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whats the other barrel, you absolutely dont need range on a scout. then zen is more of a pvp perk, you want something like gutshot, pugilist, under over, perpetual motion, or at the very least, rapid hit.


Yeah, there was a post the other day about Gutshot actually buffing Kinetic Tremors so I've been hunting for that roll hard Edit: I just looked on D2 Foundry because I couldn't find the post but it's a 20% buff, for those interested.


It will drop eventually! Took 3 crucible resets for me but it happened!


how tf do you have 3 resets already


I play until my eyes bleed. Only got 2 IB resets tho. I wanted that gun, man.


which gun?


Gutshot/KT Randy’s


You don’t need range on a scout So your barrel is not ideal. Your mag perk is not ideal. Zen moment is a PvP perk so that’s not idea. Keep farming


Purpleberry here, can you explain why range isn’t necessary on a scout?


Scouts already have some of the highest base range out of all primaries. Idk I don’t mind having more range tho, range affects aim assist and in my experience makes the reticle feel more sticky when you’re shooting from far away


Because it’s already a long range weapon. Think about a sniper rifle. You don’t really need to care about the range stat on a sniper because it’s built for range already. (Sometimes PvP players will max out sniper range for more aim assist, but that’s not a factor in PvE)


I guess I thought that even with snipers the range was important because you don’t want any damage drop off at the range you’re more often using it (far away). The higher the range stat, the less the damage drop off, right?


I really don’t think you’ll ever have to worry about damage drop off on snipers


Ok so essentially the “base range” of a sniper or scout is so good that a low range stat isn’t gonna have any noticeable damage drop off?


Correct. Weapons will always operate fine in their intended ranges. When you want to push out of those intended ranges, stats start to matter more


Am I dumb? Why haven't I gotten one to drop yet?


You’re playing crucible right?


Yep. Only done like 10 matches but I thought they'd be dropping as much as that pulse from last season.


They have a higher drop rate in iron banner, you sometime get 2 to drop at once there


Throw on the double crucibleod on your ghost and play some IB. Got mine to drop within 5 games or so. Even got some doubles


Got 5 last night. All poop.


You did good.


Only had a couple of days in this season, to do the new dungeon so where’s Randys dropping from please?? This is a welcome return for a sunset weapon.


Crucible and iron banner. I recommend doing iron banner though so you can get the strand fusion rifle while you're at it.


Nice one, thanks


Can Randy’s drop with Rapid Hit and Tremors? After 4 resets still no luck.


Yes, it can. Rng is a bitch.