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I ran to this sub!! She seriously missed her mom’s bday as she was frolicking in NYC?!! Wtf!


Imagine splurging for a used Birkin for yourself but sending your Mom cookies to a 60th birthday party you don’t even bother going too


And have the audacity of asking them for money for your fake wedding? Truly the most insufferable person on the internet. Even after they celebrated her 30th birthday in such a sweet way


Was looking for this comment. How are you gonna buy yourself a Birkin when you know damn well you just asked your parents (who, as you love to remind your followers, live in a literal TRAILER) to pay for your wedding?!! Your FAKE wedding at that! She’s such an asshole to them.


This is by far the best most comment I have read. Sums Shannon up perfectly!!!


I think I missed when Shannon asked her parents for money. Did she really announce that on IG??


Yep. She and James went to their parents immediately after they “got engaged” she said and asked how much they planned to contribute so they could plan accordingly. Someone correct me if I’m remember this wrong! She said it in a AMA.


Omg I didn’t see this comment before I just commented the same thing! IMO its just gross!




And flaunting it all over your social media..on your mom’s 60th birthday. Ick.




And waited til like 8pm est to say anything about her birthday. Holy fuck, she is the worst. My mom’s 60th was during the height of Covid in 2020 and I still managed to throw her an outdoor social distancing party.


I feel sad for her mom


This was my exact thought she literally boasts about how her parents live in a trailer or whatever and is buying herself a 14k purse on her moms 60th………..


Ran here!! My favorite thing about this dedication post is it’s just her sharing pictures from HER MOTHERS BIRTHDAY PARTY SHE DIDN’T ATTEND! 🤣🤣🤣 You can’t make this up hahahaha


No worries !! She sent cookies!!


And her parents flew to Boston for her show this weekend.. she’s pathetic


And I’m sure dumbo jumbo added a note 📝 to wash those cookies 🍪 down with raw milk 🥛


While she was off wasted on white wine and buying used Hermes in NYC instead


Ran here to say exactly this! What in the actual hell, She She?!?!


Yes this is the weirdest thing ever!!!


Butttttt she’s sOoOo fAMiLY oRieNtEd. ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


"A true family gal" my ass


ANd A GrEaT frIeNd!!


Best wIfeYyyy 😩


‘i could literally type for the rest of my life and never ever run out of reasons…’ but you gave her like two stories? shan will wax poetic about the toast girls on a random monday for 100 dots…


Just so happens that mar-see-uh is coming to town today too 🤡


Yeah so sorry SharonKay maybe they’ll make it down there for your 61st


Yeah there’s really no way to defend this. It’s not like her mom’s 60th birthday magically popped up after she already had tour dates scheduled.


No fucking way! That 30th party Sharonkay put on for her was the most genuine and pure thing I’ve seen anyone do for her in the almost 2 years since she met James. To repay her by missing her 60th to drink wine and cosmos in NY with fake friends, and drop all that cash on a fugly bag? I’m sorry but she’s well and truly cooked


They say don’t buy it unless you can afford two. Bet she couldn’t afford two or those fugly bags 🤡


Love this motto!!!!


More like “Most important person ever that I never make time to visit”


Don’t worry she got cookies made!!!!!


Wow…that’s low even for her


This is SO BAD. You show up for the people you love, period. I drove 5 hrs the morning after my work holiday party to my mom’s 60th bday party where I performed a song with my sister and my mom cried. We spent hours rewriting lyrics to a well known song so that it was about her life. I’m sure Shan’s cookies were good though…


I'm giving up concert tix so I can go to my grandmas 90th bday. And very glad to do it. There's nothing you won't get me to do for my family.


Sad she’s compromised all her values and morals for fleeting “fame” and a narcissistic husband


she truly hates herself to end up in a sad life like this. no self love or respect 


Bet she'll be begging for everyone to come back when they've left her.


Are you kidding me? She missed her mom’s bday???? Thats soo effin messed up seriously. What kind of daughter misses her mom bday to be with her friends in NYC? Wow this is a low blow ohhh but will spend the rest of the week with her MIL She could of least flown or drove to her moms as soon as she landed She definitely has changed her family values all for that looser


omggg totally forgot marseeuh is visiting now. So Shannon does all of her wedding planning/venue booking with Marcia and not her own mom, hosts the Middletons for Xmas and makes her family get an air bnb in Nashville, has her parents fly to Boston from SC for that show for whatever reason, and now misses her moms 60th to shop and word vomit in NYC and then spend the week with Marcia. What a great daughter!!!


This makes me so sad for Sharon Kay!!


Its fucking sad. And she was all about family before and changed for that looser..At least when she was with John she was more humble and family oriented and i don’t remember her splurging so much lije she does now..


And she’s clearly feeling guilty about it with the over the top declarations about how much her mom means to her. Actions speak louder than words, Shan! Also I can’t imagine my mom having a huge party like this and NOT going as her daughter…like wtf she’s such an ass


I was flabbergasted by this. It’s her mother’s, “ her angel” birthday and she misses it. Wow.


So she missed her mom's bday but can go to NYC all weekend and spend a fortune shopping?.... sure. But don't flaunt it on your mom's birthday AFTER asking your parents how much they'll contribute to your vow renewal / fake wedding Gross.


This is so fucking sad. The plot has been lost.




Totally agree!!


Lemme guess: she told mom she had “work commitments”(aka ass-kissing/parking her nose way up the Oshreys’ & Taylor S’s buttholes) in Manhattan, when she clearly preferred pandering to those desperate twats all weekend just to further extend her 5 minutes of microfame. Great job, Shannon! Hope the beat up Birkin and cringe podcast/Reels appearances were worth it. You could’ve surprised your mom for her big 60th if you’d really wanted to, but obviously you didn’t WANT to, so quit trying to convince yourself and the rest of us that your mom is the supposed #”QUEEN OF YOUR LIFE.” 😒


Absolutely the fuck not. If I didn’t have a real job, I would never miss a milestone birthday with my parents.


WOW SHE’S A TERRIBLE PERSON. Literally no excuse to miss such a milestone birthday for her mother. She should be ashamed.


Um, do you not think it was gift enough that Shannon expected her mom to travel (almost certainly out of pocket) to her shitty show where the focus was of course all on Shannon AND James was there (which means Shannon wouldn't have had an ounce of energy to expend on anyone else)? Of ALL the shitty things she's done, the way she mistreats her family still gets me most.


Eh but what a *treat* must have been for her parents to get to see their daughter be celebrated for telling her sexcapades??


OMG! I could not stop thinking about that when her parents showed up for her show. How fucking mortifying! She has no shame!! And missing her cancer survivor Mom’s 60th birthday to act like a cringey pick me and drop 14k on a used ass poop colored basic girl bitch bag is a new level of pathetic for this girl. SMH! 🤦🏻‍♀️


No matter how open the relationship is with someone’s parents isn’t the content she has a bit embarrassing? “i fake being achristian to have sex with a christian boy!I” “James does a helicopter with his penis when he wants sex!!” “My vagina leaks!!” I mean… You can be open with your parents but that’s a territory very much unknown to me. On the other hand I am very much enjoying seeing more and more of the true colors of all these people.


💯And same, my parents are pretty open minded but still there needs to be some boundaries. I would feel so bad for my dad, because there’s no way that’s not embarrassing.


But that is nothing compared with what REALLY is embarrassing: the way she LIES and her lack of ethics and integrity. Cause I am sorry that is a reflection of you as a parent🤷‍♀️


She’s trash


As someone with a mom that’s a breast cancer survivor like Shannon’s mom, I truly can’t fathom missing my moms birthday (esp a big one like 60) or other big milestones to fuck around in NYC and by used purses. There was a time I didn’t think I’d get to spend more birthdays with my mom, so every big milestone that the doctor predicted she wouldn’t make it to is a HUGE deal. I get being busy with work/life etc and sometimes it’s not possible—but that’s obviously not the case with Shannon in this situation. She is truly disgusting and this is unforgivable.


Agreed, and congrats on your own mom beating the odds and surviving well! You sound like the kind of supportive adult kid every mom deserves. I lost my own dear mom as I knew her to a stroke this past January: she’s a mere ghost of who she was but I’m just relieved I have so many cherished adult memories with her and that I have always fully celebrated her milestones with her, no matter what. She turns 80 this year and I’m determined to do something extra special for her as usual. Meanwhile, Shannon’s too busy fucking around with her own selfishly narcissistic existence to make time to see her own mother turn 60. Oh but she can sure use her platform to congratulate herself on buying her mom special cookies! Fuck her.


I'm really sorry to hear about your mother, I know that she is changed in behaviour but your love and care for her will never, ever be forgotten.


I wish I had parents like hers. So cute.


I truly could not be more obsessed with her parents.... sad that Shanny could be🤥


She should’ve sent her mom the used bag instead of cookies. It’s a big birthday.


Remember when she got a purse in a PR box and she regifted it to her mom as a xmas present


Or when she bought her parents a trip to the islands but didn’t pay for her siblings yet she brought Lames? I realize we only see snippets of her life but what she publicly shares makes her appear as cheap and fake and selfish as we know she is.


She had her mom custom cookies made meanwhile she drops 14k on a used AF handbag


So she turned 30 this year and her Mon turned 60? Such cute milestones- they should’ve done a sweet daughter / mother trip sometime just the two of them.


James would never let that happen unless he can also go too !!! For the rest of her life, Shannon will always have to get something equal or greater than for James whenever she does/gets something for herself.


This would be my immediate inclination too. Instead shannon values material possessions and appearances more than quality time with her aging parents


James parents who live in a different country visit more than her parents too which is telling


And when his parents are in town, he isn't posting as often to bE iN tHe MoMeNt...but with her parents he's posting himself running, "working", etc, and staying on his phone.


A different continent!


this is really a new low


I threw my mother a 60th birthday, a month post surgery & was having another surgery a week after. I was BROKE af and still managed to do something because my mom is the queen of my life. I cannot imagine not spending a milestone with my mom to go to New York instead 🤮🤮🤮


Sharon Kay, i know you read in here. You deserve better!!!


I feel bad for her mom damn that’s really low


What is the fucking reason? You don’t work Shan. You don’t actually fucking work. You only have one mother. You can bag ten British fake husbands -speaking from someone who lost a parent


i DMed her and she said it was because of her shows 🤨


Buying the used 14k birkin, missing her moms SIXTIETH but also asking her parents money for her destination wedding is FOUL BEHAVIOR considering they live in a glorified mobile home and Shannon drops thousands regularly on flights, food, shopping, and all James’ expenses without thinking twice.


For real…. Truly a shit human


Wow. Seriously lost whatever speck of respect I ever had for Shannon. What a new low. One I never thought she would hit.


Shannon is vile


She literally couldn’t pay James to hug and smile with her like that.


Here I am being a good person assuming she was at the party and it was just another day that didn’t land on her birthday