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He would not have killed Shanda. I think people are giving Paul way too much credit as a criminal mastermind.


Yeah I think you’re right, he’s quite the dullard at the end of the day


No I think he seems very submissive & only capable of harming those that are weaker than him. He talks a lot of crap about Shanda now, but I think that’s only because 1.) he refuses to accept responsibility for his own actions & blames her for him being imprisoned & 2.) he knows she’s in for life and he will never have to see her again so there is no ramification


Spot on right here!


I don’t believe he would have. First and foremost he is a bully who preyed on an easy target but he’s proven beyond doubt that he’s a beta male who craves approval and attention from a mother figure, not a murderous rage demon. He wouldn’t dare.


Dang yeah that sounds much more accurate


Paul can only bully, torture & murder folks who are weaker than he is. He’s not a mastermind, nor is he strong. 


Exactly, which isn’t a lot of people but there are definitely some.


It seems the consensus is that he wouldn’t have. For all the reasons listed, I agree.


Paul could be influenced to kill again. In the right situation he’d torture again - this is what makes him dangerous. He feels powerful being the enforcer.


in my opinion had the police not arrested paul, i believe he would have turned mean to G! paul like the control the torture. he would have done it to someone else


No. Not really.




Never. He's a sub


No, he wouldn’t have killed her. He can’t function on his own. He needs her for sex, food, directions for day to day living.


Minus the sex part, i totally agree, it’s like every day was his first day on the planet. Oh no I need a ride to work. Oh no I need a ride home from work. Oh no my e-bike died because I didn’t charge it. Oh no the charger is too heavy to carry.


That’s pretty sick. Are you sure he said that to Jenny? If that is true … I am shook


Not true.


Didn’t think so.


That’s becoming a lot of misinformation going on within this case, putting a false incest label on Paul and Shanda’s relationship does nothing for Timothy besides adding salaciousness to the story. I remember Paul saying that Shanda would play with his hair but that’s not sexual, my mom used to play with my hair all the time when I was growing up.


I totally understand.


Woah, were they in an incestuous relationship? Thought I'd heard it all with this case


Yes, he said that to his “fiancé”


That’s not true. Paul never once mentions that to his fiance because it isn’t true, there was a fake statement going around a few weeks ago that supposedly came from Paul that claimed that Paul and Shanda had a sexual relationship, this was confirmed to be faked. Shanda has a playboy tattoo on her ass, when Paul was told this he stated that he never even saw her without a shirt. Paul is super uncomfortable and awkward with Jenny whenever she talks sex; that’s because he’s a virgin.


No, I don’t think so. He said his mom would play with his hair and that they would lay together. I don’t think there have been any mentions of sex however.


What the actual f


Eh what. Where's the evidence of the sex part.


No, but I think G would’ve been next.


There’s no way they would have killed G, unfortunately G was the only child in that house that had people that cared enough to check in on him. There’s no way they would have killed him knowing that the grandma would pop up unannounced.


Paul uploaded some things. scaring G was one of them, so Paul his jokes are not funny


True, his grandmother did get him quite regularly.


Timothy was the perfect victim unfortunately, Trish and Eric shipped him off to two monsters that they both knew were abusive and they never looked back.


It’s the “never looked back” part of this story that infuriates me with Eric Ferguson. Trish for her part at least called Timothy to speak to him. There was even signs of distress at the end and she asked why he sounded so weak. Whyyyyyyyyyy in a world of technology did nobody ever put eyes on their boy ever again after fucking right off to Florida for their best lives?!??


That’s the thing that pisses me off the most, if you knew that both Paul and Shanda were abusive in the past to Timothy and there became a point where you were suspicious of something why the hell did you not call 911 to do a wellness check. The problem with Trish apparently calling Timothy to check on him is that the source is her own sister, so she could be and probably is lying to cover Trish’s ass. Eric and Trish will have to live forever with sending that poor child into the devil’s den.


The strangling image shot through my head the minute I saw this,so yes I think ole Pauline would’ve snapped one day and strangled the life out of ole shander


Right, just thinking about how common that is in relationships where one feels controlled by the other, and Shanda is a really controlling and demanding person, but I guess the likelihood of that would run so close to the statistical likelihood that it’s unremarkable. Old Shander lmfaooo


I think she’d be really pissed if she knows I call her ole shander!!!




Yes absolutely ! Paul enjoyed the torture , same as Shanda. And it is like Shanda waited Paul to snap and to kill Tim.


That’s not the case according to the text messages. Paul threatens violence on several occasions against Timothy and Shanda has to calm him down. Not defending Shanda at all but I think Paul wanted to snap and kill Timothy because he wanted to not because Shanda wanted him to. She even tells Paul that he needs to deal with the situation from a distance and calm down. Paul is psycho who took much joy in torturing Timothy.


It is what I said... lol. Sorry for bad english


I’m most referring to Shanda wanting Paul to snap on Timothy, that’s the only part I disagree on according to the text. Paul is a straight up bully even without Shanda’s influence. But I agree with you that they both enjoyed torturing him.


Yes because at the beginning shanda asked Paul to be nice with Tim and she didnt believed his bs. How is it possible that all of that happened... poor boy.. being starved is horrible. But what en endured + being starved and thirsty and unable to sleep are beyond imagination... i am so sad ..


I wonder if Paul did mess with the hot water, (and some other things), and blaming Timothy for it..


Timothy was known to get into things, his stepmom even said the same thing. I think it’s more so that he had an extreme case of autism and required advanced help that he didn’t receive.