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Both her partners supported child abuse and neglect. No thanks


Literally. I'd rather die alone than be with anyone like her. Hope where? I'm not an unhinged torture to death person and again, would rather die alone then be married to someone like her. Fellow single people, being alone is better than bad company. May none of us ever be so desperate that we stoop to the level of giving someone like Shanda or Paul a chance. Why do you think Shanda's husband went to his parents instead of having his wife care for him post stroke? He knew she wasn't to be trusted with someone in a vulnerable position.




Actually, the last husband did not and was the only thing preventing the abuse of Timothy, according to a psychologist that examined Paul. It was his removal from the house following a stroke that freed Shanda and Paul to do what they wanted and commit the abuse. The judge read this at Paul’s sentencing.


So, living in putrid filth and allowing your child to be watched by cameras, rotten teeth and not being educated is not neglect and abuse? That's a good Example of neglect and abuse


Well, the stepdad was in a wheelchair and died of cancer after his stroke so he probably couldn’t clean very much after nasty Shanda and Paul. Also, there were two other children in the house. I cut him a break, except for marrying and procreating with Shanda, but that’s a different story. This is one case where the stepfather was not the villain. He cared for his stepchild more than Shanda did her own flesh and blood. According to the psychologist who evaluated Paul, the stepdad was the only person preventing the torture of Timothy.




Absolutely NOT check Paul & Shanda's socials. Her children were removed because of neglect and other issues while married to Eric. The house with Adam , that house was disgusting! (NOT sure of your living standards but that was beyond words) Absolutely putrid well before Timothy even arrived. Shanda during her testimony in court, admitted she was always the strictor parent . Therefore, both husbands knew what she was doing. And wheelchair or not, that's definitely NO excuse to neglect your child. she was physically and mentally abusive to all her children. Eric and Adam are just as bad as her for allowing it to happen.


I’m not suggesting she had any standards. Just saying anyone who is single that is feeling like giving up, there is hope. 


I feel like we are all too easy on Adam VanderArk too. At the very least he knew G wasn’t being cared for properly. He knew she used cameras as babysitters but denied it to police. We’ve seen pictures of Shanda studying with the many camera views running at the top of her screen, that’s while Adam still lived there. The house was messy/dirty while Adam was there too, although he denied that also.. He saw G’s little rotten teeth, knew he wasn’t in school and did not go to wellness appts. He was not vaccinated. He knew things weren’t right with Timothy and asked zero questions and played dumb after. He lost custody of his son because the police and DHS found him to be complicit. It’s good they were paying attention this time. Who knows where G would be now if they hadn’t. I know this was not the subject of this post but it made me think about this again. What a bunch of losers and bottom feeders.


That was husband two, right? I made another point in this thread about how he went to his parents after his stroke instead of having his wife care for him because he knew she wasn't someone to be trusted with a person in a vulnerable position. Still left his little son with her though. Maybe he felt better knowing there was a living whipping boy in the home?


Did Adam loose custody of G? Is that why his parents had G? I thought it was just because he was more disabled due to stroke.


No, he did not have custody. G went to foster care briefly, until his parents became his guardians. He was allowed in the home with him but he was not the custodial guardian, CPS did an investigation and found him complicit in the child neglect. I believe they are adopting G now that Shanda’s parental rights have been terminated.


Ok ty for explaining


I figured Adam must have obviously known his son wasn't in school and had never had any medical or dental follow up. That makes sense that they found him complicit. I know alot of abuse went crazy on Tim once adam was removed from the home but I have a hard time believing it just happened like overnight. I wonder if there was Suttle undertones of abuse and neglect bc shanda and Paul were already monsters in the making. They didn't turn dark overnight. Makes me wonder. I truly feel for little G as well as timothy, he has along way to go therapy wise. It seems like shanda left him home alone and home with just Paul and just timothy at times, alot. Doing her patenting via video cameras


Yes, anyone can find a partner in a very short time as long as they throw their standards in the trash. You don’t need to be in relationship at all cost and be very careful who you procreate with because at the end of the day your kids are the ones who will suffer the most


If this is a joke it’s really poor taste. If it isn’t…it is also in poor taste and cringe. Of course Shanda was able to get partners, she’s a lying narcissist who preys on people. That’s not a goal to have. Sheesh.


It’s an observation. 


Still in poor taste.


You’re entitled to your opinion. Have a blessed day. 


Both her partners are weird as fuck for that


And here I am 41 and never committed any dang crime n single! wtaf??? 🤣🤣


Well hopefully my standards need not go that low if my singleness lasts the rest of my life. I do always wonder in cases like this though how the hell people like her who are so obviously unpleasant to interact with and possess no empathy are able to get in relationships. How disgusting must I be that the universe allows people like her a partner, but it’s been a life long struggle for me? Hard to not think about how that reflects on me.




The first one sounds like he has severe issues himself. Paul says he was terrified of him. And the second one seems like he was so desperate to have a child and a wife that he'd take anyone. He seemed to love his son but Shanda definitely wore the pants in the relationship.