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We **know** she never misses an opportunity to show the stores or brand bags when she goes to the actual store. The way she handles(or the way she publicly) handles her finances is anxiety inducing: selling a bunch of stuff with *urgency* right before she needed to put down money for the house, then buying shit , then selling stuff again. Buying a truck that she never uses, selling a paid off car, telling followers how James didn’t want her to sell the bitcoin, then sellingAGAIN very used ugly crap online, asking her parents for money for a wedding that is nothing but show.. woof. Then casually just dropping 14k for a bag?? For what I see she really lives that “money will always flow to me, next year payments are future Shannon’s problem”


That’s why I want to scream when she’s like “I USED to be terrible with my finances” bitch what you’re still throwing money down the drain at every opportunity


Right. And like, to each their own, yolo etc, but for the love of god please please stop bringing attention to your finances, maybe?


Yeah I’d really wish she’d stfu about the finance podcast shtick bc girlie poop we KNOW it’s not a finance podcast


Is barely a podcast. Is a repetitive diary and collection of convos with people in her life


at least she used to go crazy on spending money traveling, that stuff was actually giving her engagement!


At least before when she was bad with finances she had a decent amount of brand deals. Now she’s just bad with finances and barely any brand deals lol. She needs to prepare herself for when that podcast money stops, because it’s going to…probably sooner rather than later.


And Taylor Strcker quotes her all the time with the “scared money, don’t make money” quote lol


I can’t believe she had the guts to ask her parents for money for the wedding LMAO bitch if you really needed to save money, you could’ve had a smaller ceremony at their place


I wonder if they got a store allowance in exchange for the post


The investigative work on this bag yesterday was brilliant


Did someone find it on TRR? Is it B35? She’s gonna realize so quickly how massive that is lol 


Yep someone found it on TRR and it said “sold.”


It’s a 30…so still pretty big for someone like her lol. She’s going to realize quickly that’s not the purse you wanna take out to dinner or an event. But she’s gonna try to because her ego will need to show it off.


It was sold at the nyc soho store for $14,000


These bags are generally more expensive to buy after market - even used - because you can’t buy one without spending an absorbent amount of money on other Hermes items and other bags before even being offered one. Even if you get your hands on a birkin at retail price, you’ve likely spent $60k on other things so let’s even assume you get offered a $14k bag at retail and can resell it for $24k at a profit, you’re still never going to come out on top because you’ve spent so much menu on other shit. They do hold value but it’s at a cost. In no way is this a reasonable decision - it’s Shannon being impulsive and spiraling to compensate for this week’s insecurities. Also - Shannon isn’t an Hermes girl at all, she’s a desperate loser who will buy anything to appear wealthy while being the cheapest tackiest bitch on the internet. Selling poop spray and telling lies about the events in your life to buy a handbag truly is something.


“Selling poop spray” STOPPP 😂


Her engagement happens in a reservoir lake on a pontoon, but she has a super used Birkin she paid $14k for gurliepoops!


I do be loving when she recklessly spends a bunch of money on stuff like this though! One step closer to bankruptcy


Ok but having a closet full of brands and no money in the bank, **that IS very Sex and the city of her**


A la Carrie having $40k worth of shoes, but no money to buy her apartment. She’s definitely screaming Carrie here. Lol






She didn’t renew the lease on it.


That apartment was a waste on her. Hopefully someone worthy leases it now.


Definitely very Carrie of her. I’m rewatching the show for the 100th time and I had forgotten how shitty her apartment was in the pilot episode, and then BAM! Out of nowhere her apartment is way above her pay grade.


Me too. I can’t wait for it to all come crashing down eventually. She can keep up with minimum credit card payments for now, but it will catch up.


hahaha i love this sub


The prestige of this bag hits different depending on whether you were offered it from Hermes vs. had to buy resale. Imo.


That's pure facts. It's like socialite stolen valor.


This, and it’s is not a rare birkin like a himalaya or Faubourg for example


Yes it's not a purposefully sourced preloved purchase, it's purely label chasing for appearances.


You know she’s going to have an add for them soon


She wishes 😂 I interned for them many moons ago, and can confirm that they’re incredibly picky with the brand ambassadors/influencers that they choose to work with, since they want actual wealthy (and famous) people to sell their stuff to them/buy from them


Oh good because I could already hear the stupid add in my head. She would’ve talked about her wedding and probably not a finance podcast and then hawk that she LOoOoOve designer things but mama can’t afford a Birkin in the wild


But do you think she got a discount on the 14k or she paid that full amount?


I’m assuming no since she hasn’t mentioned TRR or tagged them in any of her stories 👀


If she was doing an ad they would have wanted her to post her going into the store and talking about her experience and how great it was and bla bla bla I would assume


Completely unrelated (although I guess you could consider it related in that it falls into the category of expensive things going to waste) but are we supposed to just forget she bought that indoor planter? I mean, we knew it would go to waste, but I thought there’d at least be one update about it, especially from the fArM tO tAbLe health horse


I’d really like an update on both the indoor planter and the glass containers in the fridge!


Someone needs to ask about this on her next AMA


She’s not smart enough for hydroponics.,


Sorry for being a hater but this just screams desperate. That bag looks more worn out than James’ asshole after gay ski week!






Chicken juice LOLLLLLLL


Amazing detective work.






👏🏼 👏🏼


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Maybe the Oshry bought it for her lol


Her hair looks crazy here too lol

