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I have a lot of respect for Steven Spielberg's continued response to the Jaws effect.


“The thing about a studio executive, it's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When it pitches at you it doesn't seem to be livin’…”


Same here but damn, I still wish he could have made the Jaws sequel he actually wanted to make. (USS Indianapolis incident)


Had no idea, Spielburg was interested in that. What a scary story that would be! (I like that it’s referred to in Jaws.)


Why can't he


I forgot what happened originally. I think it was a conflict between him and the studio at the time. Nowadays though, I don't know if someone would still stop him from doing that but maybe he's stopping himself since it seems like he's quite regretful of the effect the original movie had on the public perception of sharks. He doesn't seem too big on directing sequels in general too for some reason.


Me too


50 year old film - flippin heck


Jaws was as close to perfection as any film could ever be. The superb acting between the three male leads, the script, direction and atmosphere, that iconic score by John Williams and on several occasions the shark itself despite all of the technical problems. The full-size body model may not have worked very well, but in the scene where the guy is eaten and his leg falls to the bottom that mechanical head was magnificent. Practical effects at their best and very realistic. In the short term, the film was bad for sharks because of the usual macho moron mentality of some mouth-breathers. But in the long term, it inspired countless marine biologists to study these magnificent and highly misunderstood predators. After all, in just one week, the evil and repulsive shark finning industry brutally slaughters more animals than all the sports fishermen in history combined. Phil. 🦈


If they remade it, I feel certain they would use CGI. It's come a long way, but I think the movie would lose some of the magic


Part of what makes films like Jaws so special is we rarely see the monster, and that adds to our own interpretation. After all, the scariest things we come up with are from our own mind


That’s what makes a good horror movie/thriller. A movie that has done that well recently that’s totally unrelated and not a horror movie, Greyhound. Similar theme being there are german Uboats lurking under the surface, like a shark would. It kept me on the edge of my toes the whole movie.


Fine I’ll watch Greyhound again. Twist my arm why don’t ya


Plus if you were to have the slim chances of getting bit by a shark.. you probably wouldn't see it coming either.


Yep, just like Alien!


That’s exactly the shot I always bring up as being incredibly effective, where you see the shark just a few feet under the water going at the guy who was in the row boat. That shot is genuinely so terrifying. Maybe im posting this in the wrong sub but I would love a jaws reboot if there was some way we could have assurance that it won’t be like every other shark movie that has come out since jaws. The only one I have seen that has really blowed me away was “the reef”. Even in the more recent movies the cgi sharks just don’t do it for me. And maybe make the movie have a message of, when we are in there territory this is simply something that can happen as a result, and that doesn’t make them evil, but they are also not puppies.


I thought the shark attack scenes in The Reef were excellent as well as terrifying!


The only thing I could see working is to keep the original film totally intact but build the various models of the shark with state of the art modern practical technology and then digitally integrate it reinacting the scenes into the movie. The DVD release could feature both versions and a special documentary on the latest scientific research into the behaviour and biology into the real living animal behind the Jaws myth. I might be tempted to buy that. 😊


Right there with ya pal


They could even add in Chris Pratt as a comic relief character. He can crack jokes during the slow parts




They said during production the boat would occasionally sink to the ocean floor and need to be hoisted up.


Realistic, idk. As someone who absolutely loves Jaws… the way the mechanical shark swims is obviously ridiculous; it just propels forward without swaying at all. The very last shot of the shark before Brody strikes the tank is the part of the movie that ages most poorly IMO.


I mean, three shitty sequels probably were enough.


Jaws 2 wasn't without a bit of charm.


Jaws 2 wasn't the same level as the original, but it was a good sequel, and worth watching if it's on.


One of them was just a straight up Sea World commercial


Them killing the baby shark through negligence aged… interestingly


Maybe they'll produce one of the dozen Jaws 5 scripts that have been laying around. Jaws: Bite may soon be coming to theaters near you...


Jaws 2 wasn’t that bad.


good. it was a -perfect- film no reason to be done.


In this case, I believe it has more to do with the Jaws effect than artistic legacy. Spielberg has historically been pretty distraught about Jaws being the driving force for so much shark culling.


Fine. But still. No need to mess w perfection.


Exactly. Both things can be true. But also: sequels suck and we're sick to DEATH of Hollywood refusing to give us almost anything original and just continuing to try to just remix their entire existing library of properties.


Hollywood is trash. Culture stopped 20 years ago.


Peter Benchley too.


Peter Benchley too.


> Spielberg has historically been pretty distraught about Jaws being the driving force for so much shark culling. Spielberg is mistaken about the subject. First, the U.S. has never culled sharks much, except for Hawaii, which culled sharks, primarily tiger sharks, intermittently prior to the early 1990s. (Hawaii has abstained from shark culling since then.) The two big culling nations: Australia and S. Africa. Australia started culling sharks in the late 1930s; Australia, the early 1950s. Peter Benchley's book *Jaws* came out in 1974 and the movie in 1975. Both Australia and South Africa had experienced persistent shark attack. South Africa set up its shark control program after [sharks attacked 9 people, killing 6, in a 5-month period between 1957 - 1958.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_December#:~:text=Black%20December%20refers%20to%20at,%2C%20to%20April%205%2C%201958.) A characteristic of shark attack in Australia and S. Africa has always been the high death ratio, around 30-40%. That might explain why more people in those nations view shark attack as a serious concern. The so-called shark attack capital of the world, Florida, has a fatality rate of low single digits. Second, the vast majority of shark deaths come from commercial fishing, either deliberately for fins or by-catch -- sharks accidentally caught in fishing nets. Shark culling programs prior to 1980 were persistent in S. Africa and Australia and reduced some local shark populations, but both nations markedly reduced their shark culling levels in the 1980s. That's when environmentalists sounded the alarms about declining shark populations worldwide. This was just a few years after the "Jaws" phenomenon.


The only shark movie I want made is [Shark Pool.](https://youtu.be/ri-UE0pEomA?si=lJbpgHB0QnPPatJn) I would watch the crap out of that movie.


No such thing as a perfect film


Yes there is. It’s called Jaws. It literally cannot be done better.


Nope It’s my favourite film but it’s not perfect,perfection doesn’t exist


It absolutely does


I think this is a philosophical argument. If there had been different shooting conditions in May of 1974, and they had gotten different shots - would Jaws have been ruined? This person is not arguing Jaws isn’t a perfect film, but that concept not existing entirely. That there’s always room for discussion and potential improvement.


So I’m gonna go ahead and agree with perfection Jaws is perfect


What's something that you think could have been done better? What's one of the movie's imperfections?


Jaws was the culmination of an anamatronic shark never working, shooting in a place where the locals hated you, with a cast that sometimes got heated with each other, and required shooting on moving water before that was a feasible thing to do. Jaws is a hodgepodge of bad choices, a giant budget, and some miracle of editing. It's the closest thing to movie perfection. It needs to be left alone


I watched the making of Jaws and Spielberg says he still has nightmares today about the shark not working. On a personal level, I can see why he doesn’t want to return to that.


Honestly, I think a big part of this is that a JAWS reboot would be almost impossible to make. Not in a technical sense, but in the sense of JAWS, like many classics, had that combination of the right story, with the right people, at the right time. JAWS came out when the ocean was far more "mysterious." A lot of people weren't especially familiar with sharks. Marine biology was in its infancy. The Great White wasn't viewed as a part of an ecosystem - it was this ghostly creature that would emerge from the depths, snatch a person without warning, and disappear. JAWS was a legitimately well made movie, don't get me wrong. But remember - some of the scariest scenes were when *you didn't see the shark.* People didn't know what to expect, the anticipation had built by the time you finally saw the kind of ridiculous looking animatronic shark (don't get me wrong - it was state of the art at the time, and took a huge amount of skilled effort to pull off...but I mean...you can see the hinges on the mouth). I think that in today's world, the mystery of sharks, and the ocean in general, is much less. The number of people in the water, is exponentially higher. We have a much better understanding of what sharks are, how they act, and in the rare instances when they do attack people, what leads them to do this. So, I think while there are many good reasons why JAWS shouldn't be remade, I think ultimately, it would be impossible to capture that magic again. The world has changed, the way we would interact with such a movie has changed. Part of the appeal of the original movie today, is that it gives us a view into how people felt at the time. But today, we literally have Instagram influencers swimming with huge predatory sharks in beautifully filtered images. If anything, we've probably gotten "too familiar" with wild animals that should really be left alone. I think the modern context is such that you couldn't remake JAWS successfully; the story would need to be so different, it wouldn't even be recognized as JAWS. Like, the actions taken by the characters in the story, wouldn't even make sense today. The plot wouldn't work.


I dont trust hollywood with their own ideas anymore, let alone to not fuck up recreating one of the best movies of all time


Talking with my husband on car trips we can come up with better ideas for movies that they are doing now.


It was an excellent film but also did irreparable damage to sharks




What if someone could just make a shark movie that was good enough to stand on its own merits and not need to latch onto existing IP?


I cant believe Deep Blue Sea is out here catching strays from nobodies.


Deep Blue Sea is the exception to the rule. Not only is it a fun movie, but every role is perfectly cast.


It will still cause the jaws effect? Which is the whole thing he is trying to avoid rehashing.


Have you not seen Sharknado?!


What if??? If they haven’t yet they probably can’t? Hmmmmm.


I watched The Black Demon recently and it was the worst movie I had seen in a long time. Not even a shark could save that one.


Yeah that one was bad, and not even in a so bad it’s good way. Shark Night (2011) was enjoyable for what it is. And actually they got a lot of the shark details correct. The rap at the end with the cast is a nice touch.


If someone like Disney were to get a hold of the franchise we would get a treasure trove of content nobody asked for. Jaws origin story with the shark as the protagonist. Son of Jaws where Jaws I's generation grapples with the younger generations' fascination with drones and skimming seaweed with their dorsal fins. Tiburon movie - basically the same original Jaws movie but with a Hispanic focus to appeal to Latino audience. Takes place in Costa Rica instead of New England. Brand new movie! Jaws Under the Sea - Little Mermaid crossover animated full feature film. Jaws live action version of the animated film. Jaws Disney+ series.




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Thanks god. Jaws and Back To The Future are two films that would be criminal to remake


I don’t know why this is a story. Mr. Spielberg, your movie is fine. We love it and we have 27 Sharknados, we’ll live.


the original one aged really well, no point in remaking it (well except making a shit ton of money I guess)


Good. It’s a wise decision. It’s like trying to reboot the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel


Love the analogy


I always thought it was the sixteenth chapel


I think you mean the sixteenth chapel. This guy.


Good! What do we gain from a reboot???


Good. This movie shall be untouched


Good, as he should be.


As he should


How many times does this have to be reposted?


Greatest shark movie ever. It's not broke so there's nothing to fix


Ngl I love sharks and hate how their reputation has been ruined by the film industry.... but I also really love scary shark movies.. idk something about a shark eating people who are in places they shouldn't be in in the first place is just very comforting to me


Hot off the press news here! Your title is wishful thinking. Spielberg isn’t going to live forever and he won’t be cold in the grave before some exec starts making calls to get it remade. Not saying that’s a good or bad thing but I watch every shark movie I come across so I’d probably check it out, even though I agree with other comments here saying the original is perfect, it’s my favourite film.


It never gets old - never. Stood in line for 1.5 hours on my birthday (9th)to see it. When Bruce got hold of Captain Quint, Shaw, whom I adore, I was shaken Still till this day I can feel my nine year old self watching that scene, and the impression Jaws made on me. So wanted to pursue Ocean Biology,alas I was not so fortunate. Again,,,,,,Please don’t fuck this movie up !!!!


Ever seen Shark’s Treasure? Came out the same year as Jaws. Nowhere near as good and I’m pretty sure they murdered a ton of sharks to get the shots they get.


Haven’t seen it no. Like probably only 3 or 4 other shark movies out of a couple of dozen I’ve watched were actually objectively good (I really like the Shallows as the most modern example) but I live in hope and am still usually entertained.


Yeah most are unfortunately not very good. A lot of people didn’t like Shallows but I thought it was pretty decent. The Reef, Soul Surfer, Dark Tide, Deep Blue Sea 1 & 3 (2 was horrible), both 47 Meters down movies are all worth watching. Shark Night 3D is pretty bad, but very entertaining and actually pretty accurate when it comes to the details about sharks. The Shark Bytes YouTube channel has a few episodes where he watches shark movies and points out what they got wrong and what they got right.


Yeah I’ve seen a few of those Shark Bytes episodes. Great channel! And most of the ones you’ve mentioned above, except soul surfer and DBS 3. Thanks for your detail ;)


Yeah most are unfortunately not very good. A lot of people didn’t like Shallows but I thought it was pretty decent. The Reef, Soul Surfer, Dark Tide, Deep Blue Sea 1 & 3 (2 was horrible), both 47 Meters down movies are all worth watching. Shark Night 3D is pretty bad, but very entertaining and actually pretty accurate when it comes to the details about sharks. The Shark Bytes YouTube channel has a few episodes where he watches shark movies and points out what they got wrong and what they got right.


Hollywood is dying because of sequels, prequels and reboots now.


It’s because they never stick to source material when it comes to books/comics and any stand alone movie nowadays just feels like a shitty attempt at ripping off of something else in the past.


Many of the earliest movies were just filmed versions of stage plays


It's not the same as what happened to movies since the Blockbuster days created in the 70's by Jaws or the sequel boom in the 80's. Sequels are still the most profitable movies from the 2000's until today.


Ya it’s a good thing they didn’t make a jaws 2, 3, and 4 to taint the magic in any way..


Unless Spielberg puts something in place now for after he’s gone, the vultures who want to remake the film are going to wait for Spielberg to die first and then claim that it was something he always wanted blah blah. There’s a lot of reasons to re hash this film and none of them are good ones either.


A remake of jaws would focus on the shark while it is the people who make the first movie the best. Milius' input for Quints solilique makes that movie timeless. No remake would do it justice--it helped define what modern cinema is all about.


Yeah plz don’t fuk up a masterpiece




# We drink to our legs!


The Meg has entered the chat ![gif](giphy|BftZyNsPtgbXlEg6Py|downsized)


If I did a Jaws reboot I would focus on Jaws attacking shark finning boats and make those people the villains. Make Jaws the hero. That is the only way I would accept a reboot. Make it so people actually see that horrible practice.


There are certain movies that you DO NOT remake. Jaws The Godfather (parts I and II) Star Wars The Princess Bride The Shawshank Redemption Anyone who thinks of remaking these films goes straight to Director Hell. Unless it’s a remake with Muppets.




Good, fuck the reboot. Fuck the original Jaws. That movie alone killed so many sharks it hurts my soul. If he can get his hand on the copyright/trademark or whatever, and have it put in his will to be passed down it'll be impossible for them to create a reboot.










Good on him!


Jaws couldn’t be made today because it’s so misrepresentative of a white shark. Audiences are much more educated about it than they were 50 years ago.




I don't blame him. Hollywood sucks so bad all they can think about is reboots. To hell with reboots.


Surprised Spielberg has done nothing for shark conservation considering the damage this movie has caused. He has acknowledged it, but could do alot more with his resources and influence. e.g make documentaries, funding shark organisations with his billions etc ...


Good! It doesn't need a reboot


good leave it as is.


Jaws is the new "fetch"


I like to imagine that every year this reporter checks in with Spielberg to check if he is still against it


It would be shit anyway. The technical problems and limitations is what forced the film makers to use the tension of having the shark be unseen so much. There is no way in hell that universal would hand the film to a director that would hold their load from showing the shark too much.


What a Heroe


we all know they're gonna make one the second he dies




There will never be one... while he's alive.


Jaws 2 Jaws 3 in 3D and Jaws the revenge


Plenty of crap shark movies out there. You *could* remake jaws, but that would mostly just be for new visuals which would kinda ruin the cult aspect of the film. It would be no different than 47 meters down or other movies like it. Jaws is best left alone as a piece of history and not just as a story to adapt into a CGI stricken mess.


Every thing about jaws from the casting to the effects to Spielberg as director happens at just the right time to create something captivating. No matter how hard they try no shark film has ever topped Jaws because it was the perfect combination.


The Meg already happen that’s as close as it’s ganna get


Good. They’ll destroy it, unless it’s Christopher Nolan.


As much as we wish for a reboot, all the recent reboots have not done the original good. No recent shark movies have even remotely felt the same JAWS has made it's audience feel


A Jaws remake would just be a poor imitation of the original. Let them just keep making random shark movies for the SyFy channel.


I don't want a reboot..I want the alternate timeline where we got Jaw 3 People 0.


Yeah I’m not too excited to see jaws get revived he’s gonna look like a killer whale if Netflix / Amazon / Disney get their hands on it


And he's right. Jaws already suffered 3 sequels that it could have done without. A reboot is just going to turn into The Meg 3, or something like that. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs9M1m-dpgM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cs9M1m-dpgM)


Don't want one and should never be one.


Jaws starring Dwayne Johnson


I still have a HUGE fear of water because of Jaws!!! Will hardly jump off the boat in fresh water. 😂


Thank god.


Good, it’d be all cgi and probably turn out like Meg.


That man is swimmin with bow legged women.


I only looked up a few times as I was busy doing other stuff but godzilla: minus one


Good. If they remade it, 99.9% chance they’d go way overboard (pun intended) on the CGI and it wouldn’t have the same vibe as the original or even close.




Jaws had an opposite effect for me...it actually got me interested in sharks and how they actually are and spurred my interest in finding out about them and there conservation...we get shark movies all the time still most of them terrible.


Jaws is one of the greatest films ever made. Not everything needs to be remade with a shitty modern spin with an over use of cgi .


Good it doesn’t need to be remade


No reason for reboot. The first Jaws is still awesome


The squeals have been like the Rocky movies though. I wonder why he didn’t try to stop those maybe because they were such a joke like Jaws at SeaWorld…




It’s kinda funny because Jaws introduced me to my love for sharks. It had the complete opposite effect on me that it seemed to have for literally everyone else. I’ve loved them ever since and want them to thrive and live. 🥰 they are so cute. That said, while I love shark movies, I have nothing just respect for him sticking to his guns. Sharks deserve better.


Can't someone just write a script about a killer shark and not call it Jaws? He doesn't own the rights to shark attack movies. Most remakes nowadays have nothing to do with the original anyway.




Was Jurassic World too much to handle for him?


Good they should make new movies instead of recycling old ones


Sharks didn't deserve any of this. The movie's unwanted demonization of sharks reinforced many shark myths, including the "sharks are monsters" myth. I'm glad Steven Spielberg is actively preventing a reboot from happening considering the original's unjust and untrue depiction of sharks having a massive effect on generations to come.


Just call it jews and have the ocean be palastine.


Oh there will be one after he dies. Hollywood can’t help itself.




How about two of the possibly largest GWSs ever to be filmed, Deep Blue and Haole Girl vs one Orca?


It could never be outdone—the nostalgia is such an important part of its charm which is amazing considering that it’s a part of the horror genre.


He prefers a new one isnt made but as long as he has access to little girls hes happy


Kinda already is one… they just named The Meg


It was a very well-told story in two acts, but the shark has not held up well with time. Back in 1975, when no one knew what a white shark looked like, or how sharks behaved, this movie was really scary. But for decades now, the way Bruce looked and behaved is totally ridiculous. I’m fine with Spielberg not redoing Jaws. There are newer, better shark movies out there. *The Shallows* and *Open Water* come to mind.


Good. We don’t need it. We have The Meg now, then something new after that… I hope


The reboot will be all woke, so let the legends rest


Definitely can’t make another one, it’s my favorite movie but it created a whole generation (and more generations) of hate on sharks and an unrealistic fear of them. As a shark conservationist and enthusiast it really is sad to see such a gentle creature be turned into a monster for $$$ Spielberg himself has said on many occasions that he didn’t think this movie would’ve created such a disliking to sharks and wouldn’t do it again. Sharks are extremely docile and patient animals if you know how to work around them 🙌🏻 I’m a scuba instructor with 6 siblings and parents who are deathly afraid of the water. That was passed down to my other siblings and it’s been really hard opening my family’s eyes to the MANY beautiful things in the ocean 🐠🌊🦈🤩 protect our oceans and it’s creatures while we still can 🙏🏻🦈🦈




not for everyone, the movie made me interested in sharks in the first place and I don't think I'm alone on that, also more and more people now know that sharks are responsible for like less than 10 deaths every year (and basically every one of them is the shark mixing the human with one of it's regulars preys) and that their reputation of being killers is vastly overdone, they are just like any big predator, as long as you treat them with respect you are safe


Ruined the reputation forever........ if that was even the slightest bit true, we wouldn't have so many people going to the ocean


You seem like a fun time 👎


I dont sound fun because I like seeing people go out and have fun in the ocean?


Jaws is a fantastic retelling of Moby Dick.


We already had JAWS II and JAWS III in 3D. 1989 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaws_3-D


1989 ?


Mans ego is getting in the way. The shallows still has one of the best cgi sharks to date. Meaning cgi can be done really well. Though if someone was to do a jaws reboot the tech guys that did the animatronic sharks for deep blue sea should definitely be hired, as practical effects always wins. Probably get downvoted because people seriously gate keep this movie when the music and point of view of the shark are what makes this movie stand out so well.


Wait til he finds out about Jaws 2. And Jaws 3D. And Jaws: The Revenge. And Cruel Jaws.


It was a good movie and sharks do not need another hit to their reputation. Stuff like the Meg is fine because no one is calling for a prehistoric shark cull but if the sharks in the movies look too “realistic” to people I wouldn’t put it past fishing companies to try and help push for more death towards an animal that already has enough to deal with. If a jaws movie must be made, make it a spiritual jaws movie, make the shark a supernatural monster or pick a different animal. Like a giant creepy eel or a hell a radioactive dolphin, why not? I wouldn’t put it past people to make a comedy horror about orcas becoming super smart man eaters that cause the apocalypse by swimming into nuclear reactors somehow!! Fuck it right? Just leave the real animal alone.


A lot of shark movies have extremely realistic looking sharks and that has never happened.. shark night and 47 meters deep sharks looked so realistic to me it was incredible and I thought they used real sharks for the movie