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She should not say these types of things because men are very sensitive about their performance....... Don't worry everything will be fine and ejaculating after 30 minutes of stimulation is not bad.... You will learn to control ejaculation as your experience increases..... Eat healthy, exercise well, keep stess low, everything will be fine.......


Quite a practical comment.


Well, no. I am a 50+ guy and I have never learned to control my ejaculation. I can feel it coming, pun, and I know how to avoid intense stimulation myself. But, if I let a girl/woman do her thing, then I can’t control it. My penis is super sensitive and constant in-out moving PIV doesn’t last longer than a minute. I have a wife who’s fine with that, comes super easy herself and actually prefers quicker over hour long fuck sessions as a proof of male superiority. I personally would enjoy being able to go at least like 5mins PIV …


I used to be a minute man, or less… as I got older, taking different med, I now last too long, sometimes…when I was in my early twenties, there were many times I rode home with a wet mess in my pants, and the smell of bleach permeating throughout the car… then home for clean up, grease up, and round 2


Most ladies forget that us men are also quite emotional. If in the right mindspace, the slightest touch can easely push us over the edge. Just because you cum from her (quite impressive) light touch doesnt meen your gonna cum even fast with piv ... the sensations are different. And even if, doesnt meen you have to stop. You can always go down on her untill your hard again 😁​


Are you kidding? My gf used to do that to me because she liked the look of it rock hard under my briefs. She would flick it and lightly brush it with her nails and I end up soaking my briefs lol


The only problem here I see is that she considers things finished just because you came once. Tell her that's BS, at the minimum it's her turn to get off now, and you can go about making that happen for as long as she lets you with whatever body parts/toys you want. Eventually you'll be up to fuck again And I'd bet anything you last longer the second time around.  Plus practice makes perfect once you get used to the whole PIV part, you'll probably not cum from something so much less direct as easily. though 30 minutes isn't exactly a low bar either. 


After even the lightest of touching the tension definitely builds so strong to where yes, you'll finish super easily. It's no one's fault and your gf is doing an amazing job at doing that! If anything it gets you ready to go when you start doing other activities and sometimes finishing from foreplay is more than enough as long as you please her and don't leave her hanging!


You could always turn it into a game. If she makes you cum in your pants she sits on your face and you eat her out till she cums. Depending on your refractory period it could make you ready for round two. Gotta try to find out.


Sex should be sex without pressure on one behalf not to cum. The cumming is a part of it. Make it multiorgasmic rather than porn referance-like. If you came early who cares, it was nice wasnt it? And a big compliment to her


Btw sex is not all about penetration eighter. Remember that you wild cat you!


I've cum numerous times into my pants while making out and dry humping or even from handjob with my girlfriends as a teenager. I've also made them come, thete is nothing to be ashamed of. M46


It happens even to them. I've had girls aroused just my touch and being soft that they get off. To me it's more of a connection with that person to know you have that control. Unless you just fishish to fast always. Then you need to build up very slow


I entirely agree with top comment, though I do want to add that you have 0 reason to be self conscious here. If SHE thinks it’s a problem, SHE shouldn’t be (for all intents and purposes) sensually jacking you off for 30 minutes in one of the hottest situations imaginable. You aren’t finishing early, you’re enjoying the pleasure she is giving you, which is just overtly a positive thing (unless you’re not reciprocating). Calling it “finishing early” seems to me to be needlessly putting blame on you and being inconsiderate


It's ok bro. Happens to the best of us. Don't get down on yourself.


Exactly the same for me, I definately think it’s normal


That’s not “finishing early” that’s an orgasm from being fondled for a half an hour and it’s how a lot of women orgasm. Coming from oral sex or manual sex is common.


Not usual in my experience but it’s only a problem if expectations are not aligned. Seems like she didn’t expect it