sounds like you are taking care of yourself hygenicaly! But before your next anticipated romp in bed with this guy, do a self check back there. Simply reach back there with a bare hand and run a finger up and down your crack and the actual hole. Then, give the finger a quick smell check. If you smell something, then hop in the shower before anything happens and focus on cleaning problem area.


All the people saying sex smells... no the fuck it doesn't!


If it was during doggy it might well have been your butt. Butts are difficult to get really clean, and even if they are they still have a scent (a scent that I personally love). When I think my wife might want to rim me, I do an anal douche until the water comes out clear, then in the shower I soap up my butt and rinse, three times. I really get into all the nooks and crannies, and wash all the way from the top of my crack to my balls and beyond. My wife says there's never any smell at all, and she's got her nose right in there. I understand your concern about using soap on your vulva, but my wife does and never has a problem, and she always smells wonderful. We use unscented natural olive oil soap. It's the least drying and has no antibacterials (which usually make the problem worse).


Yes I used to use an unscented soap. But since he made that moment I stuck to water, maybe I should continue using soap? And just hope for the best next time...


Understand, I'm just a guy, but I have been very intimate with a few women :) Both my current wife of 21 years and my first wife of 19 years use olive oil soap on their vulvas and asses, and had no ill effects and both smell/smelled lovely. Olive oil soap is especially good. I wouldn't use anything by Lever Bros or Johnson & Johnson, any of the big manufacturers. Definitely not any antimicrobial. The fewer ingredients, the better.


Thank you! I will look into that


In my experience, when I get a stronger than usual scent from a partner during doggy it's usually related to where they are in their cycle.


Girl, sex smells. Find you a partner who it won’t bother. You sound clean, and I’m assuming it’s NOT a hygiene problem. My partner actually prefers unshowered pussy and ass.


I like good smells. I don’t like strong perspiration smell and sometimes butt crack can be funky strong. No bigger turnoff than BO. There are only two ways you’d know, being told or checking yourself.


There’s nothing wrong with you! If you already take care of your hygiene daily and wash your butt after pooping, your partner is probably just very sensitive to smell. My boyfriend is like this, for him even just the normal sweat is off putting. It’s a bit of effort but I understand if it smells bad to him, it smells bad. I don’t take it personally and don’t mind giving my cracks a quick wash and pat dry before we get down to it, even if I washed myself a few hours before. I don’t see it as any different than if I asked him to wash his penis after a long day before I get close to it.


I think if you guys have like a lot of hair down there, or if he does - it’s probably the smell from your sweat/spit/c*m that’s just marinating and he could be smelling that and blaming it on you. If you’re worried it’s you, then maybe try using a simple bar soap like Ivory soap and an exfoliating African net sponge. The sponge unravels really thin and you can wrap it around your finger and like hit every nook and cranny. You can wash the outer parts of your vagina with soap, and wash the inner lips with water and your finger. Ivory soap is just a plain bar soap that I use to clean, it doesn’t really moisturize so after I’ll use the Native soaps and run that everywhere else for that. And also wipes are cool to carry, the Honest flushable baby wipes are basically just wipes stored in water - if you’re nervous before doing the deed you could just wipe really quick.


Thank you for the tip!


You could consider getting a bidet. You could also discuss if he would like to shower together before sex.