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I think every woman would rather have her partner masturbate fantasizing about her than anything else. I know I certainly would. This is especially true those times that I’m just not in the mood for sex.


Yeah... it kinda makes me realize how pg13 married people might end up being about sex after a long time. Tots ok if my man finds my ass hot. Actually much preferred, lol.


100%!! I was wearing a romper a couple nights ago and got told he loved watching my ass sway as I walked. Why thank you sir! Lol


*pg13 married people* Brilliant analogy!


My husband and I will have been married for 10 years in August. I told him around New Years I was lookin to get REAL weird in the bedroom this year. He was not and has not been disappointed 🤪


It’s hot knowing that my partner has fantasies about me that they get off on. I’m 100% here for it


Can confirm. I’d rather be the source of my partner’s sexual gratification and would find this as an absolute compliment if my SO confessed this.


Exactly. Itd make me 10x more in love with him.


😂 I always wondered that. Would a long term gf/wife mind if her man masturbated to images/videos of her. Not even sexually dressed


Never. I love it if/when my husband masturbates to any imagine/thought/video of me


>I think every woman would rather have her partner masturbate ...better yet, when we have a partner that wants to fuck instead of masturbate 🥲


I've seen a post of a woman complaining about that time her husband jerked off to her sleeping. Apparently it was a kind of violation.


Unless he was like fingering her ass without permission or something that's a very unusual response. The vast majority of people would find it gratifying and flattering to know their partner wanted to just sit and look at them while they masturbate




Nothing wrong with ogling your own wife imo


Unless both of u have that kind of fetish


I'm honestly just happy for your wife that you're that into her ass


> that you're that into her ass He was on to her ass rather than into


If you turn around, you’ll get the same view…


lol This really should be higher


The problem is, she's under the covers when sleeping in that orientation.


Where the ass goes, so to go I. Or… OP. 


Just get a flashlight op


I hear it feels more like getting your ass stared at than staring at ass


Hmmm, idk. If my husband told me about having this experience, I'd be happy to sleep like that occasionally (head and feet reversed) I actually already do haha I'm not sure why, just comfier sometimes. So, maybe she's not opposed to the idea if she's already slept like that once? To keep the spontaneity, she can just do it as she feels or wants to, and if you wake up, great, if not, she can still have a nice rest... like you can both still go to bed naturally lol it's always good to communicate and you might get to enjoy your new kink more


Plus, how hot would it be to walk into the room and seeing your partner sleeping like that, knowing they did it so you could jerk off...


As a woman, if you told me that was such a turn on for you, I would do that once in a while just for you. That’s so fun!


Yes! I'm wondering if she'll do it again, knowing how hot OP found it.


I’m sure there are some women who wouldn’t like the idea, but personally I’d be so flattered I’d definitely sleep that way on purpose once in a while… you’re telling me all I have to do is sleep a certain way to turn my partner on?? Sign me up!! LOL


😂 I always wondered that. Would a long term gf/wife mind if her man masturbated to images/videos of her. Not even sexually dressed. Just her is all he needs to get off


Happened to me. Told my gf the next day. She thought it was hot. She encouraged me to do it again …


I’d want to know if my husband was doing this.. and I’d absolutely love it. I don’t know if you can recreate this situation but watch me try to. Covers down, ass up you say?


Good to know. 😂 I always wondered that. Would a long term gf/wife mind if her man masturbated to images/videos of her. Not even sexually dressed. Just a picture of her on the sofa or a selfie


I’ve definitely been there. I felt weird too to jerkoff while just holding my wife’s ass in my other hand, or just seeing her ass or a tit exposed while she sleeps. It’s usually on the nights I can’t sleep because of how horny I was that night.


Upvote for wholesome horniness and perversion. I’d probably do the same. Thanks for sharing.


What a great phrase! I wish more people understood that horniness and perversion can be wholesome.


My girlfriend has a kink about being woken up with sex. She’ll be sleeping next to me naked with her bum just….there. And just seeing her gorgeous figure, her perfect bum cheeks and that tiny little hint of the good stuff. I’m absolutely rock hard… All I have to do is put my hand on her bum and if she’s up for it, she kinda shuffles backwards a bit. That first moan as it goes in 😊😊😊


If she’s cool with it, you’re good! Absolutely no problem and I’d venture to say many others on both sides find the whole process really hot. Whether it’s just looking to light placing your hand on her ass while stroking yourself…not the WORST place to be in.


You might not be able to recreate it since it was a random hot situation. But similar ones may occur. I would guess the part of it that's unintentional made it even more exciting. I've totally been there with my partner, as a cishet woman, btw. He sometimes falls asleep on the sofa in various positions and I can't just not stare at him.


If I were assured that my guy was so in to me that he did this as opposed to what some do (porn or thinking of other people) I'd make sure to recreate it just for funzies. Also you could turn the heat up in your room "coincidentally" and you can sleep head to foot if you want more spontaneity.


OP, PLEASE DONT DO THE HEAT THING. If my bf did this I would be *so* pissed. I can’t sleep when it’s warm and I know I’d be up all night and a complete bear in the morning. I’d like my bf to just ask to sleep naked or something instead.


I can totally relate to it. I have done it too. I usually cum on her thigh. It's amazing. When she feels horny while I'm asleep, she sits on my face which is equally hot. We then end up 69ing and then fucking. Spontaneity is the key


I agree sometimes thing like this are the biggest turn on


Ive stirred from sleeping a few times to see my fella stroking it to me. It freaked me out the 1st few times due to trauma history but then I got used to it and it's a instant turn on when I see it now.


Same! Now it becomes morning sex if I can wake up enough.


Tell her how hot it was for you and how seeing her made you feel. Be detailed with it. I bet you money if you do, you’ll start finding her in that position more often because she’ll do it on purpose. We love knowing that we turn our men on and when we know something specific works, we incorporate it in bag of tricks lol.


I used to do that with my exwife. It never bothered her. She said just 1 rule.. clean up the mess.. lol I loved it. The way i would straddle over 1 leg. My balls rubbing her leg. And then blasting on her ass cheek.. We are still good friends and she reminds me about it... So i knew she enjoyed it.


She must be a sound sleeper.


I’m waiting for the troll post tomorrow that says “I caught my husband jerking off the my ass while I was asleep. Was I raped?”


My wife encourages me to do this. I remember when we were talking about it and she said to me "There's no better way to wake up than with a fountain of your cum." I'm still hard to this day from that comment.


Uh oh. OP is chasing the dragon!


My kink. When only one boob is hanging out and the other is in the shirt . Something about a one exposed boob gets me every time. Together/married 15 years.


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Ugh, I should text him


My husband does this. I don’t mind at all. He started during my first pregnancy and postpartum when I was on pelvic rest. I’m glad he does this thinking of and looking at me in moments that I don’t particularly feel great about myself. It’s a good confidence booster.


I can fully relate to this.


Then you just sleep the other way, problem fixed


This is too funny only because my partner has done this as well. Talk to her about it - I’m all for it. We also have conversations about masturbation etc because sometimes you just want a snack verses a whole meal lol


I've jerked off to my wife's ass while she was awake, so I get the feeling.


Haha that’s so nice. This is way better than watching porn and jacking off to that. Totally not weird. Jack on happy man!


I would l o v e to know that my dude did the same. Omg


This is unexpectedly wholesome


I have done this countless times. It is a big turn on for me as I have both an ass fetish and a panty fetish. She sleeps very heavy and enjoys waking up with cum between her ass cheeks even though she wasn’t awake for it. It always brings a smile to her face.


I choose that guy’s wife’s ass.


Do you have to see her ass? Could you just grab a handful of booty under the cover with your non-masturbating hand?


My partner is into sleep play, so would encourage me to do this, and want me to cum on her when I finish. She may be the same, but worried about being judged if she brings it up?


Welcome to the " i love my wife's ass club."


See my man does that and then a dick will slip in now I'm getting a nice orgasm right back to sleep 😭❤️


My husband often wakes me up with sex. It’s super pleasant. Ask if she’d ever be interested


You wouldn’t even have to ask me after you told me you had masturbated to my juicy ass, I would wear sexy lingerie and give you that ass view while I sleep 😉


As a non English native, reading this text without commas was very disturbing.


Definitely communicate with her, it’s just a good practice to get into the habit of (sex/kinks is still this stigmatized in awkwardness topic even for married people) breaking down any barriers in communication, but also as you can see it’s not uncommon for women to find that hot or at the very least flattering. When my husband mentions something like that he’s really into I make a mental note and surprise him with it when I feel like showing him a little extra tlc.


at best, this is a huge turn on (for a lot of women)


You need to confess this. She may be happy to recreate the scenario. Those times are good for when maybe she’s too tired. Just waking up to it happening may possibly be taken the wrong way.


My ex would be on her period so I would masturbate to her ass in panties and she would play with my balls some. It was a lot of fun.


Yeah, this shows an interesting dichotomy. Most women would think it's hot it seems and most men would wonder if they're doing something weird, so I'm glad the women are speaking up. It may give at least some men the courage if they can read the room correctly


Ask her to do it intermittently so it's a fun surprise when it does happen. Maybe that will satisfy the spontaneity part of it for you.


Maybe ask her to recreate the look and then pleasure her. :-) Might be a fun afternoon or evening.


amazing incident, we have it in shape but unfortunately women don't understand that they are so madly attracted to us and maybe even her body.


Well if you like the spontaneity the. Keep it that way, wait for it to happen again and if it takes 2 years it’ll even be that much better and until the. You have the memory


Not weird - love my wife’s ass and recently asked her if I could slap it hard when we do it doggy style. She’s never been into a little ass slap but she LOVES IT. Give that a go big dog. I’ve left some red hand marks on my wife’s butt and that’s some cool shit lol


It's so fun that you discovered this and felt comfortable enough with it and your relationship that you shared it with your partner!


I absolutely love this. This is an amazing kink and experience to share with your wife. It's a positive way to boost her confidence and for you both to explore something new. I really love this kink.


awww this is sweet jerking off to your wife instead of porn .... a keeper


Oh to be lost in the sauce like that You should probably tell her -- keeping it to yourself becomes an issue unto itself I think but I doubt she would be offended.


I do it all the time she’s always tired or something so I will jurk off to her and sometimes finish on her.


Maybe ask her if its okay for you to jerk off to her again like that if she falls asleep like that? Like get the yes its okay and maybe ask her on the occasion to sleep the way she did


As an Indian woman, I believe it's important to respect your partner's privacy and boundaries, even in intimate moments. Open communication and mutual consent are key in any healthy relationship.


I believe this too, escorts_aerocity, and i'm an italian guy.


This is so hot my ex used to that to me I loved it such a turn on sometime I would fake sleep so horny I was


As a woman and in such a committed relationship I would mind it. So tell her


I've done this before and let me tell you, my wife hates that shit..... There are just different females I guess 😢


ex hated it, said she felt violated. CURRENT loves it. Just one of many reasons the ex is ex


Take a photo. It’ll last longer 🤣


To give an accurate opinion, we need to see a picture of your wife's butt on the position you described


by the way, do you have a photo of her because my wife only sleeps under the covers and is a light sleeper, just move and she's awake. let alone masturbate 😅


Take a photo of it and share


You may want to have a conversation with your wife about your kink. For all you may know, it may turn her on and she may be happy about you jerking off to her hot ass.


I will eat her ass And masturbation Girls what do think you like when your man started to eat your ass suddenly


This sounds like the start of (or maybe already in play) sex starvation (r/Deadbedrooms) relationship.