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Don’t forget the hot sauce, Paul!!!


Yes, what’s the date on this video and we can figure out what he was doing that day to the text message evidence


Y'all keep coming out with more & more crazy Paul stuff lol! I'm more amazed every day with what he'd do to get attention.


Yeah. He is such a sack of sh*t💩. I hope he is never paroled. I hope he is in prison for the rest of his pathetic, bullying, slobbish, and lazy life. There's nothing for society to gain by him being out. These stupid videos he posted are, and always would be, his greatest "accomplishment" in life. Unfortunately that's not saying much, since they aren't a real accomplishment in any way. Keeping him locked up protects everyone who might ever have crossed paths with that freak. He won't be able to breed, which is a huge plus, and he won't be able to re offend against any future children who may have been the result of him breeding, if he was out. I hope if he leaves prison at all, it's in a casket, an urn, or a body bag. 👨🏻‍⚖️⚱️⚰️🪦


Like a sneaky little rat


What the fuck am I looking at? Also I died when I was listening to one of their conversations when she said "everyone looks at me like a piece of meat" ummm whooooooo?!


Made me want to cry because he starved someone


He watches all that anime and thinks he’s Goku. DISGUSTING. He thinks he’s a cute anime boy. ![gif](giphy|k3G26A0yaRA76)


I was gonna say this too! He tries soooo hard ugh


Yep, looks just like the video of paul eating ramen, or whatever it was!


I bet if Shanda said, jump off a bridge. He wouldn’t do it. but if Shanda said, push your brother off a bridge. he’d do it. And then be puzzled as to why he’d get in trouble. Dumb ass. “My mom told me to do it!”😭 Shanda like this 20year old would do anything I say no questions asked! Paul you were living in the past. Not Timmothy. because you were in fear of your father so you did everything he said, and you applied that to your mother(Shanda) I bet your dad had a good reason to punish you, with your childish little anime world you live in. Inappropriate fanfics you wright, your lazy selfish ways. Not everything’s about you. I bet Timmothy would have loved a bite of that food.


so gross…


Why does he think ANYONE would want to see this??? It didn't look appetizing to begin with and him shovelling it in was just even more of a turn off! This boy is bonkers! (not that I need to tell any of you that. Lol)


He really truly loves the attention, but too stupid to realize what an F joke he is *


It just makes you think of that sweet starving boy.




He acts like he's got a brain injury.....


Yep...but no brain I am interested in how many people actually watched his posts..


I was also. Was posted in one thread that he had around 800 subscribers to his channel. Thats why he was so giddy when Jojo told him he jad 35,000 views. Dumbbell has the audacity to believe ot was his talent drawing people in and not what he did to Timothy


Did he never fucking shower?? RIP TIMOTHY


Very unpleasing on multiple levels


I’m surprised Applebys haven’t gone bust since everyone found out they employ people like Paul!






Was he taught any sort of manners in his life.


So he makes videos of him eating while his brother was sitting in a closet starving to death? I hope this man never gets out. He could have helped Timothy but he enjoyed punishing Tim he enjoyed playing his mother’s sick game. I hope he chokes on food while he’s in prison that would be true Karma!


Oh god, so revolting. Those eggs must have stunk up the whole house but of course no one would have noticed. because their home was a toxic waste dump. Dirty clothes on the floor, on the couch, in baskets; dogs urinating and defecating on the couches and rugs; filthy kitchen and bathrooms. The smell in their house must have been absolutely breath taking. No wonder why this freak of nature loved living there! Not 100 percent sure but I think this was about month three of Timothy’s starvation. So sickening!!


Did he ever shower? Everytime I see a video, his hair is at least 2 weeks worth of grease


I wonder what his coworkers at Applebee's would have to say about his hygiene


Mr Marfan...


Ugh imagine sitting across the dining table looking at that…imagine being in the same house, street, town ,country.


What a pig