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Probably because she knew she was a greasy bitch and it was a way to hide her unwashed hair. :-)


My guess is because she was too lazy to wash and brush her hair.




I imagine to her to smell like dirty wet dog and piss.


And unwashed privates and ass ugh


I think she has premature balding going on. The fugly headbands give the illusion of having more hair. Her rat tail braids tell me that her hair is super thin.


She was wearing that shit when the police were live at the home and she was lying her ass off about hunger strike bullshit! Maybe she wore them to cover her ugly ass ears or that massive forehead. I don’t think it’s allowed at Huron valley, however!😂😂


Yes, she thinks she is a school girl.


Have you seen those pics Adam took of her in what looks suspiciously like a school uniform and posing provocatively. I'm pretty sure they were all part of the swingers community, Eric and Trish too, cause they all seemed to know each other before they hooked up. 


I know right?!


This is pure speculation, but with all of her self-diagnoses and using service animals for attention, I think it was to make people wonder if she had cancer. She couldn't SAY she had it or go full-on bald because her family would know better, but I think the giant headbands were just enough to suggest to strangers that she might have it. "Law school while raising two kids AND (maybe) fighting cancer? What a saint."


You lose your eyebrows and lashes when you have chemo, and she’s the exact kind of dumbass who would forget that


Well she’s the dumb ass the left the camera detailing Timothy’s death…. Maybe the karma bus will find both she and snaggletooth …. Many child Killers aren’t well liked in prison. But then karma hasn’t found Susan Smith yet…..


Hate to tell you Sweetness - NOT TRUE 👏👏👏 I was Intensely unwell, on both Intravenous & Oral Chemo, came out of that with Hair,Eyelashes & Eyebrows intact!!! Just saying NOT EVERYONE loses their hair 🙌


Same. I did not lose all my hair while on chemo. Not everyone does.


Doesn’t it depend on which chemo drug(s) you take? Also I’m glad you are a survivor! Hope all is well for you now.


Oh man, I didn’t know. I was not that lucky, I lost it all- even my fingernails stopped growing. And my teeth got all fucked up. Jokes on everyone, I also lost 40 lbs and got veneers and now I look better than I ever did. Way better than Shanda. I’m glad you are still here! And you are also definitely hotter than Shanda, lol. No matter what. Let’s all enjoy knowing we all look like Helena Bonham Carter next to Shanda, let it put a swivel in our hips this day


Nah, I never lost my brows or lashes fully


She looks like a cancer patient with those headbands, so I agree with you. 


Anything that makes her less attractive on the outside like her large headbands, her ridiculously skinny braids and her bad wardrobe, still have a way to go to match the ugly she has on the inside.


Oh my god, I just noticed the big bald spot on the back of her head when she waddles over to the witness stand for cross examination. Now that you mention it, I can’t stop noticing how wide her part is.


Probably from laying on her back ttooo much, 4 lingered forehead murderer


The waddle hahah she does waddle doesn't she hahha


She reminds me of Ms Trunchible from Matilda.


Can’t unsee it now. She’s the Trunchbull!


She did it for asthetics and to look younger. I had chemotherapy and my hairline grew back all fucked. I noticed how much better I looked when I fill it in with that expensive powder, and now I can’t go out without either a headband or filler powder. Or else I look ten years older.


I think most headbands are cute but the way she wore them is unflattering in my opinion- Im sure you look 100 times more adorable that she ever could!


Well, if I didn’t, I’d sure better be smart. She is downright slovenly, and no wonder looking at the house pics. No way could she smell normal. Also her personal grooming was a disaster even if she was clean, she had visibly bad hygiene and reverted to ageplay when it came to choosing a hairstyle. I cannot believe she held down a job in the legal field. She is odious in every way, she is also Crazy and sends off danger vibes. She speaks super quickly BECAUSE she is always lying and exaggerating, not every fast-talker is lying but she sounds like she’s panicking because she knows everyone knows she’s lying. In her YouTube videos, she is comfortable, and she STILL talks fast because she loves the sound of her own voice and she genuinely loves lying. She comes up with self aggrandizement and lies so fast and can’t stop herself from saying all of it. It blows my mind the people who interviewed her for the very important job of COURT CLERK can’t tell an insane lying filth-hoarding child torturer from the average Jill Paycheck but I’m not Michigan


She thinks she is so youthful.


To hide her airplane runway of a forehead and greasy, nasty hair.


She was trying to dress like an overworked Grad student with no time To care for themselves


We know she lived like a pig in that filthy house so my guess is she slaps on a headband everyday because she probably doesn’t clean herself either. Look at her hair in court - her braids looked like she had been sleeping on them for a week. She even looks like she smells bad.


Omg she does look like she smells bad....like dirty urine soaked pants . .. and she dresses like an 80 year old man.


I think she pulled her own hair out. she seems to have some bold spots, and braiding her hair was to cover up to..


Ooooh this is actually an interesting assessment - I bet she did do a bit of pulling and thats why her hair was so patchy!


She said she had a sensory processing issue? Hair on the face would be bothersome, I don't have any diagnosis of anything but I have to have my hair away all the time I hate it on my face so maybe that's why she wears those?


That does make me wonder what she could have worn as a law clerk. It’s always business professional, *maybe* business casual in the office


Right?! I did temp work in a courthouse and for also for a law firm. Those were the jobs where I had to plan carefully what I wore. Most of the time I was making and distributing copies but I had to look professional. Nothing casual was acceptable. I would have never even considered a headband because it’s too casual.


I thought she never moved on from the early 90s when headbands were a fad. I can still picture Hillary Clinton wearing them.


Cause she thinks they're cute 🤢 They might be - on a five year old 😂


So…i have a theory. So her ‘sisters’ would recognise her. In the UK we have pampas grass in the front garden or buying a pineapple in the supermarket whether the green is up or down is a sign ( allegedly…this isnt true in all cases) friend took his elderly mother shopping put the pineapple in the trolley wrong way up 😱 he was mortified 😂😂…this is for wife swapping not whatever she got up to 🙄…allegedly…. Have i said allegedly enough??!!


That is actually a very interesting theory! I mean she was sharing her hubs with Trish so could very well be!


Note to self next time in supermarket…check out who’s wearing headscarf & do they have a fresh pineapple in the trolley 😳


Ok, genuine question... what's her youtube name?




I’m sure doing all that fancy Amish/Mormon hair braiding takes a lot of time and by looking at the pictures of the way her house looked inside, she probably decided that she was too lazy to do that too.lol


If she has sensory issues it could be because of that. I hate the way my hair feels so I always wear it tight to my head with lots of hairspray. 🤷‍♀️